953 resultados para SMALL NUCLEAR-RNA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The HIV-1 regulatory proteins Tat and Rev are encoded by multiply spliced mRNAs that differ by the use of alternative 3' splice sites at the beginning of the internal exon. If these internal exons are skipped, the expression of these genes, and hence HIV-1 multiplication, should be inhibited. We have previously developed a strategy, based on antisense derivatives of U7 small nuclear RNA, that allows us to induce the skipping of an internal exon in virtually any gene. Here, we have successfully applied this approach to induce a partial skipping of the Tat, Rev (and Nef) internal exons. Three functional U7 constructs were subcloned into a lentiviral vector. Two of them strongly reduced the efficiency of lentiviral particle production compared to vectors carrying either no U7 insert or unrelated U7 cassettes. This defect could be partly or fully compensated by coexpressing Rev from an unspliced mRNA in the producing cell line. Upon stable transduction into CEM-SS or CEM T-lymphocytes, the most efficient of these constructs inhibits HIV-1 multiplication. Although the inhibition is not complete, it is more efficient in combination with another mechanism inhibiting HIV multiplication. Therefore, this new approach targeting HIV-1 regulatory genes at the level of pre-mRNA splicing, in combination with other antiviral strategies, may be a useful new tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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We have used three beta-thalassemic mutations, IVS2-654, -705 and -745, that create aberrant 5' splice sites (5' ss) and activate a common cryptic 3' ss further upstream in intron 2 of the human beta-globin gene to optimize a generally applicable exon-skipping strategy using antisense derivatives of U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). Introducing a modified U7 snRNA gene carrying an antisense sequence against the cryptic 3' ss into cultured cells expressing the mutant beta-globin genes, restored correct beta-globin mRNA splicing for all three mutations, but the efficiency was much weaker for IVS2-654 than for the other mutations. The length of antisense sequence influenced the efficiency with an optimum of approximately 24 nucleotides. Combining two antisense sequences directed against different target sites in intron 2, either on separate antisense RNAs or, even better, on a single U7 snRNA, significantly enhanced the efficiency of splicing correction. One double-target U7 RNA was expressed on stable transformation resulting in permanent and efficient suppression of the IVS2-654 mutation and production of beta-globin. These results suggest that forcing the aberrant exon into a looped secondary structure may strongly promote its exclusion from the mRNA and that this approach may be used generally to induce exon skipping.


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A significant percentage of the gene clusters that contain the human genes for U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) or for U2 snRNA have been found associated with small nuclear domains, known as coiled bodies. We show here, by immunofluorescent labeling of human cells, that coiled bodies are enriched in factors required for the transcription of these snRNA genes. The 45-kDa γ-subunit of the transcription factor, proximal element sequence-binding transcription factor (PTF), which is specific for the snRNA genes, was found in high concentrations in coiled bodies, along with the general transcription factor TATA-box binding protein and a subset of RNA polymerase II. We show that the transcription factors and RNA polymerase II are concentrated in irregularly shaped domains that not only overlap with coiled bodies but also extend to their immediate surroundings. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed that these domains can overlap with U2 snRNA genes adjacent to coiled bodies. In addition, we found the domains to contain newly synthesized RNA, visualized by 5-bromo-uridine triphosphate labeling. Our data suggest that coiled bodies are involved in the expression of snRNA genes, which leads us to propose the model that coiled bodies are associated with snRNA genes to facilitate and regulate their transcription. These findings point to a general principle of higher order organization of gene expression in the nucleus.


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The herpes simplex virus 1 infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) binds to DNA and regulates gene expression both positively and negatively. EAP (Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small nuclear RNA-associated protein) binds to small nonpolyadenylylated nuclear RNAs and is found in nucleoli and in ribosomes, where it is also known as L22. We report that EAP interacts with a domain of ICP4 that is known to bind viral DNA response elements and transcriptional factors. In a gel-shift assay, a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EAP fusion protein disrupted the binding of ICP4 to its cognate site on DNA in a dose-dependent manner. This effect appeared to be specifically due to EAP binding to ICP4 because (i) GST alone did not alter the binding of ICP4 to DNA, (ii) GST-EAP did not bind to the probe DNA, and (iii) GST-EAP did not influence the binding of the alpha gene trans-inducing factor (alphaTIF or VP16) to its DNA cognate site. Early in infection, ICP4 was dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm, whereas EAP was localized to the nucleoli. Late in infection, EAP was translocated from nucleoli and colocalized with ICP4 in small, dense nuclear structures. The formation of dense structures and the colocalization of EAP and ICP4 did not occur if virus DNA synthesis and late gene expression were prevented by the infection of cells at the nonpermissive temperature with a mutant virus defective in DNA synthesis, or in cells infected and maintained in the presence of phosphonoacetate, which is an inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis. These results suggest that the translocation of EAP from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm is a viral function and that EAP plays a role in the regulatory functions expressed by ICP4.


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We introduce ciliated protozoa, and more specifically the stichotrichous ciliates Oxytricha and Stylonychia, as biological model systems for the analysis of programmed DNA-reorganization processes during nuclear differentiation. These include DNA excision, DNA elimination, reordering of gene segments and specific gene amplification. We show that small nuclear RNAs specify DNA sequences to be excised or retained, but also discuss the need for a RNA template molecule derived from the parental nucleus for these processes. This RNA template guides reordering of gene segments to become functional genes and determines gene copy number in the differentiated nucleus. Since the template is derived from the parental macronucleus, gene reordering and DNA amplification are inherited in a non-Mendelian epigenetic manner.


