996 resultados para Spatial perception
In binocular rivalry, presentation of different images to the separate eyes leads to conscious perception alternating between the two possible interpretations every few seconds. During perceptual transitions, a stimulus emerging into dominance can spread in a wave-like manner across the visual field. These traveling waves of rivalry dominance have been successfully related to the cortical magnification properties and functional activity of early visual areas, including the primary visual cortex (V1). Curiously however, these traveling waves undergo a delay when passing from one hemifield to another. In the current study, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate whether the strength of interhemispheric connections between the left and right visual cortex might be related to the delay of traveling waves across hemifields. We measured the delay in traveling wave times (ΔTWT) in 19 participants and repeated this test 6 weeks later to evaluate the reliability of our behavioral measures. We found large interindividual variability but also good test-retest reliability for individual measures of ΔTWT. Using DTI in connection with fiber tractography, we identified parts of the corpus callosum connecting functionally defined visual areas V1-V3. We found that individual differences in ΔTWT was reliably predicted by the diffusion properties of transcallosal fibers connecting left and right V1, but observed no such effect for neighboring transcallosal visual fibers connecting V2 and V3. Our results demonstrate that the anatomical characteristics of topographically specific transcallosal connections predict the individual delay of interhemispheric traveling waves, providing further evidence that V1 is an important site for neural processes underlying binocular rivalry.
Primate multisensory object perception involves distributed brain regions. To investigate the network character of these regions of the human brain, we applied data-driven group spatial independent component analysis (ICA) to a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data set acquired during a passive audio-visual (AV) experiment with common object stimuli. We labeled three group-level independent component (IC) maps as auditory (A), visual (V), and AV, based on their spatial layouts and activation time courses. The overlap between these IC maps served as definition of a distributed network of multisensory candidate regions including superior temporal, ventral occipito-temporal, posterior parietal and prefrontal regions. During an independent second fMRI experiment, we explicitly tested their involvement in AV integration. Activations in nine out of these twelve regions met the max-criterion (A < AV > V) for multisensory integration. Comparison of this approach with a general linear model-based region-of-interest definition revealed its complementary value for multisensory neuroimaging. In conclusion, we estimated functional networks of uni- and multisensory functional connectivity from one dataset and validated their functional roles in an independent dataset. These findings demonstrate the particular value of ICA for multisensory neuroimaging research and using independent datasets to test hypotheses generated from a data-driven analysis.
The aim of this study was to investigate how oculomotor behaviour depends on the availability of colour information in pictorial stimuli. Forty study participants viewed complex images in colour or grey-scale, while their eye movements were recorded. We found two major effects of colour. First, although colour increases the complexity of an image, fixations on colour images were shorter than on their grey-scale versions. This suggests that colour enhances discriminability and thus affects low-level perceptual processing. Second, colour decreases the similarity of spatial fixation patterns between participants. The role of colour on visual attention seems to be more important than previously assumed, in theoretical as well as methodological terms.
When we actively explore the visual environment, our gaze preferentially selects regions characterized by high contrast and high density of edges, suggesting that the guidance of eye movements during visual exploration is driven to a significant degree by perceptual characteristics of a scene. Converging findings suggest that the selection of the visual target for the upcoming saccade critically depends on a covert shift of spatial attention. However, it is unclear whether attention selects the location of the next fixation uniquely on the basis of global scene structure or additionally on local perceptual information. To investigate the role of spatial attention in scene processing, we examined eye fixation patterns of patients with spatial neglect during unconstrained exploration of natural images and compared these to healthy and brain-injured control participants. We computed luminance, colour, contrast, and edge information contained in image patches surrounding each fixation and evaluated whether they differed from randomly selected image patches. At the global level, neglect patients showed the characteristic ipsilesional shift of the distribution of their fixations. At the local level, patients with neglect and control participants fixated image regions in ipsilesional space that were closely similar with respect to their local feature content. In contrast, when directing their gaze to contralesional (impaired) space neglect patients fixated regions of significantly higher local luminance and lower edge content than controls. These results suggest that intact spatial attention is necessary for the active sampling of local feature content during scene perception.
