976 resultados para Sequence type


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Numerous and variable silty-sandy siliciclastic turbidites were observed in Neogene pelagic sediments (late Miocene to Holocene) at Site 657: (1) thick-bedded, coarse-grained and thin-bedded, fine-grained turbidites; and (2) turbidites composed of eolian dune sand and shallow-water bioclasts or of fluvial-sand or mixed sandy component assemblages. The stratigraphic distribution of these turbidites indicates five periods during which climatic conditions and material sources change. Turbidite occurrence prior to 6.2 Ma (late Miocene) is sparse; the deposits contain coarse and fine-grained turbidites with quartz grains of eolian or mixed origin suggesting the existence of arid conditions at about 8.5 and 6.5 Ma. A coarse-grained turbidite of fluvial origin, recording a humid climate, occurs at about 6.2 Ma. During the early Pliocene, turbidites are frequent (15/Ma); they contain only fine-grained sequences comprising material of mixed origin, which indicates a more humid climate perhaps. The late Pliocene starts with rare coarse-grained turbidites of wind-transported sand while the uppermost Pliocene deposits show a higher frequency of fine-grained sequences (10/0.7 Ma) composed mainly of fluvial material. During the early Pleistocene, similar high turbidite frequency was observed (20/1.3 Ma) but with a total lack of eolian supply. During the last 0.7 Ma, the frequency decreases and the sequences are characterized by highly variable sediment components that could be related to strong variations of climatic conditions. The sedimentary characteristics of turbidites are mainly controlled by sediment source and climate. The frequency must be influenced by sea-level variations, by cyclic processes of climatic origin, and possibly by variations in the continental slope morphology. Clay mineral assemblages suggest a south Saharan source of terrigenous material during the late Miocene and the Pliocene and a northwest Saharan source during the Pleistocene.


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The late Cenozoic deposits recovered at ODP Site 637 from the Iberian Abyssal Plain near the continental margin off northwestern Spain include three main facies groups. Turbidites are the dominant facies association (two-thirds of the total thickness), followed by pelagites (one-fourth), and subordinate amounts of contourites (one-tenth). Slump deposits occur locally in the upper Miocene and middle Pliocene. Turbidity currents and pelagic settling were the significant sediment depositional processes from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene, whereas bottom currents predominated during the late Miocene. Fine-grained, base-cut-out turbidites, normally starting with the Td division, are the most abundant sequence type. The pelagites include both carbonate-rich pelagic and hemipelagic facies. The two types of contourites, sandy and calcareous-rich or fine-grained terrigenous, record two types of bottom-current processes. The Cenozoic deposits at Site 637 show a general upward transition from contourites in the upper Miocene to turbidites in the Pliocene-Quaternary. The entire section is rhythmically bedded and has a poorly developed cyclic pattern defined by variations in the total carbonate content. The low sedimentation rates also show the same cyclicity, with lower values for the late Miocene and late Pliocene. This evolution reflects the predominant depositional processes and the dissolution of carbonates by a lower CCD during the late Miocene.


