987 resultados para SILICATE GARNETS
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties and bioactivity of two formulations of calcium silicate-based cements containing additives (CSCM) or resin (CSCR), associated with radiopacifying agents zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and niobium oxide (Nb2O5) as micro- and nanoparticles; calcium tungstate (CaWO4); and bismuth oxide (Bi2O3). MTA Angelus was used as control. Methods. Surface features and bioactivity were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and the chemical composition by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS-X). Results. CSCM and CSCR presented larger particle sizes than MTA. Hydroxyapatite deposits were found on the surface of some materials, especially when associated with the radiopacifier with ZrO2 nanoparticles. All the cements presented calcium, silicon, and aluminum in their composition. Conclusion. Both calcium silicate-based cements presented composition and bioactivity similar to MTA when associated with the radiopacifiers evaluated.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effects of silicon (Si) supplied in the form of potassium silicate (PS) were evaluated on epidemic components of powdery mildew of melon under greenhouse conditions. The PS was applied to the roots or to leaves. In the first experiment, epidemic components were evaluated after inoculation with Podosphaera xanthii. In the second experiment, the disease progress rate was evaluated on plants subjected to natural infection. The area under the disease progress curve was reduced by 65% and 73% in the foliar and root treatments, respectively, compared to control plants, as a consequence of reductions in infection efficiency, colony expansion rate, colony area, conidial production and disease progress rate. However, root application of PS was more effective than foliar application in reducing most of the epidemic components, except for infection efficiency. This can be explained by the high Si concentration in leaf tissues with root application, in contrast to the foliar treatment where Si was only deposited on the external leaf surfaces. The effects of PS reported in this study demonstrated that powdery mildew of melon can be controlled, and that the best results can be achieved when PS is supplied to the roots.
There are currently many types of protective materials for reinforced concrete structures and the influence of these materials in the chloride diffusion coefficient and water penetration still needs more research. The aim of this work is to analyze the contributions regarding the typical three surface concrete protection systems (coatings, linings and pore blockers) and discusses the results of three pore blockers (sodium silicate) tested in this work. To this end, certain tests were used: one involving permeability mechanism (low pressure-immersion absorption), one involving capillary water absorption, and the last, a migration test used to estimate the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in saturated condition. Results indicated reduction in chloride diffusion coefficients and capillary water absorption, therefore, restrictions to water penetration from external environmental. As a consequence, a reduction of the corrosion kinetics and a control of the chloride ingress are expected.
The effects of substituting Si by M4+ cations in soda-lime silica glasses were analyzed by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of 1 Hz-1 MHz. The glass composition was (mol%) 22Na(2)O center dot 8CaO center dot 65SiO(2)center dot 5MO(2), M = Si, Ti, Ge, Zr, Sn, and Ce. Although the Na+ concentration in the glasses is constant, the Zr-containing glass exhibits the highest dc conductivity and the lowest activation energy, while the Ce-containing glass exhibits the lowest conductivity. The activation energies obtained experimentally agree with those obtained by a theoretical equation proposed by Anderson and Stuart. The differences in electrical conductivity presented by the several M-containing glasses are attributed to the effect that the M4+ ion has on the mobility of the diffusing Na+ ion. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Aim To compare the changes in the surface structure and elemental distribution, as well as the percentage of ion release, of four calcium silicate-containing endodontic materials with a well-established epoxy resin-based sealer, submitted to a solubility test. Methodology Solubility of AH Plus, iRoot SP, MTA Fillapex, Sealapex and MTA-Angelus (MTA-A) was tested according to ANSI/ADA Specification 57. The deionized water used in the solubility test was submitted to atomic absorption spectrophotometry to determine and quantify Ca2+, Na+, K+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Pb2+ ions release. In addition, the outer and inner surfaces of nonsubmitted and submitted samples of each material to the solubility test were analysed by means of scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDX). Statistical analysis was performed by using one-way anova and Tukeys post hoc tests (a = 0.05). Results Solubility results, in percentage, sorted in an increasing order were -1.24 +/- 0.19 (MTA-A), 0.28 +/- 0.08 (AH Plus), 5.65 +/- 0.80 (Sealapex), 14.89 +/- 0.73 (MTA Fillapex) and 20.64 +/- 1.42 (iRoot SP). AH Plus and MTA-A were statistically similar (P > 0.05), but different from the other materials (P < 0.05). High levels of Ca2+ ion release were observed in all groups except AH Plus sealer. MTA-A also had the highest release of Na2+ and K+ ions. Zn+2 ion release was observed only with AH Plus and Sealapex sealers. After the solubility test, all surfaces had morphological changes. The loss of matrix was evident and the filler particles were more distinguishable. EDX analysis displayed high levels of calcium and carbon at the surface of Sealapex, MTA Fillapex and iRoot SP. Conclusions AH Plus and MTA-A were in accordance with ANSI/ADAs requirements regarding solubility whilst iRoot SP, MTA Fillapex and Sealapex did not fulfil ANSI/ADAs protocols. High levels of Ca2+ ion release were observed in all materials except AH Plus. SEM/EDX analysis revealed that all samples had morphological changes in both outer and inner surfaces after the solubility test. High levels of calcium and carbon were also observed at the surface of all materials except AH Plus and MTA-A.
