978 resultados para Saturation (materials composition)


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The relations between partial and integral properties of ternary solutions along composition trajectories suggested by Kohler, Colinet and Jacob, and along an arbitrary path are derived. The chemical potentials of the components are related to the slope of integral free energy by expressions involving the binary compositions generated by the intersections of the composition trajectory with the sides of the ternary triangle. Only along the Kohler composition trajectory it is possible to derive the integral free energy from the variation of the chemical potential of a single component with composition or vice versa. Along all other paths the differential of the integral free energy is related to two chemical potentials. The Gibbs-Duhem integration proposed by Darken for the ternary system uses the Kohler isogram. The relative merits of different limits for integration are discussed.


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Disordered nanocrystalline Ni3Fe alloy was prepared by mechanical alloying of elemental powders. X-ray diffractograms show the formation of Ni3Fe single phase. The chemical composition and morphology of the powder have been obtained by using EDAX and SEM analysis respectively. While the saturation magnetisation decreases with milling time, the coercivity increases. The width of the hyperfine field distributions obtained from Mossbauer studies shows that the alloy is highly disordered Atomic ordering is found to take place at a faster rate compared to that in the bulk alloy. (C) 1999 Acta Metallurgica Inc.


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Equilibrium thermodynamic analysis has been applied to the low-pressure MOCVD process using manganese acetylacetonate as the precursor. ``CVD phase stability diagrams'' have been constructed separately for the processes carried out in argon and oxygen ambient, depicting the compositions of the resulting films as functions of CVD parameters. For the process conduced in argon ambient, the analysis predicts the simultaneous deposition of MnO and elemental carbon in 1: 3 molar proportion, over a range of temperatures. The analysis predicts also that, if CVD is carried out in oxygen ambient, even a very low flow of oxygen leads to the complete absence of carbon in the film deposited oxygen, with greater oxygen flow resulting in the simultaneous deposition of two different manganese oxides under certain conditions. The results of thermodynamic modeling have been verified quantitatively for low-pressure CVD conducted in argon ambient. Indeed, the large excess of carbon in the deposit is found to constitute a MnO/C nanocomposite, the associated cauliflower-like morphology making it a promising candidate for electrode material in supercapacitors. CVD carried out in oxygen flow, under specific conditions, leads to the deposition of more than one manganese oxide, as expected from thermodynamic analysis ( and forming an oxide-oxide nanocomposite). These results together demonstrate that thermodynamic analysis of the MOCVD process can be employed to synthesize thin films in a predictive manner, thus avoiding the inefficient trial-and-error method usually associated with MOCVD process development. The prospect of developing thin films of novel compositions and characteristics in a predictive manner, through the appropriate choice of CVD precursors and process conditions, emerges from the present work.


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In the absence of a reliable method for a priori prediction of structure and properties of inorganic solid materials, an experimental approach involving a systematic study of composition, structure and properties combined with chemical intuition based on previous experience is likely to be a viable alternative to the problem of rational design of inorganic materials. The approach is illustrated by taking perovskite lithium-ion conductors as an example.


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I-V studies indicate a composition dependent switching behavior (Memory or Threshold) in bulk Al20AsxTe80−x glasses, which is determined by the coordination and composition of aluminum. Investigations on temperature and thickness dependence of switching and structural studies on switched samples suggest thermal and electronic mechanisms of switching for the memory and threshold samples, respectively. The present results also show that these samples have a wider composition range of threshold behavior with lower threshold voltages compared to other threshold samples.


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A new composition path, Xi-Xj=constant, is suggested for the semi-empirical calculation of the thermodynamic properties of ternary ‘substitutional’ solutions from binary data, when the binary systems show deviations from the regular solution model. A comparison is made between the results obtained for integral and partial properties using this composition path and those calculated employing other composition paths suggested in literature. It appears that the best estimate of the ternary properties is obtained when binary data at compositions closest to the ternary composition are used.


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Equations for the computation of integral and partial thermodynamic properties of mixing in quarternary systems are derived using data on constituent binary systems and shortest distance composition paths to the binaries. The composition path from a quarternary composition to the i-j binary is characterized by a constant value of (Xi − Xj). The merits of this composition path over others with constant values for View the MathML source or Xi are discussed. Finally the equations are generalized for higher order systems. They are exact for regular solutions, but may be used in a semiempirical mode for non-regular solutions.


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The variation of equilibrium oxygen potential with oxygen concentration inYBa 2Cu3O7-δhas been measured in the temperature range of 773 to 1223 K. For temperatures up to 1073 K, the oxygen content of theYBa 2Cu3O7-δsample, held in a stabilized-zirconia crucible, was altered by coulometric titration. The compound was in contact with the electrolyte, permitting direct exchange of oxygen ions. For measurements above 1073 K, the oxide was contained in a magnesia crucible placed inside a closed silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid-state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia, which served both as a pump and sensor. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The oxygen pressure over the sample was varied from 10-1 to 105 Pa. The oxygen concentrations of the sample equilibrated with pure oxygen at 1.01 × 105 Pa at different temperatures were determined after quenching in liquid nitrogen by hydrogen reduction at 1223 K. The plot of chemical potential of oxygen as a function of oxygen non-stoichiometry shows an inflexion at δ ∼ 0.375 at 873 K. Data at 773 K indicate tendency for phase separation at lower temperatures. The partial enthalpy and entropy of oxygen derived from the temperature dependence of electromotive force (emf ) exhibit variation with composition. The partial enthalpy for °= 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 also appears to be temperature dependent. The results are discussed in comparison with the data reported in the literature. An expression for the integral free energy of formation of YBa2Cu3O6.5 is evaluated based on measurements reported in the literature. By integration of the partial Gibbs’ energy of oxygen obtained in this study, the variation of integral property with oxygen concentration is obtained at 873 K.