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La difusión de TV3D actual utiliza formatos como el Side-by-Side o Top-and-Bottom, en los que cada par de imágenes, correspondiente a las vistas de los ojos derecho e izquierdo, se encapsula con la mitad de la resolución espacial en una sola imagen. Estas imágenes se muestran de manera casi simultánea de forma que el ojo humano compone una imagen con profundidad que se asemeja a la visión binocular natural. Desde hace un par de años las principales plataformas de televisión han empezado a crear canales con contenido 3D. La televisión 3D (TV3D) se ha introducido en los hogares gracias a los televisores estereoscópicos. Estos televisores, que son compatibles con los formatos antes mencionados, extraen de cada imagen sus dos vistas, recuperan la resolución original y presentan cada vista alternativamente en la pantalla, generando al mismo tiempo una señal de sincronismo para las gafas activas, creando de esta forma la sensación tridimensional de las imágenes. En este PFC se pretende realizar el diseño VHDL de un cambiador de formato que genere en tiempo real la secuencia de imágenes correspondiente a los ojos derecho e izquierdo, con resolución completa, a partir de una secuencia codificada en formato tipo Top-and-Bottom y el banco de test para su prueba. Este circuito se implementará como un periférico del procesador NIOS II de Altera. El diseño podría utilizarse como parte de un sistema que permita la visualización de las actuales emisiones de televisión 3D en un televisor convencional. La tecnología de referencia que se utilizará serán las FPGAs, más concretamente la tarjeta Cyclone III FPGA Starter Kit (EP3C25 FPGA) de Altera, junto a una tarjeta de ampliación de Microtronix con entrada y salida HDMI para video y audio. Además se pretende crear la documentación necesaria para el desarrollo de futuros trabajos relacionados con la televisión 3D. ABSTRACT Current TV3D broadcasting uses formats as Side-by-Side or Top-and-Bottom, where every single pair of images, corresponding to left and right eyes views, are encapsulated with half spatial resolution in one single image. These images are almost simultaneously displayed so that the human eye forms an image with depth resembling naturally binocular vision. From a couple of years the major TV platforms have begun to create 3D content channels. 3D Television (3DTV) has been introduced in homes through stereoscopic televisions. These televisions, which are compatible with the above formats, each image is extracted from the two views, and recover the original resolution and displays alternately each view in screen, while generating a synchronization signal for active glasses, thereby creating the three-dimensional sensation of the images. The main objective in this PFC is to make the design of an exchanger VHDL format in real time to generate the image sequence corresponding to the right and left eyes, with full resolution from an encoded sequence type format Top-and-Bottom and test bench for testing. This circuit is implemented as a Altera NIOS II processor peripheral.The design could be used as part of a system enabling the display of current television broadcasts 3D on a conventional television. The reference technology that will be use are FPGAs, more specifically Cyclone III FPGA Starter Card Kit (EP3C25 FPGA) Altera, along with an expansion card Microtronix with HDMI input and output video and audio. It also aims to create documentation for the development of future works related to 3D TV.


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During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.


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Using partial amino acid sequence data derived from porcine methionyl aminopeptidase (MetAP; methionine aminopeptidase, peptidase M; EC, a full-length clone of the homologous human enzyme has been obtained. The cDNA sequence contains 2569 nt with a single open reading frame corresponding to a protein of 478 amino acids. The C-terminal portion representing the catalytic domain shows limited identity with MetAP sequences from various prokaryotes and yeast, while the N terminus is rich in charged amino acids, including extended strings of basic and acidic residues. These highly polar stretches likely result in the spuriously high observed molecular mass (67 kDa). This cDNA sequence is highly similar to a rat protein, termed p67, which was identified as an inhibitor of phosphorylation of initiation factor eIF2 alpha and was previously predicted to be a metallopeptidase based on limited sequence homology. Model building established that human MetAP (p67) could be readily accommodated into the Escherichia coli MetAP structure and that the Co2+ ligands were fully preserved. However, human MetAP was found to be much more similar to a yeast open reading frame that differed markedly from the previously reported yeast MetAP. A similar partial sequence from Methanothermus fervidus suggests that this p67-like sequence is also found in prokaryotes. These findings suggest that there are two cobalt-dependent MetAP families, presently composed of the prokaryote and yeast sequences (and represented by the E. coli structure) (type I), on the one hand, and by human MetAP, the yeast open reading frame, and the partial prokaryotic sequence (type II), on the other.


