993 resultados para STANDARDIZED CANDLES
IEEE 1451 Standard is intended to address the smart transducer interfacing problematic in network environments. Usually, proprietary hardware and software is a very efficient solution to in planent the IEEE 1451 normative, although can be expensive and inflexible. In contrast, the use of open and standardized tools for implementing the IEEE 1451 normative is proposed in this paper. Tools such as Java and Phyton programming languages, Linux, programmable logic technology, Personal Computer resources and Ethernet architecture were integrated in order to constructa network node based on the IEEE 1451 standards. The node can be applied in systems based on the client-server communication model The evaluation of the employed tools and expermental results are presented. © 2005 IEEE.
Standard Test Methods (e.g. ASTM, DIN) for materials characterization in general, and for fatigue in particular, do not contemplate specimens with complex geometries, as well as the combination of axial and in-plane bending loads in their methodologies. The present study refers to some patents and the new configuration or configurations of specimens (non-standardized by the status quo of test methods) and a device developed to induce axial and bending combined forces resultants from axial loads applied by any one test equipment (dynamic or monotonic) which possesses such limitation, towards obtaining more realistic results on the fatigue behavior, or even basic mechanical properties, from geometrically complex structures. Motivated by a specific and geometrically complex aeronautic structure (motor-cradle), non-standardized welded tubular specimens made from AISI 4130 steel were fatigue-tested at room temperature, by using a constant amplitude sinusoidal load of 20 Hz frequency, load ratio R = 0.1 with and without the above referred auxiliary fatigue apparatus. The results showed the fatigue apparatus was efficient for introducing higher stress concentration factor at the welded specimen joints, consequently reducing the fatigue strength when compared to other conditions. From the obtained results it is possible to infer that with small modifications the proposed apparatus will be capable to test a great variety of specimen configurations such as: squared tubes and plates with welded or melted junctions, as well as other materials such as aluminum, titanium, composites, polymeric, plastics, etc. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Resistant hypertension (RH) is characterized by blood pressure above 140 × 90 mm Hg, despite the use, in appropriate doses, of three antihypertensive drug classes, including a diuretic, or the need of four classes to control blood pressure. Resistant hypertension patients are under a greater risk of presenting secondary causes of hypertension and may be benefited by therapeutical approach for this diagnosis. However, the RH is currently little studied, and more knowledge of this clinical condition is necessary. In addition, few studies had evaluated this issue in emergent countries. Therefore, we proposed the analysis of specific causes of RH by using a standardized protocol in Brazilian patients diagnosed in a center for the evaluation and treatment of hypertension. The management of these patients was conducted with the application of a preformulated protocol which aimed at the identification of the causes of resistant hypertension in each patient through management standardization. The data obtained suggest that among patients with resistant hypertension there is a higher prevalence of secondary hypertension, than that observed in general hypertensive ones and a higher prevalence of sleep apnea as well. But there are a predominance of obesity, noncompliance with diet, and frequent use of hypertensive drugs. These latter factors are likely approachable at primary level health care, since that detailed anamneses directed to the causes of resistant hypertension are applied. © 2012 Livia Beatriz Santos Limonta et al.
As atividades antiinflamatória e antinociceptiva do extrato padronizado de Hypericum brasiliense (HBSE) (Guttiferae) foi avaliada em modelos animais. Ratos Wistar machos foram tratados com extrato de H. brasiliense (50, 250 e 500 mg/kg, v.o.) em solução 3% Tween 80 0,9% NaCl. O tratamento com HBSE (500 mg/kg) mostrou inibição significativa sobre o edema induzido por carragenina comparado ao grupo controle. Nessa dose, o edema foi reduzido em 31,25% na terceira hora (pico do edema) após o tratamento, mas na dose de 50 mg/kg, o edema apresentou redução de 53,13% (p < 0,05). Ainda com a dose de 50 mg/kg, a diminuição do edema induzido por dextrana foi similar ao controle positivo, ciproeptadina. Houve diminuição na formação do tecido granulomatoso (6,6%) comparável ao grupo controle. O HBSE também inibiu o número de contorções abdominais em 46,4%, estatisticamente igual ao controle positivo, tratado com indometacina (42,9%). Na dose de 250 mg/kg, houve inibição do número de contorções em 70,7% quando comparado ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). No teste da placa-quente, foi verificado aumento no tempo de latência com a dose de 50 mg/kg. Os resultados demonstram que o HBSE possui atividade antiinflamatória sobre processos agudos, principalmente quando sua gênese está relacionada à síntese dos derivados do ácido araquidônico, e seu efeito analgésico provavelmente envolve ação sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central.
