991 resultados para Seed-coat


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As frações protéicas foram isoladas dos cotiledones e os taninos isolados e purificados da casca da lentilha. A fração globulina correspondeu a 42,7 % do nitrogenio total da farinha de lentilha representando a fração protéica majoritária. Comparativamente ao metanol e metanol-HCl 1% a mistura acetona:água (7:3) representou o melhor meio extrator para os taninos da casca. A fração globulina isolada, nativa e aquecida (99oC/15 min), e caseína foram hidrolisadas com tripsina e pepsina na ausência de taninos e na presença de relações tanino:proteína de 1:40, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5 e 1:2,5. A hidrólise tríptica e péptica das proteínas não-aquecidas foram reduzidas com o aumento da relação tanino-proteína. A caseína não aquecida mostrou ser mais susceptível à tripsina que à globulina, o oposto sendo observado com a pepsina. O aquecimento seguido de interação com os taninos e hidrólise teve um efeito mais pronunciado sobre a digestão com tripsina que com pepsina para ambas proteínas.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos padronizar a metodologia do teste de tetrazólio e avaliar a aplicabilidade deste para estimar a viabilidade de sementes de Gleditschia amorphoides. Inicialmente, foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos de pré-condicionamento: semente intacta, escarificação mecânica, escarificação seguida de 24 ou 48 horas de embebição em água, com e sem posterior retirada do tegumento. em seguida, as sementes foram submetidas a 1, 3 ou 6 horas de coloração em solução de 2, 3, 5 trifenil cloreto de tetrazólio às concentrações de 0,025; 0,050; 0,075 ou 0,10% a 35ºC, no escuro. Sementes escarificadas e embebidas por 48 horas, com retirada do tegumento, imersas em solução de tetrazólio a 0,075% por 3 horas apresentaram coloração ideal, possibilitando a identificação das sementes em viáveis e inviáveis. Utilizando o protocolo acima descrito, avaliou-se a adequação do teste de tetrazólio em estimar a viabilidade de sementes de Gleditschia amorphoides através da comparação com o teste de germinação. A comparação não resultou em diferenças significativas entre eles. O teste de tetrazólio utilizando solução a 0,075% por 3 horas pode ser utilizado na estimativa da viabilidade de sementes de Gleditschia amorphoides.


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A mucuna-preta é uma leguminosa empregada para adubação verde e como forrageira, cujas sementes apresentam dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta em diferentes estádios de maturação quando submetidas à secagem no interior das vagens. Rácemos foram colhidos, semanalmente, a partir de 35 dias do início de florescimento (35 DAF) até o estádio de vagens secas (98 DAF). As sementes de cada colheita foram secadas no interior das vagens, em condições ambientais não controladas de laboratório; quando secas foram extraídas, avaliadas quando a massa de 100 sementes, espessura das sementes e submetidas ao teste de germinação. Foram analisadas as porcentagens de sementes duras, de germinação, de embebição e o índice de velocidade de embebição. Pode-se concluir que o estádio de maturação em que ocorre a secagem afeta a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Impermeabilidade do tegumento da semente à água ocorre em muitas espécies, inclusive em Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke. Para promover a germinação de sementes com tegumento impermeável um dos métodos recomendados é o uso de ácido sulfúrico (H2SO4). O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar o melhor tempo de escarificação com ácido sulfúrico na superação da dormência em sementes de S. amazonicum, escarificadas durante 20, 40 e 60 minutos. Parte das sementes foi semeada imediatamente após a escarificação e parte após 24 horas de imersão em água, em uma mistura de areia e serragem (1:1), onde foram quantificadas a porcentagem e a velocidade de germinação. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições de 50 sementes. A análise estatística da germinação foi efetuada aos seis, nove, 12, 15, 18, 21 e 24 dias após a semeadura em esquema fatorial. Para a velocidade de germinação as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Foi observada interação entre tratamentos para superação da dormência e o tempo de imersão em água após a escarificação na maioria das avaliações. A imersão em água acelerou o início da germinação. Os tratamentos para superação da dormência promoveram a germinação das sementes, entretanto, as sementes escarificadas durante 60 minutos apresentaram melhor germinação, 92 e 86,5% quando semeadas imediatamente e após 24 horas, respectivamente. O índice de velocidade de germinação foi superior nas sementes escarificadas durante 60 minutos e imersas em água. A escarificação durante 60 minutos constitui uma alternativa para redução da dormência das sementes.


