987 resultados para STORAGE TIME


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This study aimed to investigate the influence of storage time (0, 48 hours) of Pinus elliottii pieces and the tests to obtaining modulus of elasticity (static bending and transversal vibration) in glued laminated timber beams, produced with resorcinol based adhesive and 0.8 MPa compaction pressure. After pieces were properly prepared, part of them was used in immediate three manufacturing glulam beams, tested after adhesive cure, and part stored for 48 hours under a roof with a temperature of 25°C and relative humidity of 60% for subsequent manufacturing and testing three other glulam beams. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the storage period was significant influence in modulus of elasticity obtained in static bending test (8% reduction from 0 to 48 hours). This not occurred with modulus of elasticity obtained by transversal vibration test (no significant influence). ANOVA results showed equivalence of means in both test procedures. New researches ire needed to better understand the investigated phenomenon, using new wood species, other storage conditions and a great number of samples.


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Aflatoxin M-1 (AFM(1)) is a hepatocarcinogen found in milk of animals that have consumed feeds with aflatoxin B-1. The carry-over of AFM(1) from milk to Minas Frescal cheese produced with or without starter cultures was determined. 40 L of milk were divided into 10 L each and assigned to the following treatments for cheese manufacture: 0.250 rig AFM(1) mL(-1), 0.500 rig AFM(1) mL(-1), 0.250 ng AFM(1) mL(-1) + starter, 0.500 ng AFM(1) mL(-1) + starter. Quantification of AFM(1) was achieved by high performance liquid chromatography. The carry-over of AFM(1) from milk to cheese ranged from 30.64% to 42.26%. There was no effect of storage time on AFM(1). Milk with AFM(1) in levels studied may concentrate the toxin in Minas Frescal cheese, but at concentrations below the Brazilian tolerance limit. The addition of starter cultures did not influence concentration or stability of the AFM(1) in cheese over 30 days storage. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peanut samples were irradiated (0.0, 5.2, 7.2 or 10.0 kGy), stored for a year (room temperature) and examined every three months. Mycotoxic fungi (MF) were detected in non-irradiated blanched peanuts. A dose of 5.2 kGy was found suitable to prevent MF growth in blanched samples. No MF was detected in in-shell peanuts, with or without irradiation. The colors of the control in-shell and blanched samples were, respectively, 44.72 and 60.21 (L *); 25.20 and 20.38 (Chroma); 53.05 and 86.46 (degrees Hue). The water activities (Aw) were 0.673 and 0.425. The corresponding fatty acids were 13.33% and 12.14% (C16:0), 44.94% and 44.92% (C18:1,omega 9) and 37.10% and 37.63% (C18: 2,omega 6). The total phenolics (TP) were 4.62 and 2.52 mg GAE/g, with antioxidant activities (AA) of 16.97 and 10.36 mu mol TEAC/g. Storage time negatively correlated with Aw (in-shell peanuts) or L *, linoleic acid, TP and AA (in-shell and blanched peanuts) but positively correlated with Aw (blanched peanuts), and with oleic acid (in-shell and blanched peanuts). Irradiation positively correlated with antioxidant activity (blanched peanuts). No correlation was found between irradiation and AA (in-shell samples) or fatty acids and TP (in-shell and blanched peanuts). Irradiation protected against MF and retained both the polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols in the samples.