986 resultados para Software defined radio
La tesi analizza un emergente paradigma di rete, Software Defined Network, evidenziandone i punti di forza e mettendone quindi in luce i conseguenti vantaggi, le potenzialità, le limitazioni, l’attuabilità e i benefici, nonché eventuali punti di debolezza.
Questo documento affronta le novità ed i vantaggi introdotti nel mondo delle reti di telecomunicazioni dai paradigmi di Software Defined Networking e Network Functions Virtualization, affrontandone prima gli aspetti teorici, per poi applicarne i concetti nella pratica, tramite casi di studio gradualmente più complessi. Tali innovazioni rappresentano un'evoluzione dell'architettura delle reti predisposte alla presenza di più utenti connessi alle risorse da esse offerte, trovando quindi applicazione soprattutto nell'emergente ambiente di Cloud Computing e realizzando in questo modo reti altamente dinamiche e programmabili, tramite la virtualizzazione dei servizi di rete richiesti per l'ottimizzazione dell'utilizzo di risorse. Motivo di tale lavoro è la ricerca di soluzioni ai problemi di staticità e dipendenza, dai fornitori dei nodi intermedi, della rete Internet, i maggiori ostacoli per lo sviluppo delle architetture Cloud. L'obiettivo principale dello studio presentato in questo documento è quello di valutare l'effettiva convenienza dell'applicazione di tali paradigmi nella creazione di reti, controllando in questo modo che le promesse di aumento di autonomia e dinamismo vengano rispettate. Tale scopo viene perseguito attraverso l'implementazione di entrambi i paradigmi SDN e NFV nelle sperimentazioni effettuate sulle reti di livello L2 ed L3 del modello OSI. Il risultato ottenuto da tali casi di studio è infine un'interessante conferma dei vantaggi presentati durante lo studio teorico delle innovazioni in analisi, rendendo esse una possibile soluzione futura alle problematiche attuali delle reti.
Questa tesi di rassegna si pone l'obiettivo di esaminare i motivi che hanno portato alla progettazione del modello Software Defined Networking e analizzarne le caratteristiche principali. L'obiettivo è stato raggiunto attraverso un'analisi attenta dello stato dell'arte, in cui sono state evidenziate le problematiche dell'architettura tradizionale e i requisiti delle reti di nuova generazione che hanno portato i progettisti di rete a riconsiderare il modello attualmente diffuso. Dopo aver scritto in modo approfondito delle caratteristiche e dei benefici di SDN, è stata posta l'enfasi sul protocollo OpenFlow riconosciuto come fattore abilitante del modello oggetto della tesi. Infine sono state analizzate le soluzioni, che si ispirano a SDN, di tre colossi dell'informatica quali HP, Google e Cisco.
Il documento analizza i vantaggi introdotti nel mondo delle telecomunicazioni dai paradigmi di Software Defined Networking e Network Functions Virtualization: questi nuovi approcci permettono di creare reti programmabili e dinamiche, mantenendo alte le prestazioni. L’obiettivo finale è quello di capire se tramite la generalizzazione del codice del controller SDN , il dispositivo programmabile che permette di gestire gli switch OpenFlow, e la virtualizzazione delle reti, si possa risolvere il problema dell’ossificazione della rete Internet.
The 5th generation of mobile networking introduces the concept of “Network slicing”, the network will be “sliced” horizontally, each slice will be compliant with different requirements in terms of network parameters such as bandwidth, latency. This technology is built on logical instead of physical resources, relies on virtual network as main concept to retrieve a logical resource. The Network Function Virtualisation provides the concept of logical resources for a virtual network function, enabling the concept virtual network; it relies on the Software Defined Networking as main technology to realize the virtual network as resource, it also define the concept of virtual network infrastructure with all components needed to enable the network slicing requirements. SDN itself uses cloud computing technology to realize the virtual network infrastructure, NFV uses also the virtual computing resources to enable the deployment of virtual network function instead of having custom hardware and software for each network function. The key of network slicing is the differentiation of slice in terms of Quality of Services parameters, which relies on the possibility to enable QoS management in cloud computing environment. The QoS in cloud computing denotes level of performances, reliability and availability offered. QoS is fundamental for cloud users, who expect providers to deliver the advertised quality characteristics, and for cloud providers, who need to find the right tradeoff between QoS levels that has possible to offer and operational costs. While QoS properties has received constant attention before the advent of cloud computing, performance heterogeneity and resource isolation mechanisms of cloud platforms have significantly complicated QoS analysis and deploying, prediction, and assurance. This is prompting several researchers to investigate automated QoS management methods that can leverage the high programmability of hardware and software resources in the cloud.
