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Assessment of genetic diversity is an essential component in germplasm characterisation and utilisation. In this study the genetic diversity of mango was determined among 254 Mangifera indica L. accessions and related Mangifera species originating from 12 diverse geographic areas using eleven known simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from mango. A total of 133 alleles were detected, ranging from eight (LMMA12) to 16 (MIAC-5) alleles per locus with a mean value of 12.36 and an average polymorphism information content (PLC) of 0.72. The mean number of alleles (8.45) was highest in the South East Asian accessions (Indonesia/Malesia) and lowest in the accessions from the Philippines (2.55). Diversity analysis divided the accessions into four major nodes broadly representing their geographical origins. The genetic diversity of 'Kensington Pride' was confirmed as being very low and no parents for this cultivar were identified. No association could be established between SSR markers analysed and embryony. Ten synonymous accessions were identified with matching genetic identity with at least one other accession at all SSR loci examined. Twenty-two unique genotypes were identified for 50 trees previously assigned different accession names. The remaining accessions were genetically distinct from each other. This increased understanding of genetic diversity in the Australian National Mango Genebank will assist breeders to better select parents with the potential to contribute desired genes to the progeny and thus more rapidly deliver improved cultivars to industry to meet consumer demand. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The bay scallop Argopecten irradians is a hermaphroditic bivalve native to the Atlantic coast of the United States that was introduced to China for aquaculture production in 1982. It now supports a major aquaculture industry in China. Introduced species often start with limited genetic variability, which is problematic for the further selective breeding. Bay scallop aquaculture is exclusively hatchery based and as the initial introduction consisted of only 26 scallops, there have been concerns about inbreeding and inbreeding depression in cultured populations in China. In this study, eleven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic variation in cultured populations from China with that in a natural population from the east coast of America. Although the difference in heterozygosity was small, the Chinese populations lost 9 of the 45 alleles (20%) found in the wild population. The reduced allele diversity suggests that the Chinese bay scallop populations experienced a bottleneck in genetic diversity that remains significant despite several recent introductions of new stocks aimed at expanding the gene pool. The loss of allele diversity may affect future efforts in selective breeding and domestication, and results of this study highlight the need for additional introductions, advanced breeding programs that minimize inbreeding and continued genetic monitoring. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sargassum muticum is important in maintaining the structure and function of littoral ecosystems, and is used in aquaculture and alginate production, however, little is known about its population genetic attributes. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of four populations of S. muticum and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China. The selected 24 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers amplified 164 loci and 122 loci, respectively. Estimates of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate level of genetic variations within each S. muticum population, and a high level of genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST ) among the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and F-ST were highly correlated whether from RAPD (r = 0.9706, P = 0.009) or ISSR data (r = 0.9161, P = 0.009). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was conducted to apportion the variations among and within the S. muticum populations. It indicated that variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 55.82% verse 44.18% by RAPD and 55.21% verse 44.79% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that genetic differentiations among populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.6), namely, conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. On the whole, the high genetic structuring among the four S. muticum populations along the distant locations was clearly indicated in RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.9, P < 0.05) in our study.


