987 resultados para Sao Jose do Rio Preto city


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There is growing evidence that the course of Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) can be altered by psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Psychoeducation. Therefore, this study was performed with the objective of identifying the implications of a Psychoeducation group on the everyday lives of individuals with BAD. To do this, the authors chose to perform a qualitative case study. Participants included twelve individuals with BAD who had attended at least six meetings of the Psychoeducation Group held at the Sao Jose do Rio Preto Faculty of Medicine (FAMERP). Semi-structured interviews were performed, which were recorded and then transcribed and subjected to Thematic Analysis. The present study showed that the referred group experience promoted the individuals' knowledge acquisition; their awareness regarding the disease and adherence to treatment; their making positive changes in life; the possibility of helping other patients to benefit from the knowledge learned in the group; and their awareness regarding other realities and coping strategies, obtained by exchanging experiences with other participants.


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HRSV is one of the most important pathogens causing acute respiratory tract diseases as bronchiolitis and pneumonia among infants. HRSV was isolated from two distinct communities, a public day care center and a public hospital in Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP, Brazil. We obtained partial sequences from G gene that were used on phylogenetic and selection pressure analysis. HRSV accounted for 29% of respiratory infections in hospitalized children and 7.7% in day care center children. On phylogenetic analysis of 60 HRSV strains, 48 (80%) clustered within or adjacent to the GA1 genotype; GA5, NA1, NA2, BA-IV and SAB1 were also observed. SJRP GA1 strains presented variations among deduced amino acids composition and lost the potential O-glycosilation site at amino acid position 295, nevertheless this resulted in an insertion of two potential O-glycosilation sites at positions 296 and 297. Furthermore, a potential O-glycosilation site insertion, at position 293, was only observed for hospital strains. Using SLAC and MEME methods, only amino acid 274 was identified to be under positive selection. This is the first report on HRSV circulation and genotypes classification derived from a day care center community in Brazil.


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BACKGROUND: Only about 15% of donor lungs are considered suitable for transplantation (LTx). Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) has been developed as a method to reassess and repair damaged lungs. We report our experience with EVLP in non-acceptable donor lungs and evaluate its ability to recondition these lungs. METHODS: We studied lungs from 16 brain-dead donors rejected for LTx. After harvesting, the lungs were stored at 4 degrees C for 10 hours and subjected to normothermic EVLP with Steen Solution (Vitro life, Goteborg, Sweden) for 60 minutes. For functional evaluation, the following variables were assessed: partial pressure of arterial oxygen (Pao(2)), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and lung compliance (LC). For histologic assessment, lung biopsy was done before harvest and after EVLP. Tissue samples were examined under light microscopy. To detect and quantify apoptosis, terminal deoxynucleotide transferase-mediated deoxy uridine triphosphate nick-end labeling assay was used. RESULTS: Thirteen lima donors were refused for having impaired lung function. The mean Pao(2) obtained in the organ donor at the referring hospital was 193.7 mm Hg and rose to 489 mm Hg after EVLP. During EVLP, the mean PVR was 652.5 dynes/sec/cm(5) and the mean LC was 48 ml/cm H2O. There was no significant difference between the mean Lung Injury Score before harvest and after EVLP. There was a trend toward a reduction in the median number of apoptotic cells after EVLP. CONCLUSIONS: EVLP improved lung function (oxygenation capacity) of organs considered unsuitable for transplantation. Lung tissue structure did not deteriorate even after 1 hour of normothermic perfusion. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012;31:305-9 (C) 2012 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: Experimental studies on lung preservation have always been performed using animal models. We present ex vivo lung perfusion as a new model for the study of lung preservation. Using human lungs instead of animal models may bring the results of experimental studies closer to what could be expected in clinical practice. METHOD: Brain-dead donors whose lungs had been declined by transplantation teams were used. The cases were randomized into two groups. In Group 1, Perfadex (R) was used for pulmonary preservation, and in Group 2, LPDnac, a solution manufactured in Brazil, was used. An ex vivo lung perfusion system was used, and the lungs were ventilated and perfused after 10 hours of cold ischemia. The extent of ischemic-reperfusion injury was measured using functional and histological parameters. RESULTS: After reperfusion, the mean oxygenation capacity was 405.3 mmHg in Group 1 and 406.0 mmHg in Group 2 (p=0.98). The mean pulmonary vascular resistance values were 697.6 and 378.3 dyn.s.cm(-5), respectively (p=0.035). The mean pulmonary compliance was 46.8 cm H2O in Group 1 and 49.3 ml/cm H2O in Group 2 (p=0.816). The mean wet/dry weight ratios were 2.06 and 2.02, respectively (p=0.87). The mean Lung Injury Scores for the biopsy performed after reperfusion were 4.37 and 4.37 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively (p=1.0), and the apoptotic cell counts were 118.75/mm(2) and 137.50/mm(2), respectively (p=0.71). CONCLUSION: The locally produced preservation solution proved to be as good as Perfadex (R). The clinical use of LPDnac may reduce costs in our centers. Therefore, it is important to develop new models to study lung preservation.


