973 resultados para Sistemas de Inovação


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Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da regulação da inovação em países do Trópico Úmido. A questão norteadora é como estes países lidam com a regulação da propriedade industrial nas suas políticas de inovação e como eles incorporam sua rica biodiversidade neste contexto. Propriedade intelectual – particularmente patentes – fornece uma ampla discussão nas políticas de inovação, contudo, também indicam como as questões da biodiversidade são negligenciadas pelos governos ao estabelecer seu caminho de convergência para o desenvolvimento. O estudo selecionou alguns países do Trópico Úmido que são conhecidos por seus esforços de convergência e de grande biodiversidade, são eles: Brasil, China, Cingapura, Filipinas, Índia, Indonésia, Malásia, México, Tailândia, Taiwan e Vietnã. Os dados coletados nas bases de dados de patentes da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual – OMPI mostram que esses países fazem pouco uso de patentes para a proteção da biodiversidade. O conhecimento científico sobre a riqueza de espécies e sua apropriação pela sociedade é limitada. Isso pode ocorrer quando a biodiversidade não é vista pelas instituições do Trópico Úmido como um ativo crucial. Argumenta-se que os países devem concentrar seus investimentos em P&D em ativos específicos, portanto, nós acreditamos que isso se aplica para a biodiversidade. Fazendo uma análise dos sistemas de patentes de regulamentação desses países selecionados, verificou-se que os requisitos básicos de uma patente são padronizados. Nossa análise sugere que os países do Trópico Úmido redirecionem a sua proteção da propriedade intelectual, a fim de que as inovações futuras destaquem os ativos específicos da região. Além disso, um projeto cuidadoso de leis sobre esses direitos é necessário, levando em conta os aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. A divulgação das vantagens locais através da análise da intensidade da apropriação da biodiversidade por meio do sistema de patentes, bem como a comparação entre a dinâmica das leis de patentes dos países no sistema de inovação, pode orientar as decisões institucionais em relação ao desenvolvimento tecnológico regional.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The objective of this paper is to propose a common definition for the term “Environmental Innovation”, starting with a systematic literature review, encompassing some of the most significant articles in this Field. The definition of Environmental Innovation proposed in this paper involves the main dimensions, motivations and barriers to the effectiveness of Environmental Innovation as a practice in organizations. We consider Environmental Innovation an essential issue for proactive environmental management. As a result, the authors expect to present a systematic definition of Environmental Innovation, which is of increasing relevance to the transition towards a more sustainable society.


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The main purpose of this article is to relate two among the most important themes of the current organizational dynamic: organizational culture, innovation and environmental management. Great part of the literature about environmental management and environmental innovation refers to organizational culture as the most arduous wall or the most significant element to develop effective practices of business environmental management. However, relationship among such concepts is, many times, superficial or camouflaging the necessary analytic depth. To solve this challenge, this article integrates the levels of the organizational culture (workmanships, values and presupposed unconscious), the typologies of environmental innovation (total productivity of resources, innovations for the segregation of materials and articulation of bio-systems), and the environmental technologies (end-of-pipe, environmental measurement, pollution prevention and zero-impact technology). Recommendations and challenges for the continuity of this research are registered.


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This article aims to identify patterns in the organization of innovation network by mapping the network inventors of a cosmetics company and identifying ways to promote innovation capacity through interconnectivity. The research was conducted through case study methods, and, for this, inventors mappings were made, based on the records of patents previously surveyed, taking into consideration the linkage (internal or external) of each inventor with the company and also the amount of patent citations. It was identified higher hierarchy in networks with the presence of collaborators externals to the company as well as a possible higher technological content, since the amount of citations was higher compared to other networks. It is verified, finally, that inventors mappings (although a patent is not the only measuring factor of innovation) can identify key features to help a better management of innovation.


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This study aims to develop innovative proposals for production agriculture management and plans to build a participatory model, through the digital inclusion of members of the family farm gathered in a cooperative venture seeking to establish new environmental management efficiency for household production. The first part of the hypothesis assumes that a major obstacle to the insertion of small family farms into the markets is skilled labor, human capital. A training model has been developed for traceability and tracking activities on family farms, based on the atemoya culture. The second hypothesis predicts that it is possible to create a model that is scientifically supported by widely accepted rules derived from GlobalGAP standard certification, a global benchmark for good agricultural practices. Using these rules the model seeks to achieve the traceability of agricultural products and operations from the preservation of identity information within the production chain. The results obtained by the computerized system confirmed the presented hypotheses by demonstrating that technological innovation through intensive communication and information technologies education as well as other associated forms are important drivers of regional development, especially if implemented through a digital inclusion project using the state program Infocentros Access São Paulo.


