911 resultados para Somatic embryogenesis
Somatic embryogenesis has been shown to be an efficient in vitro plant regeneration system for many crops such as the important ornamental plant Cyclamen persicum, for which this regeneration pathway of somatic embryogenesis is of interest for the vegetative propagation of parental lines as well as elite plants. However, somatic embryogenesis is not commercially used in many crops due to several unsolved problems, such as malformations, asynchronous development, deficiencies in maturation and germination of somatic embryos. In contrast, zygotic embryos in seeds develop and germinate without abnormalities in most cases. Instead of time-consuming and labor-intensive experiments involving tests of different in vitro culture conditions and plant growth regulator supplements, we follow a more directed approach. Zygotic embryos served as a reference and were compared to somatic embryos in metabolomic analyses allowing the future optimization of the in vitro system. The aims of this study were to detect differences in the metabolite profiles of torpedo stage somatic and zygotic embryos of C. persicum. Moreover, major metabolites in endosperm and testa were identified and quantified. Two sets of extracts of two to four biological replicates each were analyzed. In total 52 metabolites were identified and quantified in the different tissues. One of the most significant differences between somatic and zygotic embryos was that the proline concentration in the zygotic embryos was about 40 times higher than that found in somatic embryos. Epicatechin, a scavenger for reactive oxygen species, was found in highest abundance in the testa. Sucrose, the most abundant metabolite was detected in significantly higher concentrations in zygotic embryos. Also, a yet unknown trisaccharide, was significantly enriched in zygotic embryos.
Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is an important crop worldwide but is of particular significance in many Pacific Island countries where it forms part of the staple diet and serves as an export commodity. Escalating pest and disease problems are jeopardizing taro production with serious implications to food security and trade. Biotechnological approaches to addressing pest and disease problems, such as somatic embryogenesis and transgenesis, are potentially viable options. However, despite biotechnological advancements in higher profile agronomic crops, such progress in relation to Colocasia esculenta var. esculenta has been slow. This paper reviews taro biology, highlights the cultural and economic significance of taro in Pacific Island countries and discusses the progress made towards the molecular breeding of this important crop to date.
Embryogenic callus was initiated by culturing in vitro taro corm slices on agar-solidified half-strength MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for 20 days followed by transfer to 1.0 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ). Callus was subsequently proliferated on solid medium containing 1.0 mg/L TDZ, 0.5 mg/L 2,4- D and 800 mg/L glutamine before transfer to liquid medium containing the same components but with reduced glutamine (100 mg/L). After 3 months in liquid culture on an orbital shaker, cytoplasmically dense cell aggregates began to form. Somatic embryogenesis was induced by plating suspension cells onto solid media containing reduced levels of hormones (0.1 mg/L TDZ, 0.05 mg/L 2,4-D), high concentrations of sucrose (40–50 g/L) and biotin (1.0 mg/L). Embryo maturation and germination was then induced on media containing 0.05 mg/L benzyladenine (BA) and 0.1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Histological studies of the developing embryos revealed the presence of typical shoot and root poles suggesting that these structures were true somatic embryos. The rate of somatic embryos formation was 500–3,000 per mL settledcell volume while approximately 60% of the embryos regenerated into plants.