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Cucumis anguria present dark germinating seeds at 25 degrees C. Seeds without the tegument are photosensitive germinating better in darkness than under continuous white light. However, pre-incubation at 40 degrees C for 48 hours allows the seeds to germinate under continuous white light and the incubation of naked seeds at -0.6MPa restored the light inhibition of seed germination. Our results suggest that the tegument interact with the phytochrome in the control of seed germination in part of the population of seed of C. anguria.


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The effect of treatment of seeds of Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 with gibberellic acid, 6-benzyladenine and ethrel on the tolerance to the water stress were analysed. Gibberellic acid had no effect and 6-benzyladenine and ethrel promoted slight increase in the tolerance to water stress, specially in darkness. After scarification, those growth regulator presented no effect. Our results suggest that 6-benzyladenine and ethrel promoted water stress tolerance due to the decrease in the resistance of the seed coat to embryo expansion.


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An experiment was conducted to study the effects of liming and drying method on Ca nutrition, fungus infection and aflatoxin production potential on peanut (Arachis hypogea) grains. Peanut cv. Botutatu was grown in the absence or presence of liming to raise the base saturation of the soil from 20 to 56%. Calcium contents of the soil were increased from 5.5 to 14.6 mmol((c))kg-1 and pH from 4.2 to 4.9. After harvest, plants and pods were dried in (1) shade, (2) field down to 100 g water kg-1 (3) field down to 250 g water kg-1 and transferred to a forced-air oven at 30°C, (4) field down to 360 g water kg-1 and transferred to a forced-air oven at 30°C. Calcium contents were analyzed in the grains, pericarps and seed coats. The incidence of Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus spp. and potential aflatoxin production in vitro were evaluated, as well as the seed coat thickness. The seed coat was thicker when peanut was grown in the presence of lime, leading to a decrease in seed infection by Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. When plants were dried in shade, the growth of aflatoxinogenic fungi was independent of liming. However, in plants dried in the field or field + oven, the development of these fungi was decreased and even suppressed when the Ca content of the seed coat was increased from 2.2 to 5.5 g kg-1.


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Seeds of Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii (Bromelioideae); Dyckia duckei, D. racemosa (Pitcairnioideae) and Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) were collected in the Amazon regions (Mato Grosso) and studied to describe morphological characterization and post-seminal development, which can be taxonomically useful, and to assess percent germination. All the species have epigeous germination and produce cryptocotyledonary plantlets. Seeds have no dormancy and percent germination is high (over 86%), which facilitates the production of seedlings and conservation studies. Exclusive characteristics of the genera include: the seed coat of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) has mucilage that prevents desiccation; whereas that of Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) has membranaceous wings and that of Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae) has feathery appendages, both of which make dispersal easier and establish the epiphytic habit. Initial post-seminal development of Aechmea (Bromelioideae) and Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae) is marked by the emergence of primary roots, interpreted as a basal character, whereas that of Tillandsia adpressiflora (Tillandsioideae) is marked by the emergence of the cotyledon, interpreted as a derived character. Dyckia and Tillandsia have a small tank only in the seedling phase while the contrary occurs in Aechmea.


