932 resultados para SOLUBLE COFFEE


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New chemical entities with unfavorable water solubility properties are continuously emerging in drug discovery. Without pharmaceutical manipulations inefficient concentrations of these drugs in the systemic circulation are probable. Typically, in order to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug has to be dissolved. Several methods have been developed to improve the dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. In this study, the applicability of different types of mesoporous (pore diameters between 2 and 50 nm) silicon- and silica-based materials as pharmaceutical carriers for poorly water soluble drugs was evaluated. Thermally oxidized and carbonized mesoporous silicon materials, ordered mesoporous silicas MCM-41 and SBA-15, and non-treated mesoporous silicon and silica gel were assessed in the experiments. The characteristic properties of these materials are the narrow pore diameters and the large surface areas up to over 900 m²/g. Loading of poorly water soluble drugs into these pores restricts their crystallization, and thus, improves drug dissolution from the materials as compared to the bulk drug molecules. In addition, the wide surface area provides possibilities for interactions between the loaded substance and the carrier particle, allowing the stabilization of the system. Ibuprofen, indomethacin and furosemide were selected as poorly soluble model drugs in this study. Their solubilities are strongly pH-dependent and the poorest (< 100 µg/ml) at low pH values. The pharmaceutical performance of the studied materials was evaluated by several methods. In this work, drug loading was performed successfully using rotavapor and fluid bed equipment in a larger scale and in a more efficient manner than with the commonly used immersion methods. It was shown that several carrier particle properties, in particular the pore diameter, affect the loading efficiency (typically ~25-40 w-%) and the release rate of the drug from the mesoporous carriers. A wide pore diameter provided easier loading and faster release of the drug. The ordering and length of the pores also affected the efficiency of the drug diffusion. However, these properties can also compensate the effects of each other. The surface treatment of porous silicon was important in stabilizing the system, as the non-treated mesoporous silicon was easily oxidized at room temperature. Different surface chemical treatments changed the hydrophilicity of the porous silicon materials and also the potential interactions between the loaded drug and the particle, which further affected the drug release properties. In all of the studies, it was demonstrated that loading into mesoporous silicon and silica materials improved the dissolution of the poorly soluble drugs as compared to the corresponding bulk compounds (e.g. after 30 min ~2-7 times more drug was dissolved depending on the materials). The release profile of the loaded substances remained similar also after 3 months of storage at 30°C/56% RH. The thermally carbonized mesoporous silicon did not compromise the Caco-2 monolayer integrity in the permeation studies and improved drug permeability was observed. The loaded mesoporous silica materials were also successfully compressed into tablets without compromising their characteristic structural and drug releasing properties. The results of this research indicated that mesoporous silicon/silica-based materials are promising materials to improve the dissolution of poorly water soluble drugs. Their feasibility in pharmaceutical laboratory scale processes was also confirmed in this thesis.


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A key step in the triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthetic pathway is the final acylation of diacylglycerol (DAG) by DAG acyltransferase. In silico analysis has revealed that the DCR (defective in cuticular ridges) (At5g23940) gene has a typical HX4D acyltransferase motif at the N-terminal end and a lipid binding motif VX(2)GF at the middle of the sequence. To understand the biochemical function, the gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant protein was found to acylate DAG specifically in an acyl-CoA-dependent manner. Overexpression of At5g23940 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae quadruple mutant deficient in DAG acyltransferases resulted in TAG accumulation. At5g23940 rescued the growth of this quadruple mutant in the oleate-containing medium, whereas empty vector control did not. Lipid particles were localized in the cytosol of At5g23940-transformed quadruple mutant cells, as observed by oil red O staining. There was an incorporation of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid into TAG in At5g23940-transformed cells of quadruple mutant. Here we report a soluble acyl-CoA-dependent DAG acyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Taken together, these data suggest that a broad specific DAG acyltransferase may be involved in the cutin as well as in the TAG biosynthesis by supplying hydroxy fatty acid.


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The potential to remove chromium(VI) from aqueous solutions through biosorption using coffee husk was investigated. The effects of pH, contact time, initial concentration and adsorbent dosage on the adsorption of Cr(VI) were studied. The data obeyed Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The Langmuir adsorption capacity was found to be 44.95 mg/g. The Freundlich constants K-f and n were 1.027 mg/g (litre/mg)(n)] and 1.493, respectively. Desorption studies indicated the removal of 60% of the hexavalent chromium. Infrared spectral studies revealed the presence of functional groups, such as hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, on the surface of the biomass, which facilitates biosorption of Cr(VI).