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The manifestation of cholelithiasis after bariatric surgery may depend on genetic factors related to lipid metabolism, including apolipoprotein E (APOE) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) gene polymorphisms. We investigated the association between APOE HhaI and CETP TaqIB polymorphisms [PCR-RFLP] and occurrence of cholelithiasis over up to 8 months of follow-up after gastroplasty to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in 220 patients distributed in Group 1 (G1) 114 with cholelithiasis postoperatively and Group 2 (G2) 106 without cholelithiasis, including biochemical and anthropometric profiles analyses. In our series, the allelic and genotypic distributions of CETP TaqIB and APOE HhaI polymorphisms were similar in both groups (P > 0.05). The subgroup analysis evidenced that 54% of the patients from G1, APOE*4 allele carriers compared with APOE*3/3 carriers, presented altered low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) serum levels (P = 0.022) before bariatric surgery. The B1 allele for CETP was associated to more quickly elevation of HDL cholesterol levels just in individuals without cholelitiasis (P < 0.0001). The multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrates correlation between APOE*4 allele, higher total cholesterol (TC) serum levels and prediposition to cholelitiasis in preoperative period. However, the presence of postoperative cholelithiasis was not associated with altered lipid profile. The CETP TaqIB and APOE HhaI polymorphisms do not seem to have association with gallstones in the late postoperative bariatric surgery, considering that these genetic variants do not differ subgroups of patients who are eligible to routine prophylactic cholecystectomy, at least in Brazilian population.


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Abstract Background The aim of this study was evaluate the late-onset repercussions of heart alterations of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after a 13-year follow up. Methods A historical prospective study was carried out involving the analysis of data from the charts of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of lupus in follow up since 1998. The 13-year evolution was systematically reviewed and tabulated to facilitate the interpretation of the data. Results Forty-eight patient charts were analyzed. Mean patient age was 34.5 ± 10.8 years at the time of diagnosis and 41.0 ± 10.3 years at the time of the study (45 women and 3 men). Eight deaths occurred in the follow-up period (two due to heart problems). Among the alterations found on the complementary exams, 46.2% of cases demonstrated worsening at reevaluation and four patients required a heart catheterization. In these cases, coronary angioplasty was performed due to the severity of the obstructions and one case required a further catheterization, culminating in the need for surgical myocardial revascularization. Conclusion The analysis demonstrated progressive heart impairment, with high rates of alterations on conventional complementary exams, including the need for angioplasty or revascularization surgery in four patients. These findings indicate the need for rigorous cardiac follow up in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.