One approach to reducing the yield losses caused by banana viral diseases is the use of genetic engineering and pathogen-derived resistance strategies to generate resistant cultivars. The development of transgenic virus resistance requires an efficient banana transformation method, particularly for commercially important 'Cavendish' type cultivars such as 'Grand Nain'. Prior to this study, only two examples of the stable transformation of banana had been reported, both of which demonstrated the principle of transformation but did not characterise transgenic plants in terms of the efficiency at which individual transgenic lines were generated, relative activities of promoters in stably transformed plants, and the stability of transgene expression. The aim of this study was to develop more efficient transformation methods for banana, assess the activity of some commonly used and also novel promoters in stably transformed plants, and transform banana with genes that could potentially confer resistance to banana bunchy top nanovirus (BBTV) and banana bract mosaic potyvirus (BBrMV). A regeneration system using immature male flowers as the explant was established. The frequency of somatic embryogenesis in male flower explants was influenced by the season in which the inflorescences were harvested. Further, the media requirements of various banana cultivars in respect to the 2,4-D concentration in the initiation media also differed. Following the optimisation of these and other parameters, embryogenic cell suspensions of several banana (Musa spp.) cultivars including 'Grand Nain' (AAA), 'Williams' (AAA), 'SH-3362' (AA), 'Goldfinger' (AAAB) and 'Bluggoe' (ABB) were successfully generated. Highly efficient transformation methods were developed for both 'Bluggoe' and 'Grand Nain'; this is the first report of microprojectile bombardment transformation of the commercially important 'Grand Nain' cultivar. Following bombardment of embryogenic suspension cells, regeneration was monitored from single transfom1ed cells to whole plants using a reporter gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (gfp). Selection with kanamycin enabled the regeneration of a greater number of plants than with geneticin, while still preventing the regeneration of non-transformed plants. Southern hybridisation confirmed the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (npt II) was stably integrated into the banana genome and that multiple transgenic lines were derived from single bombardments. The activity, stability and tissue specificity of the cauliflower mosaic virus 358 (CaMV 35S) and maize polyubiquitin-1 (Ubi-1) promoters were examined. In stably transformed banana, the Ubi-1 promoter provided approximately six-fold higher p-glucuronidase (GUS) activity than the CaMV 35S promoter, and both promoters remained active in glasshouse grown plants for the six months they were observed. The intergenic regions ofBBTV DNA-I to -6 were isolated and fused to either the uidA (GUS) or gfjJ reporter genes to assess their promoter activities. BBTV promoter activity was detected in banana embryogenic cells using the gfp reporter gene. Promoters derived from BBTV DNA-4 and -5 generated the highest levels of transient activity, which were greater than that generated by the maize Ubi-1 promoter. In transgenic banana plants, the activity of the BBTV DNA-6 promoter (BT6.1) was restricted to the phloem of leaves and roots, stomata and root meristems. The activity of the BT6.1 promoter was enhanced by the inclusion of intron-containing fragments derived from the maize Ubi-1, rice Act-1, and sugarcane rbcS 5' untranslated regions in GUS reporter gene constructs. In transient assays in banana, the rice Act-1 and maize Ubi-1 introns provided the most significant enhancement, increasing expression levels 300-fold and 100-fold, respectively. The sugarcane rbcS intron increased expression about 10-fold. In stably transformed banana plants, the maize Ubi-1 intron enhanced BT6.1 promoter activity to levels similar to that of the CaMV 35S promoter, but did not appear to alter the tissue specificity of the promoter. Both 'Grand Nain' and 'Bluggoe' were transformed with constructs that could potentially confer resistance to BBTV and BBrMV, including constructs containing BBTV DNA-1 major and internal genes, BBTV DNA-5 gene, and the BBrMV coat protein-coding region all under the control of the Ubi-1 promoter, while the BT6 promoter was used to drive the npt II selectable marker gene. At least 30 transgenic lines containing each construct were identified and replicates of each line are currently being generated by micropropagation in preparation for virus challenge.
Plant tissue culture is a technique that exploits the ability of many plant cells to revert to a meristematic state. Although originally developed for botanical research, plant tissue culture has now evolved into important commercial practices and has become a significant research tool in agriculture, horticulture and in many other areas of plant sciences. Plant tissue culture is the sterile culture of plant cells, tissues, or organs under aseptic conditions leading to cell multiplication or regeneration or organs and whole plants. The steps required to develop reliable systems for plant regeneration and their application in plant biotechnology are reviewed in countless books. Some of the major landmarks in the evolution of in vitro techniques are summarised in Table 5.1. In this chapter the current applications of this technology to agriculture, horticulture, forestry and plant breeding are briefly described with specific examples from Australian plants when applicable.
