993 resultados para Siege, 1762
Presenta elementos del programa de trabajo destinados a ser ejecutados en 1989 e incluye las actividades que no se llevaron a cabo en 1988.
Contiene la propuesta del programa de trabajo de la CEPAL, Puerto España, para el bienio 1992-1993, con las principales áreas de trabajo y actividades dentro del subprograma integración económica y cooperación entre los países del Caribe.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a distribuição espacial dos criadouros de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti Linnaeus 1762 Diptera: Culicidae) em pontos georreferenciados de dois bairros da cidade de Macapá-AP. Os espécimes foram coletados em dois períodos (seco e chuvoso) e analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente. Realizou-se mapeamento dos imóveis inspecionados, destacando-se aqueles com criadouros positivos para formas imaturas de A. aegypti, além de entrevistas com os residentes locais, a fim de se avaliar aspectos sócio-econômicos relacionados à ocorrência da espécie em questão. No bairro do Trem os depósitos móveis, detiveram 21,90% das larvas coletadas no período seco e 24,60% no período chuvoso; depósitos fixos 22,38% no período seco e 20,59% no período chuvoso; e depósitos removíveis 49,05% no período seco e 48,93% no período chuvoso. No Bairro Cidade Nova as fossas e depósitos de água para consumo, detiveram 26,79% e 18,66% no período seco respectivamente. No período chuvoso, os depósitos de água para consumo subiram para 34,16 %, as fossas se mantiveram inalteradas, sugerindo que esse último seja considerado um recipiente preferencial para a desova do mosquito. Constatou-se que o abastecimento de água encanada cobre 93% das residências do bairro do Trem, e 73% do bairro Cidade Nova, o qual não dispõe de rede de esgoto sanitário. No bairro do Trem houve variabilidade regular na distribuição dos criadouros nos dois períodos estudados. No bairro Cidade Nova o comportamento espacial apresentou uma tendência de variabilidade irregular, sendo possível caracterizar as áreas de risco existentes em relação ao tipo de criadouro. De modo geral, conclui-se que uma das grandes capacidades da análise de dados georeferenciados é a sua manipulação para produzir novas informações que contribuam para uma melhor gestão das medidas de controle.
Aedes is synanthropic; associated with climatic conditions and urban environment. This study performed a retrospective evaluation of the climatic indices and the A. aeypti and A. albopictus infestation larvae rates (IP), registered from the month of October, 2005 to 2009, in the Araçatuba city, São Paulo State. There was no variation in the average temperature in the period (26.3°C). The rain falls were high in 2005 (133.5 mm3 ) fell in 2006, 2007 and 2008 (55.0 mm3 , 78.5 mm3 and 79.0 mm3 , respectively) and increased in 2009 (104.0 mm3 ). The infestation IP was 1.10, 1.39, 0.36, 0.28 and 3.30, respectively in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, none of them were A. albopictus larvae. There was no association between IP and temperature, but there was significant difference (P <0.001) between the IP of 2009, with the IP of 2007 and 2008. This study it was concluded that among the environmental factors just rain influenced the rate of larvae, "infestation", committed only by A. aegypti.
Proper nut cultivar (variety) selection is important for successful and satisfying results from the home gardener's efforts. Selection should be determined by personal preferences, available space, and intended use of the nuts. Harvest can be spread over several weeks if cultivars with different periods of maturity are planted. It is important that homeowners select the nut plants or cultivars best adapted for cultivation in their area of the state. This extension circular covers how to select a nut cultivar, the plant hardiness zones, horticultural regions, and length of growing season. It contains a list of all nut cultivars suited for growing in the state of Nebraska.
This article underscores the complex relationship between national concerns and dramatic criticism by interrogating the role of theatre in the creation of a 'national culture' during the last few decades of the Ancien regime. The author focuses more specifically on the forms of patriotism proposed by Pierre-Laurent De Belloy, author of Le Siege de Calais, France's "first tragedy in which the nation is given the pleasure to take an interest in itself," as well as by his adversaries and his allies. The version of patriotism proffered by De Belloy - a 'fatherland' that he defines as both bourgeois and monarchical - renders problematic several aesthetic and political norms in place in 1765. The author thus responds modestly to one of the most essential questions posed by research on eighteenth-century political and cultural history: how did patriotism operate before the French Revolution?
This is a fascinating book - clear, incisive, a lesson for our times. It focuses on the history and recent experience of Settlement Houses in New York and uses this as a vehicle for an analysis of the political economy of welfare agencies. I wanted to send copies to politicians and policy makers worldwide who, whilst claiming to support social inclusion, community regeneration and equal opportunities, formulate policies that fragment societies and oppress poor and vulnerable people.
von Wilhelm Marr. Mit einem Schlusswort: "An die Juden in Preussen"
von Wilhelm Marr