908 resultados para Self-similar (fractal) processes


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We present new analytical tools able to predict the averaged behavior of fronts spreading through self-similar spatial systems starting from reaction-diffusion equations. The averaged speed for these fronts is predicted and compared with the predictions from a more general equation (proposed in a previous work of ours) and simulations. We focus here on two fractals, the Sierpinski gasket (SG) and the Koch curve (KC), for two reasons, i.e. i) they are widely known structures and ii) they are deterministic fractals, so the analytical study of them turns out to be more intuitive. These structures, despite their simplicity, let us observe several characteristics of fractal fronts. Finally, we discuss the usefulness and limitations of our approa


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Long distance dispersal (LDD) plays an important role in many population processes like colonization, range expansion, and epidemics. LDD of small particles like fungal spores is often a result of turbulent wind dispersal and is best described by functions with power-law behavior in the tails ("fat tailed"). The influence of fat-tailed LDD on population genetic structure is reported in this article. In computer simulations, the population structure generated by power-law dispersal with exponents in the range of -2 to -1, in distinct contrast to that generated by exponential dispersal, has a fractal structure. As the power-law exponent becomes smaller, the distribution of individual genotypes becomes more self-similar at different scales. Common statistics like G(ST) are not well suited to summarizing differences between the population genetic structures. Instead, fractal and self-similarity statistics demonstrated differences in structure arising from fat-tailed and exponential dispersal. When dispersal is fat tailed, a log-log plot of the Simpson index against distance between subpopulations has an approximately constant gradient over a large range of spatial scales. The fractal dimension D-2 is linearly inversely related to the power-law exponent, with a slope of similar to -2. In a large simulation arena, fat-tailed LDD allows colonization of the entire space by all genotypes whereas exponentially bounded dispersal eventually confines all descendants of a single clonal lineage to a relatively small area.


