73 resultados para Sobel
Top Row: Joellyn M. Markey, Carol L. Kallewaard, Janet R. Sobel, Jacqueline L. Spatafora, Susan M. Tucker, Cynthia S. Gordon, Pamela J. Sanders, Carol M. Salinger, Marylou Rabaut, Connie R. Jarlsbers, Sylvia J. McKenney, Elizabeth A. Regan, Barabara S. Schelenker, Vandy L. Sherbin, Judy A. Srrbina, Susan K. Ginster, Lydia A. Robinson, Sandra L. Sprague, Beth A. Stegeman, Catherine T. Totte
Row 2: Kathleen M. Lahiff, Julia M. Markovich, Andra M. Rush, Darlene C. Ressler, Wendy K. Reigel, Beth L. Burch, Jewel E. Carpenter, Wendie L. Weber, Kay E. Jersey, karen D. Curl, Carol L. McGraw, Durene M. Elem, Linette perushi, Betty A. pulliams, Vicki E. Meffert, Harriettee Williams
Row 3: Beth A. Hoatlin, Rhonda C. Tolbert, Michelle R. Robertson, Lori A. Wissman, Marilyn S. Dietrich, Jayne E. Taylor, Jill M. Smith, Barbara J. House, Siobhan Gorman, Madeline L. Mobley, Joyce A. Williamson, Fay M. Wright
Row 4: Rosanne M. Hrqamiec, karen S. Nowak, Peggy J. Cameron, Mary V. Morris-Tucker, Frances L. Righmond, Marlene A. Baker, Karen J. Worden, Kathleen M. McGillivary, Janet L. wylie, Sandra K. Thompson
Row 5: Karen A. Cruickshank, Irene M. Dery, Ann M. Ignatowski, Elizabeth A. Peklo, Anne K. Waters, Laura E. Harvey, Mary M. Eggenberger, Wendy K. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Jordan, Elaine J. Zeilke, Barbara J. Waxman, Jolie A. Laker
Row 6: Velria M. Brown, Jane A. Burke, Marv A. Damken, Leau M. Stein, Cheryl Lumm Truzz, Deborah G. Thomas, Charlene L. Davis, Carol A. Zuber, Susan G. Toler, Betty M. Jones, Linda L. Kouba, Cynthia A. Lovell
Row 7: Kathy A. Churches, Dana L. Garrett, Mary E. Cella, Sarah E. Newton, Judy L. Benkeser, Lori J. Googel, Nancy H. Jenson, Helen I. Erickson, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Norma K. Marshall, Karen M. Walker, Deborau D. Barrett, Janice M. Sinsabaugh, Vickie M. Rodla, Bonnie M. Mann, Cynthia R. Matthews, Karen L. Heithecker
Row 8: Judith Gniewek, Valerie A. Filkins, Mable A. Glass, Kathleen M. Dwyer, Diane M. Fritz, Susan D. Cook, Evon J. Goyer, Kathryn Greenleaf, Laurie Haan Abraham, Sharon Gwozdec, Karen J. Douglas, Claudette P. Bryan, Kathy L. Deniston, Carol A. Garon, Maureen goode, Jennifer A. Gegenheimer, Colette White, Mary C. Kuckuc, Mary S. Craft
Row 9: Joan M. Garbarino, Linda S. Farwell, Julie A. Cook, Susan M. Bolohan, Sharon A. Bailey, Deborah Babala, Kathleen M. Oldani, Mary E. Grace, Mary A. Moriarty, Marybeth Annessa, Martha A. Beaudry, Jamie M. Ashley, Sue Bohnet, Janice J. Bishop, Diana L. Beveridge, Catherine A. Belski, Debra R. Surdyk, Maureen A. Flaherty, Lisa M. Barron, Carole A. Fanelli
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Purpose: To examine the use of real-time, generic edge detection, image processing techniques to enhance the television viewing of the visually impaired. Design: Prospective, clinical experimental study. Method: One hundred and two sequential visually impaired (average age 73.8 ± 14.8 years; 59% female) in a single center optimized a dynamic television image with respect to edge detection filter (Prewitt, Sobel, or the two combined), color (red, green, blue, or white), and intensity (one to 15 times) of the overlaid edges. They then rated the original television footage compared with a black-and-white image displaying the edges detected and the original television image with the detected edges overlaid in the chosen color and at the intensity selected. Footage of news, an advertisement, and the end of program credits were subjectively assessed in a random order. Results: A Prewitt filter was preferred (44%) compared with the Sobel filter (27%) or a combination of the two (28%). Green and white were equally popular for displaying the detected edges (32%), with blue (22%) and red (14%) less so. The average preferred edge intensity was 3.5 ± 1.7 times. The image-enhanced television was significantly preferred to the original (P < .001), which in turn was preferred to viewing the detected edges alone (P < .001) for each of the footage clips. Preference was not dependent on the condition causing visual impairment. Seventy percent were definitely willing to buy a set-top box that could achieve these effects for a reasonable price. Conclusions: Simple generic edge detection image enhancement options can be performed on television in real-time and significantly enhance the viewing of the visually impaired. