1000 resultados para Sistema aquífero da Bacia do Tejo


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This work evaluated the natural and anthropogenic influences on the quality of groundwater from public supply wells in the urban area of Marília, São Paulo State. Sixteen sampling points were established in the Adamantina Aquifer, Bauru Aquifer System, analyzing the following parameters: electrical conductivity, temperature, pH, total suspended solids, HCO3 - , PO4 3-, SO4 2-, Cl- , F- , N-NO3 - , Ca2+, Na+ , K+ , Mg2+, Si4+, Fe3+ and Al3+. The results indicated that the groundwater in the urban area of Marília has a slightly acid pH and low conductivity, with the ionic composition presenting a low cation and anion concentration and is classified as soft water and calciumbicarbonated water. Natural sources of elements/compounds can be attributed to the dissolution of carbonates during the water/rock interaction, controlling pH, alkalinity and electrical conductivity, and hydrolysis of other mineral constituents of sedimentary rocks from Adamantina Formation, with the exception of quartz. High concentrations of N-NO3 - found in some public supply wells in urban Marilia were due to sewage.


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O presente trabalho constitui-se de um levantamento preliminar do uso e caracterização dos sistemas de produção agrícola, realizado no ano agrícola de 1997/1998, presentes nas áreas de recarga do Aquífero Guarani, abrangendo os municípios de Jataí, Caiapônia e Mineiros, no Estado de Goiás; Alto Araguaia e Alto Garças no Estado de Mato Grosso e Camapuã e Areado no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Essas informações servirão como base para um estudo mais amplo que visa a determinar o risco potencial de contaminação do Aquífero Guarani em função dos principais sistemas de produção levantados e identificados em suas áreas de recarga.


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A Bacia Hidrográfica do Tejo, na parte portuguesa, constitui pela dimensão, situação geográfica, produtividade aquífera e qualidade das águas, a província hidrogeológica mais importante do País. Sendo origem de água para os consumos domésticos, industriais e agrícolas de um vasto território, constitui para alguns Municípios,designadamente os da margem esquerda do rio Tejo, a única fonte alternativa viável de abastecimento. Esta região deve reconhecer-se como “Reserva Hídrica Nacional” de excepcional valor estratégico, cuja preservação e protecção deverá ser garantida, para que as futuras gerações possam usufruir deste “bem público” nas melhores condições. A análise crítica de dados de âmbito geológico, hidrogeológico e climatológico permitiu a compreensão da sequência litostratigráfica da região bem como da sua relação com o ciclo da água, o armazenamento e o escoamento subterrâneos, base para o estabelecimento do modelo proposto para a estrutura e comportamento hidrogeológico da Bacia.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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The geomorphologic characteristics and lithostratigraphic units of the transition from the Tertiary filling stage to the Quaternary fluvial incision in the Vila Velha de Ródão area (Lower Tagus Basin, NE sector) are presented. Several morphodynamic episodes, which had an important tectonic control, were distinguished. The same main morphosedimentary processes can be identified in other areas of this important river basin. Five periods of Quaternary fluvial incision were characterized.


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The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.


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Um dos debates dentro a temática ambiental concentra-se sobre o desenvolvimento de indicadores de sustentabilidade para monitorar, mensurar e avaliar a sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver um método de modelagem de um sistema de indicadores para avaliar a sustentabilidade do sistema dos recursos hídricos, propiciando a participação dos atores sociais e visando ter maior conhecimento do problema e legitimidade do processo da gestão dos recursos hídricos numa bacia hidrográfica. Para tal, adotou-se o paradigma construtivista e foram abordados três temas: gestão ambiental, sistemas de apoio à decisão e indicadores de sustentabilidade. Esta metodologia foi aplicada, através de um estudo de caso, na bacia hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos. A proposta do sistema de indicadores congrega duas áreas de interesse: a primeira, na perspectiva dos objetivos privados - a sustentabilidade como fluxo de bens e serviços, que contempla 8 Clusters: abastecimento público, abastecimento industrial, irrigação, criação de animais, geração de energia elétrica, navegação, aquicultura, turismo e recreação; a segunda, na perspectiva dos interesses públicos - a sustentabilidade como estoque dos recursos hídricos, que contempla 4 Clusters: regime hidrológico, qualidade da água, estrutura "habitat", resíduos sólidos. Em suma, foram definidos um total de 238 indicadores básicos, alguns deles (88 indicadores) são partilhados entre os Clusters, mostrando a interação dos indicadores e dependência entre os Clusters setoriais do sistema de recursos hídricos. Em termos gerais, recomenda-se empregar esse método se o interesse for, além do resultado, sendo a proposta de um sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade, também do processo de participação dos atores envolvidos para compreender a problemática dos recursos hídricos. Assim, a modelagem de um sistema de indicadores será feita sob as inter-relações da ciência, política e os valores e objetivos dos atores sociais.