Petiveria alliacea L. pertence à família Phytolaccacceae e é conhecida popularmente como guiné ou amansa-senhor, entre outros nomes. Tem sido muito utilizada na medicina popular como agente terapêutico, devido à diversas propriedades farmacológicas. Estudos fitoquímicos têm contribuído para a descoberta de grande variedade de substâncias biologicamente ativas produzidas em diferentes partes da planta (saponinas, alcalóides, flavonóides, sulfetos, taninos, cumarinas, entre outros). A análise química da raiz tem revelado grande quantidade de derivados sulfurados, principalmente o dibenzil trissulfeto (DTS), com atividade antifúngica, antibacteriana, antioxidante e anticancerígena. Visando avaliar a produção biotecnológica do DTS, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo, otimizar a cultura de novas linhagens de calos, células em suspensão e embriões somáticos, a partir de plantas de P. alliacea L. mantidas in vitro, com o monitoramento da capacidade biossintética das culturas. Os resultados mostraram que a produção de calos friáveis foi possível em explantes foliares inoculados em meio MS suplementado com PIC ou 2,4-D. Além da resposta calogênica, foi observada a produção de estruturas globulares caracterizadas como embriões somáticos. A ocorrência de embriogênese somática direta foi confirmada através da análise histológica do processo regenerativo. A indução de embriões somáticos gerou um processo de embriogênese secundária altamente repetitivo até 150 dias de cultura e conversão a plantas em freqüência de 5%. Em relação à cultura de células em suspensão a partir dos calos friáveis, observou-se uma diminuição do crescimento celular ao longo das subculturas. As culturas em suspensão originadas de tecido embriogênico secundário continuaram o processo repetitivo em meio líquido e apresentaram conversão a plantas em taxas mais baixas que as obtidas em meio sólido. A obtenção de plantas completas a partir dos embriões somáticos demonstrou a possibilidade de utilização desse sistema para a micropropagação dessa espécie. O monitoramento fitoquímico dos sistemas de cultura in vitro e plantas de campo mantidas em casa de vegetação durante 02 anos apresentou diferenças significativas, confirmando que a cultura de tecidos pode alterar as rotas metabólicas. A cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas realizada com extrato em diclorometano de embriões secos e hexânico de embriões frescos e raízes secas de plantas provenientes de embriões somáticos, demonstrou a presença do DTS, constituindo, portanto, sistemas in vitro importantes para a modulação desta substância.