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Genetic variation of four populations of Sargassum thunbergii (Mert.) O. Kuntze and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 28 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers were amplified, showing 174 loci and 125 loci, respectively. Calculation of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate levels of genetic variations within each S. thunbergii population. High genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST) between the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and FST were highly correlated, whether from RAPD or ISSR data, r=0.9310 (P = 0.008) and 0.9313 (P=0.009) respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variations between and within the S. thunbergii populations. It indicated that the variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 57.57% versus 42.43% by RAPD and 59.52% versus 40.08% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that the genetic differentiations between the four populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.5), i.e., they conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. As a whole, the high genetic structuring between the four S. thunbergii populations along distant locations was clearly indicated in the RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.8) in our study.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess eleven pairs of Undaria pinnatifida (Harv.) Suringar male and female gametophytes. After screening fifty primers, 18 ISSR primers were selected for final analysis. A total of 104 loci were obtained, of which 77 were polymorphic, among the gametophytes studied. Genetic relationships were analyzed with simple matching (S), Jaccard's (J) and Dice's (D) distance coefficients. Little genetic variations were found among the selected Undaria gametophytes, for instance, the genetic distances ranging from 0.010 to 0.125 with Dice coefficients. UPGMA dendrograms showed that 11 pairs of Undaria gametophytes were distributed into five groups. Most Undaria strains cultivated in China exhibited closely genetic relationships with the strains from Japan. However, gametophytes from Qingdao appeared as distinct clades from other Undaria strains with all three distance coefficients used. Mantel test showed that the three distance measurements generated congruent clustering patterns on the same data. Our results demonstrated the feasibility of applying ISSR markers for genetic analysis of Undaria gametophytes. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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羊栖菜是重要的大型经济海藻之一,在食品、医药、化工领域都有广泛应用。本研究对羊栖菜养殖生产中常见的品系“鹿丰1号”及另外2种品系进行了DNA指纹分析及遗传变异的研究,构建了遗传指纹图谱,分析了不同种群的遗传关系,为羊栖菜的种质鉴定及遗传选育提供了理论依据。 运用RAPD分子标记技术,对5个羊栖菜的种群中共125个个体进行了分析,从300个引物中筛选出12条随机扩增引物共扩增135个位点,多态位点比率为84.4%。从中选择了4个多态性位点,构建了5种羊栖菜DNA指纹图谱,并获得了“鹿丰1号”SCAR标记。另外,进行了5种羊栖菜种群的遗传背景的分析,结果表明“鹿丰1号”与品系2可以明显的与野生种群分开。根据Dice常数计算所得的5个种群的遗传距离在0.1116-0.2563之间。 运用ISSR分子标记技术,对5个种群的125个羊栖菜个体进行分析,通过90条引物的筛选,获得10条ISSR引物,扩增出92个位点,多态位点比率为67.4%。5个种群的遗传距离在0.0863-0.1454之间。 本研究以铜藻作为外群,通过2种遗传标记分析,证明铜藻与5种羊栖菜种群的遗传距离均远远大于其种群之间的遗传距离;另外,“鹿丰1号”不同年份的种群之间的遗传距离均为其中的最小值,相关结果对羊栖菜遗传选育和种质鉴定等有参考价值。


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本研究运用RAPD和ISSR两种分子标记技术,对采自山东半岛4个不同地理位置的鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)和海黍子(S. muticum)种群进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究,从而对其种群间的地理隔离、基因流动水平及其影响因素做出估计和判断,为马尾藻自然资源的保护和开发提供依据。在室内对鼠尾藻有性生殖幼苗的早期发育和生长进行了研究,了解其繁殖生物学特性,为鼠尾藻人工种苗的培育提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 对4个鼠尾藻(S. thunbergii)地理种群的遗传多样性研究中,筛选出了28条RAPD 引物和19条ISSR引物,分别扩增产生了174和125个位点。选用的三种不同指标,即多态位点比率(P%,percentage of polymorphic loci),平均预期杂合度(H,the expected heterozygosity)和 Shannon's 信息多样性指数(I,Shannon's information index),均可反映出鼠尾藻种群内部的遗传多样性呈较低水平。而群体间遗传距离(D,Nei’s unbiased genetic distance)矩阵和固定化指数(FST,the fixation index)矩阵均反映出群体间高度的遗传分化。通过分子变异分析(AMOVA,Analysis of molecular variance)来区分来自种群内部和种群之间的遗传变异,揭示出多数的遗传变异(57.57% 或59.52%)来自于鼠尾藻种群之间。另外,Mantel分析表明,4个鼠尾藻种群间的遗传分化与地理距离呈正相关(r>0.5),遵循传统的IBD(isolation by distance)模式,UPGMA(unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages)聚类分析也反映出相似的结果。 对4个海黍子(S. muticum)地理种群遗传结构的研究中,筛选出的24条RAPD 引物和19条ISSR引物分别扩增出164和122个位点。遗传多样性评估结果表明,海黍子种群内部存在较低或者中等水平的遗传多样性,而D矩阵和FST 矩阵均显示种群间存在高水平的遗传分化。并且,发现D和FST 矩阵在RAPD和ISSR分析中均具有高且显著的相关性。AMOVA分析显示,种群之间的遗传变异高于种群内部。Mantel分析和UPGMA聚类分析均发现海黍子种群间的遗传分化遵循IBD模式,即与地理隔离呈正相关(r>0.6)。 并且,RAPD和ISSR分析的结果高度一致(r>0.9,P<0.05),均揭示4个海黍子种群之间存在高度的遗传分化。 对鼠尾藻有性生殖幼苗早期生长发育的研究结果表明,其早期发育过程属于马尾藻科(Sargassaceae)中典型的“8核1卵”型。在一定条件下培养两个月后,产生了1~2个小叶,幼苗的长度达2~3毫米。生长实验发现,温度(10, 15, 20, 25℃)和光照强度(9, 18, 44, 88 µEm-2s-1)对培养第一周幼苗的生长均有显著的影响(ANOVA, P<0.01)。在两个月的培养中,幼苗对温度和光强的耐受范围较宽,在10℃~25℃,9~88 µEm-2s-1条件下均可生长,最适温度和光强为25℃,44 µEm-2s-1;低温(10℃)对幼苗的生长有显著抑制。不同光质对幼苗生长的影响显著(P<0.01),相同光强条件下,蓝光和白光相比较,蓝光显然不能满足鼠尾藻幼苗早期生长的需要。