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One of the most important natural resources for sustaining human life, water, has been losing the basic requirements of quality and quantity sufficient enough to attend the population due to water contamination'problems, often caused by human beings themselves. Because of this, the sources of this resource are often located in remote places of the natural environment to ensure the quality of the water. However, when urban expansion began to occupy these areas, which were once regarded as distant, environmental pollution problems began to occur due to occupation of the land without planning. Based on this occurrence, this study aims to propose environmental zoning for the Maxaranguape river watershed in order to protect its water resources. This is important because this river can serve as a source of supply for the metropolitan area of Natal, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. In accordance to this proposition, the model of natural soil loss vulnerability (CREPANI et al., 2001), the model of aquifer pollution vulnerability (FOSTER et al., 2006), and the legal incompatibility map (CREPANI et al., 2001) were used to delimit the zones. All this was done with Geographic Information System (GIS) and also created a geographic database update of the basin. The results of the first model mentioned indicated that 63.67% of the basin was classified as moderately stable / vulnerable, 35.66% as moderately vulnerable, and 0.67% as vulnerable. The areas with high vulnerability degree correspond with sand dunes and river channels areas. The second model indicated that 2.84% of the basin has low vulnerability, 70.27%) has median vulnerability, and 26.76% and 0.13% has high vulnerability and extreme vulnerability, respectively. The areas with the highest vulnerability values also refer to part of the sand dunes and river channels besides other areas such as Pureza urban area. The legal incompatibility map indicated that the basin has 85.02 km2 of Permanent Protection Area (PPA) and 14.62% of this area has some incongruity of use. Based on these results it was possible to draw three main zones: Protection and Sustainable Use Zone (PSUZ), Protection and Environmental Restoration Zone (PERZ) and Environmental Control Zone, which are divided into A, B and C. The PSUZ refer to the coastal areas of the basin, where the sand dunes are located. These sites should be areas of environmental protection and of sustainable urban expansion. The ZPRA refer to river channels, which are in high need of rehabilitation. The third zone corresponds to the rest of the basin which should have, in general, the mapping of possible sources of contamination for further control on the use and occupation of the river


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Urban centers in Pitimbu Watershed use significant groundwater sources for public supply. Therefore, studies in Dunas Barreiras aquifer are relevant to expand knowledge about it and help manage water resources in the region. An essential tool for this management is the numerical modeling of groundwater flow. In this work, we developed a groundwater flow model for Pitimbu Watershed, using the Visual Modflow, version 2.7.1., which uses finite difference method for solving the govern equation of the dynamics of groundwater flow. We carried out the numerical simulation of steady-state model for the entire region of the basin. The model was built in the geographical, geomorphological and hydrogeological study of the area, which defined the boundary conditions and the parameters required for the numerical calculation. Owing to unavailability of current data based on monitoring of the aquifer it was not possible to calibrate the model. However, the simulation results showed that the overall water balance approached zero, therefore satisfying the equation for the three-dimensional behavior of the head water in steady state. Variations in aquifer recharge data were made to verify the impact of this contribution on the water balance of the system, especially in the scenario in which recharge due to drains and sinks was removed. According to the results generated by Visual Modflow occurred significantly hydraulic head lowering, ranging from 16,4 to 82 feet of drawdown. With the results obtained, it can be said that modeling is performed as a valid tool for the management of water resources in Pitimbu River Basin, and to support new studies


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The structural knowledge of the western portion of the Potiguar Basin is still in its infancy, especially these related to NW-trending fault systems. This paper analyzes the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, which was initially recognized in subsurface. The activities involved in this study correspond to remote-sensing analysis and, in particular, to the geometric and kinematic analysis of post-rift sequences of the basin. In addition, the study aimed to determine the stress fields operating in the area. The studies were carried out in an area of 1,000 km², located in the western portion of Potiguar Basin along the Poço Verde-Caraúbas Fault System, Rio Grande do Norte State. The remote sensing imagery indicates a predominance of NW-SE-trending lineaments, consistent with the fault system under study, followed by the NE-SW, N-S and E-W directions. The tectonic structures mapped were analyzed only in outcrops of the Jandaíra Formantion. They are joints (filled or not) in all directions, but with predominance of the NW-trending joints. Faults are usually N-S-trending normal faults and NW-SE and NE-SW-trending strike-slip faults. Geodynamic analysis identified two tectonic stress fields: the first field, "Field 1" is represented by an N-S-trending horizontal compression and E-W-trending horizontal extension. This field affected the Potiguar Basin at least until the Miocene. The second field, "Field 2", is represented by an E-W-trending horizontal compression and N-S-trending horizontal extension. This is the present-day stress field and has affected the Potiguar basin since the Pliocene


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The objective of this study is the geometric characterization of a fluvial system, exemplified by the Itaquaquecetuba Formation. The studied area is a quarry located in Itaquaquecetuba, distant 35 km from the city of São Paulo, which is inserted in the context of São Paulo Basin. Fluvial systems are important hydrocarbon reservoirs, and this study may contribute with an analogue for ancient reservoirs. It was elaborated ten facies logs along a distance of 200 m (log spacing of 20 m), with a vertical column (thickness) of 40 m for each log. Eight facies cycles, and its lateral chrono-correlation allowed to map the potential reservoir and non-reservoir facies within each cycle. Regarding the depositional model for the studied section, it is assumed an alluvial fan system composed of meandering and ribbon-type fluvial channels.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA