954 resultados para Serum ribonuclease 1


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A 36-year-old patient suffered from repeated exsudative pleural effusions and renal insufficiency (serum creatinine 1.9 mg/dl) combined with glomerular erythrocyturia, proteinuria and renal hypertension.


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Because interactions between livestock and chamois occur on Alpine pastures, transmission of infectious diseases is considered possible. Thus, the occurrence of Chlamydiaceae, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, and pestiviruses in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) of the Surselva region (eastern Swiss Alps) was investigated. In total, 71 sera, 158 eye swabs, 135 tissue samples, and 23 fecal samples from 85 chamois were analyzed. The sera were tested by 2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits specific for Chlamydophila abortus. Eye swabs, tissue, and fecal samples were examined by a Chlamydiaceae-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive cases were further investigated by microarray method. One serum sample (1.4%) was positive in 1 of the ELISAs. Eye swabs of 3 chamois (3.8%) were positive for Chlamydiaceae. The microarray method revealed the presence of Chlamydophila abortus, C pecorum, and C pneumoniae. All tissue and fecal samples were negative. With real-time PCR, 3.9% of the chamois tested positive for Mycoplasma conjunctivae. One chamois had a simultaneous infection with Al. conjunctivae and 2 chlamydial species (C abortus, C. pecorum). Skin and tongue tissue samples of 35 chamois were negative for pestivirus antigen by immunohistochemistry. It was concluded that in contrast to the findings in Pyrenean chamois (Capra p. pyrenaica) of Spain, the occurrence of Chlamydiaceae in Alpine chamois of the Surselva region is low, and the transmission between domestic and wild Caprinae seems not to be frequent. Comparably, persistent pestiviral infections do not seem to be common in chamois of the Surselva region.


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Many foals develop diarrhoea within the first two weeks of life which has been suggested to coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams. To analyse the pathogenesis of this diarrhoea we have determined faecal bacteria in foals and their dams (n=30 each), and serum IGF-1 and gamma-globulins for 6 weeks after birth. In addition, effects of beta-carotene supplementation to mares (group 1: 1000 mg/day, n=15, group 2: control, n=15) on diarrhoea in foals were studied. Diarrhoea occurred in 92 and 79% of foals in groups 1 and 2, respectively, but was not correlated with oestrus in mares. Beta-carotene supplementation was without effect on foal diarrhoea. In mares, bacterial flora remained stable. The percentage of foals with cultures positive for E. coli was low at birth but increased within one day, the percentage positive for Enterococcus sp. was low for 10 days and for Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. was low for 2-4 weeks. By 4 weeks of age, bacterial flora in foals resembled an adult pattern. Concentration of serum IGF-1 was low at birth (group 1: 149 +/- 11, group 2: 166 +/- 17ng/ml), increased after day 1 (day 7 group 1: 384 +/- 30, group 2: 372 +/- 36) but at no time differed between groups. Serum gamma-globulin concentration in foals was low before colostrum intake and highest on day 1 (p<0.001 over time). In conclusion, neonatal diarrhoea in foals does not coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams but with changes in intestinal bacteria and is not influenced by beta-carotene supplementation given to mares.


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Immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediates the immune response to parasites, but can also cause allergies. In humans maternal IgE is not transferred to cord blood and high levels of cord blood IgE are associated with subsequent allergy. In horses, both maternal IgG and IgE are transferred via colostrum; the IgE levels in the mare's serum, the colostrum and the foal's serum are correlated but the consequences of IgE transfer to foals are not known. By about 6 weeks of age the levels of IgE in foal serum have dropped to a nadir, at 6 months of age the level of IgE has risen only very slightly and is no longer correlated with the levels seen at birth, IgE(+) B-cells could be detected in lymphoid follicles of some foals at this age. Surprisingly, the levels of total IgE detected in a foals serum at 6 months of age are significantly correlated with the level in its serum at 1, 2 and even 3 years of age suggesting that by 6 months of age the foals are synthesizing IgE and that a pattern of relatively higher or lower total serum IgE has been established. The neonatal intestinal mucosa contained connective tissue mast cells which stained for bound IgE in foals up to 9 weeks of age but not mucosal mast cells, thereafter, the intestinal mast cells were IgE negative until 6 months of age. IgE antibodies to Culicoides nubeculosus salivary antigens were detected in Swiss born foals from imported Icelandic mares allergic to Culicoides spp. yet the foals showed no signs of skin sensitization and such second generation foals are known not to have an increased risk of developing allergy to Culicoides. Overall this evidence suggests there is a minimal effector role of maternal IgE also that maternal IgE has waned prior to the onset of IgE synthesis in foals and does not support maternal priming of IgE responses in foals. Furthermore the total levels of IgE in any given foal are seen to be relatively high or low from soon after the onset of IgE synthesis, and most likely they are determined by genetic factors.


