873 resultados para Solar PV tariffs
This work presents the stage integration in power electronics converters as a suitable solution for solar photovoltaic inverters. The rated voltages available in Photovoltaic (PV) modules have usually low values for applications such as regulated output voltages in stand-alone or grid-connected configurations. In these cases, a boost stage or a transformer will be necessary. Transformers have low efficiencies, heavy weights and have been used only when galvanic isolation is mandatory. Furthermore, high-frequency transformers increase the converter complexity. Therefore, the most usual topologies use a boost stage and one inverter stage cascaded. However, the complexity, size, weight, cost and lifetime might be improved considering the integration of both stages. These are the expected features to turn attractive this kind of integrated structures. Therefore, some integrated converters are analyzed and compared in this paper in order to support future evaluations and trends for low power single-phase inverters for PV systems. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents a careful evaluation among the most usual MPPT techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic (PV) panel, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors, considering that the models are first implemented via MatLab/Simulink®, and after a digitally controlled boost DC-DC converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array simulator in order to verify the simulation results. The prototype was built, the algorithms are digitally developed and the main experimental results are also presented, including dynamic responses and the experimental tracking factor (TF) for the analyzed MPPT techniques. © 2011 IEEE.
Ce document présente l'analyse de la qualité de l'énergie dans une centrale solaire photovoltaïque - avec une capacité installée de 1 MWpico, relié au réseau de distribution d’électricité en 11,9 kV, qui a comme but connaître et également de comparer à la norme nationale actuelle, les effets de la qualité de l'énergie électrique résultant de l'utilisation de cette type matrice génératrice. Le rapport a été basé sur des niveaux spécifiés dans le module 8 des Procédures de distribution d'électricité dans le réseau national d'électricité - PRODIST, qui précise les directrices sur la question de la qualité de l'énergie électrique sur le territoire brésilien. Il a été considéré aussi les recommandations internationales 929 et 1547, qui proposent des pratiques recommandées concernant des systèmes de génération de l'énergie solaire PV (photovoltaïque), et également des normes pour le raccordement de ces types de sources au réseau de distributions d'électricité, tous deux établis par l'Institut des ingénieurs électriciens et électroniciens, largement connu comme IEEE. Le développement et le travail sur le terrain a eu lieu de manière continué, et non dans des moments spécifiques, assurant de cette manière, la fiabilité des données obtenues
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Hybrid system micro-generation integration of PV-wind power is presented by a form of energy in which problems resulting from variability in the intensity of wind and solar intensity are possible mitigation either by complementation between one source to another or the largest stability configured by the generate the system. Based on this context, this work aims to assessing the performance of a hybrid system PV-wind power energy small of a rural property for their electrification. The study has been developed at the Rural Laboratory Powering from Engineering Department of UNESP. In order to present this research, a hybrid system has been installed PV-wind power, composed of one 400Wp windmill and a 300 Wp PV-system. The results obtained allowed us to evaluate the solar and wind energy supplied ranked among 285 and 360 kWh electric power generated by the PV-wind power hybrid system stood between 25,5 and 31 kWh. At is to say achieving yield of approximately than 10% during one year observation period, i.e., it was concluded that the performance of the hybrid system depended essentially the energy received and generated by the PV-system and that there was complementation between generating wind power and PV-systems with regard to time of day and the annual seasons by confirming the technical feasibility of this kind system of micro-generation in small rural properties.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Photovoltaic (PV) conversion is the direct production of electrical energy from sun without involving the emission of polluting substances. In order to be competitive with other energy sources, cost of the PV technology must be reduced ensuring adequate conversion efficiencies. These goals have motivated the interest of researchers in investigating advanced designs of crystalline silicon solar (c-Si) cells. Since lowering the cost of PV devices involves the reduction of the volume of semiconductor, an effective light trapping strategy aimed at increasing the photon absorption is required. Modeling of solar cells by electro-optical numerical simulation is helpful to predict the performance of future generations devices exhibiting advanced light-trapping schemes and to provide new and more specific guidelines to industry. The approaches to optical simulation commonly adopted for c-Si solar cells may lead to inaccurate results in case of thin film and nano-stuctured solar cells. On the other hand, rigorous solvers of Maxwell equations are really cpu- and memory-intensive. Recently, in optical simulation of solar cells, the RCWA method has gained relevance, providing a good trade-off between accuracy and computational resources requirement. This thesis is a contribution to the numerical simulation of advanced silicon solar cells by means of a state-of-the-art numerical 2-D/3-D device simulator, that has been successfully applied to the simulation of selective emitter and the rear point contact solar cells, for which the multi-dimensionality of the transport model is required in order to properly account for all physical competing mechanisms. In the second part of the thesis, the optical problems is discussed. Two novel and computationally efficient RCWA implementations for 2-D simulation domains as well as a third RCWA for 3-D structures based on an eigenvalues calculation approach have been presented. The proposed simulators have been validated in terms of accuracy, numerical convergence, computation time and correctness of results.
