962 resultados para Shades and shadows.
El estudio se centra en el análisis del partido provincial de Neuquén, en el sistema político provincial y en la relación del entramado con la sociedad en las últimas décadas. La intención es explicar los momentos y la acción de los dirigentes políticos que tuvieron incidencia fundamental en la fuerza partidaria, en el estado provincial, su relación con la sociedad y con el Estado Nacional. Sin detenernos en los clivajes históricos que influyeron en la formación del MPN, hechos que motivaron el surgimiento de esta fuerza de inserción geográfica restringida a la provincia de origen, haremos mención a los mismos, al impacto que sufrió el peronismo local ante la emergencia y confluencia de los 'convocados' a constituir el Movimiento Popular Neuquino. Ese impacto adquirió una nueva dimensión en el contexto del 1973, año en que el Frejuli fue derrotado en Neuquén por el emepenismo, momento en que se constituyó en hegemónico en el sistema político neuquino; aunque adquirió nuevas fuerzas, propuestas, figuras y también surgieron tensiones a partir del regreso a la democracia
An architecture of light and shadows is proposed for this airport for the twenty-first century. A great concrete and stone box to frame the incredible view south towards a red mountain that rests Sphinx-like over the Atlantic. = Se propone para este aeropuerto para el siglo XXI una arquitectura construída con la luz y con las sombras. Una gran caja de hormigón que enmarca un maravilloso paisaje: el océano atlántico al sur con la montaña roja que se acuesta sobre el mar como si de una esfinge se tratara.
Este estudio se enmarca en el análisis de las nuevas políticas de innovación aplicadas al turismo en España. El objetivo fundamental es evaluar la política reciente de apoyo a la creación y consolidación de Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras en el ámbito del turismo, el Programa AEIs, atendiendo a su singularidad, las características de las AEIs resultantes y la valoración de sus responsables. El análisis ofrece luces y sombras y concluye con argumentos para repensar este tipo de políticas, así como con elementos de discusión interesantes en torno a la innovación derivada de los procesos de colaboración en turismo.
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Paged continuously.
In this work evaluate the technical characteristics of the fibers grown in settlements Guamaré, colored cotton seeds were donated existing in the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Cotton. We sought through the breeding program, raising the resistance, fineness, length and uniformity of cotton fibers, as well as stabilize the staining of fibers in the BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green shades and raise their productivity in the field. First, the individual selections to test progeny seeds, and thereafter the hybridization method followed by family selection to obtain variations in the color tones were performed. The BRS Topaz, BRS Brown and BRS Green varieties were produced, analyzed and compared with existing cottons in the region which is the White cotton. The properties amount of impurities and neps, length, length uniformity, short fiber content, fineness and tensile strength of the fibers were sized in Classifiber, NATI, Pressley and Micronaire devices. 10 trials each with 10 tests for all four fiber types were carried out. The White and Topaz fibers showed greater length (32-34mm) and greater resistance (7.94 lb/mg and 7.97 lb/mg respectively) and showed finesse with lower micronaire index 3,71μg/inch and 3, 73μg/inch and a low rate of short fibers. The results were very promising for the use of genetically improved cotton in the manufacturing of fabric and yarn in the textile industry. The fibers were brown colored cotton used in the manufacture of a composite fiber with thermoplastic resin
Shadows and illumination play an important role when generating a realistic scene in computer graphics. Most of the Augmented Reality (AR) systems track markers placed in a real scene and retrieve their position and orientation to serve as a frame of reference for added computer generated content, thereby producing an augmented scene. Realistic depiction of augmented content with coherent visual cues is a desired goal in many AR applications. However, rendering an augmented scene with realistic illumination is a complex task. Many existent approaches rely on a non automated pre-processing phase to retrieve illumination parameters from the scene. Other techniques rely on specific markers that contain light probes to perform environment lighting estimation. This study aims at designing a method to create AR applications with coherent illumination and shadows, using a textured cuboid marker, that does not require a training phase to provide lighting information. Such marker may be easily found in common environments: most of product packaging satisfies such characteristics. Thus, we propose a way to estimate a directional light configuration using multiple texture tracking to render AR scenes in a realistic fashion. We also propose a novel feature descriptor that is used to perform multiple texture tracking. Our descriptor is an extension of the binary descriptor, named discrete descriptor, and outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in speed, while maintaining their accuracy.