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Inter-simple sequence repeat markers (ISSR) were used to estimate genetic diversity within and among 10 populations of Rhodiola chrysanthemifolia along Nianqingtangula Mountains and Brahmaputra, a species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and an endangered medicinal plant. Of the 100 primers screened, 13 produced highly polymorphic DNA fragments. Using these primers, 116 discernible DNA fragments were generated of which 104 (89.7%) were polymorphic, indicating substantial genetic diversity at the species level. Genetic diversity measured by the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) at the population level ranged from 21.97% to 48.8%. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic variation was found mainly among populations (77.3%), but no regional differentiation was discernible. Variance within populations was only 22.7%. The main factor responsible for this high level of differentiation among populations is probably the historical geographical and genetic isolation of populations in a harsh mountainous environment. Concerning the management of R. chrysanthemifolia, the high genetic differentiation of populations indicates the necessity of conserving the maximum possible number of populations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Geographical isolation and polyploidization are central concepts in plant evolution. The hierarchical organization of archipelagos in this study provides a framework for testing the evolutionary consequences for polyploid taxa and populations occurring in isolation. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers, we determined the genetic diversity and differentiation patterns at three levels of geographical isolation in Olea europaea: mainland-archipelagos, islands within an archipelago, and populations within an island. At the subspecies scale, the hexaploid ssp. maroccana (southwest Morocco) exhibited higher genetic diversity than the insular counterparts. In contrast, the tetraploid ssp. cerasiformis (Madeira) displayed values similar to those obtained for the diploid ssp. guanchica (Canary Islands). Geographical isolation was associated with a high genetic differentiation at this scale. In the Canarian archipelago, the stepping-stone model of differentiation suggested in a previous study was partially supported. Within the western lineage, an east-to-west differentiation pattern was confirmed. Conversely, the easternmost populations were more related to the mainland ssp. europaea than to the western guanchica lineage. Genetic diversity across the Canarian archipelago was significantly correlated with the date of the last volcanic activity in the area/island where each population occurs. At the island scale, this pattern was not confirmed in older islands (Tenerife and Madeira), where populations were genetically homogeneous. In contrast, founder effects resulted in low genetic diversity and marked genetic differentiation among populations of the youngest island, La Palma.


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The timing of flag leaf senescence (FLS) is an important determinant of yield under stress and optimal environments. A doubled haploid population derived from crossing the photo period-sensitive variety Beaver,with the photo period-insensitive variety Soissons, varied significantly for this trait, measured as the percent green flag leaf area remaining at 14 days and 35 days after anthesis. This trait also showed a significantly positive correlation with yield under variable environmental regimes. QTL analysis based on a genetic map derived from 48 doubled haploid lines using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, revealed the genetic control of this trait. The coincidence of QTL for senescence on chromosomes 2B and 2D under drought-stressed and optimal environments, respectively, indicate a complex genetic mechanism of this trait involving the re-mobilisation of resources from the source to the sink during senescence.


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The current version of this database on CD-ROM contains information on 14 127 cocoa (Theobroma cacao) clones and their 14 112 synonyms, the origin and history of the clones and the clone names, and accession lists for 48 of the major cocoa gene banks including quarantine stations. Also included are morphological data for leaves, fruits and seeds, disease reactions, quality and agronomic characters, and reference information on common abbreviations and acronyms, cocoa gene bank addresses and a full bibliography (with hyperlinked reference to data). New additions are 748 photographs and drawings of 428 individual clones in 11 different locations. Also included are 376 profiles for 15 simple sequence repeat primer pairs on 331 clones held in the University of Reading Intermediate Cocoa Quarantine Facility. Minimum system requirements are Windows 95 or later, a Pentium 166 with 32 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive and a minimum 20 MB hard disk space. A user guide is included in the package.