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The primary objective of this study was to verify the existence of internal organization and processes influencing the decisions on adoption, choice, justification and implementation of innovative practices of scientific and technical activities undertaken in the elaborates of sugar, ethanol and energy companies of the midwest of the state of Sao Paulo. Using multivariate analysis of principal components and clusters, the variables were analyzed and the companies, classified. The taxonomy model adapted to contemporary situations described by Freeman (1975), was the 'parameter used with research information in personal interviews by semi-structured questionnaires. The investigated activities constituted of: basic research; applied research; experimental development; scientific and technical information; long-term planning. The variables analyzed were: production processes, operating systems, development of new products, projects and implementation of pilot plant for new products, development, knowledge, studies of other business segments, number of innovations, and the number of existing employees in the organizational structure for these purposes. It was concluded that the best companies with innovative attitudes are those that have incorporated into their organizational the structures, practices and techniques of scientific activities.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Controlled vocabularies are tools of representation of information necessary to standardize the content description and classification of information, making information systems consistent and also minimizing the dispersion of information. One of the most critical points of controlled vocabularies is the need to constantly update, in terminology and the computer system. The purpose of this paper is to share the experience of the Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo - (SIBiUSP) in planning and developing an innovation plan for your Controlled Vocabulary, reporting their goals and actions. Such actions are in different stages of referral, so there are provisional results. The article also brings the description of his movements and the difficulties encountered as collaboration and knowledge for professionals that working and researching with the theme controlled vocabularies


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INTRODUÇÃO: A Audioteca é uma coleção de spots de rádio criados a partir de conteúdos das dissertações/teses defendidas na Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP (FSP/USP). Parte do pressuposto de que a universidade pode contribuir para a construção da cidadania e capacitação da população para participar das políticas públicas de saúde. Com linguagem acessível, os áudios são compostos de entrevistas e depoimentos de pesquisadores, disponíveis de forma universal e gratuita. O projeto é resultado de uma parceria entre a Biblioteca/CIR, o Departamento de Saúde Materno-Infantil/FSP/USP, a Bireme/OPAS e o Ministério da Saúde. A Audioteca é produzida pela Biblioteca/CIR com apoio do Centro de Produção Digital, ambos da FSP/USP. OBJETIVO: Identificar as tendências temáticas da literatura científica que deu origem aos conteúdos de áudio da Audioteca inseridos nos registros dos sistemas de informação, especificamente na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Pública, e produzir novos spots. METODOLOGIA: Às bolsistas coube a análise temática dos 166 programas de áudio já incorporados ao acervo, a partir de mapeamento dos registros na base de dados LILACS. Para tanto foram capacitadas no uso dessa fonte de informação. Acompanhamento de todo o processo de produção dos áudios, desde a seleção do autor até sua inserção nos sistemas de informação. Os registros são classificados pela temática a partir do DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde/Bireme). RESULTADOS: As bolsistas iniciaram os trabalhos com leituras de bibliografia referente à Biblioteca/CIR, à Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde Pública, ao projeto Audioteca e à radiodifusão comunitária. Também participaram de visitas guiadas aos diferentes acervos da Biblioteca e de seu Programa Educativo. Após essa etapa, teve início o processo de seleção de dissertações/teses para novos programas, levando-se em consideração temáticas de interesse do usuário regular do SUS. Receberam treinamento em gravação e edição de áudio e já estão capacitadas em software para este fim. CONCLUSÃO: As bolsistas já estão capacitadas para gravar e editar os spots da Audioteca, que são produzidos pela Biblioteca/CIR com apoio do Centro de Produção Digital, responsável pelo estúdio.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Inovação e Qualidade na Produção Alimentar.