This study explored transient changes in EEG microstates and spatial Omega complexity associated with changes in multistable perception. 21-channel EEG was recorded from 13 healthy subjects viewing an alternating dot pattern that induced illusory motion with ambiguous direction. Baseline epochs with stable motion direction were compared to epochs immediately preceding stimuli that were perceived with changed motion direction ('reference stimuli'). About 750 ms before reference stimuli, Omega complexity decreased as compared to baseline, and two of four classes of EEG microstates changed their probability of occurrence. About 300 ms before reference stimuli, Omega complexity increased and the previous deviations of EEG microstates were reversed. Given earlier results on Omega complexity and microstates, these sub-second EEG changes might parallel longer-lasting fluctuations in vigilance. Assumedly, the discontinuities of illusory motion thus occur during sub-second dips in arousal, and the following reconstruction of the illusion coincides with a state of relative over-arousal.
The characteristics of moving sound sources have strong implications on the listener's distance perception and the estimation of velocity. Modifications of the typical sound emissions as they are currently occurring due to the tendency towards electromobility have an impact on the pedestrian's safety in road traffic. Thus, investigations of the relevant cues for velocity and distance perception of moving sound sources are not only of interest for the psychoacoustic community, but also for several applications, like e.g. virtual reality, noise pollution and safety aspects of road traffic. This article describes a series of psychoacoustic experiments in this field. Dichotic and diotic stimuli of a set of real-life recordings taken from a passing passenger car and a motorcycle were presented to test subjects who in turn were asked to determine the velocity of the object and its minimal distance from the listener. The results of these psychoacoustic experiments show that the estimated velocity is strongly linked to the object's distance. Furthermore, it could be shown that binaural cues contribute significantly to the perception of velocity. In a further experiment, it was shown that - independently of the type of the vehicle - the main parameter for distance determination is the maximum sound pressure level at the listener's position. The article suggests a system architecture for the adequate consideration of moving sound sources in virtual auditory environments. Virtual environments can thus be used to investigate the influence of new vehicle powertrain concepts and the related sound emissions of these vehicles on the pedestrians' ability to estimate the distance and velocity of moving objects.
We investigated the role of horizontal body motion on the processing of numbers. We hypothesized that leftward self-motion leads to shifts in spatial attention and therefore facilitates the processing of small numbers, and vice versa, we expected that rightward self-motion facilitates the processing of large numbers. Participants were displaced by means of a motion platform during a parity judgment task. We found a systematic influence of self-motion direction on number processing, suggesting that the processing of numbers is intertwined with the processing of self-motion perception. The results differed from known spatial numerical compatibility effects in that self-motion exerted a differential influence on inner and outer numbers of the given interval. The results highlight the involvement of sensory body motion information in higher-order spatial cognition.
A growing number of studies in humans demonstrate the involvement of vestibular information in tasks that are seemingly remote from well-known functions such as space constancy or postural control. In this review article we point out three emerging streams of research highlighting the importance of vestibular input: (1) Spatial Cognition: Modulation of vestibular signals can induce specific changes in spatial cognitive tasks like mental imagery and the processing of numbers. This has been shown in studies manipulating body orientation (changing the input from the otoliths), body rotation (changing the input from the semicircular canals), in clinical findings with vestibular patients, and in studies carried out in microgravity. There is also an effect in the reverse direction; top-down processes can affect perception of vestibular stimuli. (2) Body Representation: Numerous studies demonstrate that vestibular stimulation changes the representation of body parts, and sensitivity to tactile input or pain. Thus, the vestibular system plays an integral role in multisensory coordination of body representation. (3) Affective Processes and Disorders: Studies in psychiatric patients and patients with a vestibular disorder report a high comorbidity of vestibular dysfunctions and psychiatric symptoms. Recent studies investigated the beneficial effect of vestibular stimulation on psychiatric disorders, and how vestibular input can change mood and affect. These three emerging streams of research in vestibular science are—at least in part—associated with different neuronal core mechanisms. Spatial transformations draw on parietal areas, body representation is associated with somatosensory areas, and affective processes involve insular and cingulate cortices, all of which receive vestibular input. Even though a wide range of different vestibular cortical projection areas has been ascertained, their functionality still is scarcely understood.
