972 resultados para SURFACE-RELIEF GRATINGS


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We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist the generation of localized infrared surface plasmons with short propagation lengths and a sensitivity of d lambda/dn = 3365 nm in the aqueous index regime. It was also found that the resonances could be spectrally tuned over 1000 nm at the same spatial region with high coupling efficiency (in excess of 25 dB) by altering the polarization of the light illuminating the device.


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We demonstrate the use of tilted fiber gratings to assist the generation of localized infrared surface Plasmons with short propagation lengths and a sensitivity of dλ/dn = 3365 nm in the aqueous index regime. It was also found that the resonances could be spectrally tuned over 1000 nm at the same spatial region with high coupling efficiency (in excess of 25 dB) by altering the polarization of the light illuminating the device. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate the use of gratings to assist in the generation of surface plasmon resonances resulting in a device having a high index resolution of 3×10-5 in the aqueous index regime.


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We present the results of femtosecond laser microstructuring of optical fibres by direct access of the fibre end face, both at the surface and several hundred microns into the fibre, to realise one-and two-dimensional grating structures and optical fibre splitters, respectively. We show the versatility of this simple but effective inscription method, where we demonstrate classic multiple slit diffraction patterns and show the potential for coarse wavelength division multiplexing for sensor signals. A key advantage for the fibre splitter is that the inscription method avoids the use of oil immersion that compensate for the fibre curvature in the standard side writing method. © 2012 SPIE.


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The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.


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We demonstrate that etched fiber Bragg gratings (eFBGs) coated with single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene oxide (GO) are highly sensitive and accurate biochemical sensors. Here, for detecting protein concanavalin A (Con A), mannose-functionalized poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimers (DMs) have been attached to the SWNTs (or GO) coated on the surface modified eFBG. The dendrimers act as multivalent ligands, having specificity to detect lectin Con A. The specificity of the sensor is shown by a much weaker response (factor of similar to 2500 for the SWNT and similar to 2000 for the GO coated eFBG) to detect non specific lectin peanut agglutinin. DM molecules functionalized GO coated eFBG sensors showed excellent specificity to Con A even in the presence of excess amount of an interfering protein bovine serum albumin. The shift in the Bragg wavelength (Delta lambda(B)) with respect to the lambda(B) values of SWNT (or GO)-DM coated eFBG for various concentrations of lectin follows Langmuir type adsorption isotherm, giving an affinity constant of similar to 4 x 10(7) M-1 for SWNTs coated eFBG and similar to 3 x 10(8) M-1 for the GO coated eFBG. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the implementation of a micro-patterned, glass-based photonic sensing element that is capable of label-free biosensing. The diffractive optical analyzer is based on the differential response of diffracted orders to bulk as well as surface refractive index changes. The differential read-out suppresses signal drifts and enables time-resolved determination of refractive index changes in the sample cell. A remarkable feature of this device is that under appropriate conditions, the measurement sensitivity of the sensor can be enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude due to interference between multiply reflected diffracted orders. A noise-equivalent limit of detection (LoD) of 6 x 10(-7) was achieved with this technique with scope for further improvement.


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We report a simple and highly sensitive methodology for the room temperature NO2 gas sensing using reduced graphene oxide (RGO) coated clad etched fiber Bragg grating (eFBG). A significant shift (>10 pm) is observed in the reflected Bragg wavelength (lambda(B)) upon exposing RGO coated on the surface of eFBG to the NO2 gas molecules of concentration 0.5 ppm. The shift in Bragg wavelength is due to the change in the refractive index of RGO by charge transfer from the adsorbing NO2 molecules. The range of NO2 concentration is tested from 0.5 ppm to 3 ppm and the estimated time taken for 50% increase in Delta lambda(B) ranges from 20 min (for 0.5 ppm) to 6 min (for 3 ppm). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) moire method was used to study the surface structure of three kinds of butterfly wings: Papilio maackii Menetries, Euploea midamus (Linnaeus), and Stichophthalma how-qua (Westwood). Gratings composed of curves with different orientations were found on scales. The planar characteristics of gratings and some other planar features of the surface structure of these wings were revealed, respectively, in terms of virtual strain. Experimental results demonstrate that SEM moire method is a simple, nonlocal, economical, effective technique for determining which grating exists on one whole scale, measuring the dimension and the whole planar structural character of the grating on each scale, as well as characterizing the relationship between gratings on different scales of each butterfly wing. Thus, the SEM moire method is a useful tool to assist with characterizing the structure of butterfly wings and explaining their excellent properties. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The combination of remotely sensed gappy Sea surface temperature (SST) images with the missing data filling DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) technique, followed by a principal component analysis of the reconstructed data, has been used to identify the time evolution and the daily scale variability of the wintertime surface signal of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), or Navidad, during the 1981-2010 period. An exhaustive comparison with the existing bibliography, and the vertical temperature and salinity profiles related to its extremes over the Bay of Biscay area, show that the obtained time series accurately reflect the IPC-Navidad variability. Once a time series for the evolution of the SST signal of the current over the last decades is well established, this time series is used to propose a physical mechanism in relation to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, involving both atmospheric and oceanic variables. According to the proposed mechanism, an atmospheric circulation anomaly observed in both the 500 hPa and the surface levels generates atmospheric surface level pressure, wind-stress and heat-flux anomalies. In turn, those surface level atmospheric anomalies induce mutually coherent SST and sea level anomalies over the North Atlantic area, and locally, in the Bay of Biscay area. These anomalies, both locally over the Bay of Biscay area and over the North Atlantic, are in agreement with several mechanisms that have separately been related to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, i.e. the south-westerly winds, the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR) effect, the topographic beta effect and a weakened North Atlantic gyre.


