993 resultados para Separation efficiency
This study presents the first part of a CFD study on the performance of a downer reactor for biomass pyrolysis. The reactor was equipped with a novel gas-solid separation method, developed by the co-authors from the ICFAR (Canada). The separator, which was designed to allow for fast separation of clean pyrolysis gas, consisted of a cone deflector and a gas exit pipe installed inside the downer reactor. A multi-fluid model (Eulerian-Eulerian) with constitutive relations adopted from the kinetic theory of granular flow was used to simulate the multiphase flow. The effects of the various parameters including operation conditions, separator geometry and particle properties on the overall hydrodynamics and separation efficiency were investigated. The model prediction of the separator efficiency was compared with experimental measurements. The results revealed distinct hydrodynamic features around the cone separator, allowing for up to 100% separation efficiency. The developed model provided a platform for the second part of the study, where the biomass pyrolysis is simulated and the product quality as a function of operating conditions is analyzed. Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A Eulerian-Eulerian CFD model was used to investigate the fast pyrolysis of biomass in a downer reactor equipped with a novel gas-solid separation mechanism. The highly endothermic pyrolysis reaction was assumed to be entirely driven by an inert solid heat carrier (sand). A one-step global pyrolysis reaction, along with the equations describing the biomass drying and heat transfer, was implemented in the hydrodynamic model presented in part I of this study (Fuel Processing Technology, V126, 366-382). The predictions of the gas-solid separation efficiency, temperature distribution, residence time and the pyrolysis product yield are presented and discussed. For the operating conditions considered, the devolatilisation efficiency was found to be above 60% and the yield composition in mass fraction was 56.85% bio-oil, 37.87% bio-char and 5.28% non-condensable gas (NCG). This has been found to agree reasonably well with recent relevant published experimental data. The novel gas-solid separation mechanism allowed achieving greater than 99.9% separation efficiency and < 2 s pyrolysis gas residence time. The model has been found to be robust and fast in terms of computational time, thus has the great potential to aid in future design and optimisation of the biomass fast pyrolysis process.
Hybrid nanocomposites based on N-doped SrTiO3 nanoparticles wrapped in g-C3N4 nanosheets were successfully prepared by a facile and reproducible polymeric citrate and thermal exfoliation method. The results clearly indicated that the N-doped SrTiO3 nanoparticles are successfully wrapped in layers of the g-C3N4 nanosheets. The g-C3N4/N-doped SrTiO3 nanocomposites showed absorption edges at longer wavelengths compared with the pure g-C3N4 as well as N-doped SrTiO3. The hybrid nanocomposites exhibit an improved photocurrent response and photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. Interestingly, the hybrid nanocomposite possesses high photostability and reusability. Based on experimental results, the possible mechanism for prolonged lifetime of the photoinduced charge carrier was also discussed. The high performance of the g-C3N4/N-doped SrTiO3 photocatalysts is due to the synergic effect at the interface of g-C3N4 and N-doped SrTiO3 hetero/nanojunction including the high separation efficiency of the charge carrier, band energy matching and the suppressed recombination rate. Therefore, the hybrid photocatalyst could be of potential interest for water splitting and environmental remediation under natural sunlight.
Developing novel heterojunction photocatalysts is a powerful strategy for improving the separation efficiency of photogenerated charge carriers, which is attracting the intense research interest in photocatalysis. Herein we report a highly efficient hetero/nanojunction consisting of Ag2CO3 nanoparticles grown on layered g-C3N4 nanosheets synthesized via a facile and template free in situ precipitation method. The UV–vis diffuse reflectance studies revealed that the synthesized Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunctions exhibit a broader and stronger light absorption in the visible light region, which is highly beneficial for absorbing the visible light in the solar spectrum. The optimum photocatalytic activity of Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 at a weight content of 10% Ag2CO3 for the degradation of Rhodamine B was almost 5.5 and 4 times as high as that of the pure Ag2CO3 and g-C3N4, respectively. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of the Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunctions is due to synergistic effects including the strong visible light absorption, large specific surface area, and high charge transfer and separation efficiency. More importantly, the high photostability and low use of the noble metal silver which reduces the cost of the material. Therefore, the synthesized Ag2CO3/g-C3N4 hetero/nanojunction photocatalyst is a promising candidate for energy storage and environment protection applications.