以西洋参(Panax quinquefolium L.)为材料,从胚、胚乳、多年生主根等外植体诱导筛选得到多种胚性及非胚性愈伤组织,胚来源的胚性愈伤组织经用附加1.0ppm 2,4-D的MS培养基继代保持三年后仍具旺盛的体细胞胚胎发生能力,以胚性愈伤组织建立的液体培养系统可得到大量游离的胚状体,将胚状体包埋制成的人工种子能在附加0.1ppm NAA和1.0ppm GA_3的B_s培养基上萌发形成根、茎、叶健全的再生植株,并且移栽成活。松软型根愈伤组织以过长期继代培养后,也得到了胚状体发生。比较了多种培养因素对体细胞胚胎发生和愈伤组织的影响,其中外植体来源、基本培养基的无机盐组成以及生长素是决定愈伤组织形态结构类型和体细胞胚胎发生能力的主要因素。胚乳愈伤组织、质密型根愈伤组织以及来源于胚的松软型非胚性愈伤组织在多种诱导条件下均未能发生胚状体。 从松软型的胚或根愈伤组织均容易游离大量原生质体,用悬浮培养物游离原生质体的得率更高,从早期胚状体也可酶解得到可用于培养量的原生质体。原生质体体积均很小,培养中的行为也相似,有些形成细胞壁,细胞变形,个别进行细胞分裂,形成少数细胞团,但未形成愈伤组织;有些原生质体仍保持球形,体积剧裂膨大几十倍,小液泡汇聚成大液泡,有些液泡中积累紫红色素。 用石蜡切片、半薄切片、透射电镜和扫描电镜等方法对各种愈伤组织的内部结构及外部形态进行了详细观察,发现胚状体起源于愈伤组织的表皮或表皮下层细胞,有单个发生和成丛发生两种发生方式,不同愈伤组织细胞的显微及超微结构各具特色。胚乳愈伤组织、松软型根愈作组织以及胚状体的细胞虽然都具有某些胚性细胞结构特征,例如细胞体积小、细胞核大、细胞质浓厚、细胞器丰富等,但它们并不具有现实的体细胞胚胎发生能力。发生胚状体的细胞含大量多核糖体和内质网片段,小液泡数量少且形成多泡复合体,细胞壁也由于在组织中所外的位置不同而有厚薄两种类型之分,细胞常形成胚性细胞复合体,位于愈伤组织的外围,边缘可分化为许多小细胞团。胚性细胞复合体的表面质密平整,有许多丝状物和颗粒,细胞轮廓不清,但有显著突出的小细胞,细胞表面具沟脊;而其它各型愈伤组织的表面均为球形或半球形的大型细胞,表面仅具细小的纹理、凸起或颗粒。 胚来源的胚性愈伤组织的总蛋白组成与来源相同,但形态结构截然不同的非胚性愈作组织的总蛋白组成差异显著,后者与形态结构特征相似的根本源公软型愈伤组织具有相似的蛋白质电泳带型,但多一条33KD的蛋白带;培养基中去掉2,4-D后,松软型根愈伤组织的蛋白质组成发生轻微变化。等电聚焦和SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶双向电泳揭示出在单向电泳扫描上呈现最高峰的17KD蛋白质在胚性愈伤组织中随等电点的不同而分离,在其它三种构软型愈伤组织中则仅集中在等电点为5.9处,为一个大而染色深的点。 同样培养基上培养的形态结构不同的愈伤组织所含元素的量不同,说明细胞对无机盐的吸收是有选择性的,不同类型的愈伤组织可积累不同的元素。培养基中的元素组成情况在愈伤组织中也有一定反映,在含钠、钾元素较多的B_5培养基上生长的愈伤组织中这两种元素的含量也较高,培养基的离子胁迫作用和细胞对离子一定程度的被动吸收会影响细胞的代谢方式,从而导致细胞类型的分化,基本培养基对愈伤组织类型的转变及体细胞胚胎发生能力的影响可能正是通过影响细胞的离子吸收、代谢平衡而实现。
1.以MS无机盐+B 5有机成分为基本培养基,附加2,4-D,KT,ZT等激素,以农艺性状良好,抗枯萎病的棉花品种“冀492”为材料,建立了愈伤组织诱导,体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生体系. 2.实验结果表明,2,4-D是诱导愈伤组织产生的促进因子,效果明显好于其它生长素类物质,但是随着培养基中2,4-D浓度的升高,愈伤组织状态也会变差,褐化严重,而且,附加O.lppm 2,4-D,O.lppm K T的培养基是较为合适的培养基.IAA,NAA对愈伤组织的诱导不十分理想,此外,愈伤组织的产生还同外植体,基因型和一些物理条件有关, 胚性愈伤组织的产生,需不断调节培养基中激素浓度,逐步降低2,4 -D浓度,并添加低浓度ZT,胚状体要在去除2,4-D的培养基上才能产生.虽然,2,4-D对于胚性愈伤组织的诱导是必须的,但是却抑制胚状体的发育. 3.培养基中硝态氮和氨态氮比例,激素浓度和种类,活性炭的添加,对于胚状体的萌发和成熟有重要影响,硝酸钾加倍,硝酸铵减半,并附加低浓度ABA和活性炭是胚状体诱导和成苗(去除ABA)的适宜培养基,而附加0.2ppm N A A,0.2ppm ZT和活性炭的M S2培养基是胚状体成熟的适宜培养基.通过对胚性愈伤组织的干燥处理,培养基中低浓度ABA和活性炭的添加,比较有效地抑制了畸形胚的产生,大大地提高了正常胚的比例. 4.对陆地棉“冀4 9 2”的下胚轴和子叶利用含Bt抗虫基因的根农杆菌(AgrobacterIIm tumefrens)进行了遗传转化研究,在筛选培养基上获得了大量生长旺盛的阳性愈伤组织,葡糖酸苷检测结果表明,大部分愈伤组织均有G us基因的表达. 5.通过花粉管通道法,进行了将含有Bt抗虫基因DNA的大肠杆菌质粒导入陆地棉“冀492”的实验,并收获了近1 0,000粒种子,为从大量种子中筛选出抗性种质材料,建立了卡那霉素田间初步筛选法. 6.利用活体压片和石蜡切片技术对体细胞胚胎发生过程和胚状体起源进行了观察,发现胚状体发生主要是通过类合子途径进行的,胚状体可能起源于单细胞. 7.通过对相同培养基上的非胚性愈伤组织,胚性愈伤组织和不同时期胚状体的可溶性蛋白SDS - PAGE电泳分析,发现16KD和50K D蛋白特异性地存在于胚性愈伤和各期胚状体中,该蛋白可作为胚性愈伤组织的筛选标记.对不同发育时期的愈伤组织进行了同工酶和可溶性蛋白的IE F/SD S-PA G E双向电泳分析,结果表明,不同发育时期的愈伤组织同工酶酶谱和可溶性蛋白电泳图谱之间具有较大的差别,分化前期的胚性愈伤组织酶的活性强,种类多,并且有新的蛋白斑点的出现,这些都可能与体细胞胚胎发生相关.