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Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. is a tree species which is important for beekeeping, as well as being recommended for soil restoration, reforestation, wood production for small civil construction projects, and cattle and sheep forage. Information on how to evaluate seed physiological quality is still scarce and in this was the study aimed to adapt the procedures of the tetrazolium test to assess the viability of P. moniliformis seeds. Four seed lots were scarified in sulphuric acid for 30 min, and soaked between paper towels at 25 °C for 24 hours. The seed coat was then removed and the naked seeds immersed in tetrazolium solutions with concentrations of 0.05, 0.075 and 0.1% for 2, 3, and 4 hours at 35 oC in the dark. Each treatment consisted of four replications of 25 seeds. The embryos were classified according to viability based on the staining patterns. The previous soaking of the seeds for 24 hours at 25 oC between paper towels, followed by the removal of the seed coat and staining of the naked seeds for 4 hours in a 0.075% tetrazolium solution at 35 oC was the most efficient method for evaluating the viability of P. moniliformis Benth seeds.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research aimed to standardize the tetrazolium test for evaluation of viability of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. and Schizolobium parahyba Vell. Blake seeds. It evaluated the following methodologies: seeds scarificated mechanically and soaked up by 24 and 48 hours, with posterior seed coat removal and immersed in tetrazolium solution at 0.075; 0.10 and 0.20% for 2, 3 and 4 hours, 35 °C, the dark one. The evaluated methodologies that had been efficient in the attainment of satisfactory coloration, allowing the differentiation of tissues, and in the evaluation of the physiological quality of the seeds when compared with the germination test, had been: for the species Copaifera langsdorffii, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 24 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.20% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one, and for the species guapuruvu, seeds scarificated and soaked up by 48 hours, 35 °C, with posterior seed coat removal, submitted to the tetrazolium solution 0.10% for 4 hours, 35 °C, in the dark one.


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The genus concept within Eriocaulaceae is widely discussed because it is mainly based on a small number of floral characteristics of unknown functional and evolutionary significance. The aim of the present work is to comparatively study the embryology of representatives of most genera of Eriocaulaceae to identify relevant features that might aid in circumscribing them. In Eriocaulaceae, the uniformity of the embryological characteristics makes it difficult to interpret the existing relationships among the genera. Some embryological characteristics, especially those related to the number of microsporangia, are shown to be unstable and restricted to Paepalanthoideae. The unique pollen morphology may be related to mechanical processes to accommodate the increase in volume after early formation of the pollen wall and may indicate a relationship to an inaperturate ancestor. The placentation, formerly stated to be axile, is more likely to be central due to protusions of the locular base. The shape of the proximal region of the megagametophyte may be responsible for the formation of the antipodal cyst. The seed coat structure is uniform in origin and is a consistent taxonomic characteristic of the family. A review of Eriocaulaceae is necessary, in which additional morphological and anatomical characteristics should be considered and combined. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Melanins are dark, insoluble pigments that are resistant to concentrated acids and bleaching by oxidising agents. Phytomelanin (or phytomelan) is present in the seed coat of some Asparagales and in the fruits of some Compositae. In Compositae fruits, melanin is deposited in the schizogenous spaces between the hypodermis and underlying fibrous layer. Phytomelanin in Compositae is poorly understood, and there are only speculations regarding the cells that produce the pigment and the cellular processes involved in the secretion and polymerisation of phytomelanin. This report describes the cellular processes involved in the secretion of phytomelanin in the pericarp of Praxelis diffusa, a species with a structure typical of the family. The ovaries and fruits at different stages were fixed and processed according to the standard methods of studies of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Hypodermal cells have abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and the nuclei have chromatin that is less dense than other cells. These characteristics are typical of cells that synthesise protein/amino acids and suggest no carbohydrate secretion. The fibres, however, have a dense cytoplasm rich in the Golgi bodies that are associated with vesicles and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, common characteristics of carbohydrate secretory cells. Our results indicate that the hypodermal cells are not responsible for the secretion of phytomelanin, as previously described in the literature; in contrast, this function is assigned to the adjacent fibres, which have an organisation typical of cells that secrete carbohydrates. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.