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Polymeren mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten. Phenothiazin und seine Derivate sind kleine Redoxeinheiten, deren reversibles Redoxverhalten mit electrochromen Eigenschaften verbunden ist. Das besondere an Phenothiazine ist die Bildung von stabilen Radikalkationen im oxidierten Zustand. Daher können Phenothiazine als bistabile Moleküle agieren und zwischen zwei stabilen Redoxzuständen wechseln. Dieser Schaltprozess geht gleichzeitig mit einer Farbveränderung an her.rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese neuartiger Phenothiazin-Polymere mittels radikalischer Polymerisation beschrieben. Phenothiazin-Derivate wurden kovalent an aliphatischen und aromatischen Polymerketten gebunden. Dies erfolgte über zwei unterschiedlichen synthetischen Routen. Die erste Route beinhaltet den Einsatz von Vinyl-Monomeren mit Phenothiazin Funktionalität zur direkten Polymerisation. Die zweite Route verwendet Amin modifizierte Phenothiazin-Derivate zur Funktionalisierung von Polymeren mit Aktivester-Seitenketten in einer polymeranalogen Reaktion. rnrnPolymere mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten sind aufgrund ihrer Elektron-Donor-Eigenschaften geeignete Kandidaten für die Verwendung als Kathodenmaterialien. Zur Überprüfung ihrer Eignung wurden Phenothiazin-Polymere als Elektrodenmaterialien in Lithium-Batteriezellen eingesetzt. Die verwendeten Polymere wiesen gute Kapazitätswerte von circa 50-90 Ah/kg sowie schnelle Aufladezeiten in der Batteriezelle auf. Besonders die Aufladezeiten sind 5-10 mal höher als konventionelle Lithium-Batterien. Im Hinblick auf Anzahl der Lade- und Entladezyklen, erzielten die Polymere gute Werte in den Langzeit-Stabilitätstests. Insgesamt überstehen die Polymere 500 Ladezyklen mit geringen Veränderungen der Anfangswerte bezüglich Ladezeiten und -kapazitäten. Die Langzeit-Stabilität hängt unmittelbar mit der Radikalstabilität zusammen. Eine Stabilisierung der Radikalkationen gelang durch die Verlängerung der Seitenkette am Stickstoffatom des Phenothiazins und der Polymerhauptkette. Eine derartige Alkyl-Substitution erhöht die Radikalstabilität durch verstärkte Wechselwirkung mit dem aromatischen Ring und verbessert somit die Batterieleistung hinsichtlich der Stabilität gegenüber Lade- und Entladezyklen. rnrnDes Weiteren wurde die praktische Anwendung von bistabilen Phenothiazin-Polymeren als Speichermedium für hohe Datendichten untersucht. Dazu wurden dünne Filme des Polymers auf leitfähigen Substraten elektrochemisch oxidiert. Die elektrochemische Oxidation erfolgte mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie in Kombination mit leitfähigen Mikroskopspitzen. Mittels dieser Technik gelang es, die Oberfläche des Polymers im nanoskaligen Bereich zu oxidieren und somit die lokale Leitfähigkeit zu verändern. Damit konnten unterschiedlich große Muster lithographisch beschrieben und aufgrund der Veränderung ihrer Leitfähigkeit detektiert werden. Der Schreibprozess führte nur zu einer Veränderung der lokalen Leitfähigkeit ohne die topographische Beschaffenheit des Polymerfilms zu beeinflussen. Außerdem erwiesen sich die Muster als besonders stabil sowohl mechanisch als auch über die Zeit.rnrnZum Schluss wurden neue Synthesestrategien entwickelt um mechanisch stabile als auch redox-funktionale Oberflächen zu produzieren. Mit Hilfe der oberflächen-initiierten Atomtransfer-Radikalpolymerisation wurden gepfropfte Polymerbürsten mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten hergestellt und mittels Röntgenmethoden und Rasterkraftmikroskopie analysiert. Eine der Synthesestrategien geht von gepfropften Aktivesterbürsten aus, die anschließend in einem nachfolgenden Schritt mit redox-funktionalen Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Diese Vorgehensweise ist besonders vielversprechend und erlaubt es unterschiedliche funktionelle Gruppen an den Aktivesterbürsten zu verankern. Damit können durch Verwendung von vernetzenden Gruppen neben den Redoxeigenschaften, die mechanische Stabilität solcher Polymerfilme optimiert werden. rn rn


