121 resultados para Savannas


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The geographic variation and hemipenial morphology of Siagonodon brasiliensis are described based on a comprehensive sample, allowing the reappraisal of its generic identity, and the proposal of a new nomenclatural combination. We suggest that the presence of two supralabials, as mentioned in the original description of S. brasiliensis, is not a common feature for this species, occurring at low frequencies throughout its geographic distribution. Based on a diagnosis presented in a recently published paper, as well as on additional external traits and on hemipenial characters, we recognize Siagonodon brasiliensis as a species of the genus Tricheilostoma. In addition, a new species of worm snake of the genus Siagonodon is described from the savannas of the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The new species differs from other congeners by having a slightly acuminate snout in lateral and ventral views, subcircular rostral in dorsal view, and 12 scale rows around middle of tail. The diagnosis of the genus Siagonodon is revised and expanded based on direct observation of morphological characters.


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A checklist of the 14 genera and 34 species of Bromeliaceae from the Parque Estadual do Rio Preto in Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto municipality, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, is presented. The Tillandsioideae was the most diverse subfamily and was found to be concentrated in rocky field areas. Bromelioideae is also a species rich subfamily, but its taxa have shown a preference to forested areas and savannas at lower altitudes. Pitcairnioideae is highlighted by its level of endemism, but has only four species. Cryptanthus micrus, a new species found in this area is described and illustrated. Our cluster analysis indicated that the Rio Preto State Park has a Bromeliaceae flora more similar to that from Pico do Itambe and Grao Mogol State Parks. Taxa like Dyckia glandulosa, Orthophytum itambense and Vriesea medusa, which were previously considered to be endemic to Pico do Itambe, now have their area of occurrence extended to Rio Preto. These new occurrences highlight the importance to create a corridor joining these neighboring reserves to connect populations of narrowly ranged or rare species. In this work we present pictures of 19 species in their habitats within the park, and we hope that these illustrations will help in the identification and conservation of these taxa.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a viabilidade econômica da produção consorciada de cacau e banana na região do Perímetro Irrigado Tabuleiro de São Bernardo nos municípios de Magalhães de Almeida e Araioses, estado do Maranhão (MA), tendo em vista a ampla disponibilidade de recursos naturais para o cultivo e a potencialidade de ser uma região de escape das principais doenças que afetam as culturas de cacau e banana. O trabalho verifica a oportunidade de negócio de produção de cacau e banana na região do rio Parnaíba. O estudo utiliza projeções de fluxo de caixa e os desconta para o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) para aferir a viabilidade econômica do negócio de produção de cacaueiro e bananeira nesta região do Brasil. Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas para analisar as características edafoclimáticas da microrregião, as características fisiológicas do cacaueiro e seu consórcio com a bananeira para o sombreamento temporário necessário durante a fase de crescimento do cacaueiro. Foi sugerido o pacote de alta tecnologia para a produção de cacaueiro, dada a necessidade de irrigação para o seu cultivo. Diferentes produtividades e preços de cacau e banana foram utilizados para analisar a sensibilidade económica deste negócio. Ao projetar um fluxo de caixa, foi possível fazer uma análise sobre o negócio, viabilidade e riscos. Deve-se notar que não há grandes áreas produtoras de cacau na região do rio Parnaíba. Porém, há pequenas áreas de cacau em regiões semiáridas (ou de cerrado). Assim, a produção vegetal carece de comprovação de produção em larga escala para atestar de modo prático algumas das premissas econômico-financeiras adotadas para analisar a viabilidade da produção de cacau e banana no Perímetro Irrigado Tabuleiro de São Bernardo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although neotropical savannas and grasslands, collectively referred to as cerrado, are rich in seed-eating species of rodents, little is known about seed predation and its determinants in this habitat. In this study, we investigated seed predation and damage to fruits of the widespread shrub Solarium lycocarpurn. In addition, the influence of two possible determinants (distance from the parental plant and total crop size) on the feeding behaviour of Oryzorrys scotti (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) was also examined. O. scotti were captured more frequently close to the shrubs or on shrub crops, indicating that these rodents were attracted to the shrubs and that seed predation was probably distance-dependent. Moreover, the proportion of damaged fruit on the plant decreased as the total crop size increased; consequently, more productive plants were attacked proportionally less by rodents. This pattern of fruit damage may reflect predator satiation caused by the consumption of a large amount of pulp. Alternatively, secondary metabolites in S. lycocarpum fruits may reduce the pulp consumption per feeding event, thereby limiting the number of fruits damaged. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Os cerradões no Pantanal ocorrem em áreas não inundáveis da planície e são importantes para a economia regional. Das áreas de cerradão são retiradas madeiras para construção de cercas, currais e galpões. Apesar da grande importância dos recursos vegetais do cerradão, existem poucas informações para embasar sua conservação e uso sustentável. Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar a abundância, a distribuição das espécies arbóreas e correlações com a fertilidade do solo em áreas de cerradão (savana florestada) do Pantanal Sul Mato-grossense. Foram estudadas seis áreas de cerradão na sub-região da Nhecolândia, por meio de 30 pontos quadrantes, totalizando 120 árvores amostradas, com circunferência a altura do peito (CAP) > 15 cm, em cada área. As comparações florísticas, de abundância das espécies e de fertilidade do solo, foram efetuadas por análises de componentes principais (PCA). As áreas mostraram-se heterogêneas, apresentando diferentes níveis de fertilidade do solo, estrutura e composição da vegetação. Dois cerradões foram agrupados em termos de fertilidade do solo e de estrutura da vegetação, apresentando muitas árvores de Qualea grandiflora Mart., espécie que ocorreu associada a solos com maiores teores de fósforo. Outros dois cerradões apresentaram composição florística mais semelhante que os demais, apesar de ocorrerem em solos com diferentes níveis de fertilidade, indicando perturbação antrópica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the Cerrado savannas from Brazil fire events are common and strongly influence the vegetation structure and, consequently, the associated small mammals. In this paper, we investigate changes in the structure of small mammal communities related to sites of different post-fire ages. Mammals were captured in similar Cerrado sites that differed in time since the last burn ( 1 to 26 yr). We sampled six sites in the wet season of 1997 ( phase 1) and, three years later, six sites in the wet and dry seasons ( phase 2). Six rodent species and four marsupials were captured. Community composition changed drastically as a function of time since fire. The diversity and abundance of small mammals reached maximum values in the early successional stages. The rodent Calomys tener was present only in early seral stages. The rodent Bolomys lasiurus was more frequent in mid-successional stages and decreased in later seral stages, and the rodent Oryzomys subflavus occupied all successional stages. The marsupial Gracilinanus agilis was dominant in the area that did not burn for at least 23 yr. Changes in composition of the community of small mammals were more accelerated in early successional stages, when there are more drastic vegetational changes. The ability of small mammals to cope with Cerrado fires and the great dissimilarity among post-burning seral stages suggest that a mosaic of areas representing different post-fire seral stages could increase the regional diversity of this group.


