984 resultados para Space Vector Modulation


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This paper presents a three-phase integrated inverter suitable for stand-alone and/or grid-connected applications. The usage of the special features of the tri-state coupled with the special space vector modulation allows the inverter to present an attractive degree of freedom for the controllers' design, i.e. input and output can be controlled independently. Additionally all controllers are based on dq0 transformation, the system are described and interesting simulation results are available to confirm the proposal. Finally, this paper presents experimental evaluations of the inverter feeding a three-phase stand-alone load confirming the remarkable features of the decoupling control. © 2013 IEEE.


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The present dissertation aims to explore, theoretically and experimentally, the problems and the potential advantages of different types of power converters for “Smart Grid” applications, with particular emphasis on multi-level architectures, which are attracting a rising interest even for industrial requests. The models of the main multilevel architectures (Diode-Clamped and Cascaded) are shown. The best suited modulation strategies to function as a network interface are identified. In particular, the close correlation between PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) approach and SVM (Space Vector Modulation) approach is highlighted. An innovative multilevel topology called MMC (Modular Multilevel Converter) is investigated, and the single-phase, three-phase and "back to back" configurations are analyzed. Specific control techniques that can manage, in an appropriate way, the charge level of the numerous capacitors and handle the power flow in a flexible way are defined and experimentally validated. Another converter that is attracting interest in “Power Conditioning Systems” field is the “Matrix Converter”. Even in this architecture, the output voltage is multilevel. It offers an high quality input current, a bidirectional power flow and has the possibility to control the input power factor (i.e. possibility to participate to active and reactive power regulations). The implemented control system, that allows fast data acquisition for diagnostic purposes, is described and experimentally verified.


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This paper is on modeling and simulation for an offshore wind system equipped with a semi-submersible floating platform, a wind turbine, a permanent magnet synchronous generator, a multiple point clamped four level or five level full-power converter, a submarine cable and a second order filter. The drive train is modeled by three mass model considering the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in deep water due to the moving surface elevation. The system control uses PWM by space vector modulation associated with sliding mode and proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected into the electric grid either by an alternated current link or by a direct current link. The model is intend to be a useful tool for unveil the behavior and performance of the offshore wind system, especially for the multiple point clamped full-power converter, under normal operation or under malfunctions.


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An integrated mathematical model for the simulation of an offshore wind system performance is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed turbine in deep water equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using multiple point full-power clamped three-level converter, converting the energy of a variable frequency source in injected energy into the electric network with constant frequency, through a HVDC transmission submarine cable. The mathematical model for the drive train is a concentrate two mass model which incorporates the dynamic for the blades of the wind turbine, tower and generator due to the need to emulate the effects of the wind and the floating motion. Controller strategy considered is a proportional integral one. Also, pulse width modulation using space vector modulation supplemented with sliding mode is used for trigger the transistors of the converter. Finally, a case study is presented to access the system performance.


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A switched DC voltage three level NPC is proposed in this paper to eliminate capacitor balancing problems in conventional three-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverter. The proposed configuration requires only one DC link with a voltage V-dc/2, where V-dc is the DC link voltage in a onventional NPC inverter. To get rated DC link voltage (V-dc), the voltage source is alternately onnected in parallel to one of the two series capacitors using two switches and two diodes with device voltage rating of V-dc/2. The frequency at which the voltage source is switched is independent and will not affect the operation of NPC inverter. The switched voltage source in this configuration balances the capacitors automatically. The proposed configuration can also be used as a conventional two level inverter in lower modulation range, thereby increases the reliability of the drive system. A space vector based PWM scheme is used to verify this proposed topology.


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In this paper, a novel 12-sided polygonal space vector structure is proposed for an induction motor drive. The space vector pattern presented in this paper consists of two 12-sided concentric polygons with the outer polygon having a radius double the inner one. As compared to previously reported 12-sided polygonal space vector structures, this paper subdivides the space vector plane into smaller sized triangles. This helps in reducing the switching frequency of the inverters without deteriorating the output voltage quality. It also reduces the device ratings and dv/dt stress on the devices to half. At the same time, other benefits obtained from the existing 12-sided space vector structure, such as increased linear modulation range and complete elimination of 5th and 7th order harmonics in the phase voltage, are also retained in this paper. The space vector structure is realized by feeding an open-end induction motor with two conventional three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverters with asymmetric isolated dc link voltage sources. The neutral point voltage fluctuations in the three-level NPC inverters are eliminated by utilizing the switching state multiplicities for a space vector point. The pulsewidth modulation timings are calculated using sampled reference waveform amplitudes and are explained in detail in this paper. Experimental verification on a laboratory prototype shows that this configuration may be considered suitable for high power drives.


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Voltage source inverters (VSIs) supply nonsinusoidal voltages to induction motor drives, leading to line current distortion and torque pulsation. Conventional space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are widely used in VSIs on the account of good waveform quality and high dc bus utilization. In a conventional space vector PWM technique, the switching sequence begins with one zero state and ends with the other zero state in a subcycle. Some novel switching sequences have been proposed, which employ only one zero state but apply one of the two active states twice in a subcycle. One pair of such special switching sequences has recently been shown to reduce the pulsating torque considerably. In this paper, the conventional and special switching sequences are compared experimentally in terms of acoustic noise. In the low-and medium-speed ranges, the special switching sequence is seen to reduce the amplitude of the tonal component of noise at the switching frequency considerably and is also found to result in spread spectrum.