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Cisplatin, a major antineoplastic drug used in the treatment of solid tumors, is a known nephrotoxin. This retrospective cohort study evaluated the prevalence and severity of cisplatin nephrotoxicity in 54 children and its impact on height and weight.We recorded the weight, height, serum creatinine, and electrolytes in each cisplatin cycle and after 12 months of treatment. Nephrotoxicity was graded as follows: normal renal function (Grade 0); asymptomatic electrolyte disorders, including an increase in serum creatinine, up to 1.5 times baseline value (Grade 1); need for electrolyte supplementation <3 months and/or increase in serum creatinine 1.5 to 1.9 times from baseline (Grade 2); increase in serum creatinine 2 to 2.9 times from baseline or need for electrolyte supplementation for more than 3 months after treatment completion (Grade 3); and increase in serum creatinine ≥3 times from baseline or renal replacement therapy (Grade 4).Nephrotoxicity was observed in 41 subjects (75.9%). Grade 1 nephrotoxicity was observed in 18 patients (33.3%), Grade 2 in 5 patients (9.2%), and Grade 3 in 18 patients (33.3%). None had Grade 4 nephrotoxicity. Nephrotoxicity patients were younger and received higher cisplatin dose, they also had impairment in longitudinal growth manifested as statistically significant worsening on the height Z Score at 12 months after treatment. We used a multiple logistic regression model using the delta of height Z Score (baseline-12 months) as dependent variable in order to adjust for the main confounder variables such as: germ cell tumor, cisplatin total dose, serum magnesium levels at 12 months, gender, and nephrotoxicity grade. Patients with nephrotoxicity Grade 1 where at higher risk of not growing (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.07-24.3, P=0.04). The cisplatin total dose had a significant negative relationship with magnesium levels at 12 months (Spearman r=-0.527, P=<0.001).


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BACKGROUND Kidney recipients maintaining a prolonged allograft survival in the absence of immunosuppressive drugs and without evidence of rejection are supposed to be exceptional. The ERA-EDTA-DESCARTES working group together with Nantes University launched a European-wide survey to identify new patients, describe them and estimate their frequency for the first time. METHODS Seventeen coordinators distributed a questionnaire in 256 transplant centres and 28 countries in order to report as many 'operationally tolerant' patients (TOL; defined as having a serum creatinine <1.7 mg/dL and proteinuria <1 g/day or g/g creatinine despite at least 1 year without any immunosuppressive drug) and 'almost tolerant' patients (minimally immunosuppressed patients (MIS) receiving low-dose steroids) as possible. We reported their number and the total number of kidney transplants performed at each centre to calculate their frequency. RESULTS One hundred and forty-seven questionnaires were returned and we identified 66 TOL (61 with complete data) and 34 MIS patients. Of the 61 TOL patients, 26 were previously described by the Nantes group and 35 new patients are presented here. Most of them were noncompliant patients. At data collection, 31/35 patients were alive and 22/31 still TOL. For the remaining 9/31, 2 were restarted on immunosuppressive drugs and 7 had rising creatinine of whom 3 resumed dialysis. Considering all patients, 10-year death-censored graft survival post-immunosuppression weaning reached 85% in TOL patients and 100% in MIS patients. With 218 913 kidney recipients surveyed, cumulative incidences of operational tolerance and almost tolerance were estimated at 3 and 1.5 per 10 000 kidney recipients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS In kidney transplantation, operational tolerance and almost tolerance are infrequent findings associated with excellent long-term death-censored graft survival.


