96 resultados para Schein


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Why is it that in some organizations we are able to find and develop our positive selves and in others we are not? Responding to the call from positive organizational scholarship to better understand how to build contexts for human flourishing, in this paper we are concerned how an organization's culture contributes to our thriving, or failing to thrive, at work. We introduce the organizational culture construct and its summary dimensions, noting the absence of an emotional dimension. We show that it is through our interactions with others that organizational culture is developed and maintained, and through which we learn how to manage and interpret the emotions we experience. That is, relationships are central to both culture and emotions. Integrating Josselson's model of our relational needs with Schein's typology of organizational culture, we present a relationally-based framework for an emotional dimension of organizational culture. The paper concludes with a report on a study designed to refine the framework presented and suggests that individuals will thrive in organizations where the cultural norms and values for relating enable a "good enough" fulfillment of our relational needs.


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This study provides a case study of two higher educational institutions and their built environment discipline academic culture, with a specific focus on the impact of culture on the participation of females in the subject area. The two institutions, whilst both delivering built environment programmes, are very different. One is in the UK and is a new university, and the other is in Australia and in the top 200 universities of the world (THES, 2004). Comparative studies have become fashionable as a way of determining policy (Broadfoot, 2001) yet it is still important to acknowledge the character of the national policy within which the culture exists. Culture is a concept used to try and indicate the "climate and practices" developed within an organization to handle people, together with the values of the organization (Schein, 1997, p 3). The academic tribes have been described by Becher and Trowler (2001) in some detail, and they acknowledge the huge range of external forces now acting on academic cultures including a diversification of subject areas and the impact of gender on subject areas. Built environment education has traditionally been a gendered (male dominated) subject area and is making efforts to change (Greed, 1999; Turrell, Wilkinson, Astle and Yeo, 2002). The study will try to identify the cultural attributes that exist in each of the two built environment departments and programmes drawing on the signs and symbols that indicate the culture as well as drawing on staff / student experience. A comparative study will be carried out to determine differences and similarities, and potential lessons to be learned by each institution .


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Between 1999 and 2002, the Australian Wheat Board (AWB) was involved in an elaborate bribery, or 'kickback', scheme involving the illicit payment of A$300 million to the Iraq government for supposed 'transportation fees' that were funnelled to the Saddam Hussein regime. This was clearly in breach of the United Nations trade sanctions and was apparently perpetrated by the AWB to secure continued sales with the lucrative Iraqi market. This paper aims to gain further insight into how a corporate culture can lead to greed, corruption and deception. Specifically, this study aims to add to the literature by analysing, using Schein's (1997, 2004) theoretical framework, a case on the development of a corrupt corporate culture. Content analysis of official investigative reports and other published documents is used to determine the extent to which the AWB's corporate culture and leadership may have influenced the behaviour of senior managers. The findings indicate that the culture within the AWB fostered an environment in which senior managers placed sales and profits above the sanctions clearly enunciated by the United Nations.


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Este estudo apresenta os resultados de tratamento em 83 pacientes com Idade entre 2–10 anos, que apresentaram otite média secretora com efusão, bilateral ou unilateral, acompanhada ou não de hipertrofia de adenóides e cornetos, no Hospital Universitário São Francisco de Paula da Universidade Católica de Pelotas – UCPel, no período de julho de 1997 a julho de 1999. Os pacientes foram submetidos a timpanocentese com uso do Microcautério por Rádio-freqüência (modelo Lavinsky – HCPA), uni ou bilateralmente. Na avaliação periódica de 15 dias, um mês e três meses, observamos dois pontos principais: a) a cura dos pacientes (que apresentaram membrana e caixa timpânica normais); b) a relação com a literatura em trabalhos semelhantes com uso do Laser CO2. Relatamos também a incidência em percentuais, com identificação das alterações de imagem da membrana timpânica nestes três períodos cronológicos, e na distribuição conforme cor, sexo e idade, uni/bilateralidade e simultaneidade na presença das duas afecções relatadas. Na avaliação final, percebemos 80,5% de cura da patologia. Na comparação com a literatura existente sobre o uso de Laser CO2, os nossos resultados mostraram-se homogêneos. O tempo de oclusão da membrana timpânica foi de 2,73 meses (desvio – padrão = 1,39 meses), normalizando a secreção da caixa timpânica.


