288 resultados para SKYRME PARAMETRIZATION


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SARAS is a correlation spectrometer purpose designed for precision measurements of the cosmic radio background and faint features in the sky spectrum at long wavelengths that arise from redshifted 21-cm from gas in the reionization epoch. SARAS operates in the octave band 87.5-175 MHz. We present herein the system design arguing for a complex correlation spectrometer concept. The SARAS design concept provides a differential measurement between the antenna temperature and that of an internal reference termination, with measurements in switched system states allowing for cancellation of additive contaminants from a large part of the signal flow path including the digital spectrometer. A switched noise injection scheme provides absolute spectral calibration. Additionally, we argue for an electrically small frequency-independent antenna over an absorber ground. Various critical design features that aid in avoidance of systematics and in providing calibration products for the parametrization of other unavoidable systematics are described and the rationale discussed. The signal flow and processing is analyzed and the response to noise temperatures of the antenna, reference termination and amplifiers is computed. Multi-path propagation arising from internal reflections are considered in the analysis, which includes a harmonic series of internal reflections. We opine that the SARAS design concept is advantageous for precision measurement of the absolute cosmic radio background spectrum; therefore, the design features and analysis methods presented here are expected to serve as a basis for implementations tailored to measurements of a multiplicity of features in the background sky at long wavelengths, which may arise from events in the dark ages and subsequent reionization era.


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We extend our analysis of transverse single spin asymmetry in electroproduction of J/ψ to include the effect of the scale evolution of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions and gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS, and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of charmonium production, using an analytically obtained approximate solution of TMD evolution equations discussed in the literature. We find that there is a reduction in the asymmetry compared with our predictions for the earlier case considered by us, wherein the Q2 dependence came only from DGLAP evolution of the unpolarized gluon densities and a different parametrization of the TMD Sivers function was used.


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The two-pion contribution from low energies to the muon magnetic moment anomaly, although small, has a large relative uncertainty since in this region the experimental data on the cross sections are neither sufficient nor precise enough. It is therefore of interest to see whether the precision can be improved by means of additional theoretical information on the pion electromagnetic form factor, which controls the leading-order contribution. In the present paper, we address this problem by exploiting analyticity and unitarity of the form factor in a parametrization-free approach that uses the phase in the elastic region, known with high precision from the Fermi-Watson theorem and Roy equations for pi pi elastic scattering as input. The formalism also includes experimental measurements on the modulus in the region 0.65-0.70 GeV, taken from the most recent e(+)e(-) ->pi(+)pi(-) experiments, and recent measurements of the form factor on the spacelike axis. By combining the results obtained with inputs from CMD2, SND, BABAR, and KLOE, we make the predictions a(mu)(pi pi,LO)2m(pi), 0.30 GeV] = (0.553 +/- 0.004) x 10(-10) and a(mu)(pi pi,LO)0.30 GeV; 0.63 GeV] = (133.083 +/- 0.837) x 10(-10). These are consistent with the other recent determinations and have slightly smaller errors.