甘薯[Ipomoea batatm L.]胚性愈伤组织的诱导、生长及分化,受遗传背景、外植体来源、激素配比等多种因素的影响。以徐薯l8叶片为外植体,在Ms附加2mg/l2.4-D的培养基上,诱导、筛选出三种类型的愈伤组织(I型、Ⅱ型、IV型),虽然其来源和培养条件相同,但在外部形态、内部结构、分化途径、分化能力、同工酶酶谱、可溶性蛋白质组成以及DNA分子结构方面,都有显著差异。I型愈伤组织在Ms无激素培养基上分化出体细胞胚,其过氧化物酶及脂酶同工酶与Ⅱ型愈伤组织和lV型愈伤组织相比,酶带的数目、深浅不同,而与胚状体相类似,可以作为不回类型愈伤组织及其分化途径的生理指标。SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明:三种愈伤组织的总蛋白组成也有显著差异。I型愈伤组织与Ⅱ型愈伤组织相比,无论是酶带的数目,还是酶带的扫描高度,都占绝对优势,表明其具有相对较高的蛋白质合成代谢水平。RAPD分析表明,三种类型愈伤组织的遗传基础具有一定差异。在所用的10个随机引物中,引物G3(GAGCCCTCCA)扩增出了显著的多态性,在I型愈伤组织与胚状体中发现两个特异片段,有可能与体细胞胚胎发生过程特异相关。 以I型愈伤组织进行悬浮培养,建立了具有再生能力的胚性悬浮细胞系,并对其鲜重、干重、PCV体积、PH值等生长特性进行了测定,研究了在悬浮培养条件下,2.4-D浓度对体细胞胚胎发生的影响。在MS附加Img/12.4-D的培养基中,细胞呈园球型,细胞质浓厚,细胞核显著,分裂旺盛,转入不含2.4-D的分化培养基中,即可得到大量的游离胚状体:浓度过高(4-8mg/l)或过低(0.5mg/l),都不利于细胞的生长和分化。胞外同工酶研究发现:胞外过氧化物酶水平,随着2.4-D浓度升高、培养时间的延长、细胞生长速度的减缓而降低,随着体胚分化的开始而升高。这种变化趋势表明:2.4-D浓度、过氧化物酶及细胞的生长、分化之间,存在密切联系。蛋白质分析发现,2.4-D的浓度与细胞内可溶性蛋白质组成及含量也密切相关:在无激素培养基中的培养物,其蛋白质电泳图谱与在含有不同浓度2.4-D的培养基中的培养物相比,无论是谱带的数目还是谱带的峰值,都有深刻差异,表明在体胚分化和发育过程中,细胞内进行着旺盛的蛋白质合成代谢。 以胚性悬浮细胞为材料,进行原生质体培养。通过对游离条件的比较研究,发现采用PH值为6.0的E3酶液酶解2小时,可以得到大量具有旺盛活力的原生质体。采用液体浅层一固体平板双层培养方式进行培养,原生质体分裂旺盛,20天后形成肉眼可见的微型愈伤组织,在附加0.5mg/1 2.4-D的继代培养基中,出现根的分化,转入附加0.5mg/12.4-D和Img/16-BA的分化培养基中,有少量不定芽发生,并形成小苗,但无胚状体产生。 以来源于胚性悬浮细胞的原生质体为受体,通过与农杆菌共培养,将苏云金杆菌毒蛋白(Bt)基因导入甘薯细胞,经卡那霉素筛选,得到抗性愈伤组织,并有根的分化。经过PCR检测,证明了Bt基因在甘薯细胞染色体组中的整合。
本文以白杄的合子胚为材料,建立了体细胞胚胎发生及其植株再生系统.通过对影响体细胞胚胎发生的主要因素的系统研究,实现了体细胞胚的高频率发生。运用扫描电镜、整体染色封片及石蜡切片等方法全面观察了体细胞胚胎发生过程中的形态学、细胞学及组织化学变化。建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,测定了几个重要生长参数的变化动态,优化了体细胞胚的液体培养条件。采用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺电泳方法分析了体细胞胚胎发生过程中三种同工酶的变化。通过压片法观察了长期继代过程中胚性愈伤组织细胞及其再生植株根尖细胞染色体数目的变化。