919 resultados para SOCIAL ISOLATION
Higher education is a powerful tool for reducing social and economic disadvantage. But access to higher education can be difficult, particularly for Indigenous Australians who face multiple levels of social, economic and geographical isolation. While enabling programs can support Indigenous students to gain university entry, the experience at Central Queensland University (CQUniversity) suggests that their past success has been limited. In this paper, the authors describe the enabling program available to Indigenous students at CQUniversity. They suggest that the newly developed, flexible, online version of the program is helping to address geographical and social isolation and improve successful outcomes for Indigenous Australians.
Teachers working in regional, rural and remote areas of Western Australia often experience a strong sense of geographic and social isolation from peers, colleagues and appropriate support mechanisms due to the huge distances between towns and communities. The projects described here have focused on the use of technology to enhance both teacher and student learning; and assist with Indigenous education and teacher professional learning. Connecting and collaborating through technologies is emerging as a powerful tool for motivating and engaging both teachers and learners within schools. Coupled with the direction of the current Federal Government with the Digital Education Revolution and the Digital Regions initiatives, opportunities for better serving regional, rural and remote communities are discussed, as are some of the current issues and needs related to these schools in Western Australia. The scope of these projects has been such that three guiding principles have been implemented through contextual lenses of varying foci - at the level of an individual, a school, and a community.
During the last 10-15 years interest in mouse behavioural analysis has evolved considerably. The driving force is development in molecular biological techniques that allow manipulation of the mouse genome by changing the expression of genes. Therefore, with some limitations it is possible to study how genes participate in regulation of physiological functions and to create models explaining genetic contribution to various pathological conditions. The first aim of our study was to establish a framework for behavioural phenotyping of genetically modified mice. We established comprehensive battery of tests for the initial screening of mutant mice. These included tests for exploratory and locomotor activity, emotional behaviour, sensory functions, and cognitive performance. Our interest was in the behavioural patterns of common background strains used for genetic manipulations in mice. Additionally we studied the behavioural effect of sex differences, test history, and individual housing. Our findings highlight the importance of careful consideration of genetic background for analysis of mutant mice. It was evident that some backgrounds may mask or modify the behavioural phenotype of mutants and thereby lead to false positive or negative findings. Moreover, there is no universal strain that is equally suitable for all tests, and using different backgrounds allows one to address possible phenotype modifying factors. We discovered that previous experience affected performance in several tasks. The most sensitive traits were the exploratory and emotional behaviour, as well as motor and nociceptive functions. Therefore, it may be essential to repeat some of the tests in naïve animals for assuring the phenotype. Social isolation for a long time period had strong effects on exploratory behaviour, but also on learning and memory. All experiments revealed significant interactions between strain and environmental factors (test history or housing condition) indicating genotype-dependent effects of environmental manipulations. Several mutant line analyses utilize this information. For example, we studied mice overexpressing as well as those lacking extracellular matrix protein heparin-binding growth-associated molecule (HB-GAM), and mice lacking N-syndecan (a receptor for HB-GAM). All mutant mice appeared to be fertile and healthy, without any apparent neurological or sensory defects. The lack of HB-GAM and N-syndecan, however, significantly reduced the learning capacity of the mice. On the other hand, overexpression of HB-GAM resulted in facilitated learning. Moreover, HB-GAM knockout mice displayed higher anxiety-like behaviour, whereas anxiety was reduced in HB-GAM overexpressing mice. Changes in hippocampal plasticity accompanied the behavioural phenotypes. We conclude that HB-GAM and N-syndecan are involved in the modulation of synaptic plasticity in hippocampus and play a role in regulation of anxiety- and learning-related behaviour.