The diameters of traditional dish concentrators can reach several tens of meters, the construction of monolithic mirrors being difficult at these scales: cheap flat reflecting facets mounted on a common frame generally reproduce a paraboloidal surface. When a standard imaging mirror is coupled with a PV dense array, problems arise since the solar image focused is intrinsically circular. Moreover, the corresponding irradiance distribution is bell-shaped in contrast with the requirement of having all the cells under the same illumination. Mismatch losses occur when interconnected cells experience different conditions, in particular in series connections. In this PhD Thesis, we aim at solving these issues by a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting optical concepts and applications developed specifically for astronomical use, where the improvement of the image quality is a very important issue. The strategy we propose is to boost the spot uniformity acting uniquely on the primary reflector and avoiding the big mirrors segmentation into numerous smaller elements that need to be accurately mounted and aligned. In the proposed method, the shape of the mirrors is analytically described by the Zernike polynomials and its optimization is numerically obtained to give a non-imaging optics able to produce a quasi-square spot, spatially uniform and with prescribed concentration level. The freeform primary optics leads to a substantial gain in efficiency without secondary optics. Simple electrical schemes for the receiver are also required. The concept has been investigated theoretically modeling an example of CPV dense array application, including the development of non-optical aspects as the design of the detector and of the supporting mechanics. For the method proposed and the specific CPV system described, a patent application has been filed in Italy with the number TO2014A000016. The patent has been developed thanks to the collaboration between the University of Bologna and INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics).
In order to reduce the costs of crystalline silicon solar cells, low-cost silicon materials like upgraded metallurgical grade (UMG) silicon are investigated for the application in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. Conventional high-purity silicon is made by cost-intensive methods, based on the so-called Siemens process, which uses the reaction to form chlorosilanes and subsequent several distillation steps before the deposition of high-purity silicon on slim high-purity silicon rods. UMG silicon in contrast is gained from metallurgical silicon by a rather inexpensive physicochemical purification (e.g., acid leaching and/or segregation). However, this type of silicon usually contains much higher concentrations of impurities, especially 3d transition metals like Ti, Fe, and Cu. These metals are extremely detrimental in the electrically active part of silicon solar cells, as they form recombination centers for charge carriers in the silicon band gap. This is why simple purification techniques like gettering, which can be applied between or during solar cell process steps, will play an important role for such low-cost silicon materials. Gettering in general describes a process, whereby impurities are moved to a place or turned into a state, where they are less detrimental to the solar cell. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas gettering in particular is a promising simple and cheap gettering technique, which is based on the reaction of HCl gas with transition metals to form volatile metal chloride species at high temperatures.rnThe aim of this thesis was to find the optimum process parameters for HCl gas gettering of 3d transition metals in low-cost silicon to improve the cell efficiency of solar cells for two different cell concepts, the standard wafer cell concept and the epitaxial wafer equivalent (EpiWE) cell concept. Whereas the former is based on a wafer which is the electrically active part of the solar cell, the latter uses an electrically inactive low-cost silicon substrate with an active layer of epitaxially grown silicon on top. Low-cost silicon materials with different impurity grades were used for HCl gas gettering experiments with the variation of process parameters like the temperature, the gettering time, and the HCl gas concentration. Subsequently, the multicrystalline silicon neighboring wafers with and without gettering were compared by element analysis techniques like neutron activation analysis (NAA). It was demonstrated that HCl gas gettering is an effective purification technique for silicon wafers, which is able to reduce some 3d transition metal concentrations by over 90%. Solar cells were processed for both concepts which could demonstrate a significant increase of the solar cell efficiency by HCl gas gettering. The efficiency of EpiWE cells could be increased by HCl gas gettering by approximately 25% relative to cells without gettering. First process simulations were performed based on a simple model for HCl gas gettering processes, which could be used to make qualitative predictions.