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BACKGROUND Canine S100 calcium-binding protein A12 (cS100A12) shows promise as biomarker of inflammation in dogs. A previously developed cS100A12-radioimmunoassay (RIA) requires radioactive tracers and is not sensitive enough for fecal cS100A12 concentrations in 79% of tested healthy dogs. An ELISA assay may be more sensitive than RIA and does not require radioactive tracers. OBJECTIVE The purpose of the study was to establish a sandwich ELISA for serum and fecal cS100A12, and to establish reference intervals (RI) for normal healthy canine serum and feces. METHODS Polyclonal rabbit anti-cS100A12 antibodies were generated and tested by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. A sandwich ELISA was developed and validated, including accuracy and precision, and agreement with cS100A12-RIA. The RI, stability, and biologic variation in fecal cS100A12, and the effect of corticosteroids on serum cS100A12 were evaluated. RESULTS Lower detection limits were 5 μg/L (serum) and 1 ng/g (fecal), respectively. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were ≤ 4.4% and ≤ 10.9%, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for linearity and spiking recovery were 98.2 ± 9.8% (mean ± SD) and 93.0 ± 6.1%, respectively. There was a significant bias between the ELISA and the RIA. The RI was 49-320 μg/L for serum and 2-484 ng/g for fecal cS100A12. Fecal cS100A12 was stable for 7 days at 23, 4, -20, and -80°C; biologic variation was negligible but variation within one fecal sample was significant. Corticosteroid treatment had no clinically significant effect on serum cS100A12 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS The cS100A12-ELISA is a precise and accurate assay for serum and fecal cS100A12 in dogs.


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Diabetic retinopathy and acromegaly are diseases associated with excess action of GH and its effector IGF-1, and there is a need for improved therapies. We have designed all optimised 2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl)-modified phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide, ATL 227446, and demonstrated its ability to Suppress GH receptor mRNA in vitro. Subcutaneous injections of ATL 227446 reduced GH receptor mRNA levels, GH binding activity and serum IGF-1 levels in mice after seven days of closing. The reduction in serum IGF-1 could be sustained for over tell weeks of dosing at therapeutically relevant levels, during which there was also a significant decrease in body weight gain in antisense-treated mice relative to saline and mismatch control-treated mice. The findings indicate that administration of an antisense oligonucleotide to the GH receptor may be applicable to human diseases in which suppression of GH action provides therapeutic benefit.


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Findings on growth regulating activities of the end-product of lipid peroxidation 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), which acts as a “second messenger of free radicals”, overlapped with the development of antibodies specific for the aldehyde-protein adducts. These led to qualitative immunochemical determinations of the HNE presence in various pathophysiological processes and to the change of consideration of the aldehyde’s bioactivities from toxicity into cell signalling. Moreover, findings of the HNE-protein adduct in various organs under physiological circumstances support the concept of “oxidative homeostasis”, which implies that oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation are not only pathological but also physiological processes. Reactive aldehydes, at least HNE, could play important role in oxidative homeostasis, while complementary research approaches might reveal the relevance of the aldehydic-protein adducts as major biomarkers of oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and oxidative homeostasis. Aiming to join efforts in such research activities researchers interacting through the International 4-Hydroxynonenal Club acting within the SFRR-International and through networking projects of the system of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) carried validation of the methods for lipid peroxidation and further developed the genuine 4-HNE-His ELISA founding quantitative and qualitative methods for detection of 4-HNE-His adducts as valuable tool to study oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in cell cultures, various organs and tissues and eventually for human plasma and serum analyses [1]. Reference: 1. Weber, Daniela. Lidija, Milkovic. Measurement of HNE-protein adducts in human plasma and serum by ELISA—Comparison of two primary antibodies. Redox Biol. 2013. 226-233.


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Vitamins A and E are essential nutrients in many biological processes, so that their adequate supply to the neonate is crucial. However, the bioavailability of vitamins may be limited by factors such as maternal nutritional status and the interaction between nutrients. This study aimed to investigate the effect of biochemical nutritional status of retinol and alpha-tocopherol levels in serum and colostrum. The study included 103 healthy puerperal women treated at the reference state maternity hospital (Natal-RN). Colostrum and serum samples were collected fasting in the immediate postpartum period and the analysis of retinol and alpha-tocopherol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Specific cutoff points were adopted to characterize the biochemical status of vitamins A and E. For the total group of lactanting women the average concentration of retinol in serum (1.49 ± 0.4 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (2.18 ± 0.8 μmol/L-1), as well as alpha-tocopherol in serum (26.4 ± 8.0 μmol/L-1) and colostrum (26.1 ± 12.8 μmol/L-1), indicated adequate biochemical state. However, when evaluating the individual, was found a high prevalence of deficient serum (15%) and colostrum retinol (50%), and also alphatocopherol in serum (16%) and colostrum (61%). In women with serum retinol ≥ 1.05 μmol/L-1, found an inverse correlation between serum retinol and alpha-tocopherol in colostrum (p = 0.008, r = -0.28). This association was not observed in women with serum retinol <1.05 μmol/L-1. This situation demonstrates for the first time in humans that high physiological levels of serum retinol, without supplementation, can negatively influence the transfer of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk. Although the diagnosis of satisfactory nutritional status lactanting women showed high risk of subclinical deficiency of vitamins A and E from measurements made in the colostrum