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Virgin olive oil(VOO) is a product characterized by high economic and nutritional values, because of its superior sensory characteristics and minor compounds (phenols and tocopherols) contents. Since the original quality of VOO may change during its storage, this study aimed to investigate the influence of different storage and shipment conditions on the quality of VOO, by studying different solutions such as filtration, dark storage and shipment inside insulated containers to protect it. Different analytical techniques were used to follow-up the quality changes during virgin olive oil storage and simulated shipments, in terms of basic quality parameters, sensory analysis and evaluation of minor components (phenolic compounds, diglycerides, volatile compounds). Four main research streams were presented in this PhD thesis: The results obtained from the first experimental section revealed that the application of filtration and/or clarification can decrease the unavoidable quality loss of the oil samples during storage, in comparison with unfiltered oil samples. The second section indicated that the virgin olive oil freshness, evaluated by diglycerides content, was mainly affected by the storage time and temperature. The third section revealed that fluctuation in temperature during storage may adversely affect the virgin olive oil quality, in terms of hydrolytic rancidity and oxidation quality. The fourth section showed that virgin olive oil shipped inside insulated containers showed lower hydrolytic and oxidation degradation than those without insulation cover. Overall, this PhD thesis highlighted that application of adequate treatment, such as filtration or clarification, in addition to a good protection against other external variables, such as temperature and light, will improve the stability of virgin olive oil during storage.


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This paper is concerned with the modelling of storage configurations for intermediate products in process industries. Those models form the basis of algorithms for scheduling chemical production plants. Different storage capacity settings (unlimited, finite, and no intermediate storage), storage homogeneity settings (dedicated and shared storage), and storage time settings (unlimited, finite, and no wait) are considered. We discuss a classification of storage constraints in batch scheduling and show how those constraints can be integrated into a general production scheduling model that is based on the concept of cumulative resources.


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Global change in land water storage and its effect on sea level is estimated over a 7-year time span (August 2002 to July 2009) using space gravimetry data from GRACE. The 33 World largest river basins are considered. We focus on the year-to-year variability and construct a total land water storage time series that we further express in equivalent sea level time series. The short-term trend in total water storage adjusted over this 7-year time span is positive and amounts to 80.6 ± 15.7 km**3/yr (net water storage excess). Most of the positive contribution arises from the Amazon and Siberian basins (Lena and Yenisei), followed by the Zambezi, Orinoco and Ob basins. The largest negative contributions (water deficit) come from the Mississippi, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Aral, Euphrates, Indus and Parana. Expressed in terms of equivalent sea level, total water volume change over 2002-2009 leads to a small negative contribution to sea level of -0.22 ± 0.05 mm/yr. The time series for each basin clearly show that year-to-year variability dominates so that the value estimated in this study cannot be considered as representative of a long-term trend. We also compare the interannual variability of total land water storage (removing the mean trend over the studied time span) with interannual variability in sea level (corrected for thermal expansion). A correlation of ~0.6 is found. Phasing, in particular, is correct. Thus, at least part of the interannual variability of the global mean sea level can be attributed to land water storage fluctuations.


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Diseases that affect garlic during storage can lead to severe economic losses for farmers worldwide. One causal agent of clove rot is Fusarium proliferatum. Here, the progress of clove rot caused by F. proliferatum and its dependence on different storage conditions and cultivar type were studied. The effect of temperature on mycelial growth, conidial viability, and fungal survival during garlic commercial storage was documented. Samples of 50 bulbs from a randomized field trial with three different clonal generations for purple garlic (F3, F4 and F5) and the F4 clonal generation for white garlic were labeled and stored for two months (short-term storage). In addition, another sample of the F5 clonal generation of purple garlic was stored for 6 months after harvest (long-term storage). The presence of the pathogen and the percentage of symptomatic cloves were evaluated. A notable difference in the rot severity index (RSI) of different garlic varieties was observed. In all studied cases, clove rot increased with storage time at 20 ◦ C, and the white garlic variety had a higher index of rot severity after two months of storage. Additionally, there were clear differences between the growth rates of F. proliferatum isolates. Studies conducted on the temperature responses of the pathogen propagules showed that expo- sure for at least 20 min at 50 ◦ C was highly effective in significantly reducing the viability of fungal conidia. Pathogenicity studies showed that the fungus is pathogenic in all commercial varieties. However, there were significant differences in varietal susceptibility between Chinese and white garlic type cultivars (81.84 ± 16.44% and 87.5 ± 23.19% symptomatic cloves, respectively) and purple cultivars (49.06 ± 13.42% symptomatic cloves)