The city of Malaga underwent considerable growth in the 19th and 20th centuries. The territorial expansion paired with a massive influx of immigrants occurred in three waves and as a consequence the city of Malaga remains divided into three different parts up to today. The differences between these three neighbourhoods of the city lie in the type of houses, different cultural and industrial activities, socioeconomic level, and very interestingly, also in speech. Thus, the aim of this study is an examination of the interrelation between speech (phonetic features) and urban space in Malaga. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis was used, based on two types of data: 1) production data stemming from recordings of 120 speakers; 2) perception data (salience, estimated frequency of use, attitude, spatial and social perception, imitation) which was collected from several surveys with 120 participants each. Results show that the speech production data divides the city of Malaga clearly into three different parts. This tripartition is confirmed by the analysis of the perception data. Moreover, the habitants of these three areas are perceived as different social types, to whom a range of social features is attributed. That is, certain linguistic features, the different neighbourhoods of the city and the social characteristics associated with them are undergoing a process of indexicalization and iconization. As a result, the linguistic features in question function as identity markers on the intraurban level.
La iluminación con diodos emisores de luz (LED) está reemplazando cada vez en mayor medida a las fuentes de luz tradicionales. La iluminación LED ofrece ventajas en eficiencia, consumo de energía, diseño, tamaño y calidad de la luz. Durante más de 50 años, los investigadores han estado trabajando en mejoras LED. Su principal relevancia para la iluminación está aumentando rápidamente. Esta tesis se centra en un campo de aplicación importante, como son los focos. Se utilizan para enfocar la luz en áreas definidas, en objetos sobresalientes en condiciones profesionales. Esta iluminación de alto rendimiento requiere una calidad de luz definida, que incluya temperaturas ajustables de color correlacionadas (CCT), de alto índice de reproducción cromática (CRI), altas eficiencias, y colores vivos y brillantes. En el paquete LED varios chips de diferentes colores (rojo, azul, fósforo convertido) se combinan para cumplir con la distribución de energía espectral con alto CRI. Para colimar la luz en los puntos concretos deseados con un ángulo de emisión determinado, se utilizan blancos sintonizables y diversos colores de luz y ópticas secundarias. La combinación de una fuente LED de varios colores con elementos ópticos puede causar falta de homogeneidad cromática en la distribución espacial y angular de la luz, que debe resolverse en el diseño óptico. Sin embargo, no hay necesidad de uniformidad perfecta en el punto de luz debido al umbral en la percepción visual del ojo humano. Por lo tanto, se requiere una descripción matemática del nivel de uniformidad del color con respecto a la percepción visual. Esta tesis está organizada en siete capítulos. Después de un capítulo inicial que presenta la motivación que ha guiado la investigación de esta tesis, en el capítulo 2 se presentan los fundamentos científicos de la uniformidad del color en luces concentradas, como son: el espacio de color aplicado CIELAB, la percepción visual del color, los fundamentos de diseño de focos respecto a los motores de luz y ópticas no formadoras de imágenes, y los últimos avances en la evaluación de la uniformidad del color en el campo de los focos. El capítulo 3 desarrolla diferentes métodos para la descripción matemática de la distribución espacial del color en un área definida, como son la diferencia de color máxima, la desviación media del color, el gradiente de la distribución espacial de color, así como la suavidad radial y axial. Cada función se refiere a los diferentes factores que influyen en la visión, los cuales necesitan un tratamiento distinto que el de los datos que se tendrán en cuenta, además de funciones de ponderación que pre- y post-procesan los datos simulados o medidos para la reducción del ruido, la luminancia de corte, la aplicación de la ponderación de luminancia, la función de sensibilidad de contraste, y la función de distribución acumulativa. En el capítulo 4, se obtiene la función de mérito Usl para la estimación de la uniformidad del color percibida en focos. Se basó en los resultados de dos conjuntos de experimentos con factor humano realizados para evaluar la percepción visual de los sujetos de los patrones de focos típicos. El primer experimento con factor humano dio lugar al orden de importancia percibida de los focos. El orden de rango percibido se utilizó para correlacionar las descripciones matemáticas de las funciones básicas y la función ponderada sobre la distribución espacial del color, que condujo a la función Usl. El segundo experimento con factor humano probó la percepción de los focos bajo condiciones ambientales diversas, con el objetivo de proporcionar una escala absoluta para Usl, para poder así sustituir la opinión subjetiva personal de los individuos por una