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The tendency towards reduction of serum retinol levels, an existing placental barrier and the increase of retinol demand, are factors that place puerperal and lactating women at risk for Vitamin A deficiency. This micronutrient is an essential component of vital processes such as differentiation, cellular proliferation, and apoptosis. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of palmitate retinol supplementation (100.000UI) upon the milk retinollevels in puerperal women at the Januário Cicco University Maternity Hospital. This intervention has been adopted by the Ministry of Health since 2002. The longitudinal experiment was conducted with 106 puerperal women (68 comprised the supplemented group and 38 the control group). The High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method was used to dose the retinol of the milk and serum samples, and the creamtocrit method to determine the milk fat levels. The retinol means for the colostrums were 99.0 ± 64.4 ug/dL and 160.1 ± 94,4 ug/dl 6 hours afier supplementation; 68.9 ± 33.5 ug/dL for the transitional milk, and 30.6 ± 15.2 ug/dL for the mature milk of the supplemented group. Ali the difterences between means were statistically significant. The difterence between retinol means in the control group were also significant, with these being greater in the colostrum, 88.6 ± 62.1 ug/dL with 61.9 ± 30.1 ug/dl in the transition milk and 32.9 ±32.9 ± 17.6 ug/dL in the mature milk. No significant difference was observed in the retinol means of the three types ot milk in the supplemented group when compared to their respective means in the control group. The prevalence in serum (35.1 % and 81.1 % for the cutting point 20 ug/dL, respectively) and in milk (51.4%) revealed vitamin A deficiency as a public health problem. COlostrum, transition, and mature milk tats varied similarly in the supplemented group (1,92 ± 0,96; 3,25 ± 1,27 and 3,31 ± 1,36 grams) and in the control group (1,87 ± 1,14; 3,25 ± 1,31 and 3,36 ± 1,67 grams), with an observed difference between the colostrum/transition milk and the colostrum/mature milk fats. No difference was observed between the groups. The study showed that the 200.000UI supplementation was not sufficient to increase the milk retinol to the desired levels nor to meet the demands of the mothers with deprived hepatic reserves. It is suggested that another similar dose be offered within 30 days or less, and within 2 months post-partum, while continual/y monitoring for possible pregnancy


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Introducción La ventilación mecánica es fundamental en el manejo de la falla respiratoria aguda, actualmente no existe consenso sobre el momento exacto de extubación. Este estudio describe el comportamiento de la escala OMAHA+ en nuestra institución. Objetivo Principal Describir los desenlaces clínicos relacionados con la escala OMAHA+ durante la extubación de los pacientes de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del hospital universitario. Métodos Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, basado en el registro de la escala OMAHA+ de 68 pacientes durante el proceso de extubación en las Unidades de cuidado intensivo adulto de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá durante Agosto de 2014 a Mayo de 2015. Resultados Se encontraron valores gasométricos cercanos a la normalidad, con una PaO2/FiO2 media de 261 (DS 60,6), SaO2 media de 96% (DS 2%), media de lactato sérico de 1.5 mmol/L (DS 1,2 mmol/L), con signos vitales normales. La causa más común de ingreso a UCI fue Neumonía, seguida por cirugía cardiaca y abdominal. Las medias de parámetros ventilatorios al momento de extubación fueron; PEEP de 6 (DS 0,8), volumen corriente de 8ml/Kg (DS 1,4 ml/Kg), índice de Tobín de 34 (DS 11,9), test de fuga positivo 94%, y sólo una extubación fallida. Conclusiones La escala OMAHA+ puede ser una herramienta útil, aplicable y fácilmente reproducible en los pacientes con soporte ventilatorio mecánico invasivo previo al proceso de extubación, con baja proporción de fallo. Estos resultados deben ser evaluados en estudios prospectivos.