A facile and reproducible template free in situ precipitation method has been developed for the synthesis of Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of a g-C3N4 photocatalyst at room temperature. The g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 organic–inorganic hybrid nanocomposite photocatalysts were characterized by various techniques. TEM results show the in situ growth of finely distributed Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of the g-C3N4 sheet. The optimum photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 at 25 wt% of g-C3N4 under visible light is almost 5 and 3.5 times higher than pure g-C3N4 and Ag3PO4 respectively. More attractively, the stability of Ag3PO4 was improved due to the in situ deposition of Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of the g-C3N4 sheet. The improved performance of the g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 hybrid nanocomposite photocatalysts under visible light irradiation was induced by a synergistic effect, including high charge separation efficiency of the photoinduced electron–hole pair, the smaller particle size, relatively high surface area and the energy band structure. Interestingly, the heterostructured g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 nanocomposite significantly reduces the use of the noble metal silver, thereby effectively reducing the cost of the Ag3PO4 based photocatalyst.
The principal effluent in the oil industry is the produced water, which is commonly associated to the produced oil. It presents a pronounced volume of production and it can be reflected on the environment and society, if its discharge is unappropriated. Therefore, it is indispensable a valuable careful to establish and maintain its management. The traditional treatment of produced water, usualy includes both tecniques, flocculation and flotation. At flocculation processes, there are traditional floculant agents that aren’t well specified by tecnichal information tables and still expensive. As for the flotation process, it’s the step in which is possible to separate the suspended particles in the effluent. The dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a technique that has been consolidating economically and environmentally, presenting great reliability when compared with other processes. The DAF is presented as a process widely used in various fields of water and wastewater treatment around the globe. In this regard, this study was aimed to evaluate the potential of an alternative natural flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera to reduce the amount of oil and grease (TOG) in produced water from the oil industry by the method of flocculation/DAF. the natural flocculant agent was evaluated by its efficacy, as well as its efficiency when compared with two commercial flocculant agents normally used by the petroleum industry. The experiments were conducted following an experimental design and the overall efficiencies for all flocculants were treated through statistical calculation based on the use of STATISTICA software version 10.0. Therefore, contour surfaces were obtained from the experimental design and were interpreted in terms of the response variable removal efficiency TOG (total oil and greases). The plan still allowed to obtain mathematical models for calculating the response variable in the studied conditions. Commercial flocculants showed similar behavior, with an average overall efficiency of 90% for oil removal, however it is the economical analysis the decisive factor to choose one of these flocculant agents to the process. The natural alternative flocculant agent based on Moringa oleifera showed lower separation efficiency than those of commercials one (average 70%), on the other hand this flocculant causes less environmental impacts and it´s less expensive
The hydrocycloning operation has a goal to separate solid-liquid suspensions and liquid-liquid emulsions through the centrifugal force action. Hydrocyclones are equipment with reduced size and used in both clarification and thickening. This device is used in many areas, like petrochemical and minerals process, and accumulate advantages like versatility and low cost of maintenance. However, the demand to improve the process and to reduce the costs has motivated several studies of equipment optimization. The filtering hydrocyclone is a non-conventional equipment developed at FEQUI/UFU with objective to improve the hydrocycloning separation efficiency. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the operating conditions of feed concentration and underflow diameter on the performance of a filtering geometry optimized to minimization of energy costs. The filtration effect was investigated through the comparison between the performance of the Optimized Filtering Hydrocyclone (HCOF) and the Optimized Concentrator Hydrocyclone (HCO). Because of the resemblance of hydrocyclones performance, the filtration did not represent significant effect on the performance of the HCOF. It was found that in this geometry the decrease of the variable underflow diameter was very favorable to thickening operation. The suspension concentration of quartzite at 1.0% of solids in volume was increased about 42 times when the 3 mm underflow diameter was used. The increase on the feed solid percentage was good for decreasing the energy spent, so that a minimum number of Euler of 730 was achieved at CVA = 10.0%v. However, a greater amount of solids in suspension leads to a lower efficiency of the equipment. Therefore, to minimize the underflow-to-throughput ratio and keep a high efficiency level, it is indicated to work with dilute suspension (CVA = 1.0%) and 3 mm underflow diameter (η = 67%). But if it is necessary to work with high feed concentration, the use of 5 mm underflow diameter provides a rise in the efficiency. The HCO hydrocyclone was compared to the traditional family of hydrocyclones Rietema and presented advantages like higher efficiency (34% higher in average) and lower energy costs (20% lower in average). Finally, the efficiency curves and project equation have been raised for the HCO hydrocyclone each with satisfactory adjust.