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This special issue gathers together a number of recent papers on fractal geometry and its applications to the modeling of flow and transport in porous media. The aim is to provide a systematic approach for analyzing the statics and dynamics of fluids in fractal porous media by means of theory, modeling and experimentation. The topics covered include lacunarity analyses of multifractal and natural grayscale patterns, random packing's of self-similar pore/particle size distributions, Darcian and non-Darcian hydraulic flows, diffusion within fractals, models for the permeability and thermal conductivity of fractal porous media and hydrophobicity and surface erosion properties of fractal structures.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar la dinámica de la capa logarítmica de flujos turbulentos de pared. En concreto, proponemos un nuevo modelo estructural utilizando diferentes tipos de estructuras coherentes: sweeps, eyecciones, grupos de vorticidad y streaks. La herramienta utilizada es la simulación numérica directa de canales turbulentos. Desde los primeros trabajos de Theodorsen (1952), las estructuras coherentes han jugado un papel fundamental para entender la organización y dinámica de los flujos turbulentos. A día de hoy, datos procedentes de simulaciones numéricas directas obtenidas en instantes no contiguos permiten estudiar las propiedades fundamentales de las estructuras coherentes tridimensionales desde un punto de vista estadístico. Sin embargo, la dinámica no puede ser entendida en detalle utilizando sólo instantes aislados en el tiempo, sino que es necesario seguir de forma continua las estructuras. Aunque existen algunos estudios sobre la evolución temporal de las estructuras más pequeñas a números de Reynolds moderados, por ejemplo Robinson (1991), todavía no se ha realizado un estudio completo a altos números de Reynolds y para todas las escalas presentes de la capa logarítmica. El objetivo de esta tesis es llevar a cabo dicho análisis. Los problemas más interesantes los encontramos en la región logarítmica, donde residen las cascadas de vorticidad, energía y momento. Existen varios modelos que intentan explicar la organización de los flujos turbulentos en dicha región. Uno de los más extendidos fue propuesto por Adrian et al. (2000) a través de observaciones experimentales y considerando como elemento fundamental paquetes de vórtices con forma de horquilla que actúan de forma cooperativa para generar rampas de bajo momento. Un modelo alternativo fué ideado por del Álamo & Jiménez (2006) utilizando datos numéricos. Basado también en grupos de vorticidad, planteaba un escenario mucho más desorganizado y con estructuras sin forma de horquilla. Aunque los dos modelos son cinemáticamente similares, no lo son desde el punto de vista dinámico, en concreto en lo que se refiere a la importancia que juega la pared en la creación y vida de las estructuras. Otro punto importante aún sin resolver se refiere al modelo de cascada turbulenta propuesto por Kolmogorov (1941b), y su relación con estructuras coherentes medibles en el flujo. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas anteriores, hemos desarrollado un nuevo método que permite seguir estructuras coherentes en el tiempo y lo hemos aplicado a simulaciones numéricas de canales turbulentos con números de Reynolds lo suficientemente altos como para tener un rango de escalas no trivial y con dominios computacionales lo suficientemente grandes como para representar de forma correcta la dinámica de la capa logarítmica. Nuestros esfuerzos se han desarrollado en cuatro pasos. En primer lugar, hemos realizado una campaña de simulaciones numéricas directas a diferentes números de Reynolds y tamaños de cajas para evaluar el efecto del dominio computacional en las estadísticas de primer orden y el espectro. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, hemos concluido que simulaciones con cajas de longitud 2vr y ancho vr veces la semi-altura del canal son lo suficientemente grandes para reproducir correctamente las interacciones entre estructuras coherentes de la capa logarítmica y el resto de escalas. Estas simulaciones son utilizadas como punto de partida en los siguientes análisis. En segundo lugar, las estructuras coherentes correspondientes a regiones con esfuerzos de Reynolds tangenciales intensos (Qs) en un canal turbulento han sido estudiadas extendiendo a tres dimensiones el análisis de cuadrantes, con especial énfasis en la capa logarítmica y la región exterior. Las estructuras coherentes han sido identificadas como regiones contiguas del espacio donde los esfuerzos de Reynolds tangenciales son más intensos que un cierto nivel. Los resultados muestran que los Qs separados de la pared están orientados de forma isótropa y su contribución neta al esfuerzo de Reynolds medio es nula. La mayor contribución la realiza una familia de estructuras de mayor tamaño y autosemejantes cuya parte inferior está muy cerca de la pared (ligada a la pared), con una geometría compleja y dimensión fractal « 2. Estas estructuras tienen una forma similar a una ‘esponja de placas’, en comparación con los grupos de vorticidad que tienen forma de ‘esponja de cuerdas’. Aunque el número de objetos decae al alejarnos de la pared, la fracción de esfuerzos de Reynolds que contienen es independiente de su altura, y gran parte reside en unas pocas estructuras que se extienden más allá del centro del canal, como en las grandes estructuras propuestas por otros autores. Las estructuras dominantes en la capa logarítmica son parejas de sweeps y eyecciones uno al lado del otro y con grupos de vorticidad asociados que comparten las dimensiones y esfuerzos con los remolinos ligados a la pared propuestos por Townsend. En tercer lugar, hemos estudiado la evolución temporal de Qs y grupos de vorticidad usando las simulaciones numéricas directas presentadas anteriormente hasta números de Reynolds ReT = 4200 (Reynolds de fricción). Las estructuras fueron identificadas siguiendo el proceso descrito en el párrafo anterior y después seguidas en el tiempo. A través de la interseción geométrica de estructuras pertenecientes a instantes de tiempo contiguos, hemos creado gratos de conexiones temporales entre todos los objetos y, a partir de ahí, definido ramas primarias y secundarias, de tal forma que cada rama representa la evolución temporal de una estructura coherente. Una vez que las evoluciones están adecuadamente organizadas, proporcionan toda la información necesaria para caracterizar la historia de las estructuras desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Los resultados muestran que las estructuras nacen a todas las distancias de la pared, pero con mayor probabilidad cerca de ella, donde la cortadura es más intensa. La mayoría mantienen tamaños pequeños y no viven mucho tiempo, sin embargo, existe una familia de estructuras que crecen lo suficiente como para ligarse a la pared y extenderse a lo largo de la capa logarítmica convirtiéndose en las estructuras observas anteriormente y descritas por Townsend. Estas estructuras son geométricamente autosemejantes con tiempos de vida proporcionales a su tamaño. La mayoría alcanzan tamaños por encima de la escala de Corrsin, y por ello, su dinámica está controlada por la cortadura media. Los resultados también muestran que las eyecciones se alejan de la pared con velocidad media uT (velocidad de fricción) y su base se liga a la pared muy rápidamente al inicio de sus vidas. Por el contrario, los sweeps se mueven hacia la pared con velocidad -uT y se ligan a ella más tarde. En ambos casos, los objetos permanecen ligados a la pared durante 2/3 de sus vidas. En la dirección de la corriente, las estructuras se desplazan a velocidades cercanas a la convección media del flujo y son deformadas por la cortadura. Finalmente, hemos interpretado la cascada turbulenta, no sólo como una forma conceptual de organizar el flujo, sino como un proceso físico en el cual las estructuras coherentes se unen y se rompen. El volumen de una estructura cambia de forma suave, cuando no se une ni rompe, o lo hace de forma repentina en caso contrario. Los procesos de unión y rotura pueden entenderse como una cascada directa (roturas) o inversa (uniones), siguiendo el concepto de cascada de remolinos ideado por Richardson (1920) y Obukhov (1941). El análisis de los datos muestra que las estructuras con tamaños menores a 30η (unidades