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An air-stable and water-soluble diastereomeric half-sandwich ruthenium(I1) complex, [Ru(s-MeCsH4Pr'-p)(H*O)-(L*)] (C104) (l), has been isolated and structurally characterized [HL* = (27)-(a methylbenzyl)salicylaldimine,2-HOC6H4CH-NCHMePhI. Complex 1, Czd-I3oNO&lRu, crystallizes in the noncentric triclinic space group P1 with a = 9.885(1) A, b = 10.185(1) A, c = 14.187(2) A, a = 110.32(1)', 6 = 102.17(1)', y = 102.41(1)O, V=1243( 1) A3, and 2 = 2. The X-ray structure shows the presence of two diastereomers in a 1:l ratio having RR,,,SCand SR,,,&c onfigurations. The Ru-OHz bond distances are considerably long, and the values for RR, - a~n d SRu-1isomers are 2.1 19(5) and 2.203(5) A, respectively. The aqua complex (1) exists as a single diastereomer in solution,and it forms stable adducts with P-, N-, and halide-donor ligands. The stereochemical changes associated with adduct-forming reactions follow an inversion order: PPhs >> P(OMe)3 > pyridine bases >> halides (I, Br, Cl) >H20.


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Polyelectrolyte capsules composed of weak polyelectrolytes are introduced as a simple and efficient system for spontaneous encapsulation of low molecular weight water-soluble drugs. Polyelectrolyte capsules were prepared by layer-by-layer (LbL) assembling of weak polyelectrolytes, poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly (methacrylic acid) (PMA) on polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) doped CaCO3 particles followed by core removal with ethylene-diaminetetraacetic add (EDTA). The loading process was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using tetramethylrhodamineisothiocyanate labeled dextran (TRITC-dextran) as a fluorescent probe. The intensity of fluorescent probe inside the capsule decreased with increase in cross-linking time. Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (a model water-soluble drug) was spontaneously deposited into PAH/PMA capsules and their morphological changes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The quantitative study of drug loading was also elucidated which showed that drug loading increased with initial drug concentration, but decreased with increase in pH. The loaded drug was released in a sustained manner for 6 h, which could be further extended by cross-linking the capsule wall. The released drug showed significant antibacterial activity against E. coli. These findings indicate that such capsules can be potential carriers for water-soluble drugs in sustained/controlled drug delivery applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis group C are based on its alpha-2,9-linked polysialic acid capsular polysaccharide. This polysialic acid expressed on the surface of N. meningitidis and in the absence of specific antibody serves to evade host defense mechanisms. The polysialyltransferase (PST) that forms the group C polysialic acid (NmC PST) is located in the cytoplasmic membrane. Until recently, detailed characterization of bacterial polysialyltransferases has been hampered by a lack of availability of soluble enzyme preparations. We have constructed chimeras of the group C polysialyltransferase that catalyzes the formation alpha-2,9-polysialic acid as a soluble enzyme. We used site-directed mutagenesis to determine the region of the enzyme necessary for synthesis of the alpha-2,9 linkage. A chimera of NmB and NmC PSTs containing only amino acids 1 to 107 of the NmB polysialyltransferase catalyzed the synthesis of alpha-2,8-polysialic acid. The NmC polysialyltransferase requires an exogenous acceptor for catalytic activity. While it requires a minimum of a disialylated oligosaccharide to catalyze transfer, it can form high-molecular-weight alpha-2,9-polysialic acid in a nonprocessive fashion when initiated with an alpha-2,8-polysialic acid acceptor. De novo synthesis in vivo requires an endogenous acceptor. We attempted to reconstitute de novo activity of the soluble group C polysialyltransferase with membrane components. We found that an acapsular mutant with a defect in the polysialyltransferase produces outer membrane vesicles containing an acceptor for the alpha-2,9-polysialyltransferase. This acceptor is an amphipathic molecule and can be elongated to produce polysialic acid that is reactive with group C-specific antibody.