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Grande parte das cidades brasileiras têm experimentado importantes perdas no número de passageiros transportados pelos sistemas de transporte coletivo. Inúmeras são as razões para este fato, dentre elas o não atendimento das necessidades dos usuários e a postura meramente reativa por parte de gestores e operadores. Na última década, os países desenvolvidos experimentaram importantes avanços tecnológicos, tendo como objetivos a reconquista e fidelização dos usuários. Entre as tecnologias aplicadas, estão os Sistemas Avançados de Transporte Urbano – APTS, que podem aparecer na forma de Sistemas de Ajuda à Operação e Sistemas de Informação ao Usuário, dentre outras. Esta dissertação foca sua atenção na instrumentação de uma estratégia de implementação de um sistema de informação ao usuário de transporte coletivo urbano por ônibus, avaliando suas preferências em relação aos diferentes tipos, formas e meios de disponibilização das informações. Para tanto, o modelo QFD (Quality Function Deployment) foi utilizado como ferramenta de apoio.


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Aborda as propostas teóricas para o estudo da cultura, derivados da antropologia cultural, assim como, de que forma estas tem orientado análises organizacionais a partir de um ponto de vista cultural. Por outra parte, mostra a postura de Edgar Schein para o estudo da cultura organizacional como também as teorias sociodinâmica, de aprendizagem e liderança, que usa para explicar o fenômeno do surgimento da cultura. Há também uma análise de quais aspectos dos ramos da antropologia cultural ele inclue na sua abordagem. Sua proposta metodológica é utilizada para conduzir dois trabalhos de campo, um numa empresa privada e outro numa instituição pública


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Esta dissertação reúne e sistematiza alguns conceitos de consultoria organizacional, procura relatar como atua o consultor na organização-cliente, e pretende suscitar algumas reflexões sobre o relacionamento consultor e organizaçãocliente. Parte dos pontos de vista de autores proeminentes como Edgar Henry Schein, Sergio Foguel & Carlos César Souza, Fernando Achilles de Faria Mello, e Milan Kubr. Apoiado nessas diversas visões, apresenta uma conceituação mais abrangente de consultoria organizacional, analisa seis fases do processo de consultoria organizacional e enriquece o conteúdo do assunto com depoimentos e reflexões a partir de experiência do próprio autor.


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A área de tecnologia de infonnação (TI) tem sofrido mudanças constantes que, por consequência, impactam diretamente no profissional e nas empresas que trabalham com este setor. O presente estudo visou identificar a questão motivacional na relação do profissional de TI com seu trabalho, assim como a inclinação de carreira destes profissionais. Para tal, primeiramente foi realizado um estudo teórico sobre o tema, de fonna a constituir os alicerces para a pesquisa. Uma vez tendo-se a questão a ser investigada bem definida, foi realizada a pesquisa dentro de um grupo de profissionais de TI e de outro grupo de estudantes de TI como alvo da pesquisa. Foram aplicados questionários fechados com o grupo focal que foi dividido em profissionais e estudantes de TI. Os dois instrumentos utilizados foram o inventário de Valores de Schwartz (IVS) que oferecem algumas perspectivas de valorização do empregado, que correspondem as suas metas e interesses, e o outro instrumento foi o questionário de Edgar Schein sobre inclinação profissional, que pennite identificar a relação e as perspectivas destes com o trabalho e suas vidas. Com os resultados expostos constatou-se, através do Inventário de Valores de Schwartz e do questionário de Inclinação Profissional de Schein, que os estudantes e profissionais de TI aqui pesquisados são indivíduos auto-detenninados, que valorizam o estilo de vida, são benevolentes e hedonistas, buscam o bem-estar e a satisfação no trabalho e adoram desafios.


