991 resultados para Shear-free relativistic fluids


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Free vibration analysis is carried out to study the vibration characteristics of composite laminates using the modified shear deformation, layered, composite plate theory and employing the Rayleigh-Ritz energy approach. The analysis is presented in a unified form so as to incorporate all different combinations of laminate boundary conditions and with full coverage with regard to the various design parameters of a laminated plate. A parametric study is made using a beam characteristic function as the admissible function for the numerical calculations. The numerical results presented here are for an example case of fully clamped boundary conditions and are compared with previously published results. The effect of parameters, such as the aspect ratio of plates, ply-angle, number of layers and also the thickness ratios of plies in laminates on the frequencies of the laminate, is systematically studied. It is found that for anti-symmetric angle-ply or cross-ply laminates unique numerical values of the thickness ratios exist which improve the vibration characteristics of such laminates. Numerical values of the non-dimensional frequencies and nodal patterns, using the thickness ratio distribution of the plies, are then obtained for clamped laminates, fabricated out of various commonly used composite materials, and are presented in the form of the design curves.


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The equal-channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of Ti-bearing interstitial-free (IF) steel was performed following two different routes, up to four passes, at a temperature of 300 degrees C. The ECAE led to a grain refinement to submicron size. After the second pass, the grain size attained saturation thereafter. The microstructural analysis indicated the presence of coincident-site lattice (CSL) boundaries in significant fraction, in addition to a high volume fraction of high-angle random boundaries and some low-angle boundaries after the deformation. Among the special boundaries, Sigma 3 and Sigma 13 were the most prominent ones and their fraction depended on the processing route followed. A deviation in the misorientation angle distribution from the Mackenzie distribution was noticed. The crystallographic texture after the first pass resembled that of simple shear, with the {112}, {110}, and {123} aligned to the macroscopic shear plane.


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A study of the magnetohydrodynamic system in which a nonmagnetized fluid in a gravitational field is surrounded by a fluid carrying a vertical magnetic field is presented. It is pointed out that this study can throw some light on the fine-structural features of a sunspot. The equilibrium configuration of the field-free fluid is a tapering column ending at an apex. The regions away form the apex can be studied by the slender flux tube approximation. A scheme developed to treat the apex indicates that, just below the apex, the radius of the tapering column opens up with a 3/2 power dependence on the depth below the apex. If the internal pressure of the field-free fluid is increased, the apex rises, and a static equilibrium may not be possible beyond a limit if the magnetic pressure drops quickly above a certain height. The nature of steady-flow solutions beyond this limit is investigated. Under conditions inside a sunspot, a column of field-free gas is found to rise with a velocity of about 100 km/hr. If umbral dots and penumbral grains are interpreted as regions where the field-free gas ultimately emerges, a very natural explanation of most of their observed properties is obtained.


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Instrumented indentation experiments on a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) in as-cast, shot-peened and structurally relaxed conditions were conducted to examine the dependence of plastic deformation on its structural state. Results show significant differences in hardness, H, with structural relaxation increasing it and shot peening markedly reducing it, and slightly changed morphology of shear bands around the indents. This is in contrast to uniaxial compressive yield strength, sigma(y), which remains invariant with the change in the structural state of the alloys investigated. The plastic constraint factor, C = H/sigma(y), of the relaxed BMG increases compared with that of the as-cast glass, indicating enhanced pressure sensitivity upon annealing. In contrast, C of the shot-peened layer was found to be similar to that observed in crystalline metals, indicating that severe plastic deformation could eliminate pressure sensitivity. Microscopic origins for this result, in terms of shear transformation zones and free volume, are discussed.