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On repeated thawing at room temperature of frozen preparations of heavy microsomes from rat livers, HMGCoA reductase activity was solubilized due to limited proteolysis. This soluble enzyme was partially purified by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and filtration on Sephacryl S-200 column. The active enzyme was coeluted with a major 92 kDa-protein and was identified as a 58kDa-protein after separation by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. Ethoxysilatrane, a hypocholesterolemic compound, which decreased the liver-microsomal activity of HMGCoA reductase on intra-peritonial treatment of animals, showed little effect on the enzyme activity with isolated microsomes or the 50kDa-soluble enzyme when added in the assay. But it was able to inhibit the activity of the soluble 58kDa-enzyme in a concentration-dependent, reversible manner. Cholesterol and an oxycholesterol were without effect whereas chlorophenoxyisobutyrate and ubiquinone showed small inhibition under these conditions. The extra region that links the active site domain (50kDa protein) to the membrane, present in the 58kDa-protein appears to be involved in mediating the inhibition by silatrane.


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The study reports the first indication of a lyotropic liquid crystalline phase of an aqueous solution of polysaccharide xanthan gum, as a physical parameter dependent scalable and reversible weak alignment medium, for enantiodiscrimination of water soluble chiral molecules.


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A finite-element scheme based on a coupled arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and Lagrangian approach is developed for the computation of interface flows with soluble surfactants. The numerical scheme is designed to solve the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations and an evolution equation for the surfactant concentration in the bulk phase, and simultaneously, an evolution equation for the surfactant concentration on the interface. Second-order isoparametric finite elements on moving meshes and second-order isoparametric surface finite elements are used to solve these equations. The interface-resolved moving meshes allow the accurate incorporation of surface forces, Marangoni forces and jumps in the material parameters. The lower-dimensional finite-element meshes for solving the surface evolution equation are part of the interface-resolved moving meshes. The numerical scheme is validated for problems with known analytical solutions. A number of computations to study the influence of the surfactants in 3D-axisymmetric rising bubbles have been performed. The proposed scheme shows excellent conservation of fluid mass and of the total mass of the surfactant. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The biosynthesis of triacylglycerol (TAG) occurs in the microsomal membranes of eukaryotes. Here, we report the identification and functional characterization of diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT), a member of the 10 S cytosolic TAG biosynthetic complex (TBC) in Rhodotorula glutinis. Both a full-length and an N-terminally truncated cDNA clone of a single gene were isolated from R. glutinis. The DGAT activity of the protein encoded by RgDGAT was confirmed in vivo by the heterologous expression of cDNA in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae quadruple mutant (H1246) that is defective in TAG synthesis. RgDGAT overexpression in yeast was found to be capable of acylating diacylglycerol (DAG) in an acyl-CoA-dependent manner. Quadruple mutant yeast cells exhibit growth defects in the presence of oleic acid, but wild-type yeast cells do not. In an in vivo fatty acid supplementation experiment, RgDGAT expression rescued quadruple mutant growth in an oleate-containing medium. We describe a soluble acyl-CoA-dependent DAG acyltransferase from R. glutinis that belongs to the DGAT3 class of enzymes. The study highlights the importance of an alternative TAG biosynthetic pathway in oleaginous yeasts.


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A soluble-lead redox flow battery with corrugated-graphite sheet and reticulated-vitreous carbon as positive and negative current collectors is assembled and performance tested. In the cell, electrolyte comprising of 1 center dot 5 M lead (II) methanesulfonate and 0 center dot 9 M methanesulfonic acid with sodium salt of lignosulfonic acid as additive is circulated through the reaction chamber at a flow rate of 50 ml min (-aEuro parts per thousand 1). During the charge cycle, pure lead (Pb) and lead dioxide (PbO2) from the soluble lead (II) species are electrodeposited onto the surface of the negative and positive current collectors, respectively. Both the electrodeposited materials are characterized by XRD, XPS and SEM. Phase purity of synthesized lead (II) methanesulfonate is unequivocally established by single crystal X-ray diffraction followed by profile refinements using high resolution powder data. During the discharge cycle, electrodeposited Pb and PbO2 are dissolved back into the electrolyte. Since lead ions are produced during oxidation and reduction at the negative and positive plates, respectively there is no risk of crossover during discharge cycle, preventing the possibility of lowering the overall efficiency of the cell. As the cell employs a common electrolyte, the need of employing a membrane is averted. It has been possible to achieve a capacity value of 114 mAh g (-aEuro parts per thousand 1) at a load current-density of 20 mA cm (-aEuro parts per thousand 2) with the cell at a faradaic efficiency of 95%. The cell is tested for 200 cycles with little loss in its capacity and efficiency.