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Er is nog weinig onderzoek gedaan naar dankbaarheid in een Nederlandstalige populatie, ook de relatie tussen dankbaarheid en het hebben van intrinsieke doelen is niet eerder onderzocht. In deze cross-sectionele studie met behulp van een vragenlijst is onderzocht of de associatie tussen dankbaarheid en het hebben van intrinsieke levensdoelen gemedieerd wordt door de psychologische basisbehoeften: autonomie, verbondenheid en competentie. Aanvullend is er gekeken of er een positieve associatie is tussen het hebben van intrinsieke levensdoelen en het niveau van subjectief welbevinden. De onafhankelijke variabele dankbaarheid is gemeten met de GQ-NL. De mediërende variabele psychologische basisbehoeften is gemeten met de BPNS. De variabele intrinsieke doelen werd gemeten met de AI-index, deze werd zowel als afhankelijke als onafhankelijk variabele gebruikt. De afhankelijke variabele subjectief welbevinden werd gemeten met de items van de PANAS en de SWLS. De onderzoeksgroep (N = 218) bestaat uit een convenience sample van 48 mannen en 170 vrouwen, variërend in leeftijd tussen 20 en 74 jaar. De gerapporteerde gegevens zijn volgens het stappenplan van Baron en Kenny voor mediatie getoetst door middel van multiple hiërarchische regressie analyses en een Sobel test. De aanvullende hypothese werd getoetst door middel van een hiërarchische multiple regressie analyse. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat er sprake is van een positieve samenhang tussen dankbaarheid en intrinsieke levensdoelen, B = .326 (t = 5.36, p < .001), naarmate mensen hoger scoren op dankbaarheid streven zij meer intrinsieke levensdoelen na. Deze relatie wordt deels gemedieerd door de psychologische basisbehoeften, Sobel Test statistic: 2.06 (SD = 0.03), p < .05 . Daarnaast blijkt er sprake te zijn van een significante positieve samenhang tussen het hebben van intrinsieke levensdoelen en subjectief welbevinden , B = .197 (t = 2.80, p < .05). Naarmate mensen meer intrinsieke doelen nastreven ervaren zij een hogere mate van subjectief welbevinden. Dit onderzoek toont aan dat er een positieve associatie bestaat tussen dankbaarheid en intrinsieke levensdoelen, welke deels gemedieerd wordt door de psychologische basisbehoeften. Het nastreven van intrinsieke doelen draagt bij aan een hogere mate van subjectief welbevinden. Deze studie geeft inzicht in de werkingsmechanismen van dankbaarheid en biedt aanknopingspunten voor het inzetten van dankbaarheid in interventies om mensen te coachen richting het nastreven van intrinsieke doelen teneinde het welbevinden van mensen te verhogen.
Field-programmable gate arrays are ideal hosts to custom accelerators for signal, image, and data processing but de- mand manual register transfer level design if high performance and low cost are desired. High-level synthesis reduces this design burden but requires manual design of complex on-chip and off-chip memory architectures, a major limitation in applications such as video processing. This paper presents an approach to resolve this shortcoming. A constructive process is described that can derive such accelerators, including on- and off-chip memory storage from a C description such that a user-defined throughput constraint is met. By employing a novel statement-oriented approach, dataflow intermediate models are derived and used to support simple ap- proaches for on-/off-chip buffer partitioning, derivation of custom on-chip memory hierarchies and architecture transformation to ensure user-defined throughput constraints are met with minimum cost. When applied to accelerators for full search motion estima- tion, matrix multiplication, Sobel edge detection, and fast Fourier transform, it is shown how real-time performance up to an order of magnitude in advance of existing commercial HLS tools is enabled whilst including all requisite memory infrastructure. Further, op- timizations are presented that reduce the on-chip buffer capacity and physical resource cost by up to 96% and 75%, respectively, whilst maintaining real-time performance.
Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.
L'imagerie par tomographie optique diffuse requiert de modéliser la propagation de la lumière dans un tissu biologique pour une configuration optique et géométrique donnée. On appelle cela le problème direct. Une nouvelle approche basée sur la méthode des différences finies pour modéliser numériquement via l'équation de la diffusion (ED) la propagation de la lumière dans le domaine temporel dans un milieu inhomogène 3D avec frontières irrégulières est développée pour le cas de l'imagerie intrinsèque, c'est-à-dire l'imagerie des paramètres optiques d'absorption et de diffusion d'un tissu. Les éléments finis, lourds en calculs, car utilisant des maillages non structurés, sont généralement préférés, car les différences finies ne permettent pas de prendre en compte simplement des frontières irrégulières. L'utilisation de la méthode de blocking-off ainsi que d'un filtre de Sobel en 3D peuvent en principe permettre de surmonter ces difficultés et d'obtenir des équations rapides à résoudre numériquement avec les différences finies. Un algorithme est développé dans le présent ouvrage pour implanter cette approche et l'appliquer dans divers cas puis de la valider en comparant les résultats obtenus à ceux de simulations Monte-Carlo qui servent de référence. L'objectif ultime du projet est de pouvoir imager en trois dimensions un petit animal, c'est pourquoi le modèle de propagation est au coeur de l'algorithme de reconstruction d'images. L'obtention d'images requière la résolution d'un problème inverse de grandes dimensions et l'algorithme est basé sur une fonction objective que l'on minimise de façon itérative à l'aide d'une méthode basée sur le gradient. La fonction objective mesure l'écart entre les mesures expérimentales faites sur le sujet et les prédictions de celles-ci obtenues du modèle de propagation. Une des difficultés dans ce type d'algorithme est l'obtention du gradient. Ceci est fait à l'aide de variables auxiliaire (ou adjointes). Le but est de développer et de combiner des méthodes qui permettent à l'algorithme de converger le plus rapidement possible pour obtenir les propriétés optiques les plus fidèles possible à la réalité capable d'exploiter la dépendance temporelle des mesures résolues en temps, qui fournissent plus d'informations tout autre type de mesure en TOD. Des résultats illustrant la reconstruction d'un milieu complexe comme une souris sont présentés pour démontrer le potentiel de notre approche.
Objective: The study was designed to validate use of elec-tronic health records (EHRs) for diagnosing bipolar disorder and classifying control subjects. Method: EHR data were obtained from a health care system of more than 4.6 million patients spanning more than 20 years. Experienced clinicians reviewed charts to identify text features and coded data consistent or inconsistent with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Natural language processing was used to train a diagnostic algorithm with 95% specificity for classifying bipolar disorder. Filtered coded data were used to derive three additional classification rules for case subjects and one for control subjects. The positive predictive value (PPV) of EHR-based bipolar disorder and subphenotype di- agnoses was calculated against diagnoses from direct semi- structured interviews of 190 patients by trained clinicians blind to EHR diagnosis. Results: The PPV of bipolar disorder defined by natural language processing was 0.85. Coded classification based on strict filtering achieved a value of 0.79, but classifications based on less stringent criteria performed less well. No EHR- classified control subject received a diagnosis of bipolar dis- order on the basis of direct interview (PPV=1.0). For most subphenotypes, values exceeded 0.80. The EHR-based clas- sifications were used to accrue 4,500 bipolar disorder cases and 5,000 controls for genetic analyses. Conclusions: Semiautomated mining of EHRs can be used to ascertain bipolar disorder patients and control subjects with high specificity and predictive value compared with diagnostic interviews. EHRs provide a powerful resource for high-throughput phenotyping for genetic and clinical research.
