963 resultados para Saccharomyces cerevisiae inhibition


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The effect of intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) in the lead stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. Yeast cells exposed to Pb, for 3 h, lost the cell proliferation capacity (viability) and decreased intracellular GSH level. The Pb-induced loss of cell viability was compared among yeast cells deficient in GSH1 (∆gsh1) or GSH2 (∆gsh2) genes and wild-type (WT) cells. When exposed to Pb, ∆gsh1 and ∆gsh2 cells did not display an increased loss of viability, compared with WT cells. However, the depletion of cellular thiols, including GSH, by treatment of WT cells with iodoacetamide (an alkylating agent, which binds covalently to thiol group), increased the loss of viability in Pb-treated cells. In contrast, GSH enrichment, due to the incubation of WT cells with amino acids mixture constituting GSH (l-glutamic acid, l-cysteine and glycine), reduced the Pb-induced loss of proliferation capacity. The obtained results suggest that intracellular GSH is involved in the defence against the Pb-induced toxicity; however, at physiological concentration, GSH seems not to be sufficient to prevent the Pb-induced loss of cell viability.


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The present work has as objective to contribute for the elucidation of the mechanism associated with Pb detoxification, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The deletion of GTT1 or GTT2 genes, coding for functional glutathione transferases (GST) enzymes in S. cerevisiae, caused an increased susceptibility to high Pb concentrations (500-1000 μmol L(-1)). These results suggest that the formation of glutathione-Pb conjugate (GS-Pb), dependent of GSTs, is important in Pb detoxification. The involvement of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) vacuolar transporters, belonging to class C subfamily (ABCC) in vacuolar compartmentalization of Pb, was evaluated. For this purpose, mutant strains disrupted in YCF1, VMR1, YBT1 or BPT 1 genes were used. All mutants tested, without vacuolar ABCC transporters, presented an increased sensitivity to 500-1000 μmol L(-1) Pb comparative to wild-type strain. Taken together, the obtained results suggest that Pb detoxification, by vacuolar compartmentalization, can occur as a result of the concerted action of GSTs and vacuolar ABCC transporters. Pb is conjugated with glutathione, catalysed by glutathione transferases and followed to the transport of GS-Pb conjugate to the vacuole by ABCC transporters.