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Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of soil and groundwater stations are fuel dealers. Leakage of oil derived fuels in underground tanks or activities improperly with these pollutants can contaminate large areas, causing serious environmental and toxicological problems. The number of gas stations grew haphazardly, without any kind of control, thus the environmental impacts generated by these enterprises grew causing pollution of soil and groundwater. Surfactants using various techniques have been proposed to remedy this kind of contamination. This study presents innovation as the application of different systems containing surfactant in the vapor phase and compares their diesel removal efficiencies of soil containing this contaminant. For this, a system that contains seven injection wells the following vaporized solutions: water, surfactant solution, microemulsion and nanoemulsion, The surfactants used were saponified coconut oil (OCS), in aqueous solution and an ethoxylated alcohol UNTL-90: aqueous solution , and nanoemulsion and microemulsion systems. Among the systems investigated, the nanoemulsion showed the highest efficiency, achieving 88% removal of residual phase diesel, the most ecologically and technically feasible by a system with lower content of active matter


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Foundations support constitute one of the types of legal entities of private law forged with the purpose of supporting research projects, education and extension and institutional, scientific and technological development of Brazil. Observed as links of the relationship between company, university, and government, foundations supporting emerge in the Brazilian scene from the principle to establish an economic platform of development based on three pillars: science, technology and innovation – ST&I. In applied terms, these ones operate as tools of debureaucratisation making the management between public entities more agile, especially in the academic management in accordance with the approach of Triple Helix. From the exposed, the present study has as purpose understanding how the relation of Triple Helix intervenes in the fund-raising process of Brazilian foundations support. To understand the relations submitted, it was used the interaction models University-Company-Government recommended by Sábato and Botana (1968), the approach of the Triple Helix proposed by Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (2000), as well as the perspective of the national innovation systems discussed by Freeman (1987, 1995), Nelson (1990, 1993) and Lundvall (1992). The research object of this study consists of 26 state foundations that support research associated with the National Council of the State Foundations of Supporting Research - CONFAP, as well as the 102 foundations in support of IES associated with the National Council of Foundations of Support for Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research – CONFIES, totaling 128 entities. As a research strategy, this study is considered as an applied research with a quantitative approach. Primary research data were collected using the e-mail Survey procedure. Seventy-five observations were collected, which corresponds to 58.59% of the research universe. It is considering the use of the bootstrap method in order to validate the use of the sample in the analysis of results. For data analysis, it was used descriptive statistics and multivariate data analysis techniques: the cluster analysis; the canonical correlation and the binary logistic regression. From the obtained canonical roots, the results indicated that the dependency relationship between the variables of relations (with the actors of the Triple Helix) and the financial resources invested in innovation projects is low, assuming the null hypothesis of this study, that the relations of the Triple Helix do not have interfered positively or negatively in raising funds for investments in innovation projects. On the other hand, the results obtained with the cluster analysis indicate that entities which have greater quantitative and financial amounts of projects are mostly large foundations (over 100 employees), which support up to five IES, publish management reports and use in their capital structure, greater financing of the public department. Finally, it is pertinent to note that the power of the classification of the logistic model obtained in this study showed high predictive capacity (80.0%) providing to the academic community replication in environments of similar analysis.


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The infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is associated with gastroduodenal inflammation can lead to the development of gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer (type 1 carcinogen for stomach cancer). Amoxicillin is used as first-line therapy in the treatment of H. pylori associated to metronidazole or clarithromycin, and a proton pump inhibitor. However, the scheme is not fully effective due to inadequate accumulation of antibiotics in gastric tissue, inadequate efficacy of ecological niche of H. pylori, and other factors. In this context, this study aimed to obtaining and characterization of particulate systems gastrorretentivos chitosan - amoxicillin aiming its use for treatment of H. pylori infections. The particles were obtained by the coacervation method / precipitation using sodium sulfate as precipitating agent and crosslinking and two techniques: addition of amoxicillin during preparation in a single step and the sorption particles prior to amoxycillin prepared by coacervation / precipitation and spray drying. The physicochemical characterization of the particles was performed by SEM, FTIR, DSC, TG and XRD. The in vitro release profile of amoxycillin free and incorporated in the particles was obtained in 0.1 N HCl (pH = 1.2). The particles have higher encapsulation efficiency to 80% spherical shape with interconnected particles or adhered to each other, the nanometric diameter to the systems obtained by coacervation / precipitation and fine for the particles obtained by spray drying. The characterization by FTIR, DSC and XRD showed that the drug was incorporated into the nanoparticles dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Thermal analysis (TG and DSC) indicated that encapsulation provides greater heat stability to the drug. Amoxicillin encapsulated in nanoparticles had slower release compared to free drug. The particles showed release profile with a faster initial stage (burst effect) reaching a maximum at 30 minutes 35% of amoxicillin for the system in 1: 1 ratio relative to the polymer and 80% for the system in the ratio 2: 1. Although simple and provide high encapsulation efficiency of amoxicillin, the process of coacervation, precipitation in one step using sodium sulfate as precipitant / cross-linker must be optimized in order to adjust the release kinetics according to the intended application.