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This work considers how the properties of hydrogen bonded complexes, X-H center dot center dot center dot Y, are modified by the quantum motion of the shared proton. Using a simple two-diabatic state model Hamiltonian, the analysis of the symmetric case, where the donor (X) and acceptor (Y) have the same proton affinity, is carried out. For quantitative comparisons, a parametrization specific to the O-H center dot center dot center dot O complexes is used. The vibrational energy levels of the one-dimensional ground state adiabatic potential of the model are used to make quantitative comparisons with a vast body of condensed phase data, spanning a donor-acceptor separation (R) range of about 2.4-3.0 angstrom, i.e., from strong to weak hydrogen bonds. The position of the proton (which determines the X-H bond length) and its longitudinal vibrational frequency, along with the isotope effects in both are described quantitatively. An analysis of the secondary geometric isotope effect, using a simple extension of the two-state model, yields an improved agreement of the predicted variation with R of frequency isotope effects. The role of bending modes is also considered: their quantum effects compete with those of the stretching mode for weak to moderate H-bond strengths. In spite of the economy in the parametrization of the model used, it offers key insights into the defining features of H-bonds, and semi-quantitatively captures several trends. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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If a deuterated molecule containing strong intramolecular hydrogen bonds is placed in a hydrogenated solvent, it may preferentially exchange deuterium for hydrogen. This preference is due to the difference between the vibrational zero-point energy for hydrogen and deuterium. It is found that the associated fractionation factor (I) is correlated with the strength of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds. This correlation has been used to determine the length of the H-bonds (donor-acceptor separation) in a diverse range of enzymes and has been argued to support the existence of short low-barrier H-bonds. Starting with a potential energy surface based on a simple diabatic state model for H-bonds, we calculate (I) as a function of the proton donor-acceptor distance R. For numerical results, we use a parameterization of the model for symmetric 0-H. ``.0 bonds R. H. McKenzie, Chem. Phys. Lett. 535, 196 (2012)]. We consider the relative contributions of the 0-H stretch vibration, O-H bend vibrations (both in plane and out of plane), tunneling splitting effects at finite temperature, and the secondary geometric isotope effect. We compare our total (I) as a function of R with NMR experimental results for enzymes, and in particular with an earlier model parametrization (D(R), used previously to determine bond lengths. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Published as article in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2008), 32(May), pp. 1466-1488.


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Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations have had remarkable success in describing large nuclei at high spin, temperature and deformation. To allow full range of possible deformations, the Skyrme HF equations can be discretized on a three-dimensional mesh. However, such calculations are currently limited by the computational resources provided by traditional supercomputers. To take advantage of recent developments in massively parallel computing technology, we have implemented the LLNL Skyrme-force static and rotational HF codes on Intel's DELTA and GAMMA systems at Caltech.

We decomposed the HF code by assigning a portion of the mesh to each node, with nearest neighbor meshes assigned to nodes connected by communication· channels. This kind of decomposition is well-suited for the DELTA and the GAMMA architecture because the only non-local operations are wave function orthogonalization and the boundary conditions of the Poisson equation for the Coulomb field.

Our first application of the HF code on parallel computers has been the study of identical superdeformed (SD) rotational bands in the Hg region. In the last ten years, many SD rotational bands have been found experimentally. One very surprising feature found in these SD rotational bands is that many pairs of bands in nuclei that differ by one or two mass units have nearly identical deexcitation gamma-ray energies. Our calculations of the five rotational bands in ^(192)Hg and ^(194)Pb show that the filling of specific orbitals can lead to bands with deexcitation gamma-ray energies differing by at most 2 keV in nuclei differing by two mass units and over a range of angular momenta comparable to that observed experimentally. Our calculations of SD rotational bands in the Dy region also show that twinning can be achieved by filling or emptying some specific orbitals.

The interpretation of future precise experiments on atomic parity nonconservation (PNC) in terms of parameters of the Standard Model could be hampered by uncertainties in the atomic and nuclear structure. As a further application of the massively parallel HF calculations, we calculated the proton and neutron densities of the Cesium isotopes from A = 125 to A = 139. Based on our good agreement with experimental charge radii, binding energies, and ground state spins, we conclude that the uncertainties in the ratios of weak charges are less than 10^(-3), comfortably smaller than the anticipated experimental error.


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Modern robots are increasingly expected to function in uncertain and dynamically challenging environments, often in proximity with humans. In addition, wide scale adoption of robots requires on-the-fly adaptability of software for diverse application. These requirements strongly suggest the need to adopt formal representations of high level goals and safety specifications, especially as temporal logic formulas. This approach allows for the use of formal verification techniques for controller synthesis that can give guarantees for safety and performance. Robots operating in unstructured environments also face limited sensing capability. Correctly inferring a robot's progress toward high level goal can be challenging.