This paper presents a simple mathematical model to estimateshadinglosses on PVarrays. The model is applied directly to power calculations, without the need to consider the whole current–voltage curve. This allows the model to be used with common yield estimation software. The model takes into account both the shaded fraction of the array area and the number of blocks (a group of solar cells protected by a bypass diode) affected by shade. The results of an experimental testing campaign on several shaded PVarrays to check the validity of model are also reported.
Dual-junction solar cells formed by a GaAsP or GaInP top cell and a silicon bottom cell seem to be attractive candidates to materialize the long sought-for integration of III-V materials on silicon for photovoltaic applications. Such integration would offer a cost breakthrough for photovoltaic technology, unifying the low cost of silicon and the efficiency potential of III-V multijunction solar cells. In this study, we analyze several factors influencing the performance of the bottom subcell of this dual-junction, namely, 1) the formation of the emitter as a result of the phosphorus diffusion that takes place during the prenucleation temperature ramp and during the growth of the III-V layers; 2) the degradation in surface morphology during diffusion; and 3) the quality needed for the passivation provided by the GaP layer on the emitter.
Founded by Antonio Luque in 1979 Personnel: Personnel: 6464 full full-time time staff (19 professors staff (19 professors, 44 PhD PhD researchers 28 PhD students 13 researchers, 28 PhD students, 13 administrative and maintenance staff), 19 “part time” (11 “external PhD students”, 8 master students) Objective: Objective: Contribute to the deployment of Photovoltaic Solar Electricity through R&D& Contribute to the deployment of Photovoltaic Solar Electricity through R&D&i
The intermediate band solar cell [1] has been proposed as a concept able to substantially enhance the efficiency limit of an ordinary single junction solar cell. If a band permitted for electrons is inserted within the forbidden band of a semiconductor then a novel path for photo generation is open: electron hole pairs may be formed by the successive absorption of two sub band gap photons using the intermediate band (IB) as a stepping stone. While the increase of the photovoltaic (PV) current is not a big achievement —it suffices to reduce the band gap— the achievement of this extra current at high voltage is the key of the IB concept. In ordinary cells the voltage is limited by the band gap so that reducing it would also reduce the band gap. In the intermediate band solar cell the high voltage is produced when the IB is permitted to have a Quasi Fermi Level (QFL) different from those of the Conduction Band (CB) and the Valence Band (VB). For it the cell must be properly isolated from the external contacts, which is achieved by putting the IB material between two n- and p-type ordinary semiconductors [2]. Efficiency thermodynamic limit of 63% is obtained for the IB solar cell1 vs. the 40% obtained [3] for ordinary single junction solar cells. Detailed information about the IB solar cells can be found elsewhere [4].
The power generated by large grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants depends greatly on the solar irradiance. This paper studies the effects of the solar irradiance variability analyzing experimental 1-s data collected throughout a year at six PV plants, totaling 18 MWp. Each PV plant was modeled as a first order filter function based on an analysis in the frequency domain of the irradiance data and the output power signals. An empiric expression which relates the filter parameters and the PV plant size has been proposed. This simple model has been successfully validated precisely determining the daily maximum output power fluctuation from incident irradiance measurements.
In this paper we present a heterogeneous collaborative sensor network for electrical management in the residential sector. Improving demand-side management is very important in distributed energy generation applications. Sensing and control are the foundations of the “Smart Grid” which is the future of large-scale energy management. The system presented in this paper has been developed on a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead-acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. Therefore, there is a large number of energy variables to be monitored that allow us to precisely manage the energy performance of the house by means of collaborative sensors. The experimental results, performed on a real house, demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed collaborative system to reduce the consumption of electrical power and to increase energy efficiency.