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Liver suppressor factor one (LSF-1) is a 40-kDa immunosuppressive protein in the serum of rats 60 days after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) between the nonrejector combination of DA donors into PVG; recipients. In the present study, the purification of proteins from rat OLT serum taken 60 days after transplantation Mras performed by affinity chromatography using the anti-LSF-1 polyclonal antibody (pAb). The assessment of column eluates using anti-LSF-1 and OLT serum was studied using rat heart and liver transplantation models. Rejection was not suppressed by the administration of OLT serum in heart or liver allografts. However, heart allografts treated with peak eluates (450 mu g single shot im, dissolved in Intralipos) taken from the affinity OLT serum survived significantly longer than untreated rats (median = 36.5 days; n = 7 vs 6.5 days; n = 5, respectively, P = 0.011). The same treatment with anti-LSF-1 column eluates also prolonged liver allografts significantly (>200 days) than those in either the untreated group (median = 11 days; n = 7) or those which received only Intralipos (median = 10.5 days; n = 5, P = 0.019). Subsequent analysis of the N-terminal sequences of some of the proteins which were eluted from the affinity column revealed that the homology of a 30-kDa protein was identical to hemoglobin alpha-chain, a 59-kDa protein to granulocyte inhibitory factor, a 70-kDa and a 90-kDa to albumin and its precursor, respectively. Although the specific immunosuppressive component has not been isolated, our results suggested that the anti-LSF-1 column can extract immunosuppressive moiety of LSF-1 from OLT serum. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Serum samples (n: 110) from blood donors and high risk individuals from Cordoba, Argentina with indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb profiles were studied for specific antibodies to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and for the presence or absence of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II specific bands by Wb. This study was carried out in order to characterize their putative reactions with HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II proteins and to resolve the retrovirus infection status of these individuals. Results indicated that blood donors sera displaying indeterminate HIV-1 or HTLV-I/II Wb patterns were not immunoreactive to HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 on IFA. However, a high rate of indeterminate HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II Wb samples from high risk individuals had positive HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 IFA results respectively. Our study supports the growing evidence that HTLV-HIV indeterminate seroreactivity in low risk population is due to a cross reaction against nonviral antigens, and in high risk populations the indeterminate samples show serological cross-recognition between HIV-1 proteins and HTLV-I/II proteins on Wb. These results point out the necessity to investigate the HTLV-I/II reactivity in indeterminate HIV-1 samples and viceversa in order to confirm the diagnosis. Finally, this study shows the potential usefulness of IFA in elucidating the status of HIV-1 and HTLV-I/II infection of individuals with indeterminate Wb profiles, thus enabling resolution of retrovirus infection status.


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A cross-sectional clinical trial in which the serum anti-phenolic glycolipid (anti-PGL-1) antibodies were analysed in household contacts (HHC) of patients with leprosy as an adjunct early leprosy diagnostic marker was conducted. The families of 83 patients underwent clinical examination and serum anti-PGL1 measurement using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Of 320 HHC, 98 were contacts of lepromatous leprosy (LL), 80 were contacts of borderline lepromatous (BL), 28 were contacts of borderline (BB) leprosy, 54 were contacts of borderline tuberculoid (BT), 40 were contacts of tuberculoid (TT) and 20 were contacts of indeterminate (I) leprosy. Consanguinity with the patients was determined for 232 (72.5%) HHC. Of those 232 contacts, 183 had linear consanguinity. Forty-nine HHC had collateral consanguinity. Fifty-eight contacts (18.1%) tested positive for anti-PGL1 antibodies. The number of seropositive contacts based on the clinical forms of the index case was 17 (29.3%) for LL, 15 (25.9%) for BL, one (1.7%) for BB, 14 (24.1%) for BT, three (5.2%) for TT and eight (13.7%) for I. At the one year follow-up, two (3.4%) of these seropositive contacts had developed BT leprosy. The results of the present study indicate that the serum anti-PGL-1 IgM antibody may be useful for evaluating antigen exposure and as a tool for an early leprosy diagnosis in HHC.