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Foi pesquisada a presença de Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli e de fungos em sementes certificadas de feijão produzidas pela Secretaria da Agricultura do Estado de São Paulo nas safras da seca e inverno de 1991 e 1993. A bactéria foi detectada através do método de inoculação em planta indicadora de feijoeiro da cultivar CNF 0010. A incidência de fungos foi determinada pelo método do papel de filtro. Quanto a bactéria, foram examinadas amostras de 188 lotes em 1991 e 124 em 1993. Para os fungos foram analisadas amostras de 147 lotes no ano de 1991. Em 1991, a bacteria foi detectada somente nas amostras de Aracatuba (16,7%), Paraguacu Paulista (18,2%) e Sao Jose do Rio Preto (4%) com incidental mínima de (0,5%). No ano de 1993, X. camperstris pv. phaseoli foi encontrada nas amostras de Araçatuba (6,3%), Bauru (20%), Fernandópolis (12,7%), Lucelia (33,3%), Marilia (12,5%), Paraguacu Paulista (50,0%), Presidente Prudente (46,7%), Ribeirao Preto (16,7%), Santo Anastacio (66,7%), Sao José do Rio Preto (40,0%). Em 1991, a bactéria foi detectada em apenas 5,3% das amostras analisadas, ocorrendo em 1993 um aumento da incidência do patogeno, que foi detectado em 30,6% das amostras, provavelmente devido as condicoes climaticas favoraveis ao crestamento bacteriano. Foram encontrados os fungos Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phaeoisariopsis griseola e Alternaria spp.. As regiões de Aguaí, Aracatuba, Avaré e Lucélia apresentaram maior incidência destes fungos. Entre as 147 amostras analisadas, R. solani foi detectada em Araçatuba em 28,6% das amostras, Bauru (50,0%), Fernadópolis (8,7%), Lucélia (27,0%) e Marília (7,5%) e C. lindemuthianum em Araçatuba (3,3%), Avaré (25,0%) e Lucélia(5,5%). Os demais fungos foram detectados em baixas incidências podendo-se concluir que com relação a presença de fungos, os lotes analisados apresentaram boa qualidade sanitária. Os resultados mostraram que houve alta contaminação das sementes por X. campestris pv. phaseoli em 1993, o que ocorreu aumento do inoculo nas sementes de 1991 para 1993, destacando-se os municípios P. Paulista, S. José da Rio Preto, Santo Anastácio e Presidente Prudente como os que apresentam maior infecção das sementes.


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Knowledge of hospital costs is highly important for public health decision-making. This study aimed to estimate direct hospital costs related to pneumococcal meningitis in children 13 years or younger in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2008. Data were obtained from medical records. Hospital costs were calculated according to the mixed method for measurement of quantities of items with identified costs and value attribution to items consumed (micro-costing and gross-costing). All costs were calculated according to monetary values for November 2009 and in Brazilian currency (Real). Epi Info 3.5.1 was used for frequencies and means analysis. Forty-one cases were reported. Direct hospital costs varied from R$ 1,277.90 to R$ 19,887.56 (mean = R$ 5,666.43), or 10 to 20 times the mean cost of hospitalization for other diseases. Hospital staff labor was the highest cost, followed by medication, procedures, supplies, and lab tests.


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A tese analisa a revolta republicana que ocorreu em São José do Rio Pardo em agosto de 1889. Para isso, estudamos a formação econômica e política da localidade. No aspecto econômico, identificamos a cidade com a região de produção cafeeira e, no político, os grupos que comandavam São José do rio Pardo. Analisamos a sociedade riopardense e os grupos que a compunham para compreender as relações entre eles e o desenvolver da revolta. Discutimos as fontes e as várias versões da revolta, bem como sua repercussão em São Paulo.


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The deposits of the Permian Teresina Formation are mainly characterized by fi ne-grained siliciclastic rocks and centimetric intercalations of tempestites (bioclastic sandstones and coquinas). Despite the relevance of the bivalve-rich carbonate beds of the Teresina Formation to paleoenvironmental studies, their taphonomy is still poorly studied. The fossil concentration studied in this work was found in a quarry in the city of Irati, Rio Preto district, Parana State. The fossil concentration is located in the middle/upper portion of the unit, far from the top. The studied bed is a bioclastic, intraclastic, peloidal, grainstone/ packstone, with abundant bivalve shell fragments, pelitic and micritic intraclasts, peloids, rare ooids and oncoids, as well as permineralized of Lycophyta microphylles and fish scales. The grains of this carbonate concentration show: high degree of time-averaging, variable degree of packing (dense to disperse), no sorting and chaotic orientation. Notably, the concentration includes a mixture of elements which are indicative of: a) restrictive, low energy, carbonate environment (peloids, ooids and oncoids); b) subaerial environment surrounding the main body of water (Lycophyta microphylles) and c) quiet-water environment punctuated by storm events, where the suspension-feeding bivalves thrived. At least four depositional events caused by storm fl ows were recorded. The amalgamated nature of the bed is a result of storm events in an intracratonic basin with very low seafl oor slope and low rates of sedimentation and subsidence.


