118 resultados para Schur Concavity


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A paralelização de métodos de resolução de sistemas de equações lineares e não lineares é uma atividade que tem concentrado várias pesquisas nos últimos anos. Isto porque, os sistemas de equações estão presentes em diversos problemas da computação cientí ca, especialmente naqueles que empregam equações diferenciais parciais (EDPs) que modelam fenômenos físicos, e que precisam ser discretizadas para serem tratadas computacionalmente. O processo de discretização resulta em sistemas de equações que necessitam ser resolvidos a cada passo de tempo. Em geral, esses sistemas têm como características a esparsidade e um grande número de incógnitas. Devido ao porte desses sistemas é necessária uma grande quantidade de memória e velocidade de processamento, sendo adequado o uso de computação de alto desempenho na obtenção da solução dos mesmos. Dentro desse contexto, é feito neste trabalho um estudo sobre o uso de métodos de decomposição de domínio na resolução de sistemas de equações em paralelo. Esses métodos baseiam-se no particionamento do domínio computacional em subdomínios, de modo que a solução global do problema é obtida pela combinação apropriada das soluções de cada subdomínio. Uma vez que diferentes subdomínios podem ser tratados independentemente, tais métodos são atrativos para ambientes paralelos. Mais especi camente, foram implementados e analisados neste trabalho, três diferentes métodos de decomposição de domínio. Dois desses com sobreposição entre os subdomínios, e um sem sobreposição. Dentre os métodos com sobreposição foram estudados os métodos aditivo de Schwarz e multiplicativo de Schwarz. Já dentre os métodos sem sobreposição optou-se pelo método do complemento de Schur. Todas as implementações foram desenvolvidas para serem executadas em clusters de PCs multiprocessados e estão incorporadas ao modelo HIDRA, que é um modelo computacional paralelo multifísica desenvolvido no Grupo de Matemática da Computação e Processamento de Alto Desempenho (GMCPAD) para a simulação do escoamento e do transporte de substâncias em corpos de águas.


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This paper argues that monetary models can and usually present the phenomenon of over-banking; that is, the market solution of the model presents a size of the banking sector which is higher than the social optima. Applying a two sector monetary model of capital accumulation in presence of a banking sector, which supplies liquidity services, it is shown that the rise of a tax that disincentives the acquisition of the banking service presents the following impacts on welfare. If the technology is the same among the sectors, the tax increases welfare; otherwise, steady-state utility increase if the banking sector is labor-intensive compared to the real sector. Additionally, it is proved that the elevation of inflation has the following impact on the economy's equilibrium: the share on the product of the banking sector increases; the product and the stock of capital increases or reduces whether the banking sector is capital-intensive or laborintensive; and, the steady-state utility reduces. The results were derived under a quite general set up - standard hypothesis regarding concavity of preference, convexity of technology, and normality of goods - were required.


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This paper presents new indices for measuring the industry concentration. The indices proposed (C n ) are of a normative type because they embody (endogenous) weights matching the market shares of the individual firms to their Marshallian welfare shares. These indices belong to an enlarged class of the Performance Gradient Indexes introduced by Dansby&Willig(I979). The definition of Cn for the consumers allows a new interpretation for the Hirschman-Herfindahl index (H), which can be viewed as a normative index according to particular values of the demand parameters. For homogeneous product industries, Cn equates H for every market distribution if (and only if) the market demand is linear. Whenever the inverse demand curve is convex (concave), H underestimates( overestimates) the industry concentration measured by the normative indexo For these industries, H overestimates (underestimates) the concentration changes caused by market transfers among small firms if the inverse demand curve is convex(concave) and underestimates( overestimates) it when such tranfers benefit a large firm, according to the convexity (or the concavity) of the demand curve. For heterogeneous product industries, an explicit normative index is obtained with a market demand derived from a quasi-linear utilility function. Under symmetric preferences among the goods, the index Cn is always greater than or equal the H-index. Under asymmetric assumptions, discrepancies between the firms' market distribution and the differentiationj substitution distributions among the goods, increase the concentration but make room for some horizontal mergers do reduce it. In particular, a mean preserving spread of the differentiation(substitution) increases(decreases) the concentration only if the smaller firms' goods become more(less) differentiated(substitute) w.r.t. the other goods. One important consequence of these results is that the consumers are benefitted when the smaller firms are producing weak substitute goods, and the larger firms produce strong substitute goods or face demand curves weakly sensitive to their own prices.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os aspectos morfológicos da bulla tympanica após osteotomia ventral e lateral. Quarenta cães adultos foram distribuídos em dois grupos de 20 animais cada. No grupo A , os animais foram submetidos a osteotomia ventral da bulla tympanica e no grupo B, a osteotomia lateral da bulla tympanica. Cada grupo foi constituído de 2 subgrupos, de acordo com o período de observação: A1 e B1 (6 semanas), A2 e B2 (12 semanas). No exame macroscópico constatou-se que a concavidade de todas as bullae tympanicae operadas era semelhante às normais. Os estudos histológicos mostraram que a regeneração completa da bulla tympanica ocorreu em apenas alguns animais de cada subgrupo. A presença de tecido conjuntivo na área de osteotomia foi verificada na maioria das bullae tympanicae operadas, resultado estatisticamente significante. A análise histológica e a histomorfometria computadorizada não mostraram diferença significante quanto ao estágio de regeneração óssea em todos os subgrupos. Concluiu-se que uma área de ostetomia restrita não causou alterações significantes na conformação da bulla tympanica de cães submetida a osteotomia ventral ou lateral; e que a regeneração total da bulla tympanica geralmente não ocorreu antes de 12 semanas de pós-operatório.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A short summary of the theory of symmetric group and symmetric functions needed to follow the theory of Schur functions and plethysms is presented. One then defines plethysm, gives its properties and presents a procedure for its calculation. Finally, some aplications in atomic physics and nuclear structure are given.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar através de cortes tomográficos e reconstrução tridimensional a incidência de mal posicionamento de parafusos em pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da Escoliose idiopática do adolescente. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados exames tomográficos de 8 pacientes, tratados cirurgicamente no Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto-SP, realizada instrumentação posterior partindo de T2 /T4 a L4/L5 totalizando 164 parafusos. RESULTADOS: 32,9% (n=54) apresentavam posicionamento com risco potencial,ou seja desvio acima de 2 milímetros, sendo 20,1% (n=33) com invasão lateral, 9,1% (n=15) com invasão medial, 3,6 %(n=6) com invasão anterior. Dos parafusos que ofereciam risco potencial a relação com aspecto da curva foi de 46% (n=25) na concavidade, 35% (n=19) na convexidade e 19% (n=10) em vértebras adjacentes a curva. CONCLUSÃO: Os limites de penetração aceitáveis, assim como os métodos de mensuração ainda não foram padronizados, a técnica free hand' mostrou-se segura, apesar da violação dos pedículos. A tomografia computadorizada pré-operatória, auxilia no planejamento cirúrgico e na redução das complicações.