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Deep-subwavelength gratings with periodicities of 170, 120, and 70 nm can be observed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite irradiated by a femtosecond (fs) laser at 800 nm. Under picosecond laser irradiation, such gratings likewise can be produced. Interestingly, the 170-nm grating is also observed on single-crystal diamond irradiated by the 800-nm fs laser. In our opinion, the optical properties of the high-excited state of material surface play a key role for the formation of the deep-subwavelength gratings. The numerical simulations of the graphite deep-subwavelength grating at normal and high-excited states confirm that in the groove the light intensity can be extraordinarily enhanced via cavity-mode excitation in the condition of transverse-magnetic wave irradiation with near-ablation-threshold fluences. This field enhancement of polarization sensitiveness in deep-subwavelength apertures acts as an important feedback mechanism for the growth and polarization dependence of the deep-subwavelength gratings. In addition, we suggest that surface plasmons are responsible for the formation of seed deep-subwavelength apertures with a particular periodicity and the initial polarization dependence. Finally, we propose that the nanoscale Coulomb explosion occurring in the groove is responsible for the ultrafast nonthermal ablation mechanism.


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Periodic nanostructures are observed on the surface of ZnSe after irradiation by a focused beam of a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser, which are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. The period of self-organized grating structures is about 160 nm. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the surface scattered wave of 800-nm laser pulses. With the laser polarization parallel to the moving direction we produce long-range Bragg-like gratings by slowly moving the crystal under a fixed laser focus. The nanograting orientation is adjusted by laser polarization and the accumulation effect.


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A Talbot scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) method for non-contact evaluating of high-density gratings was described. This method combines the Talbot self-imaging effect of the gratings and the conventional SNOM technique without damage. The significant advantages of this method are its simple structure, reliable and fast measurement for the surface quality of the tested gratings. Experimental results of three different kinds of gratings were demonstrated to indicate that this method is effective for evaluation surface quality of high-density gratings. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) technology is a new advanced version of dry-etching technology compared with the widely used method of reactive ion etching (RIE). Plasma processing of the ICP technology is complicated due to the mixed reactions among discharge physics, chemistry and surface chemistry. Extensive experiments have been done and microoptical elements have been fabricated successfully, which proved that the ICP technology is very effective in dry etching of microoptical elements. In this paper, we present the detailed fabrication of microoptical fused silica phase gratings with ICP technology. Optimized condition has been found to control the etching process of ICP technology and to improve the etching quality of microoptical elements greatly. With the optimized condition, we have fabricated lots of good gratings with different periods, depths, and duty cycles. The fabricated gratings are very useful in fields such as spectrometer, high-efficient filter in wavelength-division-multiplexing system, etc..


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We investigate mechanisms of laser induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) of multi-layer dielectric gratings (AIDG,). It is found that the laser damage thresholds of MDGs and unstructured dielectric multi-layer coatings (the substrate of MDG) are 3.15J/cm(2) and 9.32 J/cm(2), respectively, at 1064nm (12ns) with the Littrow angle 51.2 degrees and the TEM00 mode. The laser-induced damage mechanism of multi-layer dielectric is presented with the analysis of the following factors: The dominant factor is the pollution on the corrugated surface, which is induced by the complex manufacture process of multi-layer dielectric gratings; another is the electric field distribution along the corrugated surface. The third reason is due to the reduction in stoichiometry of oxide films, resulting from the manufacture process of etching.