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Considerando a importância da neosporose interferindo na produtividade animal, avaliou-se a frequência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em amostras de soros de bovinos leiteiros da Região Sudoeste do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, complementando-se com amostras sorológicas colhidas de cães e de humanos que conviviam nas mesmas propriedades rurais amostradas. Um total de 1.036 amostras de soros foram analisadas, sendo 932 de fêmeas bovinas leiteiras, 37 de cães e 67 de humanos, provenientes de 24 propriedades e examinados por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). As amostras de soros humanos reagentes foram testadas novamente por Western-blotting para confirmação dos resultados. Anticorpos anti-N. caninum foram encontrados em 499 bovinos (53,5%), em pelo menos um animal positivo por propriedade, em 25 caninos (67,6%) e em sete humanos (10,5%). Não houve diferença significativa no número de bovinos positivos por faixa etária. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma ampla disseminação de N. caninum na região estudada.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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In contrast to formal semantics, the conjunction and is nonsymmetrical in pragmatics. The events in Marc went to bed and fell asleep seem to have occurred chronologically although no explicit time reference is given. As the temporal interpretation appears to be weaker in Mia ate chocolate and drank milk, it seems that the kind and nature of events presented in a context influences the interpretation of the conjunction. This work focuses on contextual influences on the interpretation of the German conjunction und (‘and’). A variety of theoretic approaches are concerned with whether and contributes to the establishment of discourse coherence via pragmatic processes or whether the conjunction has complex semantic meaning. These approaches are discussed with respect to how they explain the temporal and additive interpretation of the conjunction and the role of context in the interpre-tation process. It turned out that most theoretic approaches do not consider the importance of different kinds of context in the interpretation process.rnIn experimental pragmatics there are currently only very few studies that investigate the inter-pretation of the conjunction. As there are no studies that investigate contextual influences on the interpretation of und systematically or investigate preschoolers interpretation of the con-junction, research questions such as How do (preschool) children interpret ‘und’? and Does the kind of events conjoined influence children’s and adults’ interpretation? are yet to be answered. Therefore, this dissertation systematically investigates how different types of context influence children’s interpretation of und. Three auditory comprehension studies were conducted in German. Of special interest was whether and how the order of events introduced in a context contributes to the temporal read-ing of the conjunction und. Results indicate that the interpretation of und is – at least in Ger-man – context-dependent: The conjunction is interpreted temporally more often when events that typical occur in a certain order are connected (typical contexts) compared to events with-out typical event order (neutral contexts). This suggests that the type of events conjoined in-fluences the interpretation process. Moreover, older children and adults interpret the conjunc-tion temporally more often than the younger cohorts if the conjoined events typically occur in a certain order. In neutral contexts, additive interpretations increase with age. 5-year-olds reject reversed order statements more often in typical contexts compared to neutral contexts. However, they have more difficulties with reversed order statements in typical contexts where they perform at chance level. This suggests that not only the type of event but also other age-dependent factors such as knowledge about scripts influence children’s performance. The type of event conjoined influences children’s and adults’ interpretation of the conjunction. There-fore, the influence of different event types and script knowledge on the interpretation process does not only have to be considered in future experimental studies on language acquisition and pragmatics but also in experimental pragmatics in general. In linguistic theories, context has to be given a central role and a commonly agreed definition of context that considers the consequences arising from different event types has to be agreed upon.


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Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a bullet-shaped rhabdovirus and a model system of negative-strand RNA viruses. Through direct visualization by means of cryo-electron microscopy, we show that each virion contains two nested, left-handed helices: an outer helix of matrix protein M and an inner helix of nucleoprotein N and RNA. M has a hub domain with four contact sites that link to neighboring M and N subunits, providing rigidity by clamping adjacent turns of the nucleocapsid. Side-by-side interactions between neighboring N subunits are critical for the nucleocapsid to form a bullet shape, and structure-based mutagenesis results support this description. Together, our data suggest a mechanism of VSV assembly in which the nucleocapsid spirals from the tip to become the helical trunk, both subsequently framed and rigidified by the M layer.