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In this thesis, we provide a statistical theory for the vibrational pooling and fluorescence time dependence observed in infrared laser excitation of CO on an NaCl surface. The pooling is seen in experiment and in computer simulations. In the theory, we assume a rapid equilibration of the quanta in the substrate and minimize the free energy subject to the constraint at any time t of a fixed number of vibrational quanta N(t). At low incident intensity, the distribution is limited to one- quantum exchanges with the solid and so the Debye frequency of the solid plays a key role in limiting the range of this one-quantum domain. The resulting inverted vibrational equilibrium population depends only on fundamental parameters of the oscillator (ωe and ωeχe) and the surface (ωD and T). Possible applications and relation to the Treanor gas phase treatment are discussed. Unlike the solid phase system, the gas phase system has no Debye-constraining maximum. We discuss the possible distributions for arbitrary N-conserving diatom-surface pairs, and include application to H:Si(111) as an example.

Computations are presented to describe and analyze the high levels of infrared laser-induced vibrational excitation of a monolayer of absorbed 13CO on a NaCl(100) surface. The calculations confirm that, for situations where the Debye frequency limited n domain restriction approximately holds, the vibrational state population deviates from a Boltzmann population linearly in n. Nonetheless, the full kinetic calculation is necessary to capture the result in detail.

We discuss the one-to-one relationship between N and γ and the examine the state space of the new distribution function for varied γ. We derive the Free Energy, F = NγkT − kTln(∑Pn), and effective chemical potential, μn ≈ γkT, for the vibrational pool. We also find the anti correlation of neighbor vibrations leads to an emergent correlation that appears to extend further than nearest neighbor.


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The superconducting and magnetic properties of splat cooled amorphous alloys of composition (La100-xGdx)80Au20 (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) have been studied. The La80Au20 alloys are ideal type II super-conductors (critical temperature Tc = 3.5° K ). The concentration range (x less than 1) where superconductivity and spin-glass freezing n1ight coexist has been studied in detail. The spin-glass alloys (0 less than x less than 70) exhibit susceptibility maxima and thermomagnetic history effects. In the absence of complications due to crystal field and enhanced matrix effects, a phenomenological model is proposed in which the magnetic clusters are treated as single spin entities interacting via random forces using the molecular field approach. The fundamental parameters (such as the strength of the forces and the size of clusters) can be deduced from magnetization measurements. The remanent magnetization is shown to arise from an interplay of the RKKY and dipolar forces. Magnetoresistivity results are found to be consistent with the aforementioned picture. The nature of magnetic interactions in an amorphous matrix is also discussed. The moment per Gd atom (7µB) is found to be constant and close to that of the crystalline value throughout the concentration range investigated. Finally, a detail study is made of the critical phenomena and magnetic properties of the amorphous ferromagnet: Gd80Au20. The results are compared with recent theories on amorphous magnetism.


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O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise crítica da teoria que intenta explicar a natureza e a evidência da identidade pessoal através da memória. A primeira versão dessa teoria foi proposta por John Locke, a qual, devido à sua distinção entre pessoa, homem e substância, traçou os parâmetros fundamentais das discussões posteriores acerca da natureza da identidade pessoal. No entanto, essa proposta apresenta sérias fragilidades e inconsistências, apontadas de forma vigorosa principalmente por Joseph Butler e Thomas Reid. Posteriormente, autores como Parfit, Shoemaker e Grice realizaram reformulações na teoria lockeana com o objetivo de sanar suas inconsistências e assim responder à suas principais objeções, sem com isso perder seu aspecto central e característico, que é conceber a memória como elemento fundamental para o entendimento da identidade pessoal. Esse processo envolvendo a teoria lockeana, suas objeções e reformulações terá como resultado final a noção de identidade pessoal como continuidade psicológica não-ramificada.