Extracts of plants of the Sclerolobium genus are disclosed, as well as methods for preparing same and cosmetic and pharmaceutical formulations containing these extracts. These extracts can be obtained by polar and/or apolar extraction, each fraction containing different anti-oxidants, all of which are useful for topical treatment. Also disclosed is the use of this extract in cosmetic and/or pharmaceutical formulations for topical use.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
During orthodontic tooth movement (OTM), alveolar bone is resorbed by osteoclasts in compression sites (CS) and is deposited by osteoblasts in tension sites (TS). The aim of this study was to develop a standardized OTM protocol in mice and to investigate the expression of bone resorption and deposition markers in CS and TS. An orthodontic appliance was placed in C57BL6/J mice. To define the ideal orthodontic force, the molars of the mice were subjected to forces of 0.1 N, 0.25 N, 0.35 N and 0.5 N. The expression of mediators that are involved in bone remodeling at CS and TS was analyzed using a Real-Time PCR. The data revealed that a force of 0.35 N promoted optimal OTM and osteoclast recruitment without root resorption. The levels of TNF-alpha, RANKL, MMP13 and OPG were all altered in CS and TS. Whereas TNF-a and Cathepsin K exhibited elevated levels in CS. RUNX2 and OCN levels were higher in TS. Our results suggest that 0.35 N is the ideal force for OTM in mice and has no side effects. Moreover, the expression of bone remodeling markers differed between the compression and the tension areas, potentially explaining the distinct cellular migration and differentiation patterns in each of these sites. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to develop a formulation, containing the propolis standardized extract (EPP-AF (R)), which can assist in the healing of skin lesions. To achieve this objective the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the propolis extract was determined. The final product was subjected to in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical evaluation. The broth macrodi-lution method was used to determine the antimicrobial activity of the extracts and formulations against the microorganisms most commonly found in burns, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Wistar rats with puncture wounded skin were used to evaluate the wound healing properties of propolis. The results of chemical and biological characterization demonstrated the batch-to-batch reproducibility of the standardized extract which is an unprecedented result. The antimicrobial and wound healing activity of the pharmaceutical studied showed the best results when samples contain 3.6% propolis, suggesting that this is the most promising composition.
Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) are flexible fuel stores that are depleted by physical exercise and replenished by fat intake. IMCL or their degradation products are thought to interfere with insulin signaling thereby contributing to insulin resistance. From a practical point of view it is desirable to deplete IMCL prior to replenishing them. So far, it is not clear for how long and at which intensity subjects have to exercise in order to deplete IMCL. We therefore aimed at developing a standardized exercise protocol that is applicable to subjects over a broad range of exercise capacity and insulin sensitivity and allows measuring reliably reduced IMCL levels.Twelve male subjects, including four diabetes type 2 patients, with wide ranges of exercise capacity (VO(2)peak per total body weight 27.9-55.8 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)), insulin sensitivity (glucose infusion rate per lean body mass 4.7-15.3 mg x min(-1) x kg(-1)), and BMI (21.7-31.5 kg x m(-2)), respectively, were enrolled. Using (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS), IMCL was measured in m.tibialis anterior and m.vastus intermedius before and during a depletion protocol of a week, consisting of a moderate additional physical activity (1 h daily at 60% VO(2)peak) and modest low-fat (10-15%) diet.Absolute IMCL-levels were significantly reduced in both muscles during the first 3 days and stayed constant for the next 3 days of an identical diet/exercise-scheme. These reduced IMCL levels were independent of insulin sensitivity, yet a tendency to lower depleted IMCL levels has been observed in subjects with higher VO(2)peak.The proposed protocol is feasible in subjects with large differences in exercise capacity, insulin sensitivity, and BMI, leading to reduced IMCL levels that neither depend on the exact duration of the depletion protocol nor on insulin sensitivity. This allows for a standardized preparation of IMCL levels either for correlation with other physiological parameters or for replenishment studies.
Endovascular therapy has emerged as a promising alternative to open surgery for stroke prevention in patients with obstructive disease of the supra-aortic arteries. Although most previous studies have used similar safety and efficacy endpoints, differences in definitions, timing of assessments, and standards of reporting have hampered direct comparisons across various trials.
Allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) has been proposed as a treatment for patients with mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE). HSCT has been performed in nine patients using different protocols with varying success. Based on this preliminary experience, participants of the first consensus conference propose a common approach to allogeneic HSCT in MNGIE. Standardization of the transplant protocol and the clinical and biochemical assessments will allow evaluation of the safety and efficacy of HSCT as well as optimization of therapy for patients with MNGIE.Bone Marrow Transplantation advance online publication, 3 May 2010; doi:10.1038/bmt.2010.100.