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O chumbo é um importante poluente ambiental. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um modelo útil para o estudo dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de defesa e resistência à presença de metais pesados poderá ser útil em tecnologias de proteção ambiental, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a biorremediação de metais pesados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pb na capacidade proliferativa, na integridade membranar e na produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), na estirpe laboratorial da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 (estirpe selvagem, WT). Foi também estudado o papel das mitocôndrias, como fonte de ROS induzida por Pb, e o envolvimento da H+-ATPase vacuolar (V-ATPase) e de transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC (de ATP-binding cassette) na defesa contra a toxicidade do Pb. O estudo cinético do impacto de duas concentrações de Pb na viabilidade das leveduras (avaliado através de um ensaio clonogénico), na integridade da membrana celular (determinada com iodeto de propídio) e na produção intracelular de ROS (o anião superóxido foi detetado com dihidroetídio e o peróxido de hidrogénio com 2’,7’- diclorodihidrofluoresceína), revelou uma perda progressiva da capacidade proliferativa (53 e 17% de células viáveis, após a exposição durante 3h a 250 ou 1000 µmol/l de chumbo, respetivamente), coincidente com a acumulação intracelular de anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio, na ausência de perda da integridade membranar. A importância das mitocôndrias na produção de ROS, induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo usando um mutante deficiente respiratório desprovido de ADN mitocondrial (ƿ0). Quando comparado com a respetiva estirpe parental, o mutante ƿ0 apresentou uma maior resistência ao Pb e uma menor produção de ROS induzida por Pb. A exposição das células da estirpe BY4741 a 250 e 1000 µmol/l de chumbo originou a formação de 49 e 58% de células deficientes respiratórias, respetivamente. A função da V-ATPase, na desintoxicação de chumbo, foi avaliada utilizando mutantes com uma estrutura vacuolar normal mas defetivos em subunidades da VATPase (vma1Δ, vma2Δ, vma3Δ e vph1Δ). Comparativamente às células da estirpe WT, todos os mutantes testados, sem V-ATPase funcional, apresentaram uma maior suscetibilidade ao Pb. O papel dos transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC, na defesa contra a toxicidade induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo utilizando mutantes sem os transportadores Ycf1p ou Vmr1p. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que quando comparadas com as células da estirpe WT, as células das estirpes ycf1Δ ou vmr1Δ não apresentavam uma maior perda da viabilidade. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar, em células expostas a chumbo, foi visualizada utilizando a estirpe Vma2p-GFP. O tratamento das células com Pb originou a fusão dos vacúolos de tamanho médio num único vacúolo de grande dimensão. Em conclusão, os estudos desenvolvidos no presente trabalho, utilizando a estirpe laboratorial BY4741, mostraram que a perda da capacidade proliferativa das leveduras, induzida pelo chumbo, pode ser atribuída à acumulação intracelular do anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio. As mitocôndrias parecem ser uma das principais fontes de ROS induzido por Pb e, simultaneamente, um dos principais alvos da sua toxicidade. Em S. cerevisiae, o vacúolo desempenha um papel importante na desintoxicação do Pb. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar após exposição ao chumbo poderá ser a consequência da acumulação de Pb no vacúolo. Enquanto os transportadores da superfamília ABC parecem não estar envolvidos na sequestração vacuolar de Pb, é necessária a presença, num estado funcional, da V-ATPase para que ocorra a compartimentação do Pb. Muito provavelmente, a compartimentação do Pb no vacúolo previne a sua acumulação no citosol e o desencadear dos respetivos efeitos tóxicos.


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Beta-oxidation of the conjugated linoleic acid 9-cis,11-trans-octadecadienoic acid (rumenic acid) was analyzed in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by monitoring polyhydroxyalkanoate production in the peroxisome. Polyhydroxyalkanoate is synthesized by the polymerization of the beta-oxidation intermediates 3-hydroxyacyl-CoAs via a bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase targeted to the peroxisome. The amount of polyhydroxyalkanaote synthesized from the degradation of rumenic acid was found to be similar to the amount synthesized from the degradation of 10-trans,12-cis-octadecadienoic acid, oleic acid or 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid. Furthermore, the degradation of 10-cis-heptadecenoic acid was found to be unaffected by the presence of rumenic acid in the media. Efficient degradation of rumenic acid was found to be independent of the Delta(3,5),Delta(2,4)-dienoyl-CoA isomerase but instead relied on the presence of Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. The presence of the unsaturated monomer 3-hydroxydodecenoic acid in polyhydroxyalkanoate derived from rumenic acid degradation was found to be dependent on the presence of a Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase activity. Together, these data indicate that rumenic acid is mainly degraded in vivo in S. cerevisiae through a pathway requiring only the participation of the auxiliary enzymes Delta(3),Delta(2)-enoyl-CoA isomerase, along with the enzyme of the core beta-oxidation cycle.