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In Xenopus oocytes in vitro transcribed mouse U7 RNA is assembled into small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) that are functional in histone RNA 3' processing. If the special Sm binding site of U7 (AAUUUGUCUAG, U7 Sm WT) is converted into the canonical Sm sequence derived from the major snRNAs (AAUUUUUGGAG, U7 Sm OPT) the RNA assembles into a particle which accumulates more efficiently in the nucleus, but which is non-functional. U7 RNA with a heavily mutated Sm binding site (AACGCGUCAUG, U7 Sm MUT) is deficient in nuclear accumulation and function. By UV cross-linking U7 Sm WT RNA can be linked to three proteins, i.e. the common snRNP proteins G and B/B' and an apparently U7-specific protein of 40 kDa. As a result of altering the Sm binding site, U7 Sm OPT RNA cannot be cross-linked to the 40 kDa protein and no cross-links are obtained with U7 Sm MUT RNA. The fact that the Sm site also interacts with at least one U7-specific protein is so far unique to U7 RNA and may provide an explanation for the atypical sequence of this site. All described RNA-protein interactions, including that with the 40 kDa protein, already occur in the cytoplasm. An additional cytoplasmic photoadduct obtained with U7 Sm WT and U7 Sm OPT, but not U7 Sm MUT, RNAs is indicative of a protein of 60-80 kDa. The m7G cap structure of U7 Sm WT and U7 Sm OPT RNA becomes hypermethylated. However, the 3mG cap enhances, but is not required for, nuclear accumulation. Finally, U7 Sm WT RNA is functional in histone RNA processing even when bearing an ApppG cap.


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A hyperphosphorylated form of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (pol IIo) is associated with the pre-mRNA splicing process. Pol IIo was detected in association with a subset of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle and Ser-Arg protein splicing factors and also with pre-mRNA splicing complexes assembled in vitro. A subpopulation of pol IIo was localized to nuclear "speckle" domains enriched in splicing factors, indicating that it may also be associated with RNA processing in vivo. Moreover, pol IIo was retained in a similar pattern following in situ extraction of cells and was quantitatively recovered in the nuclear matrix fraction. The results implicate nuclear matrix-associated hyperphosphorylated pol IIo as a possible link in the coordination of transcription and splicing processes.


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In plants, silencing of mRNA can be transmitted from cell to cell and also over longer distances from roots to shoots. To investigate the long-distance mechanism, WT and mutant shoots were grafted onto roots silenced for an mRNA. We show that three genes involved in a chromatin silencing pathway, NRPD1a encoding RNA polymerase IVa, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 2 (RDR2), and DICER-like 3 (DCL3), are required for reception of long-distance mRNA silencing in the shoot. A mutant representing a fourth gene in the pathway, argonaute4 (ago4), was also partially compromised in the reception of silencing. This pathway produces 24-nt siRNAs and resulted in decapped RNA, a known substrate for amplification of dsRNA by RDR6. Activation of silencing in grafted shoots depended on RDR6, but no 24-nt siRNAs were detected in mutant rdr6 shoots, indicating that RDR6 also plays a role in initial signal perception. After amplification of decapped transcripts, DCL4 and DCL2 act hierarchically as they do in antiviral resistance to produce 21- and 22-nt siRNAs, respectively, and these guide mRNA degradation. Several dcl genotypes were also tested for their capacity to transmit the mobile silencing signal from the rootstock. dcl1-8 and a dcl2 dcl3 dcl4 triple mutant are compromised in micro-RNA and siRNA biogenesis, respectively, but were unaffected in signal transmission. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA.


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Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) and small Cajal body-specific RNAs (scaRNAs) are non-coding RNAs whose main function in eukaryotes is to guide the modification of nucleotides in ribosomal and spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs, respectively. Full-length sequences of Arabidopsis snoRNAs and scaRNAs have been obtained from cDNA libraries of capped and uncapped small RNAs using RNA from isolated nucleoli from Arabidopsis cell cultures. We have identified 31 novel snoRNA genes (9 box C/D and 22 box H/ACA) and 15 new variants of previously described snoRNAs. Three related capped snoRNAs with a distinct gene organization and structure were identified as orthologues of animal U13snoRNAs. In addition, eight of the novel genes had no complementarity to rRNAs or snRNAs and are therefore putative orphan snoRNAs potentially reflecting wider functions for these RNAs. The nucleolar localization of a number of the snoRNAs and the localization to nuclear bodies of two putative scaRNAs was confirmed by in situ hybridization. The majority of the novel snoRNA genes were found in new gene clusters or as part of previously described clusters. These results expand the repertoire of Arabidopsis snoRNAs to 188 snoRNA genes with 294 gene variants.


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U3 snoRNA is transcribed from two intron-containing genes in yeast, snR17A and snR17B. Although the assembly of the U3 snoRNP has not been precisely determined, at least some of the core box C/D proteins are known to bind pre-U3 co-transcriptionally, thereby affecting splicing and 3 `-end processing of this snoRNA. We identified the interaction between the box C/D assembly factor Nop17p and Cwc24p, a novel yeast RING finger protein that had been previously isolated in a complex with the splicing factor Cef1p. Here we show that, consistent with the protein interaction data, Cwc24p localizes to the cell nucleus, and its depletion leads to the accumulation of both U3 pre-snoRNAs. U3 snoRNA is involved in the early cleavages of 35 S pre-rRNA, and the defective splicing of pre-U3 detected in cells depleted of Cwc24p causes the accumulation of the 35 S precursor rRNA. These results led us to the conclusion that Cwc 24p is involved in pre-U3 snoRNA splicing, indirectly affecting pre-rRNA processing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)