The aim of the study was to determine if the increase in radiopacity provided by bismuth oxide is related to the color alteration of calcium silicate-based cement. Calcium silicate cement (CSC) was mixed with 0%, 15%, 20%, 30% and 50% of bismuth oxide (BO), determined by weight. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was the control group. The radiopacity test was performed according to ISO 6876/2001. The color was evaluated using the CIE system. The assessments were performed after 24 hours, 7 and 30 days of setting time, using a spectrophotometer to obtain the ΔE, Δa, Δb and ΔL values. The statistical analyses were performed using the Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn and ANOVA/ Tukey tests (p < 0.05). The cements in which bismuth oxide was added showed radiopacity corresponding to the ISO recommendations ( > 3 mm equivalent of Al). The MTA group was statistically similar to the CSC / 30% BO group (p > 0.05). In regard to color, the increase of bismuth oxide resulted in a decrease in the ΔE value of the calcium silicate cement. The CSC group presented statistically higher ΔE values than the CSC / 50% BO group (p < 0.05). The comparison between 24 hours and 7 days showed higher ΔE for the MTA group, with statistical differences for the CSC / 15% BO and CSC / 50% BO groups (p < 0.05). After 30 days, CSC showed statistically higher ΔE values than CSC / 30% BO and CSC / 50% BO (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the increase in radiopacity provided by bismuth oxide has no relation to the color alteration of calcium silicate-based cements.
Zusammenfassung Nanokomposite aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten werden zumeist auf der Basis natürlicher Tone wie Montmorillonit hergestellt. Für NMR- und EPR-Untersuchungen der Tensidschicht, die das Silikat mit dem Polymer kompatibilisiert, ist der Eisengehalt natürlicher Tone jedoch abträglich, weil er zu einer Verkürzung der Relaxationszeiten und zu einer Linienverbreiterung in den Spektren führt. Dieses Problem konnte überwunden werden, indem als Silikatkomponente eisenfreies, strukturell wohldefiniertes Magadiit hydrothermal synthetisiert und für die Kompositbildung eingesetzt wurde. Die Morphologie des Magadiits wurde durch Rasterelektronenmikroskopie charakterisiert und der Interkalationsgrad von schmelzinterkalierten Polymer-Nanokompositen wurde durch Weitwinkelröntgenstreuung bestimmt. Polymere mit Carbonylgruppen scheinen leichter zu interkalieren als solche ohne Carbonylgruppen. Polycaprolacton interkalierte sowohl in Oragnomagadiite auf der Basis von Ammoniumtensiden als auch in solche auf der Basis von Phosphoniumtensiden. Die Dynamik auf einer Nanosekundenzeitskala und die Struktur der Tensidschicht wurden mittels ortsspezifisch spinmarkierter Tensidsonden unter Nutzung von Dauerstrich- (CW) und Puls-Methoden der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanzspektroskopie (EPR) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die statische 2H-Kernmagnetresonanz (NMR) an spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewendet, um die Tensiddynamik auf einer komplementären Zeitskala zwischen Mikrosekunden und Millisekunden zu erfassen. Sowohl die CW-EPR- als auch die 2H-NMR-Ergebnisse zeigen eine Beschleunigung der Tensiddynamik durch Interkalation von Polycaprolacton auf, während sich in den nichtinterkalierten Mikrokompositen mit Polystyrol die Tensiddynamik verlangsamt. Die Rotationskorrelationszeiten und Aktivierungsenergien offenbaren verschiedene Regime der Tensiddynamik. In Polystyrol-Mikrokompositen entspricht die Übergangstemperatur zwischen den Regimen der Glasübergangstemperatur von Polystyrol, während sie in Polycaprolacton-Nanokompositen bei der Schmelztemperatur von Polycaprolacton liegt. Durch die erhebliche Verlängerung der Elektronenspin-Relaxationszeiten bei Verwendung von eisenfreiem Magadiit können Messdaten hoher Qualität mit Puls-EPR-Experimenten erhalten werden. Insebsondere wurden die Vier-Puls-Elektron-Elektron-Doppelresonanz (DEER), die Elektronenspinechoenveloppenmodulation (ESEEM) und die Elektronen-Kern-Doppelresonanz (ENDOR) an spinmarkierten sowie spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewandt. Die ENDOR-Ergebnisse legen ein Model der Tensidschicht nahe, in dem zusätzlich zu den Oberflächenlagen auf dem Silikat eine wohldefinierte mittlere Lage existiert. Dieses Modell erklärt auch Verdünnungseffekte durch das Polymer in Kompositen mit Polycaprolacton und Polystyrol. Die umfangreiche Information aus den Magnetresonanztechniken ergänzt die Information aus konventionellen Charakterisierungstechniken wie Röntgendiffraktion und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und führt so zu einem detaillierteren Bild der Struktur und Dynamik der Tensidschicht in Nanokompositen aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten.
Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100−200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called ”frozen phonon” method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=15±5% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient αL(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of αL(T) going along with a temperature range of negative αL(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.