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CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) are prepared in noncoordination solvents (1-octadecene (ODE) and paraffin liquid) with Ion g-chain primary alkylamine as the sole ligand, ODE-Se, and cadmium fatty acid salt as precursors. The obtained NCs meet the four fundamental parameters for high-quality NCs: high crystallinity, narrow size distribution, moderate photoluminescence quantum yield, and broad range size tunableness. Further, by simply regulating the relative molar ratio of alkylamine to cadmium precursor, the regular sized "nuclei" and final obtained NCs can be produced predictably within a certain size range.


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The photophysical properties of lanthanide complexes have been studied extensively; however, fundamental parameters such as the intrinsic quantum yield as well as radiative and nonradiative decay rates are difficult or even impossible to measure experimentally. Herein, a photoacoustic (PA) method is proposed to determine the intrinsic quantum yield of lanthanide complexes with lifetimes in the order of milliseconds. This method is used to determine the intrinsic quantum yields for europium (III)-containing metallomesogens as well as terbium(III) complexes. The results show that the PA signal is sensitive to both the lifetime and the ratio of the fast-to-slow heat component of the samples. It is found that there is an efficient ligand sensitization and a moderate intrinsic quantum yield for the complexes. The intrinsic quantum yield of Eu3+ in the metallomesogens exhibits an obvious increase upon the isotropic liquid to smectic A transition. The proposed PA method is quite simple, and con contribute to a clearer understanding of the photophysical processes in luminescent lanthanide complexes.


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The ability of microorganisms to use oil hydrocarbons as a source of carbon and energy is crucial for environmental oil detoxification. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on fundamental aspects of this process on specific habitats and under different climate scenarios. In the first phase of this work, the culturable fraction of the oil hydrocarbon (OH) degrading bacteria from the sea surface microlayer (SML) of the estuarine system Ria de Aveiro was characterized. In the second phase, the impact of oil contamination on the active bacterial community was studied under climate change scenarios. Pseudomonas emerged as the prevailing genera among OH degrading bacteria in the SML. Moreover, culture-independent methods revealed that the relative abundance and diversity of Gammaproteobacteria, in which Pseudomonas is included, varies along an estuarine gradient of contamination. In order to access the impact of oil contamination on microbial communities under climate change scenarios, an experimental life support system for microcosm experiments (ELLS) was developed and validated for simulation of climate change effects on microbial communities. With the ELSS it is possible to simulate, in controlled conditions, fundamental parameters of the dynamics of coastal and estuarine systems while maintaining community structure in terms of the abundance of the most relevant members of the indigenous bacterial community. A microcosm experiment in which the independent and combined impact of ultraviolet radiation, ocean acidification and oil contamination on microbial communities was conducted. The impact on bacterial communities was accessed with a 16S RNA (cDNA) based barcode pyrosequencing approach. There was a drastic decrease of Desulfobacterales relative abundance after oil contamination under the reduced pH value estimated for 2100, when compared to present values. Since members of this order are known OH degraders, such a significant decrease may have consequences on OH detoxification of contaminated environments under the pH levels of the ocean expected for the future. Metagenome predictions based on the 16S RNA database indicated that several degradation pathways of OH could be affected under oil contamination and reduced water pH. Taken together, the results from this work bring new information on the dynamics of OH degrading bacteria in coastal and estuarine environments under present and future climate scenarios.