de Kolmogorov) nunca se unen ni rompen, es decir, no experimentan el proceso de cascada. Por el contrario, aquellas mayores a 100η siempre se rompen o unen al menos una vez en su vida. En estos casos, el volumen total ganado y perdido es una fracción importante del volumen medio de la estructura implicada, con una tendencia ligeramente mayor a romperse (cascada directa) que a unirse (cascade inversa). La mayor parte de interacciones entre ramas se debe a roturas o uniones de fragmentos muy pequeños en la escala de Kolmogorov con estructuras más grandes, aunque el efecto de fragmentos de mayor tamaño no es despreciable. También hemos encontrado que las roturas tienen a ocurrir al final de la vida de la estructura y las uniones al principio. Aunque los resultados para la cascada directa e inversa no son idénticos, son muy simétricos, lo que sugiere un alto grado de reversibilidad en el proceso de cascada. ABSTRACT The purpose of the present thesis is to study the dynamics of the logarithmic layer of wall-bounded turbulent flows. Specifically, to propose a new structural model based on four different coherent structures: sweeps, ejections, clusters of vortices and velocity streaks. The tool used is the direct numerical simulation of time-resolved turbulent channels. Since the first work by Theodorsen (1952), coherent structures have played an important role in the understanding of turbulence organization and its dynamics. Nowadays, data from individual snapshots of direct numerical simulations allow to study the threedimensional statistical properties of those objects, but their dynamics can only be fully understood by tracking them in time. Although the temporal evolution has already been studied for small structures at moderate Reynolds numbers, e.g., Robinson (1991), a temporal analysis of three-dimensional structures spanning from the smallest to the largest scales across the logarithmic layer has yet to be performed and is the goal of the present thesis. The most interesting problems lie in the logarithmic region, which is the seat of cascades of vorticity, energy, and momentum. Different models involving coherent structures have been proposed to represent the organization of wall-bounded turbulent flows in the logarithmic layer. One of the most extended ones was conceived by Adrian et al. (2000) and built on packets of hairpins that grow from the wall and work cooperatively to gen- ´ erate low-momentum ramps. A different view was presented by del Alamo & Jim´enez (2006), who extracted coherent vortical structures from DNSs and proposed a less organized scenario. Although the two models are kinematically fairly similar, they have important dynamical differences, mostly regarding the relevance of the wall. Another open question is whether such a model can be used to explain the cascade process proposed by Kolmogorov (1941b) in terms of coherent structures. The challenge would be to identify coherent structures undergoing a turbulent cascade that can be quantified. To gain a better insight into the previous questions, we have developed a novel method to track coherent structures in time, and used it to characterize the temporal evolutions of eddies in turbulent channels with Reynolds numbers high enough to include a non-trivial range of length scales, and computational domains sufficiently long and wide to reproduce correctly the dynamics of the logarithmic layer. Our efforts have followed four steps. First, we have conducted a campaign of direct numerical simulations of turbulent channels at different Reynolds numbers and box sizes, and assessed the effect of the computational domain in the one-point statistics and spectra. From the results, we have concluded that computational domains with streamwise and spanwise sizes 2vr and vr times the half-height of the channel, respectively, are large enough to accurately capture the dynamical interactions between structures in the logarithmic layer and the rest of the scales. These simulations are used in the subsequent chapters. Second, the three-dimensional structures of intense tangential Reynolds stress in plane turbulent channels (Qs) have been studied by extending the classical quadrant analysis to three dimensions, with emphasis on the logarithmic and outer layers. The eddies are identified as connected regions of intense tangential Reynolds stress. Qs are then classified according to their streamwise and wall-normal fluctuating velocities as inward interactions, outward interactions, sweeps and ejections. It is found that wall-detached Qs are isotropically oriented background stress fluctuations, common to most turbulent flows, and do not contribute to the mean stress. Most of the stress is carried by a selfsimilar family of larger wall-attached Qs, increasingly complex away from the wall, with fractal dimensions « 2. They have shapes similar to ‘sponges of flakes’, while vortex clusters resemble ‘sponges of strings’. Although their number decays away from the wall, the fraction of the stress that they carry is independent of their heights, and a substantial part resides in a few objects extending beyond the centerline, reminiscent of the very large scale motions of several authors. The predominant logarithmic-layer structures are sideby- side pairs of sweeps and ejections, with an associated vortex cluster, and dimensions and stresses similar to Townsend’s conjectured wall-attached eddies. Third, the temporal evolution of Qs and vortex clusters are studied using time-resolved DNS data up to ReT = 4200 (friction Reynolds number). The eddies are identified following the procedure presented above, and then tracked in time. From the geometric intersection of structures in consecutive fields, we have built temporal connection graphs of all the objects, and defined main and secondary branches in a way that each branch represents the temporal evolution of one coherent structure. Once these evolutions are properly organized, they provide the necessary information to characterize eddies from birth to death. The results show that the eddies are born at all distances from the wall, although with higher probability near it, where the shear is strongest. Most of them stay small and do not last for long times. However, there is a family of eddies that become large enough to attach to the wall while they reach into the logarithmic layer, and become the wall-attached structures previously observed in instantaneous flow fields. They are geometrically self-similar, with sizes and lifetimes proportional to their distance from the wall. Most of them achieve lengths well above the Corrsin’ scale, and hence, their dynamics are controlled by the mean shear. Eddies associated with ejections move away from the wall with an average velocity uT (friction velocity), and their base attaches very fast at the beginning of their lives. Conversely, sweeps move towards the wall at -uT, and attach later. In both cases, they remain attached for 2/3 of their lives. In the streamwise direction, eddies are advected and deformed by the local mean velocity. Finally, we interpret the turbulent cascade not only as a way to conceptualize the flow, but as an actual physical process in which coherent structures merge and split. The volume of an eddy can change either smoothly, when they are not merging or splitting, or through sudden changes. The processes of merging and splitting can be thought of as a direct (when splitting) or an inverse (when merging) cascade, following the ideas envisioned by Richardson (1920) and Obukhov (1941). It is observed that there is a minimum length of 30η (Kolmogorov units) above which mergers and splits begin to be important. Moreover, all eddies above 100η split and merge at least once in their lives. In those cases, the total volume gained and lost is a substantial fraction of the average volume of the structure involved, with slightly more splits (direct cascade) than mergers. Most branch interactions are found to be the shedding or absorption of Kolmogorov-scale fragments by larger structures, but more balanced splits or mergers spanning a wide range of scales are also found to be important. The results show that splits are more probable at the end of the life of the eddy, while mergers take place at the beginning of the life. Although the results for the direct and the inverse cascades are not identical, they are found to be very symmetric, which suggests a high degree of reversibility of the cascade process.