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A new spectral finite element formulation is presented for modeling the sloshing and the acoustic waves in nearly incompressible fluids. The formulation makes use of the Legendre polynomials in deriving the finite element interpolation shape functions in the Lagrangian frame of reference. The formulated element uses Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature scheme for integrating the volumetric stiffness and the mass matrices while the conventional Gauss-Legendre quadrature scheme is used on the rotational stiffness matrix to completely eliminate the zero energy modes, which are normally associated with the Lagrangian FE formulation. The numerical performance of the spectral element formulated here is examined by doing the inf-sup test oil a standard rectangular rigid tank partially filled with liquid The eigenvalues obtained from the formulated spectral element are compared with the conventional equally spaced node locations of the h-type Lagrangian finite element and the predicted results show that these spectral elements are more accurate and give superior convergence The efficiency and robustness of the formulated elements are demonstrated by solving few standard problems involving free vibration and dynamic response analysis with undistorted and distorted spectral elements. and the obtained results are compared with available results in the published literature (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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A broad numerical survey of relativistic rotating neutron star structures was compiled using an exhaustive list of presently available equation of state models for neutron star matter. The structure parameters (spherical deformations in mass and radii, the moment of inertia and quadrupole moment, oblateness, and free precession) are calculated using the formalism proposed by Hartle and Thorne (1968). The results are discussed in relation to the relevant observational information. Binary pulsar data and X-ray burst sources provide information on the bulk properties of neutron stars, enabling the derivation of constraints that can be put on the structure of neutron stars and equation of state models.


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Boundary-layer transition at different free-stream turbulence levels has been investigated using the particle-image velocimetry technique. The measurements show organized positive and negative fluctuations of the streamwise fluctuating velocity component, which resemble the forward and backward jet-like structures reported in the direct numerical simulation of bypass transition. These fluctuations are associated with unsteady streaky structures. Large inclined high shear-layer regions are also observed and the organized negative fluctuations are found to appear consistently with these inclined shear layers, along with highly inflectional instantaneous streamwise velocity profiles. These inflectional velocity profiles are similar to those in the ribbon-induced boundary-layer transition. An oscillating-inclined shear layer appears to be the turbulent spot-precursor. The measurements also enabled to compare the actual turbulent spot in bypass transition with the simulated one. A proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of the fluctuating velocity field is carried out. The dominant flow structures of the organized positive and negative fluctuations are captured by the first few eigenfunction modes carrying most of the fluctuating energy. The similarity in the dominant eigenfunctions at different Reynolds numbers suggests that the flow prevails its structural identity even in intermittent flows. This analysis also indicates the possibility of the existence of a spatio-temporal symmetry associated with a travelling wave in the flow.


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The state space approach is extended to the two dimensional elastodynamic problems. The formulation is in a form particularly amenable to consistent reduction to obtain approximate theories of any desired order. Free vibration of rectangular beams of arbitrary depth is investigated using this approach. The method does not involve the concept of the shear coefficientk. It takes into account the vertical normal stress and the transverse shear stress. The frequency values are calculated using the Timoshenko beam theory and the present analysis for different values of Poisson's ratio and they are in good agreement. Four cases of beams with different end conditions are considered.Die Zustandsraum-Technik wird auf zweidimensionale elastodynamische Probleme ausgedehnt. Die Formulierung ist besonders geeignet für die Aufstellung von Näherungstheorien beliebigen Grades. Freie Schwingungen von Rechteckbalken beliebiger Höhe wurden mit Hilfe dieser Technik untersucht. Das Verfahren umgeht den Begriff des Schubbeiwertsk. Es berücksichtigt die senkrechte Normalbeanspruchung und die Querkraft. Die Frequenzwerte werden mit Hilfe der Balkentheorie von Timoshenko und der vorliegenden Analyse berechnet, und zwar für verschiedene Werte der Querdehnzahl. Die berechneten Werte befinden sich in guter Übereinstimmung. Vier Fälle von Balken mit verschiedenen Endbedingungen werden untersucht.