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Neste projeto pretende-se utilizar uma fonte energética renovável (nomeadamente a biomassa), no âmbito da produção de água quente para aquecimento central das instalações do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O objetivo principal remete para a avaliação técnico-económica da substituição das quinze caldeiras existentes, alimentadas a gás natural, por seis caldeiras alimentadas a biomassa, nomeadamente a pellets. Desta forma, permite-se apostar na biomassa como uma alternativa para reduzir a dependência dos combustíveis fósseis. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma comparação realista do sistema de aquecimento existente face ao novo a implementar, alimentado por um combustível renovável utilizando caldeiras a pellets de 85% de rendimento. Para realizar esta comparação, usou-se as faturas energéticas de gás natural do ISEP, o custo da quantidade equivalente necessária de pellets, os custos de manutenção dos dois tipos de caldeiras e, os custos do consumo de energia elétrica por parte de ambas as caldeiras. Com este estudo, estimou-se uma poupança anual de 84.100,76 €/ano. Determinaram-se experimentalmente, em laboratório, os parâmetros essenciais de uma amostra de pellets, que foram usados para calcular as necessidades energéticas em biomassa no ISEP, bem como a produção de cinzas gerada por parte das caldeiras. Foi proposto um destino ambientalmente adequado para os 788,5 kg/ano de cinzas obtidas – a utilização na compostagem, após tratamento e aprovação de ensaios ecotoxicológicos realizados pela empresa que fará a sua recolha. As caldeiras a pellets terão um consumo mínimo teórico de 16,47 kgpellets/h, consumindo previsivelmente 197,13 tpellets/ano. Para este efeito, serão usadas caldeiras Quioto de 150 kW da marca Zantia. Para comparar distintas possibilidades de investimento para o projeto, avaliaram-se dois cenários: um foi escolhido de forma a cobrir o somatório da potência instalada das caldeiras atuais e o outro de forma a responder aos consumos energéticos em aquecimento atuais. Além disso, avaliaram-se cenários de financiamento do investimento distintos: um dos cenários corresponde ao pagamento do investimento total do projeto no momento da aquisição das caldeiras, enquanto o outro cenário, mais provável de ser escolhido, refere-se ao pedido de um empréstimo ao banco, no valor de 75% do investimento total. Para o cenário mais provável de investimento, obteve-se um VAL de 291.364,93 €/ano, com taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 17 %, um índice de rentabilidade (IR) de 1,85 e um período de retorno (PBP) de 5 anos. Todos os cenários avaliados registam rentabilidade do projeto de investimento, sem risco para o projeto.


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Ao longo destes últimos anos as ligações adesivas têm vindo a verificar um aumento progressivo em aplicações estruturais em detrimento das ligações mecânicas convencionais. Esta alteração de paradigma deve-se às vantagens que as juntas adesivas possuem relativamente aos outros métodos de ligação. A mecânica da fratura e os Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC) são critérios comuns para prever a resistência em juntas adesivas e usam como parâmetros fundamentais as taxas de libertação de energia. Pelo facto do ensaio 4-Point End Notched Flexure (4-ENF), aplicado em juntas adesivas, ainda estar pouco estudado é de grande relevância um estudo acerca da sua viabilidade para a determinação da taxa crítica de libertação de energia de deformação ao corte (GIIc). Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal efetuar uma comparação entre os métodos End- Notched Flexure (ENF) e 4-ENF na determinação de GIIc em juntas adesivas. Para tal foram utilizados 3 adesivos: Araldite® AV138, Araldite® 2015 e SikaForce® 7752. O trabalho experimental passou pela conceção e fabrico de uma ferramenta para realização do ensaio 4-ENF, seguindo-se o fabrico e a preparação dos provetes para os ensaios. Pelo facto do ensaio 4-ENF ainda se encontrar pouco divulgado em juntas adesivas, e não se encontrar normalizado, uma parte importante do trabalho passou pela pesquisa e análise em trabalhos de investigação e artigos científicos. A análise dos resultados foi realizada por comparação direta dos valores de GIIc com os resultados obtidos no ensaio ENF, sendo realizada por série de adesivo, através da comparação das curvas P-δ e curvas-R. Como resultado verificou-se que o ensaio 4-ENF em ligações adesivas não é o mais versátil para a determinação do valor de GIIc, e que apenas um método de obtenção de GIIc é viável. Este método é baseado na medição do comprimento de fenda (a). Ficou evidenciado que o ensaio ENF, devido a ser um ensaio normalizado, por apresentar um setup mais simples e por apresentar uma maior disponibilidade de métodos para a determinação do valor de GIIc, é o mais recomendado. Conclui-se assim que o ensaio 4-ENF, embora sendo uma alternativa ao ensaio ENF, tem aplicação mais limitada.