Syftet med föreliggande studie har varit att kartlägga hur grafiska formgivare runt om i världen uppfattar skandinavisk grafisk design. 53 deltagare från industriländer deltog i studien som använde en kombination av mail-intervjuer och enkäter. Resultaten från denna studie indikerar att, oavsett kontinent, upplevs skandinavisk grafisk design som enkel och funktionell. Layouten uppfattades som rutnätsbaserad med mycket ljusrum och få grafiska element. Monokroma färger som svart, vit och grå utan gradienter och skuggor uppfattades som typiska för skandinavisk grafisk design; följt av jord- och pastellfärger. Sanserifer var mest förknippade med skandinavisk grafisk design. Motiv ansågs i denna studie att användas sparsamt, men när de används avbildar de naturen eller geometriska former. Foton och illustrationer ansågs användas ungefär lika mycket, illustrationer hade en smärre större preferens. Den upplevda påverkan av skandinavisk grafisk design varierade mellan deltagarna. Deltagarna som tyckte att påverkan var stor, ansåg att detta berodde på förespråkandet av enkelhet och funktion, sammanflätning av designområden och/eller frammaning av hållbar grafisk design. Deltagarna som ansåg att påverkan var låg, tyckte att för lite publicitet var en bidragande faktor.De flesta deltagarna i denna undersökning ansåg att skandinavisk grafisk design var enklare i jämförelse med vad de kunde se i sina hemländer. Vidare tyckte afrikanska, asiatiska och sydamerikanska deltagare att färgerna hade lägre kroma.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The novel manuscript Girl in the Shadows tells the story of two teenage girls whose friendship, safety and sanity are pushed to the limits when an unexplained phenomenon invades their lives. Sixteen-year-old Tash has everything a teenage girl could want: good looks, brains and freedom from her busy parents. But when she looks into her mirror, a stranger’s face stares back at her. Her best friend Mal believes it’s an evil spirit and enters the world of the supernatural to find answers. But spell books and ouija boards cannot fix a problem that comes from deep within the soul. It will take a journey to the edge of madness for Tash to face the truth inside her heart and see the evil that lurks in her home. And Mal’s love and courage to pull her back into life. The exegesis examines resilience and coping strategies in adolescence, in particular, the relationship of trauma to brain development in children and teenagers. It draws on recent discoveries in neuroscience and psychology to provide a framework to examine the role of coping strategies in building resilience. Within this broader context, it analyses two works of contemporary young adult fiction, Freaky Green Eyes by Joyce Carol Oates and Sonya Hartnett’s Surrender, their use of the split persona as a coping mechanism within young adult fiction and the potential of young adult literature as a tool to help build resilience in teen readers.
This study investigated how and to what degree “hybrid photography”—the simultaneous use of indexical and fictional properties and strategies— innovates the representation of animals within animalcentric, ecocentric frameworks. Design theory structured this project’s Practice-led, Visual research methodology framework. Grounded theory processes articulated emerging categories of hybrid photography through systematically and comparatively treating animal photography works for reflexive analysis. Design theory then applied and clarified categories, developing practice that re-visualised shark perspectives as new ecological discourse. Shadows, a creative practice installation, realised a full-scale photographic investigation into shark and marine animal realities of a specific environment—Heron Island and Gladstone, Great Barrier Reef—facing ecological crisis from dredging and development at Gladstone Harbour. Works rendered and explored hybrid photography’s capacity for illuminating nonhuman animals, in particular, sharks, and comprise 65% of this project’s weighting. This exegetical paper offers a definition, strategies and evaluation of hybrid photography in unsettling animal perspectives as effective ecological discourse, and comprises 35%.