This paper discusses several issues of Service-Centric Networking (SCN) as an extension of the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm. SCN allows extended caching, where not exactly the same content as requested can be read from caches, but similar content can be used to produce the content requested, e.g., by filtering or transcoding. We discuss the issue of naming and routing for general dynamic services for both tightly coupled and decoupled ICN approaches. Challenges and solutions for service management are identified, in particular for composed services, which allow distributed in-network processing of service requests. We introduce the term Software-Defined Service-Centric Networking as an extension of Software-Defined Networking. A prototype implementation for SCN proofs its validity and feasibility and underlines its potential benefits.
The increasing interest in autonomous coordinated driving and in proactive safety services, exploiting the wealth of sensing and computing resources which are gradually permeating the urban and vehicular environments, is making provisioning of high levels of QoS in vehicular networks an urgent issue. At the same time, the spreading model of a smart car, with a wealth of infotainment applications, calls for architectures for vehicular communications capable of supporting traffic with a diverse set of performance requirements. So far efforts focused on enabling a single specific QoS level. But the issues of how to support traffic with tight QoS requirements (no packet loss, and delays inferior to 1ms), and of designing a system capable at the same time of efficiently sustaining such traffic together with traffic from infotainment applications, are still open. In this paper we present the approach taken by the CONTACT project to tackle these issues. The goal of the project is to investigate how a VANET architecture, which integrates content-centric networking, software-defined networking, and context aware floating content schemes, can properly support the very diverse set of applications and services currently envisioned for the vehicular environment.
En este proyecto se estudiarán las interferencias en el canal adyacente de los sistemas celulares, ubicados en las bandas de 900 y 1800 MHz. Para esto, se analizarán medidas de interferencia entre LTE y otros sistemas de comunicación celular. En el primer capítulo, se dará una breve descripción de los principales parámetros empleados en los distintos estándares de comunicaciones móviles, que operan en las bandas de frecuencia de interés. En el segundo, se van a explicar los distintos tipos de interferencias existentes entre sistemas celulares. También se verán las diferentes técnicas para reducir dichas interferencias, como por ejemplo, la de control de potencia y la de coordinación de interferencia entre celdas. Además, se explicarán los parámetros para determinar la interferencia en el canal adyacente, como son el ACLR, ACS y ACIR. Para finalizar se resumirán las principales características de los sistemas LTE y WiMAX. En el tercer capítulo, se estudiarán las interferencias que genera principalmente LTE a los otros sistemas celulares, mediante los parámetros que miden la interferencia en el canal adyacente explicados en el capítulo dos. Además, se determinará la separación en frecuencia que debe existir entre los canales para que los sistemas puedan coexistir. El capítulo cuatro se basa en la simulación de tres escenarios de interferencia entre dichos sistemas. Para esto, se utilizará el software de simulación de propagación radio, denominado Radio Plan. Con estas simulaciones se cuantificarán las pérdidas de rendimiento que sufren los sistemas interferidos. Por último, en el capítulo cinco se resumirán las conclusiones a las que se llegaron después de simular los diferentes escenarios de interferencia. SUMMARY In this project an adjacent channel interference study for cellular systems, allocated within 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands will be performed. For this aim a set of measurements will be analyzed. In the first chapter, a brief explanation of the main parameters used in different mobile communications standards that operate in the frequency bands of interest, will be given. In the second chapter, different types of interference between cellular systems will be explained, as well as different techniques to reduce such interference. For example, power control and interference coordination between cells, will be shown. Furthermore, the parameters to determine the adjacent-channel interference, such as the ACLR, ACS and ACIR will be overviewed. Finally, the main features of LTE and WiMAX systems will be summarized. In the third chapter, the interference generated by the other mainly LTE cellular systems via parameters that measure the adjacent channel interference explained in chapter two will be studied. Also, the frequency separation that must exist between the channels so that the systems can coexist will be determined. The fourth chapter is based on the simulation of three scenarios of interference between these systems. For this purpose, a radio propagation simulation software package Radio Plan will be used. These simulations will quantify performance losses suffered by systems that interfered. Finally, in chapter five the conclusions about the results of simulations of interference in different scenarios will be presented.
En este trabajo final de grado se ha contribuido a la interconexión de centros de datos distribuidos geográficamente, integrando para ello nuevas funcionalidades en la arquitectura Application-Based Network Operations (ABNO) y configurando los componentes software necesarios. ABNO engloba distintas tecnologías que recogen la información sobre los recursos disponibles en la red con el objetivo de proporcionar rutas específicas para el tráfico. La solución que se presenta en este trabajo se basa en las redes definidas por software (Software-Defined Networking, SDN), como solución innovadora para mejorar la gestión y el control de las infraestructuras que pertenecen a múltiples dominios administrativos, pero trabajan en colaboración en una federación común mejorando la calidad del servicio ofrecido. La conectividad entre los diferentes dominios es posible gracias a los Túneles GRE. Cada centro de datos supone un dominio administrativo diferenciado, disponiendo cada uno de ellos del software de gestión en la nube OpenStack para la creación de las máquinas virtuales (VM) que posteriormente serán interconectadas. Además, cada centro de datos también contará con el controlador Ryu SDN que se encargará del control de la conectividad, siendo también independiente para cada uno de estos dominios. Con el objetivo de mantener una visión integral de todos los recursos de la red disponibles, y de proporcionar una conectividad extremo a extremo (E2E) requerida por los centros de datos, la arquitectura ABNO ha tenido que ser modificada para soportar estas nuevas funcionalidades, así como validada en un escenario con infraestructuras multidominio.
En la actualidad, es ampliamente conocido que uno de los principales desafíos que enfrentan las organizaciones es el crecimiento de Internet, tanto en número de clientes como en tráfico multimedia. Una red de entrega de contenidos (CDN, Content Delivery Network) es una opción para mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios finales, es decir, hacer más eficiente y fiable la distribución de contenidos. Sin embargo, con los nuevos requisitos de negocio y tecnologías, los operadores de CDN tienen que mejorar la arquitectura de la red. La Red definida por software (SDN, Software Defined Networking) es una nueva arquitectura de la red con un gran potencial, y el aspecto principal es la separación de los planos de datos y de control. El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es proporcionar una arquitectura basada en la tecnología SDN para poder sustituir la parte de la redirección DNS en una red CDN
The energy demand for operating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems has been growing, implying in high operational costs and consequent increase of carbon emissions. Both in datacenters and telecom infrastructures, the networks represent a significant amount of energy spending. Given that, there is an increased demand for energy eficiency solutions, and several capabilities to save energy have been proposed. However, it is very dificult to orchestrate such energy eficiency capabilities, i.e., coordinate or combine them in the same network, ensuring a conflict-free operation and choosing the best one for a given scenario, ensuring that a capability not suited to the current bandwidth utilization will not be applied and lead to congestion or packet loss. Also, there is no way in the literature to do this taking business directives into account. In this regard, a method able to orchestrate diferent energy eficiency capabilities is proposed considering the possible combinations and conflicts among them, as well as the best option for a given bandwidth utilization and network characteristics. In the proposed method, the business policies specified in a high-level interface are refined down to the network level in order to bring highlevel directives into the operation, and a Utility Function is used to combine energy eficiency and performance requirements. A Decision Tree able to determine what to do in each scenario is deployed in a Software Defined Network environment. The proposed method was validated with diferent experiments, testing the Utility Function, checking the extra savings when combining several capabilities, the decision tree interpolation and dynamicity aspects. The orchestration proved to be valid to solve the problem of finding the best combination for a given scenario, achieving additional savings due to the combination, besides ensuring a conflict-free operation.