Yksinäisyyden merkitys hyvinvointia uhkaavana tekijänä on viimeaikoina noussut esiin yhä enenevissä määrin. Yksinäiset korkeakouluopiskelijat ovat erityisen haavoittuvassa elämäntilanteessa, sillä nuoren aikuisen elämään liittyvät erityiset kehitykselliset haasteet. Tärkeää on, että opiskelijat saavat tukea tilanteeseensa, jotta yksinäisyyden kauaskantoisilta vaikutuksilta vältyttäisiin. Vertaistuki voi monen kohdalla olla tärkeää, ja Internet mahdollistaa matalan kynnyksen paikan avun hakemiseen. Tutkielmassani perehdyn Nyyti ry:n ylläpitämään, korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettuun Yksinäisyys-nettiryhmään, ja siinä esiintyvään vertaistukeen. Erityisen tutkimusasetelmastani tekee vertaistuen tarkastelu sen kaksijakoisuuden kautta: millaisia avunsaajana olemisen ja avunantajana toimimisen tapoja kirjoituksista on löydettävissä, ja miten ne suhteutuvat toisiinsa. Näin voidaan ymmärtää paremmin keskustelijoiden tarpeita ja odotuksia, ja sitä, miten ryhmä pystyy niihin vastaamaan. Aineistoa on tutkittu sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Näyttäisi siltä, että ryhmään kohdistetaan enemmän odotuksia ja tarpeita kuin mihin se pystyy vastaamaan. Avunsaajana olemisen luokkia oli yhteensä 15, jotka kuvasivat viittä eri ulottuvuutta. Ulottuvuudet olivat kokemuksellisuus, kontrolliodotus, vaikeusaste, suhde tietoon ja odotuksellisuus. Avunantajana toimimisen kohdalla luokkia muodostui kahdeksan, jotka kuvasivat neljää ulottuvuutta. Näitä olivat empatia, eteenpäin suuntaavuus, opastus ja kyseenalaistus. Avunsaajana oleminen hallitsi nettiryhmän keskusteluja, ja sitä kuvastavat tekstit olivat paitsi määrällisesti pidempiä, myös sisällöllisesti rikkaampia. Suhteutettaessa avunsaajan ja avunantajan tapoja toisiinsa havaitaan, että ryhmässä osoitettu tuki pystyy hyvin vastaamaan moniin odotuksiin, mutta toisaalta jokin tuenmuoto saattaa olla päinvastainenkin joidenkin luokkien tarpeille. Voikin olla, että vertaistuesta on keskustelijoille hyötyä tiettyyn tasoon asti, mutta suuri määrä erilaisia tarpeita ja odotuksia tekee mahdottomaksi niihin kaikkiin vastaamisen. Hyvä jatkotutkimuksen aihe olisi haastatteluin selvittää kirjoittajien omia näkemyksiä siitä, mistä kokevat ryhmään kirjoittaessaan hyötyvänsä. Tutkielman keskeisimpiä lähteitä ovat olleet: Weiss, R.S. (1973). Loneliness: the experience of emotional and social isolation, Kraut, R. ym (1998). Internet paradox. A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?, Jung, J. (1987) Toward a social psychology of social support., Dennis, C-L. (2003). Peer support within a health care context: a concept analysis.
The dominant discourses on the issue of asylum have placed it on a uniquely higher level of scrutiny as a politically very sensitive area for social research. Today, member states within the EU have implemented stricter policies to control new arrivals, whilst instituting statutory procedures to manage the existing asylum claims. In 2010, the number of applicants for asylum in Finland totalled 5988, out of which 1784 were given positive decisions. This thesis endeavour to highlight asylum seekers in the discourses about them by adding their voices to the discussions of them in contemporary Finland. Studies, which has concentrated on asylum seekers in Finland, uses the living conditions within asylum reception centres to assess the impacts of structural barriers on asylum seekers’ efforts to deal with the asylum process. By highlighting the impacts of the entire asylum process, which I believe starts from the country of origin; I focus on examining narratives of dealing with the experience of liminality whilst waiting for asylum, and then explore areas of possible participation within informal social networks for West African asylum seekers in Finland. The overall aim is to place the current research within the broader sociological discussion of ‘belonging’ for asylum seekers who are yet to be recognized as refugees, and who exist in a state of limbo. Methodologically, oral interviews, self-written autobiographical narratives, and ethnographic field work are qualitatively combined as data in this thesis for an empirical study of West African male asylum seekers in Finland. Narrative analysis is employed to analyze the data for this thesis. The ethnographic research data for the study began in May 2009 and ended in August of 2010. Altogether, ten interviews and four self-written narratives were collected as data. In total seven hours of audio recording were made, along eleven pages of hand-written autobiographical narratives. Field observation notes are employed in the study to provide contexts to the active interactional processes of interpretation throughout the analysis. Findings from the study suggest that within the experience of liminality, which surrounds the entire asylum process, participations within informal social networks are found to be important to the process of re-making place and the sense of belonging. My study shows that this is necessary to countering the experience of boredom, stress and social isolation, which permeate all aspects of life for West African asylum seekers, whilst they wait for asylum decisions in Finland.