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The aim of this work is to improve students’ learning by designing a teaching model that seeks to increase student motivation to acquire new knowledge. To design the model, the methodology is based on the study of the students’ opinion on several aspects we think importantly affect the quality of teaching (such as the overcrowded classrooms, time intended for the subject or type of classroom where classes are taught), and on our experience when performing several experimental activities in the classroom (for instance, peer reviews and oral presentations). Besides the feedback from the students, it is essential to rely on the experience and reflections of lecturers who have been teaching the subject several years. This way we could detect several key aspects that, in our opinion, must be considered when designing a teaching proposal: motivation, assessment, progressiveness and autonomy. As a result we have obtained a teaching model based on instructional design as well as on the principles of fractal geometry, in the sense that different levels of abstraction for the various training activities are presented and the activities are self-similar, that is, they are decomposed again and again. At each level, an activity decomposes into a lower level tasks and their corresponding evaluation. With this model the immediate feedback and the student motivation are encouraged. We are convinced that a greater motivation will suppose an increase in the student’s working time and in their performance. Although the study has been done on a subject, the results are fully generalizable to other subjects.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 170 and 205 offshore Costa Rica provide structural observations which support a new model for the geometry and deformation response to the seismic cycle of the frontal sedimentary prism and decollement. The model is based on drillcore, thin section, and electron microscope observations. The decollement damage zone is a few tens of meters in width, it develops mainly within the frontal prism. A clear cm-thick fault core is observed 1.6 km from the trench. The lower boundary of the fault core is coincident with the lithological boundary between the frontal prism and the hemipelagic and pelagic sediment of the Cocos plate. Breccia clast distributions in the upper portion of the decollement damage zone were studied through fractal analysis. This analysis shows that the fractal dimension changes with brecciated fragment size, implying that deformation was not accommodated by self-similar fracturing. A higher fractal dimensionality correlates with smaller particle size, which indicates that different or additional grain-size reduction processes operated during shearing. The co-existence of two distinct fracturing processes is also confirmed by microscopic analysis in which extension fracturing in the upper part of the damage zone farthest from the fault core is frequent, while both extension and shear fracturing occur approaching the fault core. The coexistence of extensional and shear fracturing seems to be best explained by fluid pressure variations in response to variations of the compressional regime during the seismic cycle. During the co-seismic event, sub-horizontal compression and fluid pressure increase, triggering shear fracturing and fluid expulsion. Fractures migrate upward with fluids, contributing to the asymmetric shape of the decollement, while slip propagates. In the inter-seismic interval the frontal prismrelaxes and fluid pressure drops. The frontal prismgoes into diffuse extension during the intervalwhen plate convergence is accommodated by creep along the ductile fault core. The fault core is typically a barrier to deformation, which is explained by its weak, but impermeable, nature. The localized development of a damage zone beneath the fault core is characterized by shear fracturing that appears as the result of local strengthening of the detachment.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60G70, 60G18.


