908 resultados para STOP CONSONANTS
To inhibit an ongoing flow of thoughts or actions has been largely considered to be a crucial executive function, and the stop-signal paradigm makes inhibitory control measurable. Stop-signal tasks usually combine two concurrent tasks, i.e., manual responses to a primary task (go-task) are occasionally countermanded by a stimulus which signals participants to inhibit their response in that trial (stop-task). Participants are always instructed not to wait for the stop-signal, since waiting strategies cause the response times to be unstable, invalidating the data. The aim of the present study was to experimentally control the strategies of waiting deliberately for the stop-signal in a stop-task by means of an algorithm that measured the variation in the reaction times to go-stimuli on-line, and displayed a warning legend urging participants to be faster when their reaction times were more than two standard deviations of the mean. Thirty-four university students performed a stop-task with go- and stop-stimuli, both of which were delivered in the visual modality and were lateralized within the visual field. The participants were divided into two groups (group A, without the algorithm, vs group B, with the algorithm). Group B exhibited lower variability of reaction times to go-stimuli, whereas no significant between-group differences were found in any of the measures of inhibitory control, showing that the algorithm succeeded in controlling the deliberate waiting strategies. Differences between deliberate and unintentional waiting strategies, and anxiety as a probable factor responsible for individual differences in deliberate waiting behavior, are discussed.
Presented at Access 2014, winner of poster contest.
In this paper, microstrip lines magnetically coupled to splitring resonators (SRRs) are conquved to electromagnetic bundgup (EBG) nr,rrostrip lines in terns q/ their stop-heard penjbrnmrnce and dimensions. In bath types o/ trunsmis•siou lines, signal propagation is inhibited in it certain jequency bwuL For EBG microstrip lines, the central frequency of such a forbidden band is determined by the period of the structure, whereas in SRR-hased microstrip lines the position of the frequency gap depends on the quasi-static resonant frequency of the rings. The main relevant conrributiun of this paper is to provide a tuning procedure to control the gap width in SRR microstrip lines, and to show that by using SRRs, device dimensions ale much smaller than those required by EBGs in order to obtain similar stop-banal performance. This has been demonstrated by fill-wave electromagnetic simulations and experimentally verified from the characterization ql two fabricated microstrip lines: one with rectangular SRRs etched on the upper substrate side, and the other with a periodic perturbation cf'strip width. For similar rejection and 1-(;H,. gap width centered at 4.5 Gllz, it has been found that the SRR microstrip line is•,fve times shorter. In addition, no ripple is appreciable in the allowed band for the .SRR-hared structure, whereas due to dispersion, certain mismatch is expected in the EBG prototype. Due to the high-frequency selectivity, controllable gap width, and small dimensions, it is believed that SRR coupled to planar transmission lines can have an actual impact on the design of stop-band filters compatible with planar technology, and can be an alternative to present solutions based on distributed approaches or EBG
Partial moments are extensively used in actuarial science for the analysis of risks. Since the first order partial moments provide the expected loss in a stop-loss treaty with infinite cover as a function of priority, it is referred as the stop-loss transform. In the present work, we discuss distributional and geometric properties of the first and second order partial moments defined in terms of quantile function. Relationships of the scaled stop-loss transform curve with the Lorenz, Gini, Bonferroni and Leinkuhler curves are developed
Ante el crecimiento económico y la transformación del país. Con el incremento de los flujos de comercio y el transporte, Bogotá, buscando reducir el impacto ambiental por la cantidad de vehículos y reducir la congestión, ha decidido implementar políticas públicas que restringen el ingreso de vehículos de carga pesada por la ciudad. Esto crea una necesidad de espacios a las afueras de la ciudad, cerca de las zonas logísticas y con la capacidad de ofrecer a los transportadores los servicios de alimentación, parqueadero, alojamiento y reabastecimiento de combustible. Atendiendo estas necesidades, Stop And Go surge como proyecto de inversión que pretende constituir un espacio eficazmente equipado, con altos estándares de calidad y de bajo costo. En el presente documento se desarrolla el plan de negocios y de viabilidad, recorriendo la estructura de la organización, las características de los servicios ofrecidos, la propuesta de mercadeo y la viabilidad estratégica y financiera.
In a long table a row might split across a page and this may make the data harder to read. This default of a row being allowed to split can be changed, this video shows how.
Se realiza un análisis sistemático y significativo a la vida diaria de las escuelas de Educación Infantil entorno a la educación sexista presente en los centros educativos. Con el deseo de acabar con statu quo sexista en los centros de Educación Infantil, se anima al profesorado a que rompa con statu quo y se esfuerce por que sus aulas y sus escuelas sean espacios libres de sexismo para que los niños y niñas que empiezan a dar los primeros pasos de la sociabilidad no sufran discriminaciones o desigualdades. Se describe con ejemplos el uso de los espacios, tiempos y materiales por parte de de los niños y niñas en cinco pasos: definición de los principales objetivos; análisis y observación de la realidad; búsqueda de causas, planificación de acciones detalladas de igualdad de género; ejecución y evaluación.
Se centra en el fenómeno del bullying y explica tres vértices a estudiar: la víctima, el acosador y el grupo testigo. Se expresa la necesidad de implicar a padres y profesores en la detección y prevención del acoso escolar, lo que ayudará a los niños acosados y acosadores a confiar en sí mismos y crecer seguros. Se proponen un centenar de estrategias, por grupos de edad, para educar a hijos y alumnos en la solidaridad y el respeto, y enseñarles la importancia de resolver de manera positiva sus conflictos.
Unidad didáctica dirigida a alumnos de cuarto de ESO y primera y segunda de Bachillerato. Se pretende contribuir, desde la materia de Francés, a informar y concienciar a los alumnos sobre el SIDA, con un doble objetivo: que adopten medidas de prevención eficaces contra el SIDA, y que sean tolerantes y solidarios en lo que se refiere a problemas de convivencia con enfermos o portadores.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Documento para profesionales sanitarios, padres y educadores que, ofrece una informaci??n extensa sobre el fen??meno de la violencia de g??nero ejercida sobre las ni??as, adolescentes y mujeres j??venes que muestra c??mo el inicio de la violencia hacia las mujeres comienza en las primeras etapas de la vida. As?? mismo trata sobre los efectos sobre la salud de estas mujeres y da claves para su prevenci??n.
FDA Consumer: Focus on Food Safety: Initiative Calls on Government, Industry, Consumers to Stop Food
In the first year and a half of its existence, the EEAS and its head have become the target of extensive criticism for the shortcomings of EU foreign policy; shortcomings that in fact date back to the creation of the European Union. The EU’s diplomatic service has been blamed variously for ‘lacking clarity,’ ‘acting too slowly’ and ‘being unable to bridge the institutional divide’. In this Commentary author Hrant Kostanyan argues that the EEAS’ discretionary power in the Eastern Partnership multilateral framework is restricted by the decision-making procedures between a wide range of stakeholders: the member states and the partner countries, as well as by the EU institutions, international organisations and the Civil Society Forum. Since this decision-making process places a substantial number of brakes on the discretionary power of the EEAS, any responsible analysis or critique of the service should take these constraints into consideration. Ultimately, the EEAS is only able to craft EU foreign policy insofar as it is allowed to do so.