There are several initiatives such as: US Ignite, Software Defined Networking (SDN), OpenFlow, Global Environment for Network Innovation (GENI), WiMAX and Internet 2 dealing with the future of the internet. The goal of the paper is to understand the goals, intricacies, and nuances of some of these techniques and show some of the possibilities of next-generation high-speed networking and their applications into education and culture heritage.
In questo scritto si analizzeranno alcune alternative nella configurazione di rete della piattaforma di cloud computing open source OpenStack. Verrà mostrata un’ installazione in ambiente di laboratorio di un cluster completo basato sulla release Liberty di Openstack, per poi modificarne la componente dedicata al Networking in modo da sfruttare diversi plugin e diversi protocolli. Si osserverà il traffico generato all’interno e verso l’esterno del sistema Openstack in modo da avere un quadro generale del comportamento dell’infrastruttura.
The substantial increase in the number of applications offered through the computer networks, as well as in the volume of traffic forwarded through the network, have hampered to assure adequate service level to users. The Quality of Service (QoS) offer, honoring specified parameters in Service Level Agreements (SLA), established between the service providers and their clients, composes a traditional and extensive computer networks’ research area. Several schemes proposals for the provision of QoS were presented in the last three decades, but the acting scope of these proposals is always limited due to some factors, including the limited development of the network hardware and software, generally belonging to a single manufacturer. The advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN), along with the maturation of its main materialization, the OpenFlow protocol, allowed the decoupling between network hardware and software, through an architecture which provides a control plane and a data plane. This eases the computer networks scenario, allowing that new abstractions are applied in the hardware composing the data plane, through the development of new software pieces which are executed in the control plane. This dissertation investigates the QoS offer through the use and extension of the SDN architecture. Based on the proposal of two new modules, one to perform the data plane monitoring, SDNMon, and the second, MP-ROUTING, developed to determine the use of multiple paths in the forwarding of data referring to a flow, we demonstrated in this work that some QoS metrics specified in the SLAs, such as bandwidth, can be honored. Both modules were implemented and evaluated through a prototype. The evaluation results referring to several aspects of both proposed modules are presented in this dissertation, showing the obtained accuracy of the monitoring module SDNMon and the QoS gains due to the utilization of multiple paths defined by the MP-Routing, when forwarding data flow through the SDN.
Greenow: um algoritmo de roteamento orientado a workspace para uma arquitetura de Internet do futuro
Current and future applications pose new requirements that Internet architecture is not able to satisfy, like Mobility, Multicast, Multihoming, Bandwidth Guarantee and so on. The Internet architecture has some limitations which do not allow all future requirements to be covered. New architectures were proposed considering these requirements when a communication is established. ETArch (Entity Title Architecture) is a new Internet architecture, clean slate, able to use application’s requirements on each communication, and flexible to work with several layers. The Routing has an important role on Internet, because it decides the best way to forward primitives through the network. In Future Internet, all requirements depend on the routing. Routing is responsible for deciding the best path and, in the future, a better route can consider Mobility aspects or Energy Consumption, for instance. In the dawn of ETArch, the Routing has not been defined. This work provides intra and inter-domain routing algorithms to be used in the ETArch. It is considered that the route should be defined completely before the data start to traffic, to ensure that the requirements are met. In the Internet, the Routing has two distinct functions: (i) run specific algorithms to define the best route; and (ii) to forward data primitives to the correct link. In traditional Internet architecture, the two Routing functions are performed in all routers everytime that a packet arrives. This work allows that the complete route is defined before the communication starts, like in the telecommunication systems. This work determined the Routing for ETArch and experiments were performed to demonstrate the control plane routing viability. The initial setup before a communication takes longer, then only forwarding of primitives is performed, saving processing time.