986 resultados para Scanner intraoral


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INTRODUÇÃO: Diversas alterações anatômicas e funcionais são observadas nos indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas, dentre elas anormalidades estruturais da musculatura orofaríngea, que podem causar prejuízo da função velofaríngea e, consequentemente, de funções como sucção, deglutição e fala. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a presença de fraca pressão aérea intraoral na fala de indivíduos com fissura palatina submetidos a palatoplastia primária em tempo adequado e tardiamente, e comparar se o momento do procedimento cirúrgico pode acarretar maior ocorrência do distúrbio. A hipótese é de que os indivíduos submetidos a palatoplastia primária tardiamente apresentam maior ocorrência de fraca pressão aérea intraoral em comparação àqueles que realizaram a palatoplastia primária no momento adequado. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 37 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de fissura de palato associada ou não à fissura de lábio, divididos em dois grupos: 1) grupo precoce (GP), composto por 22 pacientes submetidos a palatoplastia primária até o 2º ano de vida; e 2) grupo tardio (GT), composto por 15 pacientes submetidos a palatoplastia primária tardiamente, após o período de aquisição dos sons da fala. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a rotina de avaliação fonoaudiológica com intervalo de, no mínimo, 3 meses de pós-operatório. Dentre os parâmetros avaliados encontra-se a análise da fraca pressão aérea intraoral, que foi a variável considerada para este estudo. RESULTADOS: A análise dos dados possibilitou observar maior frequência de fraca pressão aérea intraoral no GT (33%) em comparação ao GP (18%). Entretanto, tal diferença não foi estatisticamente significante (P = 0,44). CONCLUSÕES: A hipótese do estudo foi rejeitada. A presença de fraca pressão aérea intraoral foi observada na fala dos dois grupos estudados, não sendo a idade na ocasião da palatoplastia primária um fator determinante.


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In questa dissertazione viene descritto un sistema sviluppato per ottenere una rappresentazione a tre dimensioni in real time di una superficie. Il sistema si avvale di alcune tecniche di ottimizza- zione e di trattamento dell’immagine e sfrutta dispositivi comuni e di facile reperibilita`: una videocamera e un proiettore.


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L'algoritmo di semplificazione proposto in questa tesi agisce in modo iterativo su due livelli, in una prima fase alla mesh viene applicato un operatore di smoothing e alla mesh così elaborata viene poi applicata la decimazione. L'alternanza di questi due operatori permette di avere mesh semplificate che mantengono però una qualità maggiore rispetto al risultato che si avrebbe invece applicando solo la decimazione. A partire da una mesh ad alta risoluzione, ad ogni iterazione viene quindi creata una mesh con una risoluzione inferiore fino all'ultima iterazione che produce la mesh coarse (a bassa risoluzione) desiderata. Si viene quindi a creare una struttura di semplificazione multilivello, utile in molte applicazioni di computer graphics.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi è presentare una tecnica di monitoraggio applicabile alle dune costiere, utilizzata per questo studio nella provincia di Ravenna e in particolare su di un cordone trasversale di duna costiera presente nell’area naturale adiacente alla foce del torrente Bevano nella zona di Lido di Classe. Tale tecnica si avvale dell’uso di tecnologia laser per fornire una documentazione 3D estremamente dettagliata, il quale ci permetterà di valutare come il sistema dunale si comporta di fronte ad un evento climatico estremo e/o sotto l’azione delle mareggiate, confrontando sia l’aspetto morfologico che morfometrico mediante l’uso di programmi che ci hanno permesso di confrontare i dati ottenuti prima e dopo l’evento climatico