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Development of an efficient tissue culture protocol in coconut is hampered by numerous technical constraints. Thus a greater understanding of the fundamental aspects of embryogenesis is essential. The role of AINTEGUMENTA-like genes in embryogenesis has been elucidated not only in model plants but also in economically important crops. A coconut gene, CnANT, that encodes two APETALA2 (AP2) domains and a conserved linker region similar to those of the BABY BOOM transcription factor was cloned, characterized, and its tissue specific expression was examined. The full-length cDNA of 1,780 bp contains a 1,425-bp open reading frame that encodes a putative peptide of 474 amino acids. The genomic DNA sequence includes 2,317 bp and consists of nine exons interrupted by eight introns. The exon/intron organization of CnANT is similar to that of homologous genes in other plant species. Analysis of differential tissue expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction indicated that CnANT is expressed more highly in in vitro grown tissues than in other vegetative tissues. Sequence comparison of the genomic sequence of CnANT in different coconut varieties revealed one single nucleotide polymorphism and one indel in the first exon and first intron, respectively, which differentiate the Tall group of trees from Dwarfs. The indel sequence, which can be considered a simple sequence repeats marker, was successfully used to distinguish the Tall and Dwarf groups as well as to develop a marker system, which may be of value in the identification of parental varieties that are used in coconut breeding programs in Sri Lanka.


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We report here the construction and characterisation of a BAC library from the maize flint inbred line F2, widely used in European maize breeding programs. The library contains 86,858 clones with an average insert size of approximately 90 kb, giving approximately 3.2-times genome coverage. High-efficiency BAC cloning was achieved through the use of a single size selection for the high-molecular-weight genomic DNA, and co-transformation of the ligation with yeast tRNA to optimise transformation efficiency. Characterisation of the library showed that less than 0.5% of the clones contained no inserts, while 5.52% of clones consisted of chloroplast DNA. The library was gridded onto 29 nylon filters in a double-spotted 8 × 8 array, and screened by hybridisation with a number of single-copy and gene-family probes. A 3-dimensional DNA pooling scheme was used to allow rapid PCR screening of the library based on primer pairs from simple sequence repeat (SSR) and expressed sequence tag (EST) markers. Positive clones were obtained in all hybridisation and PCR screens carried out so far. Six BAC clones, which hybridised to a portion of the cloned Rp1-D rust resistance gene, were further characterised and found to form contigs covering most of this complex resistance locus.


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To investigate the contribution of paternal alleles to the DNA content of olive oil, genetic analyses of olive DNA samples from fruits, leaves, and oil derived from the same tree (cv. Leccino) were carried out. DNA extracted from maternal tissues--leaves and flesh--from different fruits showed identical genetic profiles using a set of DNA markers. Additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) alleles, not found in the maternal samples, were amplified in the embryos (stone), and they were also detected in DNA extracted from the paste obtained by crushing whole fruits and from the oil pressed from this material. These results demonstrate that the DNA profile obtained from olive oil is likely to represent a composite profile of the maternal alleles juxtaposed with alleles contributed by various pollen donors. Therefore, care needs to be taken in the interpretation of DNA profiles obtained from DNA extracted from oil for resolving provenance and authenticity issues.


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O gênero Paspalum L. compreende aproximadamente 400 espécies no mundo e cerca de 220 no Brasil. Paspalum é ecologicamente e economicamente importante e tem sido utilizado como pastagem. Paspalum notatum Flügge (grama-forquilha) é uma valorosa gramínea forrageira nos subtrópicos. Esta espécie consiste de vários biótipos sexuais (diplóides) e apomíticos (tetraplóides, ocasionalmente tri e pentaplóides). Neste trabalho, os Inter Simple Sequence repeat (ISSR) foram utilizados para acessar a diversidade genética da grama-forquilha (Paspalum notatum). Os tecidos vegetativos de 95 acessos de grama-forquilha foram obtidos de vários locais da América do Sul (Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai). Um total de 91 de fragmentos reproduzível ISSR foi observado. Oitenta e nove fragmentos (97,5% do total observado) foram polimórficos. A análise de agrupamento (UPGMA) foi realizada para o conjunto de dados ISSR. Os resultados ilustram as relações genéticas entre 95 acessos de Paspalum notatum. A comparação entre dados moleculares, morfológicos e nível de ploidia foi realizada. Em resumo, os marcadores moleculares ISSR mostraram-se eficientes para distinção dos genótipos analisados e observou-se uma variabilidade ampla para a espécie. Estes resultados adicionam novas informações sobre a diversidade genética em Paspalum notatum, conseqüentemente contribuindo para o conhecimento biológico desta espécie e fornecendo subsídios para futuros programas de melhoramento genético e para programas de conservação.