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The suitability of gamma irradiation (1, 2 and 5kGy) for preserving quality parameters of fresh-cut watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) during storage at 4±1°C for 7d was investigated. The storage time decreased the protein content and the main carbohydrates, and increased the levels of malic and fumaric acids, sucrose and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA). The different irradiation doses did not caused any significant colour change. In general, the 2kGy dose favoured PUFA and was the most suitable to preserve the overall postharvest quality of fresh-cut watercress during cold storage. In turn, the 5kGy dose better preserved the antioxidant activity and total flavonoids and favoured MUFA, tocopherols and total phenolics, thus originating a final product with enhanced functional properties. Therefore, the suitability of gamma irradiation for preserving fresh-cut watercress quality during cold storage was demonstrated.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of two substrates (enamel and dentin) considering two study factors: type of composite resin [methacrylate-based (Filtek Supreme) or silorane-based (Filtek LS)] and aging time (24 h or 3 months). Twenty human molars were selected and divided into 2 groups (n=10) considering two dental substrates, enamel or dentin. The enamel and dentin of each tooth was divided into two halves separated by a glass plate. Each tooth was restored using both tested composite resins following the manufacturer's instructions. The samples were sectioned, producing 4 sticks for each composite resin. Half of them were tested after 24 h and half after 3 months. µTBS testing was carried out at 0.05 mm/s. Data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests at α=0.05. Significant differences between composite resins and substrates were found (p<0.05), but no statistically significant difference was found for aging time and interactions among study factors. The methacrylate-based resin showed higher µTBS than the silorane-based resin. The µTBS for enamel was significantly higher than for dentin, irrespective of the composite resin and storage time. Three months of storage was not sufficient time to cause degradation of the bonding interaction of either of the composite resins to enamel and dentin.


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This study investigated the effect of the incorporation of an iodonium salt in experimental composites, on the bond strength of metallic brackets bonded to bovine teeth. Two hundred and seventy bovine teeth were embedded in self-curing acrylic resin and divided into 18 groups (n=15), according to the experimental composite with an iodonium salt at molar concentrations 0 (control), 0.5, or 1%; the light-activation times (8, 20 and 40 s); and the storage times (10 min or 24 h). Metallic brackets were fixed on the tooth surface using experimental composites. Photoactivation was performed with a quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit curing unit for 8, 20 and 40 s. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 10 min or 24 h and submitted to bond strength test at 0.5 mm/min. The data were subjected to three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) was used to classify the failure modes. The shear bond strengths (MPa) at 10 min for light-activation times of 8, 20 and 40 s were: G1 - 4.6, 6.9 and 7.1; G2 - 8.1, 9.2 and 9.9; G3 - 9.1, 10.4 and 10.7; and at 24 h were: G1 - 10.9, 11.1 and 11.7; G2 - 11.8, 12.7 and 14.2; G3 - 12.1, 14.4 and 15.8. There was a predominance of ARI score 3 for groups with 10 min storage time, and ARI score 2 for groups with 24 h storage time. In conclusion, the addition of iodonium salt (C05 and C1) to the experimental composite may increase the bond strength of brackets to bovine enamel using reduced light exposure times.


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The aim of the present work was to produce a cationic solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) as non-viral vector for protein delivery. Cationic SLN were produced by double emulsion method, composed of softisan(®) 100, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), Tween(®) 80, Span(®) 80, glycerol and lipoid(®) S75 loading insulin as model protein. The formulation was characterized in terms of mean hydrodynamic diameter (z-ave), polydispersity index (PI), zeta potential (ZP), stability during storage time, stability after lyophilization, effect of toxicity and transfection ability in HeLa cells, in vitro release profile and morphology. SLN were stable for 30days and showed minimal changes in their physicochemical properties after lyophilization. The particles exhibited a relatively slow release, spherical morphology and were able to transfect HeLa cells, but toxicity remained an obstacle. Results suggest that SLN are nevertheless promising for delivery of proteins or nucleic acids for gene therapy.