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Background: the paradentat cyst is an odontogenic lesion of inflammatory origin that has few clinical signs and symptoms apart from recurring acute episodes. A well-defined radiolucency associated with the roots or distal to the crown may be seen radiographically. The purpose of this article is to report on different aspects of two cases involving paradental cysts. In the first case, the patient complained about recurring pericoronitis. A semilunar-shaped radiolucency on the distal aspect of the mandibular third molar was noted on the periapical radiograph. In the second case, the patient's main complaint was chronic trauma of the overlying mucosa. Radiographs revealed an enlarged pericoronal space.Methods: In both cases, the mandibular third molar was extracted due to a lack of space. Lesional samples were sent for histopathologic analysis.Results: In the first case, the drainage of cystic fluid and a regular concavity were found during tooth removal. In the second case, a nodular lesion was found adhering to the disto-buccal surface of the tooth arising from the distal wall of a periodontal pocket. The histopathologic analysis revealed a hyperplastic stratified squamous epithelium with arcading lining a fibrous capsule with inflammatory infiltrate, resulting in a final diagnosis of a paradental cyst.Conclusions: the presence of a paradental cyst should be considered when recurrent inflammatory periodontal processes are associated with partially erupted vital teeth, even when characteristic radiographic findings are absent. Definitive diagnosis requires a clinicopathologic correlation incorporating surgical, radiographic, and histologic findings.


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The aim of the present investigation was to provide information about the long-term effects and optimal timing for class-II treatment with the Bionator appliance. Lateral cephalograms of 23 class-II patients treated with the Bionator were analyzed at three time periods: T1, start of treatment; T2, end of Bionator therapy; and T3, long-term observation (after completion of growth). T3 includes a phase with fixed appliances. The treated sample was divided into two groups according to their skeletal maturity as evaluated by the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method. The early-treated group (13 subjects) initiated treatment before the peak in mandibular growth, which occurred after completion of Bionator therapy. The late-treated group (10 subjects) received Bionator treatment during the peak. The T1-T2, T2-T3, and T1-T3 changes in the treated groups were compared with changes in control groups of untreated class-II subjects by nonparametric statistics (P < .05). The findings of the present study on Bionator therapy followed by fixed appliances indicate that this treatment protocol is more effective and stable when it is performed during the pubertal growth spurt. Optimal timing to start treatment with the Bionator is when a concavity appears at the lower borders of the second and the third cervical vertebrae (CVMS 11). In the long term, the amount of significant supplementary elongation of the mandible in subjects treated during the pubertal peak is 5.1 mm more than in the controls, and it is associated with a backward direction of condylar growth. Significant increments in mandibular ramus height also were recorded.


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This study assessed cavity preparations produced with different air abrasion tip parameters. Twelve test groups of extracted teeth were prepared to evaluate the parameters of 80 degrees or 45 degrees nozzle angles and 0.38 or 0.48 mm inner tip diameters. All other factors were held constant. A device was made to hold the specimen and air abrasion handpiece that standardized the distance and position relative to the tooth and time of application. The cavities were evaluated by assessing the rounding of the cavosurface margins and cavity floor. Measurements of cavosurface angles and the angle of concavity were made at the deepest portion of the abraded surface using scanning electron micrographs. The cavosurface angles were compared using paired t-test, and the effects of the tip design parameters were analyzed by ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range test. From the cavity patterns found in this study, the authors suggest that 80 degrees angle tips are more appropriate than 45 degrees angle tips for making narrow, deep cuts for preventive resin restorations. Conversely, when shallow preparations are needed, as in the case of Class V cavity preparations, cutting patterns of 45 degrees angle tips are more suitable.


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We present an analysis of A0-stability of BDF methods and proof that zero-stable BDF methods are A0-stable using the Schur-Cohn criterion. With this result we have that zero-stable BDF methods are stiffly-stable. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)