883 resultados para Solos - Erosão


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Paulista West region has suffered through the decades an intense process of deforestation when substituting native areas of Atlantic rainforest and Cerrado by agricultural cultivation, mainly coffee in the 20th century. This occupation process without planning and management of the soil resulted in serious erosion problems. Besides, the soil erosion promoted the reduction of agricultural production and the silting of rivers. This paper aims identify the factors of natural scope (geological, geomorphologic and pedologic characteristics) which participate in unleash of erosion process in two agricultural properties producers of coffee in order to apply mechanical techniques of recovery in erosive focuses of furrow and ravine kinds. One of the properties is at the city council of Getulina, located on the sandstones of Adamantina Formation; the other is at the city council of Vera Cruz, located on the sandstones of Marília Formation. However, taking into consideration the analysis of the natural dynamics, they are not enough to explain the complexity of the phenomena which are processed in the geographic space. It made indispensable the incorporation of socio-economic factors, such as the use and occupation process of the soil considering the society as landscape transformers. In order to better understand the importance of each one of the elements that contributes to the unleash of the studied erosions, it was collected soil samples in the areas, general descriptions and texture and morphologic analysis. Finally, it was elaborated the maps of the use and occupation of the soil and the vegetal coverage surrounding the properties studied. It was observed in the rural property of Getulina the substitution of the coffee by pasture that finds degraded. It, in addition to the cattle stomp, which changed the texture and density characteristics among the soil horizons, and the concentration of superficial water flow intensified the occurrence of ...


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The development of human societies and their activities generate many impacts on the environment and natural resources. The consequence of these problems is a disturbance of the systemic dynamics of Planet Earth. Study these impacts are a way to understand the workings of this system and undertake efforts to prevent minimize and anticipate scenarios caused by environmental impacts. In this sense, from a systemic approach seeks to understand the way how is the interaction of the components of the ecosystems, adopting for this task the hydrographic basin as a natural unit of planning and management in view of the fact all landscape elements (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere) interact so that the reflections of human activities can be represented in this unit. Thus, this study aims to quantify chemical erosion rates in the hydrographic basin of Ribeirao Monjolo Grande, Ipeúna (SP), which is relevant to analyze the geomorphological characteristics of the area, which may serve to better exploitation of natural resources


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This work addresses the erosion caused by rain, describing their steps and factors that most influence the intensity and volume of transported material. The work presents the Universal Soil Loss Equation that quantifies the erosion, with the influence of different factors that affect it. The following notes the occurrence of this process in cutting slopes. They suffer with removal of the vegetation and surface soil layer, making them even more susceptible to this process. In this way it's necessary a protection model for the slopes. Some protection methods are presents with their main features, advantages and disadvantages, implementation process, especially to survey the approximate cost of each method and their application restrictions


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Water erosion is one of the main processes responsible for soil degradation, resulting in loss of parcels of land suitable for agriculture, to the loss of agricultural inputs and the resulting drift of pesticides and excess sediment to rivers, causing phenomena such as the siltation and eutrophication of water bodies. Such a scenario makes it necessary to perform work of a technical and scientific to provide subsidies to land-use planning, in order to protect natural resources biotic and abiotic. To develop this work is necessary to find a unit of analysis capable of integrating the different elements of the landscape, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Therefore we adopt for this work the watershed as main unit studies. From this question, this project will focus on the assessment of surface water erosion through MEUPS (Equation Modified Universal Soil Loss) predictive model. With the aid of maps, remote sensing products, and the use of geotechnology, this study aims to evaluate for the for Natural Erosion Potential the basin of the Jacutinga river, located in Rio Claro - SP


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As florestas exercem grande influência nos meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico, evitando a degradação do solo pela erosão, controlando a qualidade da água, fornecendo matérias-primas e alimentos, abrigando a maior parte da fauna e flora terrestre. As áreas florestais estão todavia sujeitas a significativo risco de incêndio. Como consequência dos incêndios, e entre outros impactos, o solo fica exposto à ação erosiva da chuva determinando perdas de solo muito significativas e a degradação deste recurso. Deste modo, o controle da erosão após o incêndio é essencial para a mais rápida recuperação das áreas ardidas suportada em medidas de conservação do solo eficazes. O trabalho propõe-se fazer uma avaliação quantificada da eficácia de técnicas de conservação do solo no controle da erosão em áreas ardidas, centrada em medidas de baixo custo e aplicável ao NE de Portugal, em especial o Distrito de Bragança. A metodologia de avaliação seguida inclui a construção de cenários regionais de aplicação simulada de uma seleção de medidas, mediante exploração de um modelo de erosão (Equação Universal de Perda de Solo – USLE). Através das simulações realizadas fazendo variar a distribuição de barreiras ao longo da encosta e o seu grau de retenção, foi possível avaliar a eficácia desta técnica para a redução da erosão nas condições definidas como cenários de base. Observou-se que o grau de retenção tem maior influência na redução de perda do solo do que a distância entre barreiras. Isto evidencia a necessidade de uma implementação adequada desta medida, com a instalação de barreiras de elevado grau de retenção. Aplicada apenas no primeiro ano pós-fogo, e de forma isolada, a técnica da sementeira não se mostrou suficientemente eficaz. Porém, se após um ano se realizar uma nova sementeira na área afetada, mostrou-se que pode ocorrer uma diminuição dos valores de perda de solo relativamente grande, pelo que será aconselhável a realização de uma ressementeira no ano seguinte à primeira aquando de intervenções pós-fogo com esta técnica. Uma possível combinação entre os métodos anteriores iria proporcionar uma situação ótima, como observado nos resultados das simulações efetuadas, onde a maioria dos cenários apresentou valores estimados de perda de solo menores ou iguais a 2 ton/ha.ano, limiar que separa condições de risco de erosão baixo e moderado e corresponde à tolerância de perda de solo para solos delgados e de substrato não renovável.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2015.