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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the in vivo technique most commonly employed to characterize changes in brain structures. The conventional MRI-derived morphological indices are able to capture only partial aspects of brain structural complexity. Fractal geometry and its most popular index, the fractal dimension (FD), can characterize self-similar structures including grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM). Previous literature shows the need for a definition of the so-called fractal scaling window, within which each structure manifests self-similarity. This justifies the existence of fractal properties and confirms Mandelbrot’s assertion that "fractals are not a panacea; they are not everywhere". In this work, we propose a new approach to automatically determine the fractal scaling window, computing two new fractal descriptors, i.e., the minimal and maximal fractal scales (mfs and Mfs). Our method was implemented in a software package, validated on phantoms and applied on large datasets of structural MR images. We demonstrated that the FD is a useful marker of morphological complexity changes that occurred during brain development and aging and, using ultra-high magnetic field (7T) examinations, we showed that the cerebral GM has fractal properties also below the spatial scale of 1 mm. We applied our methodology in two neurological diseases. We observed the reduction of the brain structural complexity in SCA2 patients and, using a machine learning approach, proved that the cerebral WM FD is a consistent feature in predicting cognitive decline in patients with small vessel disease and mild cognitive impairment. Finally, we showed that the FD of the WM skeletons derived from diffusion MRI provides complementary information to those obtained from the FD of the WM general structure in T1-weighted images. In conclusion, the fractal descriptors of structural brain complexity are candidate biomarkers to detect subtle morphological changes during development, aging and in neurological diseases.