Evaluation of the quality of the environment is essential for human wellness as pollutants in trace amounts can cause serious health problem. Nitrosamines are a group of compounds that are considered potential carcinogens and can be found in drinking water (as disinfection byproducts), foods, beverages and cosmetics. To monitor the level of these compounds to minimize daily intakes, fast and reliable analytical techniques are required. As these compounds are relatively highly polar, extraction and enrichment from environmental samples (aqueous) are challenging. Also, the trend of analytical techniques toward the reduction of sample size and minimization of organic solvent use demands new methods of analysis. In light of fulfilling these requirements, a new method of online preconcentration tailored to an electrokinetic chromatography is introduced. In this method, electroosmotic flow (EOF) was suppressed to increase the interaction time between analyte and micellar phase, therefore the only force to mobilize the neutral analytes is the interaction of analyte with moving micelles. In absence of EOF, polarity of applied potential was switched (negative or positive) to force (anionic or cationic) micelles to move toward the detector. To avoid the excessive band broadening due to longer analysis time caused by slow moving micelles, auxiliary pressure was introduced to boost the micelle movement toward the detector using an in house designed and built apparatus. Applying the external auxiliary pressure significantly reduced the analysis times without compromising separation efficiency. Parameters, such as type of surfactants, composition of background electrolyte (BGE), type of capillary, matrix effect, organic modifiers, etc., were evaluated in optimization of the method. The enrichment factors for targeted analytes were impressive, particularly; cationic surfactants were shown to be suitable for analysis of nitrosamines due to their ability to act as hydrogen bond donors. Ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO) also showed remarkable results in term of peak shapes and number of theoretical plates. It was shown that the separation results were best when a high conductivity sample was paired with a BGE of lower conductivity. Using higher surfactant concentrations (up to 200 mM SDS) than usual (50 mM SDS) for micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) improved the sweeping. A new method for micro-extraction and enrichment of highly polar neutral analytes (N-Nitrosamines in particular) based on three-phase drop micro-extraction was introduced and its performance studied. In this method, a new device using some easy-to-find components was fabricated and its operation and application demonstrated. Compared to conventional extraction methods (liquid-liquid extraction), consumption of organic solvents and operation times were significantly lower.
The scope of this dissertation is to study the transport phenomena of small molecules in polymers and membranes for gas separation applications, with particular attention to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. This work seeks to contribute to the development of new competitive selective materials through the characterization of novel organic polymers such as CANALs and ROMPs, as well as through the combination of selective materials obtaining mixed matrix membranes (MMMs), to make membrane technologies competitive with the traditional ones. Kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of the transport properties were investigated in ideal and non-ideal scenarios, such as mixed-gas experiments. The information we gathered contributed to the development of the fundamental understanding related to phenomenon like CO2-induced plasticization and physical aging. Among the most significant results, ZIF-8/PPO MMMs provided materials whose permeability and selectivity were higher than those of the pure materials for He/CO2 separation. The CANALs featured norbornyl benzocyclobutene backbone and thereby introduced a third typology of ladder polymers in the gas separation field, expanding the structural diversity of microporous materials. CANALs have a completely hydrocarbon-based and non-polar rigid backbone, which makes them an ideal model system to investigate structure-property correlations. ROMPs were synthesized by means of the ring opening metathesis living polymerization, which allowed the formation of bottlebrush polymers. CF3-ROMP reveled to be ultrapermeable to CO2, with unprecedented plasticization resistance properties. Mixed-gas experiments in glassy polymer showed that solubility-selectivity controls the separation efficiency of materials in multicomponent conditions. Finally, it was determined that plasticization pressure in not an intrinsic property of a material and does not represent a state of the system, but rather comes from the contribution of solubility coefficient and diffusivity coefficient in the framework of the solution-diffusion model.