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La présente étude vise à dégager les paramètres élémentaires d’une analyse phénoménologique de la danse. D’emblée, la pensée de Maurice Merleau-Ponty s’impose comme cadre privilégié pour révéler l’expérience vécue de cet art qui met en scène un savoir corporel complexe. À partir de sa théorie de la perception, dont découlent les phénomènes relatifs au corps moteur, à l’espace et à l’intersensorialité, notre étude aménage les contours d’une analyse existentielle du geste dansé. Ce faisant, nous nous heurtons à un constat : le phénomène de la danse se présente comme un élément perturbateur de la pensée merleau-pontienne. En effet, il incite à en questionner les aspects fondamentaux, voire à en constater certaines limites. Informée par les études de Rudolf Laban, instigateur de la « danse libre » allemande et par les celles des philosophes contemporains Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Michel Bernard, Laurence Louppe et Renaud Barbaras, notre étude démontre en effet que la thèse merleau-pontienne de la perception empêche de cibler le travail kinesthésique du corps propre dans l’empire du « sentir » qui l’anime et de reconnaitre sa constitution profondément dynamique. Pour combler cette carence, nous invitons à une phénoménologie de la danse qui puisse embrasser sa nature poétique, la sensibilité créatrice qu’elle requiert et le travail sensible qu’elle habilite. Nous envisageons alors, avec le philosophe de la sensation Renaud Barbaras, de nous inspirer d’une heuristique aux traits vitalistes pour réhabiliter certaines notions battues en retraite par la tradition phénoménologique. En nous tournant vers les concepts de force, de désir, d’intensification, nous tentons de retrouver dans la logique de la sensation elle-même un dynamisme fondamental que l’expérience esthétique amplifie. La recherche nous montre que la danse est l’art qui, mieux que nul autre, rend compte de ce phénomène complexe.


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Le parasite Varroa destructor provoque depuis plus de 30 ans la perte de nombreuses colonies à travers le monde. L’utilisation d’acaricides de synthèse s’est avérée inefficace au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde à la suite de la sélection de varroas résistants. Dans ce contexte, il est devenu impératif de trouver de nouveaux moyens pour contrôler cette peste apicole. Ce travail original de recherche a pour but de déterminer les paramètres fondamentaux d’une lutte intégrée contre la varroase fondée sur l’utilisation périodique de différents pesticides organiques (l’acide oxalique, l’acide formique et le thymol) associée à des seuils d’interventions. Les seuils d’intervention ont été déterminés à l’aide de régressions linéaires entre les taux de parasitisme par V. destructor et la formance zootechnique des colonies d’abeilles mellifères (production de miel et force des colonies). Un total de 154 colonies d’abeilles du Centre de recherche en sciences animales de Deschambault (CRSAD) ont été suivies de septembre 2005 à septembre 2006. Les seuils calculés et proposés à la suite de cette recherche sont de 2 varroas par jour (chute naturelle) au début mai, 10 varroas par jour à la fin juillet et de 9 varroas par jour au début septembre. L’efficacité des traitements organiques avec l’acide oxalique (AO), l’acide formique (AF) et le thymol a été vérifiée en mai (avant la première miellée) en juillet (entre deux miellées), en septembre (après la miellée et pendant le nourrissage des colonies) et en novembre (avant l’hivernage). L’acide oxalique a été appliqué en utilisant la méthode d’égouttement (4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v). L’acide formique a été appliquée sous forme de MiteAwayII™ (tampon commercial imbibé d’AF 65% v/v placé sur le dessus des cadres à couvain), Mitewipe (tampons Dri-Loc™ 10/15cm imbibés de 35 mL d’AF 65% v/v placés sur le dessus des cadres à couvain) ou Flash (AF 65% coulé directement sur le plateau inférieur d’une colonie, 2 mL par cadre avec abeilles). Le thymol a été appliqué sous forme d’Apiguard™ (gélose contenant 25% de thymol p/v placée sur le dessus des cadres à couvain). Les essais d’efficacité ont été réalisés de 2006 à 2008 sur un total de 170 colonies (98 appartenant au CRSAD et 72 appartenant au privé). Les résultats montrent que les traitements de printemps testés ont une faible efficacité pour le contrôle des varroas qui sont en pleine croissance durant cette période. Un traitement avec l’AF à la mi-été permet de réduire les taux de parasites sous le seuil en septembre mais il y a risque de contaminer la récolte de miel avec des résidus d’AF. Les traitements en septembre avec le MiteAwayII™ suivis par un traitement à l’acide oxalique en novembre (5 mL par égouttement entre chaque cadre avec abeilles, 4% d’AO p/v dans un sirop de sucrose 1 :1 p/v) sont les plus efficaces : ils réduisent les niveaux de varroase sous le seuil de 2 varroas par jour au printemps. Nos résultats montrent également que les traitements réalisés tôt en septembre sont plus efficaces et produisent des colonies plus fortes au printemps comparativement à un traitement réalisé un mois plus tard en octobre. En conclusion, ce travail de recherche démontre qu’il est possible de contenir le développement de la varroase dans les ruchers au Québec en utilisant une méthode de lutte intégrée basée sur une combinaison d’applications d’acaricides organiques associée à des seuils d’intervention.