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The floral anatomy of Eriocaulon elichrysoides Bong. and Syngonanthus caulescens (Poir.) Ruhland, from Brazilian mountain rock savannas (campos rupestres) was studied. The staminate flowers of E. elichrysoides present a diplostemonous androecium with six stamens, and those of S. caulescens present an isostemonous androecium with three stamens and three scalelike staminodes. Eriocaulon elichrysoides and S. caulescens have three nectariferous pistillodes located in the central portion of the receptacle. The pistillate flowers of E. elichrysoides present three simple styles while those of S. caulescens present three simple styles interspersed with three nectariferous appendices. Both the styles of E. elichrysoides and the nectariferous appendices of S. caulescens are vascularized by the dorsal vascular bundles of the carpels. The styles of S. caulescens lack vascularization. At the base of the gynoecium of E. elichrysoides there are six staminodes and there are three in the S. caulescens. Entomophily is suggested as the pollination syndrome in E. elichrysoides and S. caulescens as they present staminate and pistillate flowers with nectariferous structures. The ancestral character in Eriocaulon is probably given by the presence of the two staminal whorls. The staminate flowers of S. caulescens are probably derived from the reduction of a diplostemonous ancestral androecium. It remains open whether the pistillate flowers with nectariferous, appendices present an ancestral character or a derived one.


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Data from 1983 through 1991 on reproductive performance, collected from the Beef Cattle production system at Embrapa Gado do Corte, were analyzed. This system, based on exclusive grazing, presented a pregnancy rate (2-3 years old heifers and cows) of 75.9%. The others observed index were first calving reconception rate, 62.1%, total herd loss rate, 2.2%, and calf loss rate until weaning, 6.0%. The calf loss rate represented 53.7% of the total herd loss rate. For calf loss rate (CLR) data analysis, the used model included the effects of sex (S), calf birth year (ANB), cow birth year (ANV) and the interactions between S x ANB and ANV x ANB. Sex had a significant effect on CLR, with 8.1 and 3.8% for male and female loss rate, respectively. For calving interval analysis, the used model included the following fixed effects: ANV, birth month of cow (MNV), birth cow order when it was a calf (OPV) and the ANV x MNV interaction. The 205-day cow weight and her age at first calving were used as covariables. The calving interval was 463.45 days (15.2 mo), ranging from 388 to 543 days, and it was significantly affected by ANV. It is suggested that more research attention should be directed to the highest loss rate observed for male calves, which represent higher commercial value than females.