This thesis aims to investigate the fundamental processes governing the performance of different types of photoelectrodes used in photoelectrochemical (PEC) applications, such as unbiased water splitting for hydrogen production. Unraveling the transport and recombination phenomena in nanostructured and surface-modified heterojunctions at a semiconductor/electrolyte interface is not trivial. To approach this task, the work presented here first focus on a hydrogen-terminated p-silicon photocathode in acetonitrile, considered as a standard reference for PEC studies. Steady-state and time-resolved excitation at long wavelength provided clear evidence of the formation of an inversion layer and revealed that the most optimal photovoltage and the longest electron-hole pair lifetime occurs when the reduction potential for the species in solution lies within the unfilled conduction band states. Understanding more complex systems is not as straight-forward and a complete characterization that combine time- and frequency-resolved techniques is needed. Intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy are used here on WO3/BiVO4 heterojunctions. By selectively probing the two layers of the heterojunction, the occurrence of interfacial recombination was identified. Then, the addition of Co-Fe based overlayers resulted in passivation of surface states and charge storage at the overlayer active sites, providing higher charge separation efficiency and suppression of recombination in time scales that go from picoseconds to seconds. Finally, the charge carrier kinetics of several different Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS)-based architectures used for water reduction was investigated. The efficiency of a CIGS photocathode is severely limited by charge transfer at the electrode/electrolyte interface compared to the same absorber layer used as a photovoltaic cell. A NiMo binary alloy deposited on the photocathode surface showed a remarkable enhancement in the transfer rate of electrons in solution. An external CIGS photovoltaic module assisting a NiMo dark cathode displayed optimal absorption and charge separation properties and a highly performing interface with the solution.
In an attempt to optimize a high yield, high efficiency artificial photosynthetic protein we have discovered unique energy and spatial architecture limits which apply to all light-activated photosynthetic systems. We have generated an analytical solution for the time behavior of the core three cofactor charge separation element in photosynthesis, the photosynthetic cofactor triad, and explored the functional consequences of its makeup including its architecture, the reduction potentials of its components, and the absorption energy of the light absorbing primary-donor cofactor. Our primary findings are two: First, that a high efficiency, high yield triad will have an absorption frequency more than twice the reorganization energy of the first electron transfer, and second, that the relative distance of the acceptor and the donor from the primary-donor plays an important role in determining the yields, with the highest efficiency, highest yield architecture having the light absorbing cofactor closest to the acceptor. Surprisingly, despite the increased complexity found in natural solar energy conversion proteins, we find that the construction of this central triad in natural systems matches these predictions. Our analysis thus not only suggests explanations for some aspects of the makeup of natural photosynthetic systems, it also provides specific design criteria necessary to create high efficiency, high yield artificial protein-based triads.