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Increasing reports of the appearance of novel nonmultiresistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MRSA (MRSA) strains in the community and of the spread of hospital MRSA strains into the community are cause for public health concern. We conducted two national surveys of unique isolates of S. aureus from clinical specimens collected from nonhospitalized patients commencing in 2000 and 2002, respectively. A total of 11.7% of 2,498 isolates from 2000 and 15.4% of 2,486 isolates from 2002 were MRSA. Approximately 54% of the MRSA isolates were nonmultiresistant (resistant to less than three of nine antibiotics) in both surveys. The majority of multiresistant MRSA isolates in both surveys belonged to two strains (strains AUS-2 and AUS-3), as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and resistogram typing. The 3 AUS-2 isolates and 10 of the 11 AUS-3 isolates selected for multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) analysis were ST239-MRSA-III (where ST is the sequence type) and thus belonged to the same clone as the eastern Australian MRSA strain of the 1980s, which spread internationally. Four predominant clones of novel nonmultiresistant MRSA were identified by PFGE, MLST, and SCCmec analysis: ST22-MRSA-IV (strain EMRSA-15), ST1-MRSA-IV (strain WA-1), ST30-MRSA-IV (strain SWP), and ST93-MRSA-IV (strain Queensland). The last three clones are associated with community acquisition. A total of 14 STs were identified in the surveys, including six unique clones of novel nonmultiresistant MRSA, namely, STs 73, 93, 129, 75, and 80sIv and a new ST. SCCmec types IV and V were present in diverse genetic backgrounds. These findings provide support for the acquisition of SCCmec by multiple lineages of S. aureus. They also confirm that both hospital and community strains of MRSA are now common in nonhospitalized patients throughout Australia.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the high prevalence of Clostridium difficile in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), and to control its dissemination. To determine the carriage rate of C. difficile in CF patients, 60 patients were tested for C. difficile and its toxin. In total, 50% of patients were found to be asymptomatic carriers of C. difficile despite toxin being detected in 31.66% of patients. Ribotyping of the C. difficile isolates revealed 16 distinct ribotypes, including the hyper virulent RT078. All isolates were sensitive to both Vancomycin and Metronidazole. The effect of CF and its treatment on the gut microbiota of CF patients was assessed by 16s sequencing of the gut microbiota of 68 CF patients. When compared to a healthy control group, CF patient gut microbiota was found to be less diverse and had an increased Firmicutes to Bacteriodetes ratio. Interestingly, CF patients who were carriers of C. difficile had a less diverse gut microbiota than C. difficile negative CF patients. Multilocus sequence typing was found to be comparable to PCR-ribotyping for typing C. difficile isolates from high risk patient groups. The sequence type ST 26 is potentially associated with CF patients as all seven isolates were found in this group and this sequence type has been previously reported in CF patients in a geographically distinct study. The bacteriophage ФCD6356 was assessed as a targeted antimicrobial against C. difficile in an ex-vivo model of the human distal colon. Despite reducing viable C. difficile by 1.75 logs over 24 hours, this bacteriophage was not suitable due to its lysogenic nature. Following treatment, all surviving C. difficile were immune to reinfection due to prophage integration. However, the ФCD6356 encoded endolysin was capable of reducing viable C. difficile by 2.9 over 2 hours in vitro after being cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis patients. This study compares the antimicrobial susceptibility of 153 P. aeruginosa isolates from the United Kingdom (UK) (n=58), Belgium (n=44), and Germany (n=51) collected from 120 patients during routine visits over the 2006-2012 period. MICs were measured by broth microdilution. Genes encoding extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL), metallo-β-lactamases and carbapenemases were detected by PCR. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and Multi-Locus Sequence Typing were performed on isolates resistant to ≥ 3 antibiotic classes among penicillins/cephalosporins, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, polymyxins. Based on EUCAST/CLSI breakpoints, susceptibility was ≤ 30%/≤ 40% (penicillins, ceftazidime, amikacin, ciprofloxacin), 44-48%/48-63% (carbapenems), 72%/72% (tobramycin), and 92%/78% (colistin) independently of patient's age. Sixty percent of strains were multidrug resistant (MDR; European Centre for Disease prevention and Control criteria). Genes encoding ESBL (most prevalent BEL, PER, GES, VEB, CTX-M, TEM, SHV, and OXA), metallo β-lactamases (VIM, IMP, NDM), or carbapenemases (OXA-48, KPC) were not detected. The Liverpool Epidemic Strain (LES) was prevalent in UK isolates only (75% of MDR isolates). Four MDR ST958 isolates were found spread over the three countries. The other MDR clones were evidenced in ≤ 3 isolates and localized in a single country. A new sequence type (ST2254) was discovered in one MDR isolate in Germany. Clonal and non-clonal isolates with different susceptibility profiles were found in 21 patients. Thus, resistance and MDR are highly prevalent in routine isolates from 3 countries, with carbapenem (meropenem), tobramycin and colistin remaining the most active drugs.


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We completed the genome sequence of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) by determining the nucleotide sequences of the 4a (putative phosphoprotein), 4b, M (matrix protein), G (glycoprotein) and L (polymerase) genes. The genome consists of 12,807 nucleotides and encodes six genes in the order 3′ leader-N-4a(P)-4b-M-G-L-5′ trailer. Sequences were derived from clones of a cDNA library from LNYV genomic RNA and from fragments amplified using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The 4a protein has a low isoelectric point characteristic for rhabdovirus phosphoproteins. The 4b protein has significant sequence similarities with the movement proteins of capillo- and trichoviruses and may be involved in cell-to-cell movement. The putative G protein sequence contains a predicted 25 amino acids signal peptide and endopeptidase cleavage site, three predicted glycosylation sites and a putative transmembrane domain. The deduced L protein sequence shows similarities with the L proteins of other plant rhabdoviruses and contains polymerase module motifs characteristic for RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of negative-strand RNA viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of this motif among rhabdoviruses placed LNYV in a group with other sequenced cytorhabdoviruses, most closely related to Strawberry crinkle virus.