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To evaluate the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of a fluoride-containing adhesive system submitted to a pH-cycling and storage time regimen for primary outcomes. As secondary outcomes the fluoride released amount was evaluated. Twelve dentin surfaces from sound third molar were divided into 2 groups according to adhesive systems: Clearfil SE Protect (PB) and Clearfil SE Bond (SE). Sticks obtained (1.0 mm2) from teeth were randomly divided into 3 subgroups according to storage regimen model: immediate (24h); 5-month deionized water (W); and pH-cycling model (C). All sticks were tested for µTBS in a universal testing machine. Fluoride concentration was obtained from 1-4 days and 30-day in W and 1-4 days in demineralization (DE)/remineralization (RE) solutions from C, using a fluoride-specific electrode. µTBS and fluoride released data were, respectively, submitted to ANOVA in a split plot design and Tukey, and Friedman' tests (a=0.05). There was no significant interaction between adhesive system and storage regimen for µTBS. W showed the lowest µTBS values. There was no significant difference between 24 h and C models for µTBS. There was no significant difference between adhesive systems. Failure mode was predominantly cohesive within composite for the 24 h and W, for the C group it was mixed for SE and cohesive within composite for PB adhesive system. Fluoride concentrations in the DE/RE solutions were less than 0.03125 ppm and not detected in W. In conclusion, the fluoride-containing adhesive system performed similarly to the regular one. Hydrolytic degradation is the main problem with both adhesive systems, regardless of fluoride contents.


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This study evaluated the dentine bond strength (BS) and the antibacterial activity (AA) of six adhesives against strict anaerobic and facultative bacteria. Three adhesives containing antibacterial components (Gluma 2Bond (glutaraldehyde)/G2B, Clearfil SE Protect (MDPB)/CSP and Peak Universal Bond (PUB)/chlorhexidine) and the same adhesive versions without antibacterial agents (Gluma Comfort Bond/GCB, Clearfil SE Bond/CSB and Peak LC Bond/PLB) were tested. The AA of adhesives and control groups was evaluated by direct contact method against four strict anaerobic and four facultative bacteria. After incubation, according to the appropriate periods of time for each microorganism, the time to kill microorganisms was measured. For BS, the adhesives were applied according to manufacturers' recommendations and teeth restored with composite. Teeth (n=10) were sectioned to obtain bonded beams specimens, which were tested after artificial saliva storage for one week and one year. BS data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey test. Saliva storage for one year reduces the BS only for GCB. In general G2B and GCB required at least 24h for killing microorganisms. PUB and PLB killed only strict anaerobic microorganisms after 24h. For CSP the average time to eliminate the Streptococcus mutans and strict anaerobic oral pathogens was 30min. CSB showed no AA against facultative bacteria, but had AA against some strict anaerobic microorganisms. Storage time had no effect on the BS for most of the adhesives. The time required to kill bacteria depended on the type of adhesive and never was less than 10min. Most of the adhesives showed stable bond strength after one year and the Clearfil SE Protect may be a good alternative in restorative procedures performed on dentine, considering its adequate bond strength and better antibacterial activity.


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Shelled, roasted and salted cashew nut kernels were packaged in three different flexible materials (PP/PE= polypropylene / polyethylene; PETmet/PE= metallized polyethylene terephthalate / polyethylene; PET/Al/LDPE= polyethylene terephthalate / aluminum foil / low density polyethylene ), with different barrier properties. Kernels were stored for one year at 30° C and 80% relative humidity. Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis (QDA) were performed at the end of storage time. Descriptive terms obtained for kernels characterization were brown color, color uniformity and rugosity for appearance; toasted kernel, sweet, old and rancidity for odor; toasted kernel, sweet, old rancidity, salt and bitter for taste, crispness for texture. QDA showed that factors responsible for sensory quality decrease, after one year storage, were increase in old aroma and taste, increase in rancidity aroma and taste, decrease in roasted kernel aroma and taste, and decrease of crispness. Sensory quality decrease was higher in kernels packaged in PP/PE.