887 resultados para Sostenibilità, tetti verdi, urban green technology, LID, SUDS, LCA.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
RTLS and RFID systems are becoming more and more important in several fields. When these systems meet the UWB technology, they can take advantage of each other strengths. Since nowadays a strong importance is given to the "green" technology, we chose to adopt a passive solution. In this case the backscattering modulation can be used to carry data. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the behavior of the antennas used as tags, when they are closed to dierent material objects. In particular, the antenna mode part has been deeply observed, as it is the crucial part of the signal regarding the backscatter modulation.
I sistemi di drenaggio urbano meritano particolare attenzione per l’importante compito che devono garantire all’interno della società. L’allontanamento delle acque reflue dalle zone urbanizzate infatti è indispensabile per non creare problemi ed interferenze con attività sociali ed economiche che in esse si svolgono; inoltre un corretto funzionamento del sistema di drenaggio assicura anche un basso impatto ambientale in termini di qualità e quantità. La disponibilità di nuove tecnologie costruttive e materiali in continua evoluzione devono fare fronte alla crescente complessità idraulica, geotecnica e urbanistica delle strutture componenti i sistemi di drenaggio; in tale elaborato si vuole porre l’accento sul problema dello smaltimento delle acque meteoriche nelle zone densamente urbanizzate, la cui soluzione è costituita dall'adozione delle cosiddette BMP (Best Management Practices). Le BMP sono definite come strategie, pratiche o metodi per la rimozione, la riduzione, il ritardo o la prevenzione della quantità di costituenti inquinanti e contaminanti delle acque di pioggia, prima che giungano nei corpi idrici ricettori. Tra esse ricordiamo le cisterne o rain barrels, i pozzi asciutti, i sistemi drywell, le vasche verdi filtranti, i tetti verdi, i canali infiltranti, i fossi di infiltrazione, i pozzi perdenti, i planting container, i canali inerbiti, i bacini di infiltrazione, le gross pullutant traps (gpts), gli stagni, i sistemi di fitodepurazione estensiva (sfe), le pavimentazioni drenanti. In Italia esse risultano ancora scarsamente studiate ed applicate, mentre trovano più ampio sviluppo in realtà estere come in Inghilterra ed in Australia. Per comprendere la efficacia di tali tecniche BMP è necessario analizzarle e, soprattutto, analizzare il loro effetto sul territorio in cui esse vengono inserite e sul regime idrogeologico dell’ambiente. Questa analisi può essere svolta con prove sperimentali su aree di controllo (soluzione economicamente gravosa) o attraverso modelli matematici tramite l’utilizzo di software di calcolo che simulino il comportamento delle portate, dei tiranti idrici e degli inquinanti nei canali e nelle strutture accessorie costituenti la rete fognaria, in conseguenza ad eventi di pioggia dei quali sia nota la distribuzione spaziale e temporale. In questo elaborato si modellizza attraverso il programma Matlab un unico elemento BMP e si osservano i suoi effetti; si procede cioè alla analisi del funzionamento di un ipotetico brown roof installato nella zona di Rimini e si osservano i benefici effetti che ne derivano in termini di volumi di pioggia trattenuti dal sistema considerando diverse tipologie di pioggia e diversi parametri progettuali per il tetto (i fori dello strato inferiore del tetto, la altezza dello strato di terreno, la sua permeabilità e la sua porosità). Si procede poi con la analisi di una ipotetica zona commerciale che sorge sulle sponde di un fiume. Tali analisi vengono svolte con il software HEC-RAS per quanto riguarda la analisi dei livelli del fiume e delle zone a rischio di inondazione. I risultati forniti da questo studio preliminare vengono poi utilizzati come condizioni al contorno per una successiva analisi effettuata con il software InfoWorks in cui si valutano i benefici che derivano dalla installazione di diverse BMP nella zona commerciale oggetto di studio. Tale modello esamina un verosimile scenario inglese, la cittadina infatti si ipotizza situata in Inghilterra e anche gli eventi pluviometrici a cui ci si riferisce sono tipici eventi di pioggia inglesi. Tutti i dati di input elaborati nelle simulazioni sono stati forniti all’interno di un progetto universitario svolto presso l’università di Bradford con la supervisione dei professori Simon Tait ed Alma Schellart. Infine la parte conclusiva dell’elaborato è stata sviluppata in collaborazione con Hera S.p.a. di Rimini all’interno di un percorso di tirocinio curriculare che ha previsto la analisi delle tecnologie BMP adatte per l’ambiente cittadino di Rimini e la osservazione delle performance garantite da tecnologie esistenti sul territorio: i parcheggi permeabili. La realtà riminese infatti deve far fronte a diversi problemi che si innescano durante i periodi di pioggia ed una mitigazione dei volumi di acqua in arrivo alla fognatura grazie a questo tipo di tecnologie, senza quindi ricorrere agli usuali sistemi puntuali, porterebbe sicuramente a notevoli vantaggi. Tali tecnologie però non devono solo essere progettate e costruite in modo corretto, ma devono essere sottoposte a periodici controlli ed adeguate operazioni di manutenzione per non perdere la loro efficacia. Per studiare tale aspetto si procede quindi alla misura della permeabilità di parcheggi drenanti presenti all’interno dei comuni di Cattolica e Rimini ricercando i fattori che influenzano tale caratteristica fondamentale dei parcheggi.