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Expressed sequence tag (EST) databases provide a primary source of nuclear DNA sequences for genetic marker development in non-model organisms. To date, the process has been relatively inefficient for several reasons: - 1) priming site polymorphism in the template leads to inferior or erratic amplification; - 2) introns in the target amplicon are too large and/or numerous to allow effective amplification under standard screening conditions, and; - 3) at least occasionally, a PCR primer straddles an exon–intron junction and is unable to bind to genomic DNA template. The first is only a minor issue for species or strains with low heterozygosity but becomes a significant problem for species with high genomic variation, such as marine organisms with extremely large effective population sizes. Problems arising from unanticipated introns are unavoidable but are most pronounced in intron-rich species, such as vertebrates and lophotrochozoans. We present an approach to marker development in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, a highly polymorphic and intron-rich species, which minimizes these problems, and should be applicable to other non-model species for which EST databases are available. Placement of PCR primers in the 3′ end of coding sequence and 3′ UTR improved PCR success rate from 51% to 97%. Almost all (37 of 39) markers developed for the Pacific oyster were polymorphic in a small test panel of wild and domesticated oysters.


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The complete sequence of a P4 type VP4 gene from a G2 serotype human rotavirus, IS2, isolated in India has been determined. Although the IS2 VP4 is highly homologous to the other P4 type alleles, it contained acidic amino acid substitutions at several positions that make it acidic among the P4 type alleles that are basic. Moreover, comparative sequence analysis revealed unusual polymorphism in members of the P4 type at amino acid position 393 which is highly conserved in members of other VP4 types. To date, expression of complete VP4 inE. coli has not been achieved. In this study we present successful expression inE. coli of the complete VP4 as well as VP8* and VP5* cleavage subunits in soluble form as fusion proteins of the maltose-binding protein (MBP) and their purification by single-step affinity chromatography. The hemagglutinating activity exhibited by the recombinant protein was specifically inhibited by the antiserum raised against it. Availability of pure VP4 proteins should facilitate development of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for P serotyping of rotaviruses.


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The sequence and structure of snake gourd seed lectin (SGSL), a nontoxic homologue of type II ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), have been determined by mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography, respectively. As in type II RIPs, the molecule consists of a lectin chain made up of two beta-trefoil domains. The catalytic chain, which is connected through a disulfide bridge to the lectin chain in type II RIPs, is cleaved into two in SGSL. However, the integrity of the three-dimensional structure of the catalytic component of the molecule is preserved. This is the first time that a three-chain RIP or RIP homologue has been observed. A thorough examination of the sequence and structure of the protein and of its interactions with the bound methyl-alpha-galactose indicate that the nontoxicity of SGSL results from a combination of changes in the catalytic and the carbohydrate-binding sites. Detailed analyses of the sequences of type II RIPs of known structure and their homologues with unknown structure provide valuable insights into the evolution of this class of proteins. They also indicate some variability in carbohydrate-binding sites, which appears to contribute to the different levels of toxicity exhibited by lectins from various sources.


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Boron abundances have been derived for seven main-sequence B- type stars from Hubble Space Telescope STIS spectra around the B III lambda2066 line. In two stars, boron appears to be undepleted with respect to the presumed initial abundance. In one star, boron is detectable but is clearly depleted. In the other four stars, boron is undetectable, implying depletions of 1-2 dex. Three of these four stars are nitrogen enriched, but the fourth shows no enrichment of nitrogen. Only rotationally induced mixing predicts that boron depletions are unaccompanied by nitrogen enrichments. The inferred rate of boron depletion from our observations is in good agreement with these predictions. Other boron-depleted nitrogen-normal stars are identified from the literature. In addition, several boron- depleted nitrogen-rich stars are identified, and while all fall on the boron-nitrogen trend predicted by rotationally induced mixing, a majority have nitrogen enrichments that are not uniquely explained by rotation. The spectra have also been used to determine iron group (Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) abundances. The seven B-type stars have near-solar iron group abundances, as expected for young stars in the solar neighborhood. We have also analyzed the halo B-type star PG 0832 + 676. We find [Fe/H] = -0.88 +/- 0.10, and the absence of the B III line gives the upper limit [B/H] <-2.5. These and other published abundances are used to infer the star's evolutionary status as a post-asymptotic giant branch star.