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Dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) schemes are characterized by the complete absence of (6n +/- 1)th-order harmonics (for odd n) in the phase voltages, within the linear modulation range and beyond, including over-modulation. This paper presents a new topology suitable for the realization of such multilevel inverter schemes for induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading two-level inverters with flying-capacitor-inverter fed floating H-bridge cells. Now, any standard IM may be used to get the dodecagonal operation which hitherto was possible only with open-end winding IM. To minimize the current total harmonic distortion (THD), a strategy for synchronous PWM is also proposed. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of obtaining better THD figures, compared to conventional dodecagonal schemes. The topology and the PWM strategy are validated through analysis and subsequently verified experimentally.


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Multilevel inverters with hexagonal and dodecagonal voltage space vector structures have improved harmonic profile compared to two-level inverters. Further improvement in the quality of the waveform is possible using multilevel octadecagonal (18-sided polygon) voltage space vectors. This paper proposes an inverter circuit topology capable of generating multilevel octadecagonal voltage space vectors, by cascading two asymmetric three-level inverters. By the proper selection of dc-link voltages and the resultant switching states for the inverters, voltage space vectors, whose tips lie on three concentric octadecagons, are obtained. The advantages of octadecagonal voltage space vector-based pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques are the complete elimination of fifth, seventh, eleventh, and thirteenth harmonics in phase voltages and the extension of linear modulation range. In this paper, a simple PWM timing calculation method is also proposed. Experimental results have been presented in this paper to validate the proposed concept.


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This paper presents a multilevel inverter topology suitable for the generation of dodecagonal space vectors instead of hexagonal space vectors as in the case of conventional schemes. This feature eliminates all the 6n +/- 1 (n = odd) harmonics from the phase voltages and currents in the entire modulation range with an increase in the linear modulation range. The topology is realized by flying capacitor-based three-level inverters feeding from two ends of an open-end winding induction motor with asymmetric dc links. The flying capacitor voltages are tightly controlled throughout the modulation range using redundant switching states for any load power factor. A simple and fast carrier-based space-vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) scheme is also proposed for the topology which utilizes only the sampled amplitudes of the reference wave for the PWM timing computation.


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In this paper, a current hysteresis controller with parabolic boundaries for a 12-sided polygonal voltage space vector inverter fed induction motor (IM) drive is proposed. Parabolic boundaries with generalized vector selection logic, valid for all sectors and rotational direction, is used in the proposed controller. The current error space phasor boundary is obtained by first studying the drive scheme with space vector based PWM (SVPWM) controller. Four parabolas are used to approximate this current error space phasor boundary. The system is then run with space phasor based hysteresis PWM controller by limiting the current error space vector (CESV) within the parabolic boundary. The proposed controller has simple controller implementation, nearly constant switching frequency, extended modulation range and fast dynamic response with smooth transition to the over modulation region.


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Advanced bus-clamping switching sequences, which employ an active vector twice in a subcycle, are used to reduce line current distortion and switching loss in a space vector modulated voltage source converter. This study evaluates minimum switching loss pulse width modulation (MSLPWM), which is a combination of such sequences, for static reactive power compensator (STATCOM) application. It is shown that MSLPWM results in a significant reduction in device loss over conventional space vector pulse width modulation. Experimental verification is presented at different power levels of up to 150 kVA.


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PWM waveforms with positive voltage transition at the positive zero crossing of the fundamental voltage (type-A) are generally considered for PWM waveform with even number of switching angles per quarter whereas, waveforms with negative voltage transition at the positive zero crossing (type-B) are considered for odd number of switching angles per quarter. Optimal PWM, for minimization of total harmonic distortion of line to line (VWTHD), is generally solved with the aforementioned criteria. This paper establishes that a combination of both types of waveforms gives better performance than any individual type in terms of minimum VWTHD for complete range of modulation index (M). Optimal PWM for minimum VWTHD is solved for PWM waveforms with pulse numbers (P) of 5 and 7. Both type-A and type-B waveforms are found to be better in different ranges of M. The theoretical findings are confirmed through simulation and experimental results on a 3.7 kW squirrel cage induction motor in an open-loop V/f drive. Further, the optimal PWM is analysed from a space vector point of view.


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This paper investigates possible reduction of pulsating torque in open-loop and vector-controlled induction motor drives through deployment of certain advanced bus-clamping pulsewidth modulation (ABCPWM) method. Toward this goal, a simple and machine-independent method is proposed to analyze the torque harmonic spectrum of a voltage source inverter fed induction motor, operated with any real-time pulsewidth modulation (PWM) method. The analytically evaluated torque harmonic spectra, pertaining to conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM), bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM), and ABCPWM, are validated through simulation and experimental results. Theoretical and experimental studies bring out the superiority of the ABCPWM in terms of torque harmonics over CSVPWM and BCPWM. The magnitude of the dominant torque harmonic with the ABCPWM scheme is shown to be significantly lower than that with CSVPWM, over a wide range of speed. The rms torque ripple (i.e., total rms value of all harmonic torques) is lower with ABCPWM than with BCPWM over the entire range of speed.


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A split-phase induction motor is fed from two three-phase voltage source inverters for speed control. This study analyses carrier-comparison based pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes for a split-phase motor drive, from a space-vector perspective. Sine-triangle PWM, one zero-sequence injection PWM where the same zero-sequence signal is used for both the inverters, and another zero-sequence injection PWM where different zero-sequence signals are employed for the two inverters are considered. The set of voltage vectors applied, the sequence in which the voltage vectors are applied, and the resulting current ripple vector are analysed for all the PWM methods. Besides all the PWM methods are compared in terms of dc bus utilisation. For the same three-phase sine reference, the PWM method with different zero-sequence signals for the two inverters is found to employ a set of vectors different from the other methods. Both analysis and experimental results show that this method results in lower total harmonic distortion and higher dc bus utilisation than the other two PWM methods.