Los espacios verdes urbanos han asumido una creciente relevancia por su aportación a la calidad de vida de las poblaciones y a la sostenibilidad de las ciudades. Su valor funcional depende de su integración en una estructura verde eficaz, con múltiples elementos, y que pueda responder a las expectativas de la población, manteniendo una relación coherente con el territorio. En esta tesis se desarrolla y aplica una metodología para el análisis de la estructura verde en distintos niveles, considerando la interpretación de los elementos y procesos territoriales y la respuesta a las expectativas y necesidades de la población. Los distintos planteamientos de esta metodología son aplicados en la ciudad de Bragança, una ciudad media portuguesa. Entre los resultados de este análisis resulta que la excesiva expansión urbana generó la proliferación de espacios verdes asociados a espacios vacantes, poco útiles y degradados, condición ampliada por planes de ordenación que acentúan el incremento del suelo urbanizable, en su mayoría no concretizado. En su relación con los espacios verdes, los ciudadanos manifiestan preferencia por el uso de los espacios verdes públicos de mayores dimensiones en el contexto local y con una mayor complejidad de elementos, respondiendo de modo más adecuado a los requisitos complementarios de múltiplos usuarios. La distribución espacial de los espacios verdes urbanos asume además una importante relevancia en las condiciones de uso y en el modelo de movilidad hacia los espacios verdes. ABSTRACT Urban Green spaces are now recognized to be major contributors to inhabitants’ quality of life and to urban sustainability. Their functional value is dependent on the existence of an efficient green structure, with multiple spaces, that can meet inhabitant’s expectations while having a coherent relation with the landscape, alongside with their individual attributes. This Thesis applies a methodology for the analysis of the Green Infrastructure on different levels, taking into account the interpretation of its elements and their relation to landscape processes, alongside with the evaluation of the answer to inhabitants’ needs and expectations. The different assumptions and methods are tested in the city of Bragança, a Portuguese medium sized city. Among the results from the case study, it is argued that the urban expansion of the traditional city lead to the proliferation not only of useful urban green spaces but also of vacant land. This condition has been increased by land use planning options that overstate the offer for residential areas, most of them not developed. Inhabitants’ relation with the green infrastructure is mostly dependent on larger local public green spaces, which offer a wide range of natural and artificial elements, addressing the needs of multiple users. The spatial distribution of urban green spaces also has a major influence on users’ frequency in the use of such spaces and in the means of travel that they choose.
"October 1994."
"July 1996."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"June 1996."