función de mérito estandarizada. La validación de la función Usl se presenta en relación con el alcance de la aplicación y condiciones, así como las limitaciones y restricciones que se realizan en el capítulo 5. Se compararon los datos medidos y simulados de varios sistemas ópticos. Se discuten los campos de aplicación , así como validaciones y restricciones de la función. El capítulo 6 presenta el diseño del sistema de focos y su optimización. Una evaluación muestra el análisis de sistemas basados en el reflector y la lente TIR. Los sistemas ópticos simulados se comparan en la uniformidad del color Usl, sensibilidad a las sombras coloreadas, eficiencia e intensidad luminosa máxima. Se ha comprobado que no hay un sistema único que obtenga los mejores resultados en todas las categorías, y que una excelente uniformidad de color se pudo alcanzar por la conjunción de dos sistemas diferentes. Finalmente, el capítulo 7 presenta el resumen de esta tesis y la perspectiva para investigar otros aspectos. ABSTRACT Illumination with light-emitting diodes (LED) is more and more replacing traditional light sources. They provide advantages in efficiency, energy consumption, design, size and light quality. For more than 50 years, researchers have been working on LED improvements. Their main relevance for illumination is rapidly increasing. This thesis is focused on one important field of application which are spotlights. They are used to focus light on defined areas, outstanding objects in professional conditions. This high performance illumination required a defined light quality including tunable correlated color temperatures (CCT), high color rendering index (CRI), high efficiencies and bright, vivid colors. Several differently colored chips (red, blue, phosphor converted) in the LED package are combined to meet spectral power distribution with high CRI, tunable white and several light colors and secondary optics are used to collimate the light into the desired narrow spots with defined angle of emission. The combination of multi-color LED source and optical elements may cause chromatic inhomogeneities in spatial and angular light distribution which needs to solved at the optical design. However, there is no need for perfect uniformity in the spot light due to threshold in visual perception of human eye. Therefore, a mathematical description of color uniformity level with regard to visual perception is required. This thesis is organized seven seven chapters. After an initial one presenting the motivation that has guided the research of this thesis, Chapter 2 introduces the scientific basics of color uniformity in spot lights including: the applied color space CIELAB, the visual color perception, the spotlight design fundamentals with regards to light engines and nonimaging optics, and the state of the art for the evaluation of color uniformity in the far field of spotlights. Chapter 3 develops different methods for mathematical description of spatial color distribution in a defined area, which are the maximum color difference, the average color deviation, the gradient of spatial color distribution as well as the radial and axial smoothness. Each function refers to different visual influencing factors, and they need different handling of data be taken into account, along with weighting functions which pre- and post-process the simulated or measured data for noise reduction, luminance cutoff, the implementation of luminance weighting, contrast sensitivity function, and cumulative distribution function. In chapter 4, the merit function Usl for the estimation of the perceived color uniformity in spotlights is derived. It was based on the results of two sets of human factor experiments performed to evaluate the visual perception of typical spotlight patterns by subjects. The first human factor experiment resulted in the perceived rank order of the spotlights. The perceived rank order was used to correlate the mathematical descriptions of basic functions and weighted function concerning the spatial color distribution, which lead to the Usl function. The second human factor experiment tested the perception of spotlights under varied environmental conditions, with to objective to provide an absolute scale for Usl, so the subjective personal opinion of individuals could be replaced by a standardized merit function. The validation of the Usl function is presented concerning the application range and conditions as well as limitations and restrictions in carried out in chapter 5. Measured and simulated data of various optical several systems were compared. Fields of applications are discussed as well as validations and restrictions of the function. Chapter 6 presents spotlight system design and their optimization. An evaluation shows the analysis of reflector-based and TIR lens systems. The simulated optical systems are compared in color uniformity Usl , sensitivity to colored shadows, efficiency, and peak luminous intensity. It has been found that no single system which performed best in all categories, and that excellent color uniformity could be reached by two different system assemblies. Finally, chapter 7 summarizes the conclusions of the present thesis and an outlook for further investigation topics.