O presente trabalho analisa a formação da cidade digital nas relações sociais, ressaltando os efeitos da garantia do direito à privacidade no ambiente dos navegantes de sites e redes sociais, em função das repercussões jurídicas do vazamento de informações da vida pessoal dos usuários da rede, e do tratamento dos dados coletados pelos prestadores de serviço. Através do ciberespaço formam-se comunidades virtuais que ultrapassam a necessidade de localidade e sociabilidade, criando um isolamento social e abandonando as interações face a face em ambientes reais, originando uma sociabilidade baseada no individualismo. Avaliamos os novos padrões de interação que se originam nesta nova formatação de coletividade informacional e suas repercussões no âmbito do direito. Em uma perspectiva mais detalhada, esse estudo indica quais as hipóteses de responsabilidade civil dos provedores na Internet em decorrência de atos ilícitos cometidos por terceiros e as alternativas de um sistema de tutela da privacidade à proteção de dados, face à lesão no ambiente informacional. O levantamento das possíveis situações de responsabilização civil foi efetuado através da análise da jurisprudência e da doutrina dominante, ressaltando os aspectos fáticos que caracterizam sua formatação. Esse modelo se impõe, através de uma relação hierárquica a uma multiplicidade de indivíduos, criando um encarceramento perfeito através do exercício do biopoder. Tais papéis são reforçados por uma cultura consumista e a sociedade do espetáculo, que transforma o indivíduo em mercadoria levantando perfis de usuários conectados em rede, propiciando uma categorização dos consumidores. Nesse contexto, apresentamos os riscos de uma sociedade de vigilância que se apresenta factível como um produto das relações de mercado, que possibilita dispor livremente de um conjunto crescente de informações. Esta constante vigilância invade todos os espaços, custodiando nosso comportamento independente do tempo, com uma implacável memória no âmbito das comunicações eletrônicas, tornando nosso passado eternamente visível e fazendo surgir situações constrangedoras a nos assombrar.
Introdução: A preocupação em torno do uso irracional de psicofármacos tem sido observada em diversos países, constituindo-se uma questão importante para a saúde pública mundial. No Brasil, a promoção do uso racional de psicofármacos é um desafio para a atenção primária, sendo importante caracterizar sua dimensão psicossocial. Objetivos. O artigo 1, com características descritivas, tem como objetivo caracterizar o uso de psicofármacos em unidades de saúde da família segundo a presença de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e segundo as principais características socioeconômicas e demográficas. O artigo 2, com um caráter analítico, tem como objetivo avaliar o papel da rede social no uso de cada um destes psicofármacos segundo a presença de TMC. Métodos O estudo utiliza um delineamento seccional e abarca a primeira fase de coleta de dados de dois estudos em saúde mental na atenção primária. Esta se deu em 2006/2007 para o estudo 1 (Petrópolis, n= 2.104) e em 2009/2010 para o estudo2 (São Paulo, n =410, Rio de Janeiro, n= 703, Fortaleza , n=149 e Porto Alegre, n= 163 participantes). Ambos os estudos possuem o mesmo formato no que se refere à coleta de dados, seu processamento e revisão, resultando em uma amostra de 3.293 mulheres atendidas em unidades de saúde da família de cinco diferentes cidades do país. Um questionário objetivo com perguntas fechadas foi utilizado para a coleta de informações socioeconômicas e demográficas. O uso de psicofármacos foi avaliado através de uma pergunta aberta baseada no auto-relato do uso de medicamentos. A presença de TMC foi investigada através do General Health Questionnaire, em sua versão reduzida (GHQ-12). O nível de integração social foi aferido através do índice de rede social (IRS), calculado a partir de perguntas sobre rede social acrescentado ao questionário geral. No estudo descritivo (artigo 1), a frequência do uso de antidepressivos e o uso de benzodiazepínicos na população de estudo foram calculadas para cada cidade, tal como a frequência do uso destes psicofármacos entre as pacientes com transtornos mentais comuns. A distribuição do uso de cada um destes psicofármacos segundo as principais características socioeconômicas, demográficas e segundo transtornos mentais comuns foi avaliada através do teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson. No estudo analítico (artigo 2), a associação entre o nível de integração social e o uso exclusivo de cada um dos psicofármacos foi analisada através da regressão logística multivariada, com estratificação segundo a presença de TMC. Resultados: A frequência do uso de psicofármacos foi bastante heterogênea entre as cidades, destacando-se, porém, a importância do uso de benzodiazepínicos frente ao uso de antidepressivos em sua maioria. A proporção do uso de psicofármacos, sobretudo antidepressivos, foi predominantemente baixa entre as pacientes com TMC. Entre elas, o uso de antidepressivos mostrou-se positivamente associado ao isolamento social, enquanto o uso de benzodiazepínicos associou-se negativamente a este. Conclusão: Os resultados colaboram para a caracterização do uso de psicofármacos em unidades de saúde da família e para a discussão acerca de sua racionalidade. Destaca-se a importância de avaliar a dimensão psicossocial que envolve o uso destas substâncias com vistas ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de cuidado mais efetivas
A conjuntura atual referente à política de saúde mental Brasileira tem suas ações, serviços e estratégias de intervenção direcionadas pelos princípios do projeto da Reforma Psiquiátrica. Logo, há no Brasil uma série de serviços substitutivos ao hospício que foram criados ao longo dos últimos trinta anos para substituir em sua totalidade a perspectiva da psiquiatria clássica, que pensa ser o isolamento social a única maneira de cuidar e tratar o sujeito em sofrimento psíquico. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma reflexão acerca de uma experiência política no campo da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. O objeto de estudo se designa ao conhecimento do consórcio em saúde mental existente entre os municípios de Quatis e Porto Real situados na região Médio-Paraíba interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa, pois acreditamos que a mesma pode nos oferecer instrumentos de conhecimento da realidade que desejamos alcançar que são mais apropriados para desvendar os significados das ações em saúde mental e seus impactos na vida dos sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo. Para tal optamos por realizar uma observação participante no campo de pesquisa que se dá no CAPS Sonho Real e também a realização de dois grupos focais, um com usuários e outro com profissionais. Acreditamos que conhecer essa experiência se constitui como tarefa de sua importância para o fortalecimento e consolidação do compromisso político assumido por esses dois municípios no que tange a modalidade de consórcio de serviços de saúde, sendo dois territórios que se referenciam a um único dispositivo de saúde.
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária
Supported housing for individuals with severe mental illness strives to provide the services necessary to place and keep individuals in independent housing that is integrated into the community and in which the consumer has choice and control over his or her services and supports. Supported housing can be contrasted to an earlier model called the “linear residential approach” in which individuals are moved from the most restrictive settings (e.g., inpatient settings) through a series of more independent settings (e.g., group homes, supervised apartments) and then finally to independent housing. This approach has been criticized as punishing the client due to frequent moves, and as being less likely to result in independent housing. In the supported housing model (Anthony & Blanch, 1988) consumers have choice and control over their living environment, their treatment, and supports (e.g., case management, mental health and substance abuse services). Supports are flexible and faded in and out depending on needs. Results of this systematic review of supported housing suggest that there are several well-controlled studies of supported housing and several studies conducted with less rigorous designs. Overall, our synthesis suggests that supported housing can improve the living situation of individuals who are psychiatrically disabled, homeless and with substance abuse problems. Results show that supported housing can help people stay in apartments or homes up to about 80% of the time over an extended period. These results are contrary to concerns expressed by proponents of the linear residential model and housing models that espoused more restrictive environments. Results also show that housing subsidies or vouchers are helpful in getting and keeping individuals housed. Housing services appear to be cost effective and to reduce the costs of other social and clinical services. In order to be most effective, intensive case management services (rather than traditional case management) are needed and will generally lead to better housing outcomes. Having access to affordable housing and having a service system that is well-integrated is also important. Providing a person with supported housing reduces the likelihood that they will be re-hospitalized, although supported housing does not always lead to reduced psychiatric symptoms. Supported housing can improve clients’ quality of life and satisfaction with their living situation. Providing supported housing options that are of decent quality is important in order to keep people housed and satisfied with their housing. In addition, rapid entry into housing, with the provision of choices is critical. Program and clinical supports may be able to mitigate the social isolation that has sometimes been associated with supported housing.
The British Edward Elgar and Czech Bohuslav MartinB were two of the most prominent Nationalistic composers of their respective countries during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Their musical patriotism incorporates the unique paths of their lives as socially isolated and self-taught composers as expressed their outstanding Nationalistic compositions produced through the period of history encompassing the two World Wars.In the first chapter of this dissertation, a brief biography of Elgar is presented and the essential aspects of his formative years influencing him to become a self-taught musician are discussed. The second chapter demonstrates Elgar's musical characteristics through the study of a selection of his masterpieces. In the third chapter, a brief biography of Martinti is presented along with a history of his musical development, characterized by his social isolation during four different periods of his life-his residences in PoliCka, Prague, Paris, and then in the United States. The fourth chapter considers MartinB's musical characteristics as revealed through the study of a selection of his greatest works. In support of this doctoral project, I performed two recitals of cello works by Elgar and Martini3 at the University of Maryland, College Park. The first recital, accompanied by Susan Slingland and Hiroko Yamazaki, included three of Martini3's works, Sonata No. 2 for Cello and Piano (1941); Variations on a Theme of Rossini for Cello and Piano (1 942); and Sonata No. 3 for Cello and Piano (1952). The second recital, accompanied by Wonyoung Chang and Naoko Takao, presented Martini3's Sonata No. 1 for Cello and Piano (1939) and Elgar's Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 85 in E minor (1 919).
Background: There is consensus in the literature that the end of life care for patients with chronic illness is suboptimal, but research on the specific needs of this population is limited. Aim: This study aimed to use a mixed methodology and case study approach to explore the palliative care needs of patients with a non-cancer diagnosis from the perspectives of the patient, their significant other and the clinical team responsible for their care. Patients (n 18) had a diagnosis of either end-stage heart failure, renal failure or respiratory disease. Methods: The Short Form 36 and Hospital and Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire were completed by all patients. Unstructured interviews were (n 35) were conducted separately with each patient and then their significant other. These were followed by a focus group discussion (n 18) with the multiprofessional clinical team. Quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and simple descriptive statistics. All qualitative data were taped, transcribed and analysed using Colaizzi’s approach to qualitative analysis. Findings: Deteriorating health status was the central theme derived from this analysis. It led to decreased independence, social isolation and family burden. These problems were mitigated by the limited resources at the individual’s disposal and the availability of support from hospital and community services. Generally resources and support were perceived as lacking. All participants in this study expressed concerns regarding the patients’ future and some patients described feelings of depression or acceptance of the inevitability of imminent death. Conclusion: Patients dying from chronic illness in this study had many concerns and unmet clinical needs. Care teams were frustrated by the lack of resources available to them and admitted they were ill-equipped to provide for the individual’s holistic needs. Some clinicians described difficulty in talking openly with the patient and family regarding the palliative nature of their treatment. An earlier and more effective implementation of the palliative care approach is necessary if the needs of patients in the final stages of chronic illness are to be adequately addressed. Pa
Durkheim’s idea that war reduces suicide through greater social and political integration has been used to explain suicide trends during the Northern Ireland conflict and in the period of peace. The applicability of Durkheim is critically evaluated through a case study of suicide trends by age, gender and cause of death over a forty year period. The key finding is that the cohort of children and young people who grew up in the worst years of violence during the 1970s, have the highest and most rapidly increasing suicide rates, and account for the steep upward trend in suicide following the 1998 Agreement. Contrary to Durkheim, the recent rise in suicide involves a complex of social and psychological factors. These include the growth in social isolation, poor mental health arising from the experience of conflict, and the greater political stability of the past decade. The transition to peace means that externalised aggression is no longer socially approved. It becomes internalised instead.
Rising levels of urban deprivation and a perception that poverty has become more concentrated in such areas and has taken on a qualitatively different character have provoked a variety of popular and academic responses. The potentially most fruitful set of hypotheses focuses on the unintended of weak labour force attachment and social isolation is perceived to lead to behaviour and orientations that contribute to a vicious circle of deprivation. In examining the value of this conceptual framework in the Irish case we proceed by measuring directly the social-psychological factors which ave hypothesized to mediate the 'underclass' process.
A significantly higher level of poverty is found in urban public-sector tenant households. This finding cannot be accounted for entirely by socio-demographic differences. It is the assessment of this net or residual effect that is crucial to an evaluation of vicious circle explanations. Controlling for the critical social-psychological factors we found that net effect was reduced by less than a quarter and concluded that the remaining effect is more plausibly attributed to the role of selection than to underclass processes. Analysis of the changing relationship between urban public-sector tenancy and poverty provides support for this interpretation.
For the main part the distinctiveness of social housing tenants is a consequence of the disadvantages they stiffer in relation to employment opportunities and living standards. Ultimately it is these problems that policy interventions, whatever the level at which they take place, must address.
The emergence of large-scale long-term unemployment in the Republic of Ireland suggests that it might provide an interesting case to which to apply the concept of an 'underclass'. In this paper we explore the relationship between labour-market marginality, deprivation, and fatalism. The available evidence in relation to both social isolation and milieu effects suggests that the term 'underclass' can have only a very limited applicability in the Irish case. Instead, what we ate confronted with is different types of working-class marginalization arising from the rapid and uneven nature of class transformation in Ireland and changing patterns of emigration. In relation to what we have termed 'pervasive marginalization' the costs of economic change have been borne disproportionately by those members of the younger cohorts originating in the lower working class rather than by those in particular locations. The evidence relating to the social and psychological consequences of labour-market detachment, rather than providing support for the value of an 'underclass' perspective, confirms the continued relevance of class analysis.