We study competitive market outcomes in economies where agents have other-regarding preferences. We identify a separability condition on monotone preferences that is necessary and sufficient for one’s own demand to be independent of the allocations and characteristics of other agents in the economy. Given separability, it is impossible to identify other-regarding preferences from market behavior: agents be- have as if they had classical preferences that depend only on own consumption in competitive equilibrium. If preferences, in addition, depend only on the final allocation of consumption in society, the Sec- ond Welfare Theorem holds as long as an increase in resources can be distributed such that all agents are better off. Nevertheless, the First Welfare Theorem generally does not hold. Allowing agents to care about their own consumption and the distribution of consump- tion possibilities in the economy, we provide a condition under which agents have no incentive to make direct transfers, and show that this condition implies that competitive equilibria are efficient given prices.
In the last few decades some authors have underlined the role of institutions and policies for entrepreneurship. North (1990) underlines that entrepreneurs are the main agents of change and that organizations, such as firms set up by entrepreneurs, adapt their activities and strategies to fit the opportunities and limitations provided through formal and informal institutional frameworks. Baumol (1990) hypothesizes that entrepreneurial individuals channel their efforts in different directions depending on the quality of prevailing economic, political, and legal institutions. Sobel (2008) asserts that better institutions have both more productive entrepreneurship and also less unproductive entrepreneurship. He stresses that the best path to foster entrepreneurship is through institutional reforms that constrain or minimize the role of government. In this context, economic freedom may be seen as a significant aspect for entrepreneurial activity and it is frequently argued that economic liberalization encourages entrepreneurship. In this paper we address the extent to which economic freedom, understood as market economy oriented institutions and policies, matters for entrepreneurial activity
El pandillismo es un fenómeno social que se presenta en las principales ciudades de Colombia desde hace varias décadas, sin embargo, solo en los últimos años el fenómeno a comenzado a acaparar mayor atención mediática e institucional. El pandillismo se ha convertido en una preocupación para la seguridad ciudadana, especialmente en las áreas urbanas. La Policía Nacional, en conjunto a Instituciones locales y nacionales ha venido realizando un trabajo focalizado para hacerle pie al fenómeno. En este trabajo se realizó una revisión histórica del pandillismo en Bogotá y un panorama continental. De la misma manera, se hace una descripción de los programas y estrategias que la Policía Nacional y las entidades públicas han realizado desde el año 2004 hasta el año 2015. Por último se realiza una evaluación del trabajo institucional enfocado en el sector del Codito, en la localidad de Usaquén.
Objetivo: Describir los desenlaces funcionales, complicaciones postoperatorias, dolor y satisfacción de un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de segunda articulación metatarsofalángica y lesión de la placa plantar, que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente para su reconstrucción en el Hospital Universitario de cuarto nivel Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, en el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2010 hasta Diciembre de 2015. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que evalúa desenlaces funcionales, dolor y satisfacción para un grupo consecutivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de la segunda articulación metatarsofalángica que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante reconstrucción de la placa plantar entre Enero de 2010 a Diciembre de 2015 en el Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá. Resultados: El procedimiento se realizó a 39 pacientes (40 MTF), encontrando mejoría en dolor, función y satisfacción. El dolor postoperatorio paso de severo a leve en el 80% de los pacientes, 67.5% de los pacientes presentaron prueba de aprehensión positiva, 85% alineamiento adecuado, el reporte de escala de AOFAS postoperatoria fue de 87, y los resultados fueron satisfactorios en un 94.5%. La principal complicación con la cirugía fue la extensión residual del dedo operado (22.5%). Conclusiones: La reconstrucción de la placa plantar en casos de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica ha demostrado tener resultados satisfactorios, en el presente estudio encontramos mejoría respecto a dolor, función y satisfacción posterior a la realización del procedimiento. Sin embargo puede presentar complicaciones como extensión residual del dedo o elevación, rigidez y recidiva.
It seems globalization has challenge different types of fields around the world. Cultures, politics, economies and even education are day by day challenged due to the open of boundaries, therefore countries, institution and people need to develop new activities in order to gain a competitive advantages over others, that’s why entrepreneurship comes to the discussion as an opportunity and a possible solution to situation, but what triggers it? Can it be influenced through different programs and can it be teach changing university curriculums? Well, as boundaries are falling even in educational institutions, this study aims to explain if there’s any effect on students’ entrepreneurial capabilities after being part of international exchange programs. It will be done through the collection of primary data from Colombian students studying in France and if this program influenced their skills as entrepreneurs.