This thesis develops new algorithms for synthesizing discrete controllers in partially known environments under specifications represented as linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas. It is inspired by recent developments in finite abstraction techniques for hybrid systems and motion planning problems. The robot and its environment is assumed to have a finite abstraction as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), which is a powerful model class capable of representing a wide variety of problems. However, synthesizing controllers that satisfy LTL goals over POMDPs is a challenging problem which has received only limited attention.

This thesis proposes tractable, approximate algorithms for the control synthesis problem using Finite State Controllers (FSCs). The use of FSCs to control finite POMDPs allows for the closed system to be analyzed as finite global Markov chain. The thesis explicitly shows how transient and steady state behavior of the global Markov chains can be related to two different criteria with respect to satisfaction of LTL formulas. First, the maximization of the probability of LTL satisfaction is related to an optimization problem over a parametrization of the FSC. Analytic computation of gradients are derived which allows the use of first order optimization techniques.

The second criterion encourages rapid and frequent visits to a restricted set of states over infinite executions. It is formulated as a constrained optimization problem with a discounted long term reward objective by the novel utilization of a fundamental equation for Markov chains - the Poisson equation. A new constrained policy iteration technique is proposed to solve the resulting dynamic program, which also provides a way to escape local maxima.

The algorithms proposed in the thesis are applied to the task planning and execution challenges faced during the DARPA Autonomous Robotic Manipulation - Software challenge.


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In the measurement of the Higgs Boson decaying into two photons the parametrization of an appropriate background model is essential for fitting the Higgs signal mass peak over a continuous background. This diphoton background modeling is crucial in the statistical process of calculating exclusion limits and the significance of observations in comparison to a background-only hypothesis. It is therefore ideal to obtain knowledge of the physical shape for the background mass distribution as the use of an improper function can lead to biases in the observed limits. Using an Information-Theoretic (I-T) approach for valid inference we apply Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) as a measure of the separation for a fitting model from the data. We then implement a multi-model inference ranking method to build a fit-model that closest represents the Standard Model background in 2013 diphoton data recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Potential applications and extensions of this model-selection technique are discussed with reference to CMS detector performance measurements as well as in potential physics analyses at future detectors.


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Recent theoretical developments in the reggeization of inelastic processes involving particles with high spin are incorporated into a model of vector meson production. A number of features of experimental differential cross sections and density matrices are interpreted in terms of this model.

The method chosen for reggeization of helicity amplitudes first separates kinematic zeros and singularities from the parity-conserving amplitudes and then applies results of Freedman and Wang on daughter trajectories to the remaining factors. Kinematic constraints on helicity amplitudes at t = 0 and t = (M – MΔ)2 are also considered.

It is found that data for reactions of types πN→VN and πN→VΔ are consistent with a model of this type in which all kinematic constraints at t = 0 are satisfied by evasion (vanishing of residue functions). As a quantitative test of the parametrization, experimental differential cross sections of vector meson production reactions dominated by pion trajectory exchange are compared with the theory. It is found that reduced residue functions are approximately constant, once the kinematic behavior near t = (M – MΔ)2 has been removed.

The alternative possibility of conspiracy between amplitudes is also discussed; and it is shown that unless conspiracy is present, some amplitudes allowed by angular momentum conservation will not contribute with full strength in the forward direction. An example, γp→π+n in which the data for dσ/dt indicate conspiracy, is studied in detail.


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In Part I, the common belief that fermions lying on linear trajectories must have opposite-parity partners is shown to be false. Reggeization of a sequence of positive-parity fermion resonance is carried out in the Van Hove model. As a consequence of the absence of negative-parity states, the partial-wave amplitudes must have a fixed cut in the J plane. This fixed cut, in conjunction with the moving Regge pole, provides a new parametrization for fermion-exchange reactions, which is in qualitative agreement with the data.

In Part II, the spin structure of three particle vertices is determined from the quark model. Using these SU(6)W vertices in the Van Hove model, we derive a Reggeized scattering amplitude. In addition to Regge poles there are necessarily fixed Regge cuts in both fermion and boson exchange amplitudes. These fixed cuts are similar to those found in Part I, and may be viewed as a consequence of the absence of parity doubled quarks. The magnitudes of the pole and cut terms in an entire class of SU(6) related reactions are determined by their magnitudes in a single reaction. As an example we explain the observed presence or absence of wrong-signature nonsense dips in a class of reactions involving vector meson exchange.


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Techniques are developed for estimating activity profiles in fixed bed reactors and catalyst deactivation parameters from operating reactor data. These techniques are applicable, in general, to most industrial catalytic processes. The catalytic reforming of naphthas is taken as a broad example to illustrate the estimation schemes and to signify the physical meaning of the kinetic parameters of the estimation equations. The work is described in two parts. Part I deals with the modeling of kinetic rate expressions and the derivation of the working equations for estimation. Part II concentrates on developing various estimation techniques.

Part I: The reactions used to describe naphtha reforming are dehydrogenation and dehydroisomerization of cycloparaffins; isomerization, dehydrocyclization and hydrocracking of paraffins; and the catalyst deactivation reactions, namely coking on alumina sites and sintering of platinum crystallites. The rate expressions for the above reactions are formulated, and the effects of transport limitations on the overall reaction rates are discussed in the appendices. Moreover, various types of interaction between the metallic and acidic active centers of reforming catalysts are discussed as characterizing the different types of reforming reactions.

Part II: In catalytic reactor operation, the activity distribution along the reactor determines the kinetics of the main reaction and is needed for predicting the effect of changes in the feed state and the operating conditions on the reactor output. In the case of a monofunctional catalyst and of bifunctional catalysts in limiting conditions, the cumulative activity is sufficient for predicting steady reactor output. The estimation of this cumulative activity can be carried out easily from measurements at the reactor exit. For a general bifunctional catalytic system, the detailed activity distribution is needed for describing the reactor operation, and some approximation must be made to obtain practicable estimation schemes. This is accomplished by parametrization techniques using measurements at a few points along the reactor. Such parametrization techniques are illustrated numerically with a simplified model of naphtha reforming.

To determine long term catalyst utilization and regeneration policies, it is necessary to estimate catalyst deactivation parameters from the the current operating data. For a first order deactivation model with a monofunctional catalyst or with a bifunctional catalyst in special limiting circumstances, analytical techniques are presented to transform the partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations which admit more feasible estimation schemes. Numerical examples include the catalytic oxidation of butene to butadiene and a simplified model of naphtha reforming. For a general bifunctional system or in the case of a monofunctional catalyst subject to general power law deactivation, the estimation can only be accomplished approximately. The basic feature of an appropriate estimation scheme involves approximating the activity profile by certain polynomials and then estimating the deactivation parameters from the integrated form of the deactivation equation by regression techniques. Different bifunctional systems must be treated by different estimation algorithms, which are illustrated by several cases of naphtha reforming with different feed or catalyst composition.


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A análise descrita nesta dissertação tem como objetivo a medida da seção de choque difrativa dσ/d|t| à energia no sistema do centro de massa de √s = 8 TeV. Os eventos usados para obter a seção de choque difrativa foram selecionados para processos de difração simples com um próton espalhado na região frontal e na região cinemática de 0,03 <|t| < 1,0 GeV e 0,03 < ξ < 0.1, usando os dados em comum obtidos em 2012 dos detectores CMS e TOTEM, o qual permite ter uma perspectiva mais detalhada do processo difrativo, devido à aceitação completa que oferece a combinação dos detectores. Os dados foram corrigidos devido à aceitação e eficiência do detector. A partir de uma parametrização exponencial da forma Ae ^Bt, o valor da inclinação do processo em que o próton espalhado é detectado em ambas as direções positiva da CMS é de B= -6,403 1,241 GeV- .


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This paper contains a review of recent results concerning the parametrization of asymptotically stable linear systems using balanced realizations. Particular emphasis is given on the application of these results to system identification. This work is part of a continuing programme aimed at elucidating the role of balanced realization in system identification.