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The nonaxisymmetric unsteady motion produced by a buoyancy-induced cross-flow of an electrically conducting fluid over an infinite rotating disk in a vertical plane and in the presence of an applied magnetic field normal to the disk has been studied. Both constant wall and constant heat flux conditions have been considered. It has been found that if the angular velocity of the disk and the applied magnetic field squared vary inversely as a linear function of time (i.e. as (1??t*)?1, the governing Navier-Stokes equation and the energy equation admit a locally self-similar solution. The resulting set of ordinary differential equations has been solved using a shooting method with a generalized Newton's correction procedure for guessed boundary conditions. It is observed that in a certain region near the disk the buoyancy induced cross-flow dominates the primary von Karman flow. The shear stresses induced by the cross-flow are found to be more than these of the primary flow and they increase with magnetic parameter or the parameter ? characterizing the unsteadiness. The velocity profiles in the x- and y-directions for the primary flow at any two values of the unsteady parameter ? cross each other towards the edge of the boundary layer. The heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number but reduces with the magnetic parameter.


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We present the results of a numerical study of a model of the hydrodynamics of a sheared nematogenic fluid, taking into account the effects of order-parameter stresses on the velocity profile but allowing spatial variations only in the gradient direction. When parameter values are such that the stress from orientational distortions is comparable to the bare viscous stress, the system exhibits steady states with the characteristics of shear banding. In addition, nonlinearity in the coupling of extensional flow to orientation leads to the appearance of a new steady state in which the features of both spatiotemporal chaos and shear banding are present.


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The shear alignment of an initially disordered lamellar phase is examined using lattice Boltzmann simulations of a mesoscopic model based on a free-energy functional for the concentration modulation. For a small shear cell of width 8 lambda, the qualitative features of the alignment process are strongly dependent on the Schmidt number Sc = nu/D (ratio of kinematic viscosity and mass diffusion coefficient). Here, lambda is the wavelength of the concentration modulation. At low Schmidt number, it is found that there is a significant initial increase in the viscosity, coinciding with the alignment of layers along the extensional axis, followed by a decrease at long times due to the alignment along the flow direction. At high Schmidt number, alignment takes place due to the breakage and reformation of layers because diffusion is slow compared to shear deformation; this results in faster alignment. The system size has a strong effect on the alignment process; perfect alignment takes place for a small systems of width 8 lambda and 16 lambda, while a larger system of width 32 lambda does not align completely even at long times. In the larger system, there appears to be a dynamical steady state in which the layers are not perfectly aligned-where there is a balance between the annealing of defects due to shear and the creation due to an instability of the aligned lamellar phase under shear. We observe two types of defect creation mechanisms: the buckling instability under dilation, which was reported earlier, as well as a second mechanism due to layer compression.


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A comprehensive exact treatment of free surface flows governed by shallow water equations (in sigma variables) is given. Several new families of exact solutions of the governing PDEs are found and are shown to embed the well-known self-similar or traveling wave solutions which themselves are governed by reduced ODEs. The classes of solutions found here are explicit in contrast to those found earlier in an implicit form. The height of the free surface for each family of solutions is found explicitly. For the traveling or simple wave, the free surface is governed by a nonlinear wave equation, but is arbitrary otherwise. For other types of solutions, the height of the free surface is constant either on lines of constant acceleration or on lines of constant speed; in another case, the free surface is a horizontal plane while the flow underneath is a sine wave. The existence of simple waves on shear flows is analytically proved. The interaction of large amplitude progressive waves with shear flow is also studied.


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In contrast to earlier observations on various solitary wave propagations, especially those bifurcated by the compressive and rarefactive solitary waves, the existence of spiky and explosive solitary waves is here believed to arise because of the presence of free and trapped electrons. So far, very few studies have been carried out to satisfactorily explain the presence of the solitary waves in space as observed by satellites. It is also attempted to highlight the probable impact on the various solitary wave propagations in a generalized multi-component, inhomogeneous plasma upon consideration of a relativistic treatment. It is expected that such a treatment will prove the existence of the solitary waves most expeditiously and exhibit the presence of chaos therein, thus giving a suitable explanation to the observations of various forms of spiky and explosive solitary waves in space-plasma. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd