989 resultados para SENSORY PROPERTIES


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Recent research on the olive oil phenolic, oleo canthal has led to speculation that it may confer some of the health benefits associated with a traditional Mediterranean diet. Oleocanthal produces a peppery, stinging sensation at the back of the throat similar to that of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ibuprofen. This led to the hypothesis that the perceptual similarity between oleocanthal and ibuprofen may indicate similar pharmacological properties. Subsequent studies have proved the hypothesis and oleocanthal was shown not only to inhibit inflammation in the same way as ibuprofen does, but it was found to be substantially more potent than this NSAID. It is important to note that inflammation has been demonstrated to playa significant role in the development of a number of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and certain types of cancers. Therefore, as a result of dietary feeding with olive oil as a part of the traditional Mediterranean diet, a reduction in inflammation produced by oleocanthal is speculated to be the potential mechanism that is partially responsible for the health benefits associated with this dietary pattern. This review summarizes the current knowledge on oleocanthal, in tenns of its physiological and sensory properties, as well as a discussion on the factors that have the ability to affect oleocanthal concentrations in extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs).


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Oxidation of lipids containing unsaturated fatty acids is a common and complicated phenomenon. Volatile compounds generated during the oxidation of fish oil contribute to the unfavourable flavours and odours of the oil and the food products containing them. Although the initial mechanism of the oxidation seems simple, the mechanism and product mix become much more complicated and unpredictable during its progress, depending upon factors including the nature of the substrate and its environment. Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and α-linolenic, predominantly from vegetable oils, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from fish or microbial oil, produce several types of flavour volatiles that affect the sensory properties of these oils. Antioxidants are commonly used to retard the oxidation and improve the quality of food-grade oils. This chapter will discuss mechanisms of lipid oxidation and methods to control lipid oxidation, including the use of antioxidants.


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The study focuses on developing novel probiotic yogurts containing spices with acceptable sensory properties, therapeutic levels of probiotics and with beneficial antioxidant capacity. Eight types of yogurts with added spice oleoresins (cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg) and probiotics [Lactobacillus acidophilus strain 5(LA5), or Bifidobacterium animalisssp.Lactis (Bb12)] were produced. Two successive consumer sensory taste panels (n = 54) using a nine point hedonic scale were conducted to evaluate the acceptability of the yogurts. Viable counts of probiotics and antioxidant capacity of yogurt samples at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days of storage at 4 °C were monitored. The probiotic-yogurt products containing spices showed good sensory properties, with the best results obtained with cardamom oleoresin (with LA5 or Bb12). The presence of spice oleoresins (cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon) did not affect the probiotic population (LA5or Bb12) in yogurt during 4 weeks of refrigerated storage. The antioxidant capacity (with LA5or Bb12) over the storage period was also maintained.


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The influence of the age in the volatile composition of Madeira wines made with Boal, Malvazia, Sercial and Verdelho varieties and aged in oak barrel during 1, 11 and 25 years old was been studied. For this purpose, the evolution of volatile compounds: higher alcohols, ethyl esters, fatty acids, furan compounds, enolic compounds, γ-lactones, dioxanes and dioxolanes, of the four most utilised varieties were determined using liquid–liquid extraction with dichloromeihane. Octan-3-ol was used as internal standard. The wines made with these varieties showed great differences in sugar content and small variations on pH and alcoholic degree. The results show that during ageing, the concentration of fatty acids ethyl esters, acetates and fatty acids decrease significantly contrarily to the great increase of ethyl esters of diprotic acids. There is a strong correlation between sotolon, 2-furfural, 5-methyl-2-furfural, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural and 5-ethoxymethyl-2-furfural with wine ageing. These findings indicate that these compounds can be used as ageing wine markers. Among the molecules studied, sotolon [3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone] was one of the few molecules present in concentrations above the perception threshold in Madeira wines. 5-Eihoxymethyl-2-furfural formed from 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural and 2-furfural, derived from sugars, are also involved in the aroma of sweet fortified white wines aged in oxidative conditions. The sensory properties change significantly after long periods of conservation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade de enriquecimento do iogurtede soja com cálcio, para que o produto apresentasse níveis deste mineral equivalentes ou superiores aos encontrados nos iogurtes tradicionais e mantivesse as propriedades tecnológicas e sensoriais adequadas. Foram testados cinco sais: carbonato, citrato, fosfato, gliconato e lactato de cálcio, na concentração de 600mg de cálcio elementar/l. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto ao tempo de fermentação, pH, acidez titulável, viscosidade, consistência, concentração de cálcio e propriedades sensoriais (testes de diferença do controle e aceitação). A adição de cálcio ao iogurte de soja na forma de citrato, fosfato, carbonato, gliconato e lactato de cálcio, apesar de provocar alterações na acidez titulável, viscosidade e consistência, não conferiu propriedades sensoriais indesejáveis ao produto e o tempo de fermentação não excedeu aos verificados nos processos industriais convencionais. Desta forma todos os sais testados se mostraram viáveis para o processo de enriquecimento do iogurte de soja com cálcio.


