99 resultados para Sensibilities


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Em Capanema, no nordeste do Pará, mulheres rezadeiras, motivadas por fotografias, tecem narrativas históricas desvelando trajetórias de migrantes nordestinos para o município, elaborando representações do conflituoso cotidiano da vida urbana. Por meio de sensibilidades urdidas em simbiose de corpo, voz e imagens, as narradoras produzem práticas de leitura que permitem questionar a escrita convencional da história local, consagrada nos jogos mentais de centenas de moradores. Este artigo, portanto, seguindo a metodologia da História Oral e dialogando com intelectuais dos Estudos Culturais e Antropologia da Religião, ao cruzar a leitura de imagens oficiais com a interpretação dada pelas rezadeiras sobre tramas e dramas da urbe, numa perspectiva "vista de baixo" e popular, esgarça imaginários cristalizados, trazendo para a escrita da história outras experiências e paisagens culturais comumente postas nas dobras de retratos emoldurados pelo discurso do poder hegemônico.


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Esta dissertação tem a preocupação em estudar as moradias urbanas de Belém na primeira metade do século XIX. Identificar as relações sociais construídas nestes ambientes domésticos, investigados através do uso e consumo de objetos encontrados nos inventários post mortem, jornais, relatos de viajantes e outras documentações. Apontar a trajetória das influências que sofreram os ambientes domésticos, incorporando ou produzindo suas próprias relações com o espaço de habitação é uma tarefa que procuro discutir. Os sentidos de domesticidade permeados pela relativa noção de privacidade e ao limitado acesso ao consumo de bens materiais são possibilidades que emergem ao longo do estudo. É neste conjunto que investigo o significado que as noções de conforto, praticidade são projetados nos mobiliários domésticos, e com isto, ler como o habitante urbano representava essas sensibilidades diante do local de residência nesta capital paraense em meados do século XIX.


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A simulação de uma seção sísmica de afastamento-nulo (AN) a partir de dados de cobertura múltipla pode ser realizada através do empilhamento sísmico, o qual é um método de imageamento de reflexão sísmica muito utilizado na indústria. O processo de empilhamento sísmico permite reduzir a quantidade de dados e melhorar a razão sinal/ruído. Baseado na aproximação hiperbólica dos tempos de trânsito dependente de três parâmetros ou atributos cinemáticos de frentes de onda. Recentemente, vem desenvolvendo-se um novo método para simular seções (AN) chamado método de empilhamento sísmico por Superfície de Reflexão Comum (ou empilhamento SRC). Este novo formalismo pode ser estendido para construir seções de afastamento-nulo (AN) a partir de dados de cobertura múltipla, usando aproximações dos tempos de trânsito paraxiais na vizinhança de um raio central com afastamento-nulo (AN), para o caso de uma linha de medição com topografia suave e rugosa. Essas duas aproximações de tempos de trânsito também dependem de três atributos cinemáticos de frentes de ondas. Nesta dissertação, apresenta-se uma revisão teórica da teoria paraxial do raio para a obtenção das aproximações dos tempos de trânsito paraxiais considerando uma linha de medição com topografia rugosa e suave. A partir das aproximações dos tempos de trânsito paraxiais em relação a um raio central com afastamento-nulo (AN), foram obtidas duas novas aproximações de tempos de trânsito usando a condição de um ponto difrator em profundidade, reduzindo as equações originais para dois parâmetros. Também foram obtidas as aproximações para o caso de raios paraxiais com afastamento-nulo (AN). Para as aproximações de reflexão e difração utilizando um mesmo modelo sintético, foram comparadas através da representação gráfica as superfícies de empilhamento das aproximações dos tempos de trânsito para a topografia suave e rugosa. Em seguida, para analisar o comportamento dos operadores associados a reflexão e a difração, quando estes são perturbados, discutimos suas sensibilidades em relação a cada um dos três parâmetros (β0, KPIN, KN). Esta análise de sensibilidade foi realizada em duas formas: Sensibilidade através da perturbação de cada parâmetro visualizado nas superfícies de empilhamento SRC-TR e SDC-TR e da primeira derivada dos tempos de trânsito SRC-TR e SDC-TR. Finalmente, usando essas aproximações hiperbólicas em função de três e dois parâmetros e com base nos resultados da análise de sensibilidade, foi proposto um algoritmo para simular seções AN a partir de dados de cobertura múltipla.


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A autora aborda a Violência a partir de uma perspectiva ''personalista e fenomenológica'', para que não fique restrita ao seu sentido usual, de violação da integridade física. O artigo toma as filosofias de M. Buber e T. Adorno como plataforma da reflexão, ambas preocupadas em estabelecer uma ''fenomenologia dos sentidos'', e compara suas conseqüências éticas, mostrando como um compreensão ampliada da Violência emerge desse ponto de vista.


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The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this “fashion in the soap operas” interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of “fashion in the soap operas”, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays


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At a time when people turn increasingly to technological innovations and virtual networks, a closer interaction with the environment can provide sensitizing experiences. One tool that facilitates this approach is the interpretative trail: its use in a Unit of Conservation (UC) allows more contact between the visitor and the nature elements. This research aimed to propose the establishment of an interpretative trail at the State Florest “Edmundo Navarro de Andrade” (FEENA) in Rio Claro (SP) with theoretical bases from Waldorf Pedagogy. The proposed trail is destined for students with 07-14 years-old, a period that the awareness is more accurate in a person, according to Waldorf tenets. On the path of the trail, we propose some educational activities at the points of interpretation: storytelling about environment; “photograph” the place with a drawing; create a song with sounds produced by the body and by nature elements; blindfold guide and a circle of people to share experiences. The activities aim to provide in the student a close and harmonious contact with oneself, with other people and with the natural world, and also serve as a support for programs of public use and environmental education at UC. The environmental awareness process in the context of FEENA - which has a significant landscape valuation - develops through the sensibilities of exterior and interior world. And also develops with the creation if images, thoughts, feelings and interdependencies relationships. Therefore, the ecologic education allows changes and formation of values and sensitive attitudes to students about the environment