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New compos~tiong radient solid electrolytes are developed which have application in high temperature solid state galvanic sensors and provide a new tool for thermodynamic measurements. The electrolyte consists oi a solid solution between two ionic conductors with a common mobile ion and spatial variation in composition of otber coxup nents. Incorporation of the composite electrolyte in sensors permits the use oi dissimilar gas electrodes. It is demonsuated, both experimentall y and theoretically, that the composition gradient of the relativeiy immobile species does not give rise to a diffusion potential.The emi of a cell is determined by the activity of the mobile species at the two eiectrodes. The thermodynamic properties of solid solutions can be measured using the gradient solid electrolyte. The experimental stuay is based on model systems A?(COj)x(S04)l-x (A=Na,K),where S \.aria across the electrolyte. The functionally gradient solid electrolytes used for activity measurements consist of pure carbonate at one ena and the solid solution under stuav at the other. The identical vaiues of activity, obtained h m t hree different modes of operation of the ceil. indicate unit transport number for the ddi metal ion in the graciient electrolyte. Tlle activities in the solid solutions exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult 's law.


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The present paper considers the formation of crystalline phases during solidification and crystallisation of the Zr53Cu21Al10Ni8Ti8 alloy. Solidification was carried out by a copper mould casting technique, which yielded a partially crystalline microstructure comprising a `big cube phase' in a dendritic morphology and a bct Zr2Ni phase. Detailed high-resolution microscopy was carried out to determine possible mechanisms for the formation of the crystalline phases. Based on microstructural examinations, it was established that the dendrites grew by the attachment of atomistic ledges. The bct Zr2Ni phase, formed during solidification and crystallisation, showed various types of faults depending on the crystallite size, and its crystallography was examined in detail. It has been shown that the presence of these faults could be explained by anti-site occupancy in the bct lattice of the Zr2Ni phase.


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Presented is a new method for making composition graded metal-ceramic composites using reactive inter-diffusion between a metal and a complex ceramic. Composition variation in both metal and ceramic phases with distance along the direction of diffusion is achieved. The design criteria for developing such composites are discussed. The system should exhibit extensive solid solubility in both metallic and ceramic phases, a defined gradation in the stabilities of the oxides, and mobility of electrons or holes in the oxide solid solution. The complex ceramic used for making the composite should be polycrystalline with sufficient porosity to accommodate the volume expansion caused by alloy precipitation. An inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation and high processing temperature to facilitate diffusive transport are required. The process is illustrated using the reaction couples Fe-NiTiO3, Fe-(Mg,Co)TiO3 and Fe-(Ni,Co)TiO3.


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Ingots with compositions CrSi2-x (with 0 < x < 0.1) were synthesized by vacuum arc melting followed by uniaxial hot pressing for densification. This paper reports the temperature and composition dependence of the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity of CrSi2-x samples in the temperature range of 300 K to 800 K. The silicon-deficient samples exhibited substantial reductions in resistivity and Seebeck coefficient over the measured temperature range due to the formation of metallic secondary CrSi phase embedded in the CrSi2 matrix phase. The thermal conductivity was seen to exhibit a U-shaped curve with respect to x, exhibiting a minimum value at the composition of x = 0.04. However, the limit of the homogeneity range of CrSi2 suppresses any further decrease of the lattice thermal conductivity. As a consequence, the maximum figure of merit of ZT = 0.1 is obtained at 650 K for CrSi1.98.


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Thin films of alumina (Al2O3) were deposited over Si < 1 0 0 > substrates at room temperature at an oxygen gas pressure of 0.03 Pa and sputtering power of 60 W using DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The composition of the as-deposited film was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the O/Al atomic ratio was found to be 1.72. The films were then annealed in vacuum to 350, 550 and 750 degrees C and X-ray diffraction results revealed that both as-deposited and post deposition annealed films were amorphous. The surface morphology and topography of the films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, respectively. A progressive decrease in the root mean square (RMS) roughness of the films from 1.53 nm to 0.7 nm was observed with increase in the annealing temperature. Al-Al2O3-Al thin film capacitors were then fabricated on p-type Si < 1 0 0 > substrate to study the effect of temperature and frequency on the dielectric property of the films and the results are discussed.


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Neutron powder diffraction study of Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O-3 at close composition intervals has revealed coexistence of ferroelectric phases: orthorhombic (Amm2) + tetragonal (P4mm) for 0.02 <= x <= 0.05 and rhombohedral (R3m) + orthorhombic (Amm2) for 0.07 <= x < 0.09. These compositions exhibit relatively enhanced piezoelectric properties as compared to their single phase counterparts outside this composition region, confirming the polymorphic phase boundary nature of the phase coexistence regions. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.