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Il piede, con la sua complessa struttura anatomica, permette la stabilità e la deambulazione e per questo risulta fondamentale studiarne l’anatomia, la morfologia e la biomeccanica. La Pedana Baropodometrica è uno strumento che misura le pressioni plantari e permette di stimare alcuni parametri morfologici e funzionali del piede in modo veloce e relativamente economico. Lo Scanner Plantare 3D permette di acquisire in tempi brevi la geometria del piede creandone un modello tridimensionale digitale. Queste qualità hanno agevolato la diffusione di questi strumenti nella produzione di ortesi plantari su misura e, dato il crescente interesse del mercato verso le tematiche di customizzazione, alla loro commercializzazione su larga scala. Per ammortizzare i costi, tuttavia, questi strumenti sono spesso basati su tecnologie low-cost. Lo scopo dello studio svolto in questa tesi è quello di determinare la bontà e l’accuratezza di alcuni parametri morfologici e funzionali del piede acquisiti con una pedana baropodometrica resistiva a basso costo. Questi valori sono stati rapportati con misurazione dirette e con dati raccolti dall’elaborazione dell’immagine ricavata con uno scanner plantare 3D. In particolare sono state valutate misure di lunghezza e larghezza del piede, dell’arch index definito come il rapporto tra l’area del mesopiede e l’area totale del piede meno le dita, dell’angolo di progressione del passo e del CPEI, un parametro che indica la variazione della traiettoria del centro di massa. In conclusione la pedana baropodometrica, pur non essendo precisa nel determinare la distribuzione delle pressioni massime, si è dimostrata sufficientemente accurata nella stima delle dimensioni del piede, delle aree di appoggio e di alcune caratteristiche funzionali del piede.


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Determination of the manner of death in case of intraoral firearm wounds can be a challenge, especially if the circumstances of the incident are unclear and crime scene investigation is inadequate. It is a well-known fact that the mouth is one of the selected sites for suicide with firearms. Homicidal shooting through the mouth is said to be rare, but does occur, and can be mistaken for a suicide. For discrimination between suicide and homicide in cases of intraoral firearm wounds, some useful points are the site of entry wound, the direction of the internal bullet path, the range of fire and the circumstances of death. We demonstrate these points in a case of a homicidal gunshot to the mouth assessed by both classical autopsy and post-mortem CT (PMCT).


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Foreign bodies are common findings in the maxillofacial region, most commonly the result of accidents and physical aggression. Among the objects frequently found in the orofacial tissues are fragments of metal, plastic, wood, and glass. Visualization and exact identification of the location of these objects can be challenging but is of major importance prior to surgical removal. The present case report describes the use of cone beam computed tomography to locate, visualize, and surgically remove glass particles in the oral cavity.


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A new generation of high definition computed tomography (HDCT) 64-slice devices complemented by a new iterative image reconstruction algorithm-adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction, offer substantially higher resolution compared to standard definition CT (SDCT) scanners. As high resolution confers higher noise we have compared image quality and radiation dose of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) from HDCT versus SDCT. Consecutive patients (n = 93) underwent HDCT, and were compared to 93 patients who had previously undergone CCTA with SDCT matched for heart rate (HR), HR variability and body mass index (BMI). Tube voltage and current were adapted to the patient's BMI, using identical protocols in both groups. The image quality of all CCTA scans was evaluated by two independent readers in all coronary segments using a 4-point scale (1, excellent image quality; 2, blurring of the vessel wall; 3, image with artefacts but evaluative; 4, non-evaluative). Effective radiation dose was calculated from DLP multiplied by a conversion factor (0.014 mSv/mGy × cm). The mean image quality score from HDCT versus SDCT was comparable (2.02 ± 0.68 vs. 2.00 ± 0.76). Mean effective radiation dose did not significantly differ between HDCT (1.7 ± 0.6 mSv, range 1.0-3.7 mSv) and SDCT (1.9 ± 0.8 mSv, range 0.8-5.5 mSv; P = n.s.). HDCT scanners allow low-dose 64-slice CCTA scanning with higher resolution than SDCT but maintained image quality and equally low radiation dose. Whether this will translate into higher accuracy of HDCT for CAD detection remains to be evaluated.