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The adapted metabolic response of commercial wine yeast under prolonged exposure to concentrated solutes present in Icewine juice is not fully understood. Presently, there is no information regarding the transcriptomic changes in gene expression associated with the adaptive stress response ofwine yeast during Icewine fermentation compared to table wine fermentation. To understand how and why wine yeast respond differently at the genomic level and ultimately at the metabolic level during Icewine fermentation, the focus ofthis project was to identify and compare these differences in the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KI-Vll16 using cDNA microarray technology during the first five days of fermentation. Significant differences in yeast gene expression patterns between fermentation conditions were correlated to differences in nutrient utilization and metabolite production. Sugar consumption, nitrogen usage and metabolite levels were measured using enzyme assays and HPLC. Also, a small subset of differentially expressed genes was verified using Northern analysis. The high osmotic stress experienced by wine yeast throughout Icewine fermentation elicited changes in cell growth and metabolism correlating to several fermentation difficulties, including reduced biomass accumulation and fermentation rate. Genes associated with carbohydrate and nitrogen transport and metabolism were expressed at lower levels in Icewine juice fermenting cells compared to dilute juice fermenting cells. Osmotic stress, not nutrient availability during Icewine fermentation appears to impede sugar and nitrogen utilization. Previous studies have established that glycerol and acetic acid production are increased in yeast during Icewine fermentation. A gene encoding for a glycerollW symporter (STL1) was found to be highly expressed up to 25-fold in the i Icewine juice condition using microarray and Northern analysis. Active glycerol transport by yeast under hyperosmotic conditions to increase cytosolic glycerol concentration may contribute to reduced cell growth observed in the Icewine juice condition. Additionally, genes encoding for two acetyl CoA synthetase isoforms (ACSl and ACS2) were found to be highly expressed, 19- and II-fold respectively, in dilute juice fermenting cells relative to the Icewine juice condition. Therefore, decreased conversion of acetate to acetyl-CoA may contribute to increased acetic acid production during Icewine fermentation. These results further help to explain the response of wine yeast as they adapt to Icewine juice fermentation. ii


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Mitochondria have an important role in cell metabolism, being the major site of ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Accumulation of mtDNA mutations have been linked to the development of respiratory dysfunction, apoptosis, and aging. Base excision repair (BER) is the major and the only certain repair pathway existing in mitochondria that is in responsible for removing and repairing various base modifications as well as abasic sites (AP sites). In this research, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) BER gene knockout strains, including 3 single DNA glycosylase gene knockout strains and Ap endonuclease (Apn 1 p) knockout strain were used to examine the importance of this DNA repair pathway to the maintenance of respiratory function. Here, I show that individual DNA glycosylases are nonessential in maintenance of normal function in yeast mitochondria, corroborating with previous research in mammalian experimental models. The yeast strain lacking Apn 1 p activity exhibits respiratory deficits, including inefficient and significantly low intracellular ATP level, which maybe due to partial uncoupling of OXPHOS. Growth of this yeast strain on respiratory medium is inhibited, but no evidence was found for increased ROS level in Apn 1 p mitochondria. This strain also shows an increased cell size, and this observation combined with an uncoupled OXPHOS may indicate a premature aging in the Apnlp knockout strain, but more evidence is needed to support this hypothesis. However, the BER is necessary for maintenance of mitochondrial function in respiring S.cerevisiae.


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The manipulation of large (>10 kb) plasmid systems amplifies problems common to traditional cloning strategies. Unique or rare restriction enzyme recognition sequences are uncommon and very rarely located in opportunistic locations. Making site-specific deletions and insertions in larger plasmids consequently leads to multiple step cloning strategies that are often limited by time-consuming, low efficiency linker insertions or blunt-end cloning strategies. Manipulation ofthe adenovirus genome and the genomes ofother viruses as bacterial plasmids are systems that typify such situations. Recombinational cloning techniques based on homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that circumvent many ofthese common problems have been developed. However, these techniques are rarely realistic options for such large plasmid systems due to the above mentioned difficulties associated with the addition ofrequired yeast DNA replication, partitioning and selectable marker sequences. To determine ifrecombinational cloning techniques could be modified to simplify the manipulation of such a large plasmid system, a recombinational cloning system for the creation of human adenovirus EI-deletion rescue plasmids was developed. Here we report for the first time that the 1,456 bp TRP1/ARS fragment ofYRp7 is alone sufficient to foster successful recombinational cloning without additional partitioning sequences, using only slight modifications of existing protocols. In addition, we describe conditions for efficient recombinational cloning involving simultaneous deletion of large segments ofDNA (>4.2 kb) and insertion of donor fragment DNA using only a single non-unique restriction site. The discovery that recombinational cloning can foster large deletions has been used to develop a novel recombiliational cloillng technique, selectable inarker 'kilockouf" recombinational cloning, that uses deletion of a yeast selectable marker coupled with simultaneous negative and positive selection to reduce background transformants to undetectable levels. The modification of existing protocols as described in this report facilitates the use of recombinational cloning strategies that are otherwise difficult or impractical for use with large plasmid systems. Improvement of general recombinational cloning strategies and strategies specific to the manipulation ofthe adenovirus genome are considered in light of data presented herein.