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Ce mémoire présente une analyse comparative des paramètres atmosphériques obtenus à l’aide des techniques photométrique et spectroscopique. Pour y parvenir, les données photométriques et spectroscopiques de 1375 naines blanches de type DA tirées du Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) ainsi que les données spectroscopiques du Villanova White Dwarf Catalog ont été utilisées. Il a d’abord fallu s’assurer que les données photométriques et spectroscopiques étaient bien calibrées. L’analyse photométrique a démontré que la photométrie ugriz ne semblait pas avoir de problème de calibration autre que le décalage des points zéro, qui est compensé en appliquant les corrections photométriques appropriées. De plus, le fait que le filtre u laisse passer le flux à certaines longueurs d’onde dans le rouge ne semble pas affecter la détermination des paramètres atmosphériques. L’analyse spectroscopique a ensuite confirmé que l’application de fonctions de correction permettant de tenir compte des effets hydrodynamiques 3D est la solution au problème de log g élevés. La comparaison des informations tirées des données spectroscopiques des deux différentes sources suggère que la calibration des spectres du SDSS n’est toujours pas au point. Les paramètres atmosphériques déterminés à l’aide des deux techniques ont ensuite été comparés et les températures photométriques sont systématiquement plus faibles que celles obtenues à partir des données spectroscopiques. Cet effet systématique pourrait être causé par les profils de raies utilisés dans les modèles d’atmosphère. Une méthode permettant d’obtenir une estimation de la gravité de surface d’une naine blanche à partir de sa photométrie a aussi été développée.


