978 resultados para Slot antenna arrays


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This paper explores the use of subarrays as array elements. Benefits of such a concept include improved gain in any direction without significantly increasing the overall size of the array and enhanced pattern control. The architecture for an array of subarrays will be discussed via a systems approach. Individual system designs are explored in further details and proof of principle is illustrated through a manufactured examples.


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Compact arrays enable various applications such as antenna beam-forming and multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) schemes on limited-size platforms. The reduced element spacing in compact arrays introduces high levels of mutual coupling which can affect the performance of the adaptive array. This coupling causes a mismatch at the input ports, which disturbs the performance of the individual elements in the array and affects the implementation of beam steering. In this article, a reactive decoupling network for a 3-element monopole array is used to establish port isolation while simultaneously matching input impedance at each port to the system impendence. The integrated decoupling and matching network is incorporated in the ground plane of the monopole array, providing further development scope for beamforming using phase shifters and power splitters in double-layered circuits.


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A Geodesic Constant Method (GCM) is outlined which provides a common approach to ray tracing on quadric cylinders in general, and yields all the surface ray-geometric parameters required in the UTD mutual coupling analysis of conformal antenna arrays in the closed form. The approach permits the incorporation of a shaping parameter which permits the modeling of quadric cylindrical surfaces of desired sharpness/flatness with a common set of equations. The mutual admittance between the slots on a general parabolic cylinder is obtained as an illustration of the applicability of the GCM.


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The technical developments and advances that have taken place thus far are reviewed in those areas impacting future phased array active aperture radar systems. The areas covered are printed circuit antennas and antenna arrays, GaAs MMIC design and fabrication leading to affordable transmitter-receiver (T-R) modules, and novel hardware and software developments. The use of fiber-optic distribution networks to interconnect the monolithically integrated optical components with the T-R modules is discussed. Beamforming and sidelobe control techniques for active phased array systems are also examined.


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Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology, by which multiple optical channels can be simultaneously transmitted at different wavelengths through a single optical fiber, is a useful means of making full use of the low-loss characteristics of optical fibers over a wide-wavelength region. The present day multifunction RADARs with multiple transmit receive modules requires various kinds of signal distribution for real time operation. If the signal distribution can be achieved through optical networks by using Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) methods, it results in a distribution scheme with less hardware complexity and leads to the reduction in the weight of the antenna arrays In addition, being an Optical network it is free from Electromagnetic interference which is a crucial requirement in an array environment. This paper discusses about the analysis performed on various WDM components of distribution optical network for radar applications. The analysis is performed by considering the feasible constant gain regions of Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) in Matlab environment. This will help the user in the selection of suitable components for WDM based optical distribution networks.


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This thesis describes the development of low-noise heterodyne receivers at THz frequencies for submillimeter astronomy using Nb-based superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) tunneling junctions. The mixers utilize a quasi-optical configuration which consists of a planar twin-slot antenna and antisymmetrically-fed two-junctions on an antireflection-coated silicon hyperhemispherical lens. On-chip integrated tuning circuits, in the form of microstrip lines, are used to obtain maximum coupling efficiency in the designed frequency band. To reduce the rf losses in the integrated tuning circuits above the superconducting Nb gap frequency (~ 700 GHz), normal-metal Al is used to replace Nb as the tuning circuits.

To account the rf losses in the micros trip lines, we calculated the surface impedance of the AI films using the nonlocal anomalous skin effect for finite thickness films. Nb films were calculated using the Mattis-Bardeen theory in the extreme anomalous limit. Our calculations show that the losses of the Al and Nb microstrip lines are about equal at 830 GHz. For Al-wiring and Nb-wiring mixers both optimized at 1050 GHz, the RF coupling efficiency of Al-wiring mixer is higher than that of Nb-wiring one by almost 50%. We have designed both Nb-wiring and Al-wiring mixers below and above the gap frequency.

A Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) has been constructed especially for the study of the frequency response of SIS receivers. This FTS features large aperture size (10 inch) and high frequency resolution (114 MHz). The FTS spectra, obtained using the SIS receivers as direct detectors on the FTS, agree quite well with our theoretical simulations. We have also, for the first time, measured the FTS heterodyne response of an SIS mixer at sufficiently high resolution to resolve the LO and the sidebands. Heterodyne measurements of our SIS receivers with Nb-wiring or Al-wiring have yielded results which arc among the best reported to date for broadband heterodyne receivers. The Nb-wiring mixers, covering 400 - 850 GHz band with four separate fixed-tuned mixers, have uncorrected DSB receiver noise temperature around 5hv/kb to 700 GHz, and better than 540 K at 808 GHz. An Al-wiring mixer designed for 1050 GHz band has an uncorrected DSB receiver noise temperature 840 K at 1042 GHz and 2.5 K bath temperature. Mixer performance analysis shows that Nb junctions can work well up to twice the gap frequency and the major cause of loss above the gap frequency is the rf losses in the microstrip tuning structures. Further advances in THz SIS mixers may be possible using circuits fabricated with higher-gap superconductors such as NbN. However, this will require high-quality films with low RF surface resistance at THz frequencies.


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Cooperative MIMO (Multiple Input–Multiple Output) allows multiple nodes share their antennas to emulate antenna arrays and transmit or receive cooperatively. It has the ability to increase the capacity for future wireless communication systems and it is particularly suited for ad hoc networks. In this study, based on the transmission procedure of a typical cooperative MIMO system, we first analyze the capacity of single-hop cooperative MIMO systems, and then we derive the optimal resource allocation strategy to maximize the end-to-end capacity in multi-hop cooperative MIMO systems. The study shows three implications. First, only when the intra-cluster channel is better than the inter-cluster channel, cooperative MIMO results in a capacity increment. Second, for a given scenario there is an optimal number of cooperative nodes. For instance, in our study an optimal deployment of three cooperative nodes achieve a capacity increment of 2 bps/Hz when compared with direct transmission. Third, an optimal resource allocation strategy plays a significant role in maximizing end-to-end capacity in multi-hop cooperative MIMO systems. Numerical results show that when optimal resource allocation is applied we achieve more than 20% end-to-end capacity increment in average when compared with an equal resource allocation strategy.


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This paper shows a simple, yet highly effective, tracking phase locked loop circuit which has applications for self steered antenna arrays. The tracking PLL has been demonstrated to accurately phase track signal levels as low as -120 dBm, making it suitable for applications such as SATCOM ground terminals. The implementation is simple requiring a low Q voltage controlled oscillator, a downconverting mixer and a PLL circuit.


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We consider the problem of secure transmission in two-hop amplify-and-forward untrusted relay networks. We analyze the ergodic secrecy capacity (ESC) and present compact expressions for the ESC in the high signal-to-noise ratio regime. We also examine the impact of large scale antenna arrays at either the source or the destination. For large antenna arrays at the source, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the relay and the destination. For very large antenna arrays at the destination, we confirm that the ESC is solely determined by the channel between the source and the relay.


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This paper proposes millimeter wave (mmWave) mobile broadband for achieving secure communication in downlink cellular network. Analog beamforming with phase shifters is adopted for the mmWave transmission. The secrecy throughput is analyzed based on two different transmission modes, namely delay-tolerant transmission and delay-limited transmission. The impact of large antenna arrays at the mmWave frequencies on the secrecy throughput is examined. Numerical results corroborate our analysis and show that mmWave systems can enable significant secrecy improvement. Moreover, it is indicated that with large antenna arrays, multi-gigabit per second secure link at the mmWave frequencies can be reached in the delay-tolerant transmission mode and the adverse effect of secrecy outage vanishes in the delay-limited transmission mode.