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Examination of scatological motifs in Théophile de Viau’s (1590-1626) libertine, or ‘cabaret’ poetry is important in terms of how the scatological contributes to the depiction of the Early Modern body in the French lyric.1 This essay does not examine Théophile’s portrait of the body strictly in terms of the ‘Baroque’ or the ‘neo-Classical.’ Rather, it argues that the scatological context in which he situates the body (either his, or those of others), reflects a keen sensibility of the body representative of the transition between these two eras. Théophile reinforces what Bernard Beugnot terms the body’s inherent ‘eloquence’ (17), or what Patrick Dandrey describes as an innate ‘textuality’ in what the body ‘writes’ (31), and how it discloses meaning. The poet’s scatological lyric, much of which was published in the Pamasse Satyrique of 1622, projects a different view of the body’s ‘eloquence’ by depicting a certain realism and honesty about the body as well as the pleasure and suffering it experiences. This Baroque realism, which derives from a sense of the grotesque and the salacious, finds itself in conflict with the Classical body which is frequently characterized as elegant, adorned, and ‘domesticated’ (Beugnot 25). Théophile’s private body is completely exposed, and, unlike the public body of the court, does not rely on masking and pretension to define itself. Mitchell Greenberg contends that the body in late sixteenth-century and early seventeenth-century French literature is often depicted in a chaotic manner because, ‘the French body politic was rent by tumultuous religious and social upheavals’ (62).2 While one could argue that Théophile’s portraits of a syphilis-ridden narrators are more a reflection of his personal agony rather than that of France as a whole, what emerges in Théophile is an emphasis on the movement, if not decomposition of the body.3 Given Théophile’s public persona and the satirical dimension of his work, it is difficult to imagine that the degeneration he portrays is limited only to his individual experience. On a collective level, Théophile reflects what Greenberg calls ‘a continued, if skewed apprehension of the world in both its physical and metaphysical dimensions’(62–3) typical of the era. To a large extent, the body Théophile depicts is a scatological body, one whose deterioration takes the form of waste, disease, and evacuation as represented in both the private and public domain. Of course, one could cast aside any serious reading of Théophile’s libertine verse, and virtually all of scatological literature for that matter, as an immature indulgence in the prurient. Nonetheless, it was for his dissolute behavior and his scatological poetry that Théophile was imprisoned and condemned to death. Consequently, this part of his work merits serious consideration in terms of the personal and poetic (if not occasionally political) statement it represents. With the exception of Claire Gaudiani’s outstanding critical edition of Théophile’s cabaret lyric, there exist no extensive studies of the poet’s libertine œuvre.4 Clearly however, these poems should be taken seriously with respect to their philosophical and aesthetic import. As a consequence, the objective becomes that of enhancing the reader’s understanding of the lyric contexts in which Théophile’s scatological offerings situate themselves. Structurally, the reader sees how the poet’s libertine ceuvre is just that — an integrated work in which the various components correspond to one another to set forth a number of approaches from which the texts are to be read. These points of view are not always consistent, and Théophile cannot be thought of as writing in a sequential manner along the lines of devotional Baroque poets such as Jean de La Ceppède and Jean de Sponde. However, there is a tendency not to read these poems in their vulgar totality, and to overlook the formal and substantive unity in this category of Théophile’s work. The poet’s resistance to poetic and cultural standards takes a profane, if not pornographic form because it seeks to disgust and arouse while denigrating the self, the lyric other, and the reader. Théophile’s pornography makes no distinction between the erotic and scatological. The poet conflates sex and shit because they present a double form of protest to artistic and social decency while titillating and attacking the reader’s sensibilities. Examination of the repugnant gives way to a cathartic experience which yields an understanding of, if not ironic delight in, one’s own filthy nature.


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AIM: The purpose of this randomized split-mouth clinical trial was to determine the active tactile sensibility between single-tooth implants and opposing natural teeth and to compare it with the tactile sensibility of pairs of natural teeth on the contralateral side in the same mouth (intraindividual comparison). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The hypothesis was that the active tactile sensibilities of the implant side and control side are equivalent. Sixty two subjects (n=36 from Bonn, n=26 from Bern) with single-tooth implants (22 anterior and 40 posterior dental implants) were asked to bite on narrow copper foil strips varying in thickness (5-200 microm) and to decide whether or not they were able to identify a foreign body between their teeth. Active tactile sensibility was defined as the 50% threshold of correct answers estimated by means of the Weibull distribution. RESULTS: The results obtained for the interocclusal perception sensibility differed between subjects far more than they differed between natural teeth and implants in the same individual [implant/natural tooth: 16.7+/-11.3 microm (0.6-53.1 microm); natural tooth/natural tooth: 14.3+/-10.6 microm (0.5-68.2 microm)]. The intraindividual differences only amounted to a mean value of 2.4+/-9.4 microm (-15.1 to 27.5 microm). The result of our statistical calculations showed that the active tactile sensibility of single-tooth implants, both in the anterior and posterior region of the mouth, in combination with a natural opposing tooth is similar to that of pairs of opposing natural teeth (double t-test, equivalence margin: +/-8 microm, P<0.001, power >80%). Hence, the implants could be integrated in the stomatognathic control circuit.