The patterns of cortico-cortical and cortico-thalamic connections of auditory cortical areas in the rhesus monkey have led to the hypothesis that acoustic information is processed in series and in parallel in the primate auditory cortex. Recent physiological experiments in the behaving monkey indicate that the response properties of neurons in different cortical areas are both functionally distinct from each other, which is indicative of parallel processing, and functionally similar to each other, which is indicative of serial processing. Thus, auditory cortical processing may be similar to the serial and parallel “what” and “where” processing by the primate visual cortex. If “where” information is serially processed in the primate auditory cortex, neurons in cortical areas along this pathway should have progressively better spatial tuning properties. This prediction is supported by recent experiments that have shown that neurons in the caudomedial field have better spatial tuning properties than neurons in the primary auditory cortex. Neurons in the caudomedial field are also better than primary auditory cortex neurons at predicting the sound localization ability across different stimulus frequencies and bandwidths in both azimuth and elevation. These data support the hypothesis that the primate auditory cortex processes acoustic information in a serial and parallel manner and suggest that this may be a general cortical mechanism for sensory perception.
Cells in adult primary visual cortex are capable of integrating information over much larger portions of the visual field than was originally thought. Moreover, their receptive field properties can be altered by the context within which local features are presented and by changes in visual experience. The substrate for both spatial integration and cortical plasticity is likely to be found in a plexus of long-range horizontal connections, formed by cortical pyramidal cells, which link cells within each cortical area over distances of 6-8 mm. The relationship between horizontal connections and cortical functional architecture suggests a role in visual segmentation and spatial integration. The distribution of lateral interactions within striate cortex was visualized with optical recording, and their functional consequences were explored by using comparable stimuli in human psychophysical experiments and in recordings from alert monkeys. They may represent the substrate for perceptual phenomena such as illusory contours, surface fill-in, and contour saliency. The dynamic nature of receptive field properties and cortical architecture has been seen over time scales ranging from seconds to months. One can induce a remapping of the topography of visual cortex by making focal binocular retinal lesions. Shorter-term plasticity of cortical receptive fields was observed following brief periods of visual stimulation. The mechanisms involved entailed, for the short-term changes, altering the effectiveness of existing cortical connections, and for the long-term changes, sprouting of axon collaterals and synaptogenesis. The mutability of cortical function implies a continual process of calibration and normalization of the perception of visual attributes that is dependent on sensory experience throughout adulthood and might further represent the mechanism of perceptual learning.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate by using positron emission tomography (PET) whether the cortical pathways that are involved in visual perception of spatial location and object identity are also differentially implicated in retrieval of these types of information from episodic long-term memory. Subjects studied a set of displays consisting of three unique representational line drawings arranged in different spatial configurations. Later, while undergoing PET scanning, subjects' memory for spatial location and identity of the objects in the displays was tested and compared to a perceptual baseline task involving the same displays. In comparison to the baseline task, each of the memory tasks activated both the dorsal and the ventral pathways in the right hemisphere but not to an equal extent. There was also activation of the right prefrontal cortex. When PET scans of the memory tasks were compared to each other, areas of activation were very circumscribed and restricted to the right hemisphere: For retrieval of object identity, the area was in the inferior temporal cortex in the region of the fusiform gyrus (area 37), whereas for retrieval of spatial location, it was in the inferior parietal lobule in the region of the supramarginal gyrus (area 40). Thus, our study shows that distinct neural pathways are activated during retrieval of information about spatial location and object identity from long-term memory.
The primate visual motion system performs numerous functions essential for survival in a dynamic visual world. Prominent among these functions is the ability to recover and represent the trajectories of objects in a form that facilitates behavioral responses to those movements. The first step toward this goal, which consists of detecting the displacement of retinal image features, has been studied for many years in both psychophysical and neurobiological experiments. Evidence indicates that achievement of this step is computationally straightforward and occurs at the earliest cortical stage. The second step involves the selective integration of retinal motion signals according to the object of origin. Realization of this step is computationally demanding, as the solution is formally underconstrained. It must rely--by definition--upon utilization of retinal cues that are indicative of the spatial relationships within and between objects in the visual scene. Psychophysical experiments have documented this dependence and suggested mechanisms by which it may be achieved. Neurophysiological experiments have provided evidence for a neural substrate that may underlie this selective motion signal integration. Together they paint a coherent portrait of the means by which retinal image motion gives rise to our perceptual experience of moving objects.