963 resultados para School of HEC Montréal
This is a quick guide for students to learn the appropriate Harvard referencing style in academic writing.
The School of Geography's policy and requirements in dealing with matters related to academic integrity and plagiarism.
Guide for computing in the School of Mathematics. Intended for new staff and PG students. Originally written by Anton Prowse from a number of earlier documents.
Week 0 induction for all new WSA students. Includes Details on iSolutions, WSA Technical Services, Workshop and Studio Professional practice and some basic Health and Safety guidance.
This document specifies the guidelines for all applications, recommending a well-structured 5-10 page proposal detailing the significance and relevance of the proposal, and how it fits into existing work. Candidates should note that we need to be sure we have expertise in the research area, and that the application process will normally require up to four weeks of referral to potential supervisors.
This document details the type of aplication required for Visiting fellowships at the Research centre
A list of current members of the Centre
Logo for the school of Physics and Astronomy in Inkscape SVG, PDF and high-resolution PNG format
Since 2003 the School of Medicine at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia, offers to the students a program named Peer Tutors. The program’s objectives are: to generate a social interaction mechanism that favors knowledge construction side by side with advanced peers; to promote the development of ethical, moral and coexistence oriented values through an academic experience, and to generate a space to explore specific academic interests and teacher´s potential. This article presents the theoretic frame that supports the importance of social interaction in knowledge construction, as well as some indicators that allow a first appraisal of the program. Several achievements that account for the synergic value of an experience that not only fulfills the function of initiating a process of teaching formation and academic support, but that also builds a proactive attitude before learning, are highlighted.
Historia de la evolución de la famosa escuela de ciencias políticas y económicas, London School of Economics and Political Sciencie, centrándonos en las actividades puramente académicas desde su nacimiento, y en las labores llevadas a cabo por los sucesivos directores: W. A. Hewins, Halford J. Mackinder, W. Pember Reeves, Sir William Beveridge y A. M. Carr-Saunders.
At the School of Museology, a project with ten years of tradition, we carry out module-based programmes to educate and qualify different target audiences working in the filed of cultural heritage. Our development and realization of educational programmes and training courses directed at practical applicability, including life-long learning of adults, topic complementarity with related professional and scientific fields, connection with universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate studies of heritages, promotion of theoretical museological discourses raising awareness of the meaning of cultural heritage, firm placement in an international network of related institutions and promotion of international relations with special emphasis on neighbouring countries. We encourage project partnership and cooperate with different domestic and foreign associates in forming and carrying out programmes.