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The aim of this study was to obtain an isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt, fermented with Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti, with suitable sensory properties and to assess the effects of the final product on blood lipids in hypercholesterolemic rats. Four isoflavone supplementation procedures were tested, in which the isoflavone was added at these stages: (1) before heat-treatment; (2) after heating and before fermentation; (3) after fermentation and (4) in the okara (by-product of soy milk) flour stirred into the fermented product when consumed. The products were subjected to a test of sensory acceptability. To assess their potential hypocholesterolemic properties in vivo, four groups of rats were used: control (C), hypercholesterolemic (H), hypercholesterolemic plus fermented product (HF) and hypercholesterolemic plus isoflavone-supplemented fermented product (HFI). Hypercholesterolemia was induced in rats of groups H, HF and HFI by feeding them on a commercial rat chow to which cholesterol and cholic acid had been added. Total, HDL and non-HDL cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in the blood of the rats. No significant sensorial differences were detected among the samples of soy yogurt supplemented with isoflavones at various processing stages. Rats fed a fermented soy product enriched with isoflavones (HFI group) had significantly (P < 0.05) less serum total cholesterol (15.5%) compared with rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet (H group). Non-HDL cholesterol was less (P < 0.05) in rats fed a fermented soy product enriched or not with isoflavones (27.4 and 23.2%) compared to H group. The HDL-C and triglyceride concentrations did not differ significantly among the groups. It was possible to obtain an isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt with satisfactory sensory characteristics. The resulting supplemented soy yogurt was capable of producing a lipid-lowering effect in hypercholesterolemic rats, relative to the animals that did not consume this product.


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Cachaca was aged for 6 months in small casks of oak and eight different Brazilian woods (amarelo, amendoim, balsamo, jatoba, louro, pau d'arco, pau d'oleo, and pereiro) in order to determine total phenols, UV-visible spectra differences, and sensorial acceptance. Also used were 200-l casks of oak and pereiro for aging cachaca for 4 years to characterize sensorial descriptors and acceptance. The results suggest that amendoim and pereiro followed by jatobaa are good candidates to replace oak in the construction of cachaca aging casks. It was also observed that when using oak casks as a standard the major changes in the sensory properties occurred in the first 21 months of aging. The principal components analysis of UV-visible absorption spectra of the same beverage stored in casks made of different woods allowed identification of the wood in which the beverage had been aged.


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The soy-yogurt was used as food vehicle due to its therapeutic and nutritionalproperties and lower cost. The aim of this work was to develop an enriched soy-yogurt with 12 mg of elementary iron/1, with suitable sensory and technological properties. Four iron sources were tested: FeSO 4.7H 2O, NaFeEDTA, Ferrochel® and microencapsulated FeSO 4.7H 2O. The products were evaluated by fermentation time, pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, consistency, iron concentration and sensory properties (difference from the control and acceptance tests). Viscosity and consistency data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey's test. Difference from the control data was evaluated by analysis of variance and Dunnett's test and the acceptance test was evaluated by analysis of variance and Tukey's test. For all iron salts used in the enrichment process, only the FeSO 4JH 2O did not work out because of the undesirable sensorial characteristics of the final products. The others sources used in the enrichment process (NaFeEDTA, Ferrochel® and microencapsulated FeSO 4.7H 2O) did not alter the fermentation time, titratable acidity and sensory and reologics properties of the soy-yogurt.


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A synbiotic yoghurt based on a combination of soymilk and yacon water extract (from yacon root tubers) was developed as a novel food product fermented with a probiotic culture of Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 4l6. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the independent variables soymilk protein concentration and percentage of yacon extract in the formulation through a Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD), consisting of a 22 factorial design with two levels (-1, +1), two central points (0) and four axial points (± a, 0) (0, ± α). The responses were assessed by consumer acceptance tests. The optimization indicated that a formulation with a soymilk protein concentration of 1.74g/L and 25.86% of yacon extract gave the best average values, 5.91 for the taste and 6.00 for the overall impression responses. The formulation with 40% of yacon extract and the same concentration of soymilk protein achieved similar acceptance values: taste (5.94) and overall impression (5.87), however, with the extra yacon, it probably had a greater content of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. Consequently, both formulations may give useful functional foods, with sensory properties comparable with those of soy yoghurt (control formulation). Copyright © 2010 by New Century Health Publishers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo estabelecer procedimento tecnológico para produção de fruta estruturada a partir de "mix" de polpa de cajá e mamão, procurando unir as propriedades sensoriais de cada uma das frutas e potencializar as características funcionais do produto final. Avaliou-se o efeito da combinação de pectina, gelatina e alginato de sódio, via metodologia de superfície de resposta, nas características do gel de fruta. As polpas de mamão e cajá e os estruturados obtidos foram caracterizados com relação aos compostos funcionais, avaliando-se o teor de taninos e carotenóides totais, além das análises de composição centesimal, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, açúcares, atividade de água, carboidratos e valor energético total. Os resultados obtidos através do planejamento experimental indicam que para o estruturado misto de cajá e mamão, somente o aumento da concentração de gelatina afeta a firmeza do produto final. Os estruturados de frutas desenvolvidos apresentaram boa aceitação sensorial para todos os atributos avaliados. Com relação à intenção de compra, 70% dos provadores responderam que provavelmente ou certamente, comprariam o estruturado misto de cajá e mamão se o encontrassem à venda.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)