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The nucleotide sequence of a genomic DNA fragment thought previously to contain the dihydrofolate reductase gene (DFR1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by genetic criteria was determined. This DNA fragment of 1784' basepairs contains a large open reading frame from position 800 to 1432, which encodes a enzyme with a predicted molecular weight of 24,229.8 Daltons. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of this protein revealed that the yeast polypep·tide contained 211 amino acids, compared to the 186 residues commonly found in the polypeptides of other eukaryotes. The difference in size of the gene product can be attributed mainly to an insert in the yeast gene. Within this region, several consensus sequences required for processing of yeast nuclear and class II mitochondrial introns were identified, but appear not sufficient for the RNA splicing. The primary structure of the yeast DHFR protein has considerable sequence homology with analogous polypeptides from other organisms, especially in the consensus residues involved in cofactor and/or inhibitor binding. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence also revealed the presence of a number of canonical sequences identified in yeast as having some function in the regulation of gene expression. These include UAS elements (TGACTC) required for tIle amino acid general control response, and "TATA H boxes as well as several consensus sequences thought to be required for transcriptional termination and polyadenylation. Analysis of the codon usage of the yeast DFRl coding region revealed a codon bias index of 0.0083. this valve very close to zero suggestes 3 that the gene is expressed at a relatively low level under normal physiological conditions. The information concerning the organization of the DFRl were used to construct a variety of fusions of its 5' regulatory region with the coding region of the lacZ gene of E. coli. Some of such fused genes encoded a fusion product that expressed in E.coli and/or in yeast under the control of the 5' regulatory elements of the DFR1. Further studies with these fusion constructions revealed that the beta-galactosidase activity encoded on multicopy plasmids was stimulated transiently by prior exposure of yeast host cells to UV light. This suggests that the yeast PFRl gene is indu.ced by UV light and nlay in1ply a novel function of DHFR protein in the cellular responses to DNA damage. Another novel f~ature of yeast DHFR was revealed during preliminary studies of a diploid strain containing a heterozygous DFRl null allele. The strain was constructed by insertion of a URA3 gene within the coding region of DFR1. Sporulation of this diploid revealed that meiotic products segregated 2:0 for uracil prototrophy when spore clones were germinated on medium supplemented with 5-formyltetrahydrofolate (folinic acid). This finding suggests that, in addition to its catalytic activity, the DFRl gene product nlay play some role in the anabolisln of folinic acid. Alternatively, this result may indicate that Ura+ haploid segregants were inviable and suggest that the enzyme has an essential cellular function in this species.


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The high sugar concentration in Icewine juice exerts hyperosmotic stress in the wine yeast causing water loss and cell shrinkage. To counteract the dehydration, yeast synthesize and accumulate glycerol as an internal osmolyte. In a laboratory strain of S. cerevisiae, STLl encodes for Stllp, an H+ /glycerol symporter that is glucose inactivated, but induced upon hyperosmotic stress. STLl, was found to be a highly upregulated gene in Icewine fermenting cells and its expression was 25-fold greater than in yeast cells fermenting diluted Icewine juice, making it one of the most differentially expressed genes between the two fermentation conditions. In addition, Icewine fermenting cells showed a two-fold higher glycerol production in the wine compared to yeast fermenting diluted Icewine juice. We proposed that Stllp is (1) active during Icewine fermentation and is not glucose inactivated and (2) its activity contributes to the limited cell growth observed during Icewine fermentation as a result of the dissipation of the plasma membrane proton gradient. To measure the contribution ofStl1p in active glycerol transport (energy dependent) during Icewine fermentation, we first developed an Stllp-dependent (14C]glycerol uptake assay using a laboratory strain of S. cerevisiae (BY 4742 and LiSTLl) that was dependent on the plasma membrane proton gradient and therefore energy-dependent. Wine yeast K1-Vll16 was also shown to have this energy dependent glycerol uptake induced under salt stress. The expression of STLl and Stllp activity were compared between yeast cells harvested from Icewine and diluted Icewine fermentations. Northern blot analysis revealed that STLl was expressed in cells fermenting Icewine juice but not expressed under the diluted juice conditions. Glycerol uptake by cells fermenting Icewine juice was not significantly different than cells fermenting diluted Icewine juice on day 4 and day 7 of Vidal and Riesling fermentations respectively, despite encountering greater hyperosmotic stress. Furthermore, energy- dependent glycerol uptake was not detected under either fermentation conditions. Because our findings show that active glycerol uptake was not detected in yeast cells harvested from Icewine fermentation, it is likely that Stllp was glucose inactivated despite the hyperosmotic stress induced by the Icewine juice and therefore did not play a role in active glycerol uptake during Icewine fermentation.