There have been many models developed by scientists to assist decision-makers in making socio-economic and environmental decisions. It is now recognised that there is a shift in the dominant paradigm to making decisions with stakeholders, rather than making decisions for stakeholders. Our paper investigates two case studies where group model building has been undertaken for maintaining biodiversity in Australia. The first case study focuses on preservation and management of green spaces and biodiversity in metropolitan Melbourne under the umbrella of the Melbourne 2030 planning strategy. A geographical information system is used to collate a number of spatial datasets encompassing a range of cultural and natural assets data layers including: existing open spaces, waterways, threatened fauna and flora, ecological vegetation covers, registered cultural heritage sites, and existing land parcel zoning. Group model building is incorporated into the study through eliciting weightings and ratings of importance for each datasets from urban planners to formulate different urban green system scenarios. The second case study focuses on modelling ecoregions from spatial datasets for the state of Queensland. The modelling combines collaborative expert knowledge and a vast amount of environmental data to build biogeographical classifications of regions. An information elicitation process is used to capture expert knowledge of ecoregions as geographical descriptions, and to transform this into prior probability distributions that characterise regions in terms of environmental variables. This prior information is combined with measured data on the environmental variables within a Bayesian modelling technique to produce the final classified regions. We describe how linked views between descriptive information, mapping and statistical plots are used to decide upon representative regions that satisfy a number of criteria for biodiversity and conservation. This paper discusses the advantages and problems encountered when undertaking group model building. Future research will extend the group model building approach to include interested individuals and community groups.
Propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos climáticos adversos en una ciudad costera de Argentina
Los indicadores de sostenibilidad climática constituyen herramientas fundamentales para complementar las políticas de ordenamiento del territorio urbano y pueden beneficiar la calidad de vida sus habitantes. En el presente trabajo se diseñó un indicador climático urbano para la ciudad de Bahía Blanca considerando variables meteorológicas y análisis de la percepción social. El mismo permitió delimitar la ciudad en cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas entre sí. A partir de entonces, se realizó una propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos adversos del clima a partir de la aplicación del método DPSIR. Las mismas estuvieron destinadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Los resultados permitieron considerar que una pronta implementación de la misma junto con una activa participación de los actores sociales y los tomadores de decisiones es necesaria para mejorar las condiciones actuales en la que se encuentra la ciudad. Con las medidas propuestas, la población local sabrá cómo actuar ante la ocurrencia de distintos eventos extremos, eventos de desconfort climático, etc. Al ser un método sencillo, la metodología aplicada en este estudio puede replicarse en otras ciudades del mundo con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes.
El 5º Informe del IPCC (Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático, 2014) señala que el turismo será una de las actividades económicas que mayores efectos negativos experimentará en las próximas décadas debido al calentamiento térmico del planeta. En España, el turismo es una fuente principal de ingresos y de creación de puestos de trabajo en su economía. De ahí que sea necesaria la puesta en marcha de medidas de adaptación a la nueva realidad climática que, en nuestro país, va a suponer cambios en el confort climático de los destinos e incremento de extremos atmosféricos. Frente a los planes de adaptación al cambio climático en la actividad turística, elaborados por los gobiernos estatal y regional, que apenas se han desarrollado en España, la escala local muestra interesantes ejemplos de acciones de adaptación al cambio climático, desarrolladas tanto por los municipios (energía, transporte, vivienda, planificación urbanística) como por la propia empresa turística (hoteles, campings, apartamentos). Medidas de ahorro de agua y luz, fomento del transporte público y de las energías limpias, creación de zonas verdes urbanas y adaptación a los extremos atmosféricos destacan como acciones de mitigación del cambio climático en los destinos turísticos principales de nuestro país.
Green energy and Green technology are the most of the quoted terms in the context of modern science and technology. Technology which is close to nature is the necessity of the modern world which is haunted by global warming and climatic alterations. Proper utilization of solar energy is one of the goals of Green Energy Movement. The present thesis deals with the work carried out in the eld of nanotechnology and its possible use in various applications (employing natural dyes) like solar cells. Unlike arti cial dyes, the natural dyes are available, easy to prepare, low in cost, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and fully biodegradable. Looking to the 21st century, the nano/micro sciences will be a chief contributor to scienti c and technological developments. As nanotechnology progresses and complex nanosystems are fabricated, a growing impetus is being given to the development of multi-functional and size-dependent materials. The control of the morphology, from the nano to the micrometer scales, associated with the incorporation of several functionalities can yield entirely new smart hybrid materials. They are special class of materials which provide a new method for the improvement of the environmental stability of the material with interesting optical properties and opening a land of opportunities for applications in the eld of photonics. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one such multipurpose material that has been explored for applications in sensing, environmental monitoring, and bio-medical systems and communications technology. Understanding the growth mechanism and tailoring their morphology is essential for the use of ZnO crystals as nano/micro electromechanical systems and also as building blocks of other nanosystems.
One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.