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The intraoral lipoma is a benign, slowly growing, painless soft tissue neoplasia, which can cause esthetic or functional problems for the patient, depending on its size. All parts of the body can be affected, whereas the oral cavity is rarely involved. Clinically, the tumour often exhibits an exophytic growth pattern, a soft consistency, a broad base connected to the underlying tissue, and frequently has a reddish-yellowish colour. Instead of a superficial mucosal involvement, a deep localization in the soft tissues is also possible. Depending on the localization of the tumour, the diagnosis and the resulting therapy can turn out to be a challenge for the clinician. A clear differentiation to malign neoplasias of the fat tissues and other soft tissue expansions is essential. The following case report presents a female patient who is affected by a lipoma in the proximity of the mental nerve. The diagnostic work-up and resulting therapy including a review of the current literature are presented and discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate soft tissue image quality of a mobile cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner with an integrated flat-panel detector. STUDY DESIGN: Eight fresh human cadavers were used in this study. For evaluation of soft tissue visualization, CBCT data sets and corresponding computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data sets were acquired. Evaluation was performed with the help of 10 defined cervical anatomical structures. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the scoring results of 3 examiners revealed the CBCT images to be of inferior quality regarding the visualization of most of the predefined structures. Visualization without a significant difference was found regarding the demarcation of the vertebral bodies and the pyramidal cartilages, the arteriosclerosis of the carotids (compared with CT), and the laryngeal skeleton (compared with MRI). Regarding arteriosclerosis of the carotids compared with MRI, CBCT proved to be superior. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of a flat-panel detector improves soft tissue visualization using a mobile CBCT scanner.


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Because of superior soft-tissue contrast compared to other imaging techniques, non-invasive abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is ideal for monitoring organ regeneration, tissue repair, cancer stage, and treatment effects in a wide variety of experimental animal models. Currently, sophisticated MR protocols, including technically demanding procedures for motion artefact compensation, achieve an MRI resolution limit of < 100 microm under ideal conditions. However, such a high spatial resolution is not required for most experimental rodent studies. This article describes both a detailed imaging protocol for MR data acquisition in a ubiquitously and commercially available 1.5 T MR unit and 3-dimensional volumetry of organs, tissue components, or tumors. Future developments in MR technology will allow in vivo investigation of physiological and pathological processes at the cellular and even the molecular levels. Experimental MRI is crucial for non-invasive monitoring of a broad range of biological processes and will further our general understanding of physiology and disease.


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When patients enter our emergency room with suspected multiple injuries, Statscan provides a full body anterior and lateral image for initial diagnosis, and then zooms in on specific smaller areas for a more detailed evaluation. In order to examine the possible role of Statscan in the management of multiply injured patients we implemented a modified ATLS((R)) algorithm, where X-ray of C-spine, chest and pelvis have been replaced by single-total a.p./lat. body radiograph. Between 15 October 2006 and 1 February 2007 143 trauma patients (mean ISS 15+/-14 (3-75)) were included. We compared the time in resuscitation room to 650 patients (mean ISS 14+/-14 (3-75)) which were treated between 1 January 2002 and 1 January 2004 according to conventional ATLS protocol. The total-body scanning time was 3.5 min (3-6 min) compared to 25.7 (8-48 min) for conventional X-rays, The total ER time was unchanged 28.7 min (13-58 min) compared to 29.1 min (15-65 min) using conventional plain radiography. In 116/143 patients additional CT scans were necessary. In 98/116 full body trauma CT scans were performed. In 18/116 patients selective CT scans were ordered based on Statscan findings. In 43/143 additional conventional X-rays had to be performed, mainly due to inadequate a.p. views of fractured bones. All radiographs were transmitted over the hospital network (Picture Archiving and Communication System, PACS) for immediate simultaneous viewing at different places. The rapid availability of images for interpretation because of their digital nature and the reduced need for repeat exposures because of faulty radiography are also felt to be strengths.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: A feasibility study on measuring kidney perfusion by a contrast-free magnetic resonance (MR) imaging technique is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) prepared true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFISP) arterial spin labeling sequence was used on a 3.0-T MR-scanner. The basis for quantification is a two-compartment exchange model proposed by Parkes that corrects for diverse assumptions in single-compartment standard models. RESULTS: Eleven healthy volunteers (mean age, 42.3 years; range 24-55) were examined. The calculated mean renal blood flow values for the exchange model (109 +/- 5 [medulla] and 245 +/- 11 [cortex] ml/min - 100 g) are in good agreement with the literature. Most important, the two-compartment exchange model exhibits a stabilizing effect on the evaluation of perfusion values if the finite permeability of the vessel wall and the venous outflow (fast solution) are considered: the values for the one-compartment standard model were 93 +/- 18 (medulla) and 208 +/- 37 (cortex) ml/min - 100 g. CONCLUSION: This improvement will increase the accuracy of contrast-free imaging of kidney perfusion in treatment renovascular disease.