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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are cellular networks where the base stations (BSs) are equipped with unconventionally many antennas. Such large antenna arrays offer huge spatial degrees-of-freedom for transmission optimization; in particular, great signal gains, resilience to imperfect channel knowledge, and small inter-user interference are all achievable without extensive inter-cell coordination. The key to cost-efficient deployment of large arrays is the use of hardware-constrained base stations with low-cost antenna elements, as compared to today's expensive and power-hungry BSs. Low-cost transceivers are prone to hardware imperfections, but it has been conjectured that the excessive degrees-of-freedom of massive MIMO would bring robustness to such imperfections. We herein prove this claim for an uplink channel with multiplicative phase-drift, additive distortion noise, and noise amplification. Specifically, we derive a closed-form scaling law that shows how fast the imperfections increase with the number of antennas.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multi-antenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the cellular base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, we propose a new power transfer policy, namely, best power beacon (BPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed policy, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact power outage probability and the asymptotic power outage probability with large antenna arrays at PBs. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS). To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new expressions for the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the BPB power transfer policies. We show that secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers because of a larger multiuser diversity gain. A pivotal conclusion is reached that BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead.


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Radio-frequency (RF) impairments, which intimately exist in wireless communication systems, can severely limit the performance of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Although we can resort to compensation schemes to mitigate some of these impairments, a certain amount of residual impairments always persists. In this paper, we consider a training-based point-to-point MIMO system with residual transmit RF impairments (RTRI) using spatial multiplexing transmission. Specifically, we derive a new linear channel estimator for the proposed model, and show that RTRI create an estimation error floor in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Moreover, we derive closed-form expressions for the signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio (SINR) distributions, along with analytical expressions for the ergodic achievable rates of zero-forcing, maximum ratio combining, and minimum mean-squared error receivers, respectively. In addition, we optimize the ergodic achievable rates with respect to the training sequence length and demonstrate that finite dimensional systems with RTRI generally require more training at high SNRs than those with ideal hardware. Finally, we extend our analysis to large-scale MIMO configurations, and derive deterministic equivalents of the ergodic achievable rates. It is shown that, by deploying large receive antenna arrays, the extra training requirements due to RTRI can be eliminated. In fact, with a sufficiently large number of receive antennas, systems with RTRI may even need less training than systems with ideal hardware.


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We investigate the cell coverage optimization problem for the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) uplink. By deploying tilt-adjustable antenna arrays at the base stations, cell coverage optimization can become a promising technique which is able to strike a compromise between covering cell-edge users and pilot contamination suppression. We formulate a detailed description of this optimization problem by maximizing the cell throughput, which is shown to be mainly determined by the user distribution within several key geometrical regions. Then, the formulated problem is applied to different example scenarios: for a network with hexagonal shaped cells and uniformly distributed users, we derive an analytical lower bound of the ergodic throughput in the objective cell, based on which, it is shown that the optimal choice for the cell coverage should ensure that the coverage of different cells does not overlap; for a more generic network with sectoral shaped cells and non-uniformly distributed users, we propose an analytical approximation of the ergodic throughput. After that, a practical coverage optimization algorithm is proposed, where the optimal solution can be easily obtained through a simple one-dimensional line searching within a confined searching region. Our numerical results show that the proposed coverage optimization method is able to greatly increase the system throughput in macrocells for the massive MIMO uplink transmission, compared with the traditional schemes where the cell coverage is fixed.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multiantenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the primary base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, three wireless power transfer (WPT) policies are proposed: 1) co-operative power beacons (CPB) power transfer, 2) best power beacon (BPB) power transfer, and 3) nearest power beacon (NPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed three policies, we derive new expressions for the exact power outage probability. Moreover, the analysis of the power outage probability is extended to the case when PBs are equipped with large antenna arrays. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), where the receiver with the strongest channel is selected; and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS), where the nearest receiver is selected. To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability and the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the proposed WPT policies. We presented Monte carlo simulation results to corroborate our analysis and show: 1) secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers due to larger multiuser diversity gain; 2) CPB achieves better secrecy performance than BPB and NPB but consumes more power; and 3) BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead. A pivotal conclusion- is reached that with increasing number of antennas at PBs, NPB offers a comparable secrecy performance to that of BPB but with a lower complexity.