914 resultados para Social impact assessment


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This tool provides a template to monitor the implementation of the HIA recommendations by identified decision-makers


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This presentation provided an overview of Health Impact Assessment


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This presentation provided an overview of Health Impact Assessment


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This document describes Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and the steps involved in HIA.  It gives advice based on the experience of HIA practitioners and provides tools to help carry out these steps and adapt HIA to local circumstances. This guidance manual explains what Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is and the stages involved in conducting it. It has been revised and updated based on the experience of HIA practitioners and includes new tools which have been developed to assist each step of the HIA process. It aims to provide a user friendly and practical framework to guide policy-makers and practitioners in undertaking HIA. All HIA tools contained in this guidance and further information on HIA may be found at http://www.publichealth.ie/hia


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Report of the findings of the Institute's Health Impact Assessment (HIA) work programme in 2001, in order to (a) record the baseline of HIA awareness, activity and thinking in Ireland and Northern Ireland and (b) identify the issues around its implementation.


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This introductory brief has been written as a response to a request for information on HIA and waste management, with particular reference to incineration. EU legislation forms the basis for much of Irish waste management policy. Waste Management – Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) sets targets for increased prevention and minimisation, encourages reuse and gives preference to recovery and recycling, which is in line with the EU’s Sixth Environmental Action Plan (2002). In the area of waste incineration, the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) has been transposed into Irish law and sets operating requirements for the incineration of waste.


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IPH commissioned a review of HIA work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001. This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and activity and suggestions for the direction of future work.


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IPH was commissioned by Western Investing for Health to conduct a HIA of the West Tyrone Area Plan 2019. Stage 1 of the HIA was submitted to the Department of the Environment, Planning Office in 2008 and part of this work involved developing a community profile. HIA seeks to inform the decision making process in favour of health by gathering evidence to identify the potential positive and negative health impacts of a proposal. A series of recommendations are then produced to maximize the positive health impacts and mitigate the potential negative health impacts of an identified proposal. West Tyrone Community A community profile provides an overview of the population structures and particular services in an identified area. This community profile provides an overview of West Tyrone and has been developed as part of a Health Impact Assessment which is currently being conducted on the West Tyrone Area Plan. This resource provides access to up-to-date information which community and voluntary groups in the West Tyrone area will find useful to support their work. Contact: Seamus Mullen, Public Health Agency Tel: +44 (0) 2871860086 Email: seamus.mullen@hscni.org


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Published by Public Health, April 2009 IPH recently coordinated and was guest editor for a minisymposium on Health Impact Assessment for the journal, Public Health. Three aricles contributed to the minisymposium which included an article from IPH on how HIA can contribute to healthy public policy. An article reviewing the right to the highest attainable standard of health from Paul Hunt and Gillian MacNaughton and a review of the strengths and weakneses of quantitiative methods used in HIA from Emer O'Connell and Fintan Hurley. The minisymposium evolved from the 8th International HIA conference ‘Healthy Public Policy – is Health Impact Assessment the Cornerstone’ hosted by IPH.


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IPH commissioned a review of HIA work in 2009 to detail progress and achievements of HIA from 2001.  This included an assessment of current levels of HIA awareness and activity and suggestions for the direction of future work.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health (RoI) to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.  This is the Technical Report.


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Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA)   Click here to download Background to the Health Impact Assessment on Sugar Sweetened Drink PDF 49KB Click here to download Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) PDF 9.22MB Click here to download Proposed Sugar Sweetened Drinks Tax: Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Technical Report PDF 19.2MB


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Planners, policy makers and practitioners across all sectors in England use a range of approaches to assess health needs, inform decisions and assess impact. Use of these approaches can lead to improved health outcomes and reduced inequalities through auditing provision, access and outcomes. Five main approaches are used by local, regional and national government, voluntary agencies and the NHS: ۢ Health needs assessment (HNA) ۢ Health impact assessment (HIA) ۢ Integrated impact assessment (IIA) ۢ Health equity audit (HEA) ۢ Race equality impact assessment (REIA)


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This publication is a companion to Addressing inequalities through health impact assessment (Taylor et al., 2003a), which described what a focus on inequalities could achieve, offered case study examples, and outlined promising practice. This bulletin discusses recent publications and presents a further two case studies that attempt to address health inequalities through the use of HIA. .