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The dynamics of a dissipative vibro-impact system called impact-pair is investigated. This system is similar to Fermi-Ulam accelerator model and consists of an oscillating one-dimensional box containing a point mass moving freely between successive inelastic collisions with the rigid walls of the box. In our numerical simulations, we observed multistable regimes, for which the corresponding basins of attraction present a quite complicated structure with smooth boundary. In addition, we characterize the system in a two-dimensional parameter space by using the largest Lyapunov exponents, identifying self-similar periodic sets. Copyright (C) 2009 Silvio L.T. de Souza et al.


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Skimming flows on stepped spillways are characterised by a significant rate of turbulent dissipation on the chute. Herein an advanced signal processing of traditional conductivity probe signals is developed to provide further details on the turbulent time and length scales. The technique is applied to a 22° stepped chute operating with flow Reynolds numbers between 3.8 and 7.1 E+5. The new correlation analyses yielded a characterisation of large eddies advecting the bubbles. The turbulent length scales were related to the characteristic depth Y90. Some self-similar relationships were observed systematically at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. These included the distributions of void fraction, bubble count rate, interfacial velocity and turbulence level, and turbulence time and length scales. The self-similarity results were significant because they provided a picture general enough to be used to characterise the air-water flow field in prototype spillways.


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Since dilute Bose gas condensates were first experimentally produced, the Gross-Pitaevskii equation has been successfully used as a descriptive tool. As a mean-field equation, it cannot by definition predict anything about the many-body quantum statistics of condensate. We show here that there are a class of dynamical systems where it cannot even make successful predictions about the mean-field behavior, starting with the process of evaporative cooling by which condensates are formed. Among others are parametric processes, such as photoassociation and dissociation of atomic and molecular condensates.


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The self similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. The fractal geometry is typically characterized by a recurrent structure. This study investigates the identification of a model for the respiratory tree by means of its electrical equivalent based on intrinsic morphology. Measurements were obtained from seven volunteers, in terms of their respiratory impedance by means of its complex representation for frequencies below 5 Hz. A parametric modeling is then applied to the complex valued data points. Since at low-frequency range the inertance is negligible, each airway branch is modeled by using gamma cell resistance and capacitance, the latter having a fractional-order constant phase element (CPE), which is identified from measurements. In addition, the complex impedance is also approximated by means of a model consisting of a lumped series resistance and a lumped fractional-order capacitance. The results reveal that both models characterize the data well, whereas the averaged CPE values are supraunitary and subunitary for the ladder network and the lumped model, respectively.


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Context. The interaction of microquasar jets with their environment can produce non-thermal radiation as in the case of extragalactic outflows impacting on their surroundings. Significant observational evidence of jet/medium interaction in galactic microquasars has been collected in the past few years, although little theoretical work has been done regarding the resulting non-thermal emission. Aims. In this work, we investigate the non-thermal emission produced in the interaction between microquasar jets and their environment, and the physical conditions for its production. Methods. We developed an analytical model based on those successfully applied to extragalactic sources. The jet is taken to be a supersonic and mildly relativistic hydrodynamical outflow. We focus on the jet/shocked medium structure in its adiabatic phase, and assume that it grows in a self-similar way. We calculate the fluxes and spectra of the radiation produced via synchrotron, inverse Compton, and relativistic bremsstrahlung processes by electrons accelerated in strong shocks. A hydrodynamical simulation is also performed to investigate further the jet interaction with the environment and check the physical parameters used in the analytical model. Results. For reasonable values of the magnetic field, and using typical values of the external matter density, the non-thermal particles could produce significant amounts of radiation at different wavelengths, although they do not cool primarily radiatively, but by adiabatic losses. The physical conditions of the analytical jet/medium interaction model are consistent with those found in the hydrodynamical simulation. Conclusions. Microquasar jet termination regions could be detectable at radio wavelengths for current instruments sensitive to ~arcminute scales. At X-ray energies, the expected luminosities are moderate, although the emitter is more compact than the radio one. The source may be detectable by XMM-Newton or Chandra, with 1-10 arcsec of angular resolution. The radiation at gamma-ray energies may be within the detection limits of the next generation of satellite and ground-based instruments.


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The potential for enhancing the energy efficiency of industrial pumping processes is estimated to be in some cases up to 50 %. One way to define further this potential is to implement techniques in accordance to definition of best available techniques in pumping applications. These techniques are divided into three main categories: Design, control method & maintenance and distribution system. In the theory part of this thesis first the definition of best available techniques (BAT) and its applicability on pumping processes is issued. Next, the theory around pumping with different pump types is handled, the main stress being in centrifugal pumps. Other components needed in a pumping process are dealt by presenting different control methods, use of an electric motor, variable speed drive and the distribution system. Last part of the theory is about industrial pumping processes from water distribution, sewage water and power plant applications, some of which are used further on in the empirical part as example cases. For the empirical part of this study four case studies on typical pumping processes from older Master’s these were selected. Firstly the original results were analyzed by studying the distribution of energy consumption between different system components and using the definition of BAT in pumping, possible ways to improve energy efficiency were evaluated. The goal in this study was that by the achieved results it would be possible to identify the characteristic energy consumption of these and similar pumping processes. Through this data it would then be easier to focus energy efficiency actions where they might be the most applicable, both technically and economically.


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This is a sequel to our earlier work on the modulated logistic map. Here, we first show that the map comes under the universality class of Feigenbaum. We then give evidence for the fact that our model can generate strange attractors in the unit square for an uncountable number of parameter values in the range μ∞<μ<1. Numerical plots of the attractor for several values of μ are given and the self-similar structure is explicity shown in one case. The fractal and information dimensions of the attractors for many values of μ are shown to be greater than one and the variation in their structure is analysed using the two Lyapunov exponents of the system. Our results suggest that the map can be considered as an analogue of the logistic map in two dimensions and may be useful in describing certain higher dimensional chaotic phenomena.