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This work describes a methodology for converting a specialized dictionary into a learner’s dictionary. The dictionary to which we apply our conversion method is the DiCoInfo, Dictionnaire fondamental de l’informatique et de l’Internet. We focus on changes affecting the presentation of data categories. What is meant by specialized dictionary for learners, in our case, is a dictionary covering the field of computer science and Internet meeting our users’ needs in communicative and cognitive situations. Our dictionary is aimed at learners’ of the computing language. We start by presenting a detailed description of four dictionaries for learners. We explain how the observations made on these resources have helped us in developing our methodology.In order to develop our methodology, first, based on Bergenholtz and Tarp’s works (Bergenholtz 2003; Tarp 2008; Fuertes Olivera and Tarp 2011), we defined the type of users who may use our dictionary. Translators are our first intended users. Other users working in the fields related to translation are also targeted: proofreaders, technical writers, interpreters. We also determined the use situations of our dictionary. It aims to assist the learners in solving text reception and text production problems (communicative situations) and in studying the terminology of computing (cognitive situations). Thus, we could establish its lexicographical functions: communicative and cognitive functions. Then, we extracted 50 articles from the DiCoInfo to which we applied a number of changes in different aspects: the layout, the presentation of data, the navigation and the use of multimedia. The changes were made according to two fundamental parameters: 1) simplification of the presentation; 2) lexicographic functions (which include the intended users and user’s situations). In this way, we exploited the widgets offered by the technology to update the interface and layout. Strategies have been developed to organize a large number of lexical links in a simpler way. We associated these links with examples showing their use in specific contexts. Multimedia as audio pronunciation and illustrations has been used.


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The Earth’s climate, as well as planetary climates in general, is broadly regulated by three fundamental parameters: the total solar irradiance, the planetary albedo and the planetary emissivity. Observations from series of different satellites during the last three decades indicate that these three quantities are generally very stable. The total solar irradiation of some 1,361 W/m2 at 1 A.U. varies within 1 W/m2 during the 11-year solar cycle (Fröhlich 2012). The albedo is close to 29 % with minute changes from year to year but with marked zonal differences (Stevens and Schwartz 2012). The only exception to the overall stability is a minor decrease in the planetary emissivity (the ratio between the radiation to space and the radiation from the surface of the Earth). This is a consequence of the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas amounts making the atmosphere gradually more opaque to long-wave terrestrial radiation. As a consequence, radiation processes are slightly out of balance as less heat is leaving the Earth in the form of thermal radiation than the amount of heat from the incoming solar radiation. Present space-based systems cannot yet measure this imbalance, but the effect can be inferred from the increase in heat in the oceans where most of the heat accumulates. Minor amounts of heat are used to melt ice and to warm the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.


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The correlation between the breaks in the metallicity distribution and the corotation radius of spiral galaxies has been already advocated in the past and is predicted by a chemodynamical model of our Galaxy that effectively introduces the role of spiral arms in the star formation rate. In this work, we present photometric and spectroscopic observations made with the Gemini Telescope for three of the best candidates of spiral galaxies to have the corotation inside the optical disc: IC 0167, NGC 1042 and NGC 6907. We observed the most intense and well-distributed H ii regions of these galaxies, deriving reliable galactocentric distances and oxygen abundances by applying different statistical methods. From these results, we confirm the presence of variations in the gradients of metallicity of these galaxies that are possibly correlated with the corotation resonance.


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Data from 58 strong-lensing events surveyed by the Sloan Lens ACS Survey are used to estimate the projected galaxy mass inside their Einstein radii by two independent methods: stellar dynamics and strong gravitational lensing. We perform a joint analysis of these two estimates inside models with up to three degrees of freedom with respect to the lens density profile, stellar velocity anisotropy, and line-of-sight (LOS) external convergence, which incorporates the effect of the large-scale structure on strong lensing. A Bayesian analysis is employed to estimate the model parameters, evaluate their significance, and compare models. We find that the data favor Jaffe`s light profile over Hernquist`s, but that any particular choice between these two does not change the qualitative conclusions with respect to the features of the system that we investigate. The density profile is compatible with an isothermal, being sightly steeper and having an uncertainty in the logarithmic slope of the order of 5% in models that take into account a prior ignorance on anisotropy and external convergence. We identify a considerable degeneracy between the density profile slope and the anisotropy parameter, which largely increases the uncertainties in the estimates of these parameters, but we encounter no evidence in favor of an anisotropic velocity distribution on average for the whole sample. An LOS external convergence following a prior probability distribution given by cosmology has a small effect on the estimation of the lens density profile, but can increase the dispersion of its value by nearly 40%.