The world's rising demand of energy turns the development of sustainable and more efficient technologies for energy production and storage into an inevitable task. Thermoelectric generators, composed of pairs of n-type and p-type semiconducting materials, di¬rectly transform waste heat into useful electricity. The efficiency of a thermoelectric mate¬rial depends on its electronic and lattice properties, summarized in its figure of merit ZT. Desirable are high electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficients, and low thermal con¬ductivity. Half-Heusler materials are very promising candidates for thermoelectric applications in the medium¬ temperature range such as in industrial and automotive waste heat recovery. The advantage of Heusler compounds are excellent electronic properties and high thermal and mechanical stability, as well as their low toxicity and elemental abundance. Thus, the main obstacle to further enhance their thermoelectric performance is their relatively high thermal conductivity.rn rnIn this work, the thermoelectric properties of the p-type material (Ti/Zr/Hf)CoSb1-xSnx were optimized in a multistep process. The concept of an intrinsic phase separation has recently become a focus of research in the compatible n-type (Ti/Zr/Hf)NiSn system to achieve low thermal conductivities and boost the TE performance. This concept is successfully transferred to the TiCoSb system. The phase separation approach can form a significant alternative to the previous nanostructuring approach via ball milling and hot pressing, saving pro¬cessing time, energy consumption and increasing the thermoelectric efficiency. A fundamental concept to tune the performance of thermoelectric materials is charge carrier concentration optimization. The optimum carrier concentration is reached with a substitution level for Sn of x = 0.15, enhancing the ZT about 40% compared to previous state-of-the-art samples with x = 0.2. The TE performance can be enhanced further by a fine-tuning of the Ti-to-Hf ratio. A correlation of the microstructure and the thermoelectric properties is observed and a record figure of merit ZT = 1.2 at 710°C was reached with the composition Ti0.25Hf0.75CoSb0.85Sn0.15.rnTowards application, the long term stability of the material under actual conditions of operation are an important issue. The impact of such a heat treatment on the structural and thermoelectric properties is investigated. Particularly, the best and most reliable performance is achieved in Ti0.5Hf0.5CoSb0.85Sn0.15, which reached a maximum ZT of 1.1 at 700°C. The intrinsic phase separation and resulting microstructure is stable even after 500 heating and cooling cycles.
We study the star/galaxy classification efficiency of 13 different decision tree algorithms applied to photometric objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Seven (SDSS-DR7). Each algorithm is defined by a set of parameters which, when varied, produce different final classification trees. We extensively explore the parameter space of each algorithm, using the set of 884,126 SDSS objects with spectroscopic data as the training set. The efficiency of star-galaxy separation is measured using the completeness function. We find that the Functional Tree algorithm (FT) yields the best results as measured by the mean completeness in two magnitude intervals: 14 <= r <= 21 (85.2%) and r >= 19 (82.1%). We compare the performance of the tree generated with the optimal FT configuration to the classifications provided by the SDSS parametric classifier, 2DPHOT, and Ball et al. We find that our FT classifier is comparable to or better in completeness over the full magnitude range 15 <= r <= 21, with much lower contamination than all but the Ball et al. classifier. At the faintest magnitudes (r > 19), our classifier is the only one that maintains high completeness (> 80%) while simultaneously achieving low contamination (similar to 2.5%). We also examine the SDSS parametric classifier (psfMag - modelMag) to see if the dividing line between stars and galaxies can be adjusted to improve the classifier. We find that currently stars in close pairs are often misclassified as galaxies, and suggest a new cut to improve the classifier. Finally, we apply our FT classifier to separate stars from galaxies in the full set of 69,545,326 SDSS photometric objects in the magnitude range 14 <= r <= 21.
Liquid-liquid microextraction without phase segmentation was implemented in a multicommuted flow system for determination of the anti-hypertensive diltiazem. The procedure was based on ion pair formation between the drug and the dye bromothymol blue at pH 3.5. The detection was performed without phase separation in a glass tube coupled to a fiber-optics spectrophotometer. The total volume of chloroform was reduced to 50 mu L in comparison with 10 mL consumed in batch. A linear response was observed between 9 and 120 mu mol L(-1), with a detection limit of 0.9 mu mol L(-1) (99.7% confidence level). The coefficient of variation (n = 10), sampling rate and extraction efficiency were estimated as 0.6%, 78 determinations per hour and 61%, respectively. About 30 mu g of bromothymol blue was consumed and the waste volume was 380 mu L per determination. The results for pharmaceutical samples agreed with those obtained by the reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents and discusses the influence of the surface tension (gamma(LV)) of methanol/water mixtures on the flotation response of apatite versus gangue minerals conditioned with flotation reagents (75 g/t cornstarch and 100 g/t Berol 867) at pH 10.6. Berol 867 is a collector composed of sodium alkyl sarcosinate plus nonionic surfactant. The highest Schulz efficiency of separation (recovery of apatite minus recovery of gangue) was achieved at approximate to 51.0 mN/m. The critical surface tension of wettability (gamma(C)) of apatite was found to occur at 34.7 mN/m when determined by means of gamma flotation experiments, , and it was 33.9 mN/m when determined by Zisman`s approach.