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Wine produced using an appassimento-type process represents a new and exciting innovation for the Ontario wine industry. This process involves drying grapes that have already been picked from the vine, which increases the sugar content due to dehydration and induces a variety of changes both within and on the surface of the grapes. Increasing sugar contents in musts subject wine yeast to conditions of high osmolarity during alcoholic fermentations. Under these conditions, yeast growth can be inhibited, target alcohol levels may not be attained and metabolic by-products of the hyperosmotic stress response, including glycerol and acetic acid, may impact wine composition. The further metabolism of acetic acid to acetylCoA by yeast facilitates the synthesis of ethyl acetate, a volatile compound that can also impact wine quality if present in sufficiently high concentrations. The first objective of this project was to understand the effect of yeast strain and sugar concentration on fermentation kinetics and metabolite formation, notably acetic acid and ethyl acetate, during fermentation in appassimento-type must. Our working hypotheses were that (1) the natural isolate Saccharomyces bayanus would produce less acetic acid and ethyl acetate compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain EC-1118 fermenting the high and low sugar juices; (2) the wine produced using the appassimento process would contain higher levels of acetic acid and lower levels of ethyl acetate compared to table wine; (3) and the strains would be similar in the kinetic behavior of their fermentation performances in the high sugar must. This study determined that the S. bayanus strain produced significantly less acetic acid and ethyl acetate in the appassimento wine and table wine fermentations. Differences in acetic acid and ethyl acetate production were also observed within strains fermenting the two sugar conditions. Acetic acid production was higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus as no acetic acid was produced in appassimento-style wine, and 1.4-times higher in appassimento wine fermented by EC-1118 over that found in table wine. Ethyl acetate production was 27.6-times higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus, and 5.2-times higher by EC-1118, compared to that in appassimento wine. Sugar utilization and ethanol production were comparable between strains as no significant differences were determined. The second objective of this project was to bring a method in-house for measuring the concentration of pyridine nucleotides, NAD+, NADP+, NADH and NADPH, in yeast cytosolic extract. Development of this method is of applicative interest for our lab group as it will enable the redox balance of the NAD+/ NADH and NADP+/ NADPH systems to be assessed during high sugar fermentations to determine their respective roles as metabolic triggers for acetic acid production. Two methods were evaluated in this study including a UV-endpoint method using a set of enzymatic assay protocols outlined in Bergmeyer (1974) and a colorimetric enzyme cycling method developed by Sigma-Aldrich® using commercial kits. The former was determined to be limited by its low sensitivity following application to yeast extract and subsequent coenzyme analyses, while the latter was shown to exhibit greater sensitivity. The results obtained from the kits indicated high linearity, accuracy and precision of the analytical method for measuring NADH and NADPH, and that it was sensitive enough to measure the low coenzyme concentrations present in yeast extract samples. NADtotal and NADPtotal concentrations were determined to be above the lower limit of quantification and within the range of the respective calibration curves, making this method suitable for our research purposes.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología Industrial) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2014.


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Affiliation: Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Biomédica) UANL