969 resultados para School violence


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This work of completion is inserted at the interface between violence and school, and how you want to portray violence in school is represented in film productions. We consider important to first discuss in depth the concepts of violence to better understand the phenomenon of school violence, which is a subject much discussed in recent times. One of the types of violence very often nowadays, taking forms that we can call as new, in primary education schools, as well as in society in general, is known as bullying, for some authors the concept is very close to the definition of prejudice in with respect to social factors that reflect the target groups of this type of violence. Other authors also research on the expansion of the recent phenomenon known as School Shooting, which means school shootings, very common in American schools. Our study builds on ideas Debarbieux and Blaya (2002) that treat violence more broadly, taking into account the reports of the victims, including symbolic violence, the institutional and physical. For them, every concept must take into consideration how it was socially constructed, to thereafter be searched. Our goal is to analyze and understand how the issue of school violence is treated theoretically and also as is portrayed through the lens of cinema. Our study is theoretically based on authors like Debarbieux, Blaya, Bourdieu, Charlot, Arendt, Foucault, Sposito, among others, and use the qualitative approach, working with content analysis of films


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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Whereas acts of violence in the school environment reflect cultural changes and social developments experienced by contemporary society, an important aspect to be studied with regard to gender issues, specifically those related to the new role assumed by women in contemporary society. Thus, this project aims to analyze the relationship between gender and school violence from the investigation of the perception that students in a class of high school, a public school in the city of Rio Claro, have on the subject. In addition, we attempted to contextualize historically gender relations throughout history; identify which gender is the highest occurrence of fights, as well as list the reasons identified by students for violence in the school environment. The results showed that school violence committed by females is performed by the towering male. And that in a nutshell, the reasons identified for the occurrence of school violence are related to disrespect, prejudices, misunderstandings, emotional issues and conflicts occurring in everyday spot.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Some examples of topics covered include undocumented immigrants, guns, and terrorism within Crime and Criminal Behavior, vigilantes, Miranda warnings, and zero-tolerance policing within Police and Law Enforcement; insanity laws, DNA evidence, and victims' rights within Courts, Law, and Justice; gangs and prison violence, capital punishment, and prison privatization within Corrections; and school violence, violent juvenile offenders, and age of responsibility within Juvenile Crime and Justice. Note that Sage offers numerous reference works that provide focused analysis of key topics in the field of criminal justice, such as the Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (2002), the Encyclopedia of Race and Crime (2009), the Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention (2010), the Encyclopedia of White Collar & Corporate Crime (2004), and the Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence (2008), available in print or as e-books via Sage Reference online.


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La tradición investigadora de la violencia escolar se ha centrado fundamentalmente en los últimos ciclos de Educación Primaria y en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, abordándose muy poco la presencia, características, evaluación e intervención de los problemas interpersonales en edades tempranas. El objetivo del presente estudio es la construcción y validación de un cuestionario que identifique el inicio y las formas más frecuentes de violencia escolar en los primeros años de escolarización para diseñar programas de prevención eficaces. Los participantes fueron 195 niños/as del último curso de educación infantil y primer ciclo de educación primaria. La investigación realizada ha mostrado que el instrumento denominado Cuestionario de Evaluación de Violencia Escolar en Infantil y Primaria (CEVEIP) presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. El instrumento consta de 27 ítems en formato de autoinforme que evalúa siete tipologías de violencia que se dan en el contexto escolar en edades tempranas desde tres perspectivas: violencia observada, vivida y realizada. Los resulta-dos ponen de manifiesto que el comportamiento violento está presente desde los primeros años de escolarización, siendo éste de baja o moderada frecuencia e intensidad. Estos niveles de violencia podrían ser aprovechados en el ámbito educativo para una gestión más positiva en el desarrollo personal del alumno/a.


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Desde el enfoque interactivo-tridimensional, la ansiedad escolar puede explicarse como una respuesta de tipo cognitiva, psicofisiológica o conductual, expresada ante situaciones escolares de gran presión como el fracaso escolar, la violencia escolar o la evaluación académica y social. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las respuestas y situaciones escolares más temidas en una muestra de estudiantes chilenos de Educación Secundaria, en función del género. La muestra estuvo comprendida por 4156 adolescentes, 1950 chicos y 2206 chicas (46.9% y 53.1%, respectivamente) con edades entre los 13 y los 18 años (M = 15.31; DE = 1.42). Para evaluar se utilizó el Inventario de Ansiedad Escolar (IAES), que mide respuestas de ansiedad (cognitiva, psicofisiológica y conductual), situaciones que generan ansiedad (fracaso y castigo escolar, agresión, evaluación escolar y social) y una puntuación total. Los datos fueron analizados siguiendo un diseño de corte transversal y aplicando pruebas t para establecer las diferencias y pruebas d para estimar la magnitud de dichas diferencias. Los resultados indican que las chicas presentan mayores niveles de ansiedad escolar que los chicos en todos los factores estudiados y en la puntuación total, siendo superiores las puntuaciones en las respuestas cognitivas, especialmente en el ítem “creo que debería haber trabajado más”, así como también en las situaciones relacionadas con el fracaso escolar, principalmente, en el ítem “si repito curso”. Estos resultados apoyan los obtenidos en investigaciones previas y permiten mejorar la comprensión de las situaciones que limitan el normal desarrollo académico, personal y social del alumnado chileno.


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Describes fourteen initiatives, based on the Advisory Group's recommendations, to be implemented by the Illinois Attorney General's Office in order to prevent school violence.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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