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Between 2000 and 2004, 170 sand flies were captured in urban or peri-urban areas of the Rio Claro city, SP, Brazil. Nyssomyia neivai, the main LTA vector species in São Paulo territory, corresponded to 124 specimens (72,94%) of the total number of captured insects. Incidence of American Cutaneous (LTA) and Visceral leishmaniasis (LVA) is increasing in human and dogs in São Paulo State. Rio Claro city is located in the center-east region of the State. During 2001 and 2003, two cases of alochtonus canine LVA and an autochthonous case of canine LTA were locally diagnosed. Results indicate the risk of LVA establishment in this region. Possible role of alternative vectors in leishmaniasis transmission is discussed.


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The Preto River, located in the northwest of São Paulo State, receives a total wastewater load of 15.150 kg DBO day-1, from which 13.685 kg DBO day-1 (90.5%) corresponds to domestic sewage, and the city of São José do Rio Preto contributes with 12.400 kg DBO day-1 (90% of domestic sewage). During the period from August 1990 through January 1991, monthly sampling was carried out to evaluate the use of macroalgae as bioindicator of organic pollution. Five sampling sites were established along the main river and the following variables were analised: temperature, conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, total and fecal coliforms, and composition and abundance of macroalgal communities. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, correlation coefficient, cluster analysis (four different approaches) and converted to biological indices (species deficit, relative pollution, saprobity, diversity and uniformity indices). A wide range in water quality was found (particularly for conductance, oxygen, BOD and COD) among the sampling sites, which were classified into three groups (polluted, moderately polluted and unpolluted/weakly polluted). As regards the occurrence and abundance of macroalgae the Rhodophyta were found only in unpolluted or weakly polluted sites, whereas Cyanophyta occurred mostly under high pollution load; the Chlorophyta species were observed under a wide range of conditions. Among the biological indices, saprobity was the most sensitive and correlated to all water variables and the other indices. Cluster analyses showed that the composition of macroalgal communities was consistent with the levels of organic pollution in the Preto River.


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The Rio Preto Hydrographic Basin (RPHB) is located in the North-central portion of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 30 km ENE of the city of Diamantina. The sources of the stream of that name are found in the Rio Preto State Park, which has an area of 10,755 hectares. The total area, perimeter, extension, and axial length of the RPHB, as well as other morphometric characteristics, with emphasis on shape indexes, were obtained with the help of the ArcGis 9.2 program. The cartographic data were taken from digitalized topographic charts in a scale of 1:100,000 of the Brazilian Geographical Institute (IBGE). The measured drainage area is of 389.3 km2 and the perimeter is 136.9 km. Due to structural influence, the shape of the RPHB is irrgular and elongated, with drainage developed in a dendritic and parallel pattern. Those characteristics were checked by means of the compaxity coefficient and the shape factor. The first one was estimated in 1.94, what implies that the basin is not subject to fast flooding in years with normal precipitation. The high degree of fluvial downcutting of the basin is confirmed by the fact that it is a 5th order basin, it presents a significant branching rate and a medium drainage density.


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Water is the raw material used most in the production of diverse pharmaceutical forms and, being a constituent of the formulation itself, is subject to a number of physico-chemical and microbiological specifications. In addition, it is indispensable for laboratory tests and the cleaning of equipment and apparatus. The aim of this study was to ascertain the degree of physicochemical and microbiological contamination of purified water used in compounding pharmacies in the city of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. Samples were taken as recommended in the USP Pharmacopeia, with careful aseptic technique, and sent immediately the to quality control laboratory. Physicochemical properties were analyzed, including appearance, pH, conductivity, residue after evaporation, ammonia, calcium, chloride, heavy metals, sulfate and oxidizable substances, and microbiological tests were performed: total aerobic microbial count and detection of total and thermotolerant coliforms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results showed that some parameters did not conform to the standards, especially pH, conductivity, inorganic impurities, oxidizable substances and microbiological test data, in 10%, 17%, 10%, 14% and 20% of the analyzed samples, respectively, This points to the need for greater care in the production and/or storage of purified water in these pharmaceutical establishments.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)