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Water soluble dinickel(II) complexes Ni-2(L)(2)(1-2)](NO3)(4) (1-2), where L1-2 are triazole based dinucleating ligands, were synthesized and characterized. The DNA binding, protein binding, DNA hydrolysis and anticancer properties were investigated. The interactions of complexes 1 and 2 with calf thymus DNA were studied by spectroscopic techniques, including absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The DNA binding constant values of the complexes 1 and 2 were found to be 2.36 x 10(5) and 4.87 x 10(5) M-1 and the binding affinities are in the following order: 2 > 1. Both the dinickel(II) complexes 1 and 2, promoted the hydrolytic cleavage of plasmid pBR322 DNA under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Kinetic data for DNA hydrolysis promoted by 1 and 2 under physiological conditions give the observed rate constants (k(obs)) of 5.05 +/- 0.2 and 5.65 +/- 0.1 h(-1), respectively, which shows 10(8)-fold rate acceleration over the uncatalyzed reaction of ds-DNA. Meanwhile, the interactions of the complex with BSA have also been studied by spectroscopy. Both the complexes 1 and 2 display strong binding propensity and the binding constant (K-b), number of binding sites (n) were obtained are 0.71 x 10(6) 1.47] and 5.62 x 10(6) 1.98] M-1, respectively. The complexes 1 and 2 also promoted the apoptosis against human carcinoma (HeLa, and BeWo) cancer cells. Cytotoxicity of the complexes was further confirmed by lactate dehydrogenase enzyme level in cancer cell lysate and content media. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a single stranded RNA virus that infects the central nervous system leading to acute encephalitis in children. Alterations in brain endothelial cells have been shown to precede the entry of this flavivirus into the brain, but infection of endothelial cells by JEV and their consequences are still unclear. Productive JEV infection was established in human endothelial cells leading to IFN-beta and TNF-alpha production. The MHC genes for HLA-A, -B, -C and HLA-E antigens were upregulated in human brain microvascular endothelial cells, the endothelial-like cell line, ECV 304 and human foreskin fibroblasts upon JEV infection. We also report the release/shedding of soluble HLA-E (sHLA-E) from JEV infected human endothelial cells for the first time. This shedding of sHLA-E was blocked by an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). In addition, MMP-9, a known mediator of HLA solubilisation was upregulated by JEV. In contrast, human fibroblasts showed only upregulation of cell-surface HLA-E. Addition of UV inactivated JEV-infected cell culture supernatants stimulated shedding of sHLA-E from uninfected ECV cells indicating a role for soluble factors/cytokines in the shedding process. Antibody mediated neutralization of TNF-alpha as well as IFNAR receptor together not only resulted in inhibition of sHLA-E shedding from uninfected cells, it also inhibited HLA-E and MMP-9 gene expression in JEV-infected cells. Shedding of sHLA-E was also observed with purified TNF-alpha and IFN-beta as well as the dsRNA analog, poly (I:C). Both IFN-beta and TNF-alpha further potentiated the shedding when added together. The role of soluble MHC antigens in JEV infection is hitherto unknown and therefore needs further investigation.


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We study the phenomenon of evaporation-driven self-assembly of a colloid suspension of silica microspheres in the interior region and away from the rim of the droplet on a glass plate. In view of the importance of achieving a large-area, monolayer assembly, we first realize a suitable choice of experimental conditions, minimizing the influence of many other competing phenomena that usually complicate the understanding of fundamental concepts of such self-assembly processes in the interior region of a drying droplet. Under these simplifying conditions to bring out essential aspects, our experiments unveil an interesting competition between ordering and compaction in such drying systems in analogy to an impending glass transition. We establish a re-entrant behavior in the order disorder phase diagram as a function of the particle density, such that there is an optimal range of the particle density to realize the long-range ordering. The results are explained with the help of simulations and phenomenological theory.