1000 resultados para Scènes (depuis 1905)
The Australian Alfred Walter Campbell (1868-1937) is remembered as one of the two chief pioneers of the study of the cytoarchitectonics of the primate cerebral cortex. He had worked in Britain carrying out neuroanatomical and neuropathological research for almost two decades before his famous monograph on Histological Studies on the Localisation of Cerebral Function appeared in 1905. In that year he returned to his native Australia and practiced for over 30 years in Sydney as a neurologist rather than a neuropathologist, publishing mainly clinical material though he was involved in the investigation of the epidemic of Australian X disease, a viral encephalitis. His abrupt change in both the nature and the location of his career at a time when he was well established in Britain appears to have been a consequence of his marriage and the need to provide for a family. His simultaneous apparent abandonment of research seems not to have really been the case. As judged from the contents of a paper presented to a local medical congress in Sydney in 1911, it appears that, in Australia, Campbell did carry out a major comparative anatomical and histological investigation of the possibility of localization of function in the cerebellar cortex. He never published this work in detail. His investigation let him to conclude that no such localization of function existed, a view contrary to the then topical interpretation of Bolk (1906), but one in accordance with Gordon Holmes' views a decade later. Campbell's circumstances in Sydney, his extremely reticent nature and the essentially negative outcome of his investigation probably explain his failure to make his study more widely known.
Rio Branco, com a criação da embaixada brasileira em Washington em 1905, deu um novo fôlego para o movimento de aproximação com os Estados Unidos que já se verificava na política externa desde o advento da República. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da nossa pesquisa é, por meio de um trabalho de análise histórica, tendo como base, essencialmente, documentação primária, entender as concepções políticas e a influência que o primeiro ocupante do cargo de embaixador, Joaquim Nabuco, teve na condução desse relacionamento.
As teorias da origem das espécies nos manuais escolares portugueses de Ciências Naturais (1905-1959)
O ensino das teorias da origem das espécies no sistema de ensino liceal português ainda não está completamente esclarecido. Esta investigação visou contribuir para essa clarificação, ao mostrar o modo como os autores dos manuais de Ciências Naturais destinados ao ensino liceal, fizeram essa transposição, no período compreendido entre 1905 e 1959. Para tal, estudaram-se as perspectivas e as teorias da origem das espécies, os mecanismos e as provas do evolucionismo que apresentaram. Os resultados mostraram que a tipologia diversificada de mecanismos e de provas de evolução que transpuseram, evidencia que a argumentação em prol do evolucionismo continuou a dominar o discurso dos autores dos manuais desse período. Contudo, concorreram nesses manuais diversas explicações para a evolução das espécies, como o lamarckismo, o neolamarckismo, o darwinismo, o neodarwinismo, a ortogénese, o mutacionismo e o transformismo teísta. The teaching of the origin of species theories in the Portuguese secondary education hasn’t been completely clear yet. This investigation aimed to contribute to this clarification, showing the way the authors of secondary schools science textbooks, did that transposition, from 1905 to 1959. Therefore, there were studied the perspectives and the origin of species theories, the mechanisms and proves of evolutionism that they had presented. The results showed that the diverse typology of mechanisms and proves of evolution they had transposed, showed that the argumentation in favor of the evolutionism continued to domain the discourse of school textbooks authors from this period. However, there were many explanations in these textbooks for the evolution of species, such as Lamarckism, neoLamarckism, Darwinism, neoDarwinism, Orthogenesis, Mutationism and Theistic Evolutionism.
Discute-se encontro de larvas de duas espécies de anofelinos do subgênero Kerteszia - An. (Ker.) cruzii e An. (Ker.) bambusicolus - em criadouros artificiais, no Estado do Paraná, Brasil.
Artigo também disponível no PROA-UA: plataforma de revistas em open access da universidade de aveiro com o URI http://revistas.ua.pt/index.php/Carnets/article/view/808/742.
Fascicles 1-12, 1753-1906
Suppl. 1906-12
Suppl. prelim. 1913-17
Suppl. 3 1917-33
Suppl. 4 1934-60
Hexactinides, Bryozoaires
Vers et Brachiopodes: Nemertiens, Gephyriens, Brac
Botanique: Mousses, Algues
Echinodermes: Stellerides, Ophiures et Echinides,