具体结果如下: 合子胚在4-6 ℃低温条件下保存1~3个月后,接种于LP+2mg/L2.4-D+lmg/L 6-BA的培养基上,黑暗条件下培养1个月后,产生浅黄色、褐色和白色半透明三种愈伤组织,其中白色半透明愈伤组织是胚性愈伤组织。黑暗中胚性愈伤组织在MS+lmg/L 2,4-D+lmg/L KT的继代培养基上可保持旺盛的增殖能力和分化潜力。当胚性愈伤组织转到MS+5mg/L ABA+50g/L PEG+5mg/L AgN03的分化培养基上,1个月后可产生大量正常的子叶期成熟体细胞胚。成熟体细胞胚在相对湿度为75%的条件下干化20天后,转到含0.5%活性炭的无激素1/2MS基本培养基上,约40天后长出1.5—2.5cm的根,约60天后长出真叶。光,ABA、蔗糖、AgN03 PEG浓度是影响体细胞胚胎发生的主要因素。 在相同的培养条件下,以新产生的子叶期体细胞胚为外植体,也可诱导体细胞胚胎发生。 胚性愈伤组织起源于合子胚子叶和下胚轴的表皮及表皮下的一些细胞。胚性愈伤组织中的一些单个胚性细胞经过第一次分裂产生两个细胞,即胚细胞和胚柄细胞,它们继续进行分裂几次以后形成胚性胚柄团结构。胚性胚柄团在分化培养基上可发育为成熟的子叶期胚。体细胞胚的成熟过程大致可分四个时期:胚性胚柄团、球形胚至鱼雷形胚、子叶前期胚和子叶期成熟胚。通过PAS反应研究后发现,在体细胞胚发育过程中,淀粉粒在胚性胚柄团时期开始积累,至心形胚时期达到积累高峰,子叶胚时期仅在器官原基及其附近细胞肉有淀粉粒分布。结果表明,淀粉是体细胞胚胎发生的一种重要能量来源。 在初始细胞密度为3.O%(鲜重)、摇床转速为150r/min的条件下,用与固体培养基成分相似的液体培养基对胚性愈伤组织进行悬浮培养,胚性愈伤组织的生长率大大提高。在悬浮培养过程中,培养物的鲜重、干重、紧实细胞体积及胚性胚柄团数目依次在6~10天内达到高峰。培养液的pH值和电导率分别在6—8天达到最低点。 胚性和非胚性愈伤组织的三种同工酶酶谱都明显不同;胚性愈伤组织的过氧化物酶和酸性磷酸酯酶活性较高,而非胚性愈伤组织的酯酶活性较高。体细胞胚发育过程中,三种同工酶酶谱都呈规律性变化;j活性都有逐渐增强的趋势,但酸性磷酸酯酶活性到了最后时期又突然下降。 胚性愈伤组织经过长期继代后,生长率和分化能力没有明显变化,但有些细胞内染色体数目发生了无规律的变化( 2n=7—24,2n>28),而再生植株根尖细胞染色体数目比较稳定( 2n=28).
以长俊木瓜为材料,研究了其体细胞胚胎诱导过程中各个环节的影响因素。结果表明:愈伤组织诱导的适宜外植体是叶片,培养基为MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+2,4-D0.2 mg.L-1,黑暗培养;非胚性愈伤组织向胚性愈伤组织转化的适宜培养基是MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+NAA1.0 mg.L-1;胚性愈伤组织的保持与增殖应在黑暗条件下进行,培养基为MS+6-BA1.0 mg.L-1+2,4-D0.2 mg.L-1;长俊木瓜叶片体胚的发生以加入ABA2.0 mg.L-1的MS培养基最为有利。
John Draper, Luis A.J. Mur, Glyn Jenkins, Gadab C. Ghosh-Biswas, Pauline Bablak, Robert Hasterok,and Andrew P.M. Routledge (2001). Brachypodium distachyon. A new model system for functional genomics in grasses. Plant Physiology, 127 (4), 1539-1555. Sponsorship: BBSRC / Gatsby Foundation RAE2008