981 resultados para SENSORY NEURONS


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The changes in internal states, such as fear, hunger and sleep affect behavioral responses in animals. In most of the cases, these state-dependent influences are “pleiotropic”: one state affects multiple sensory modalities and behaviors; “scalable”: the strengths and choices of such modulations differ depending on the imminence of demands; and “persistent”: once the state is switched on the effects last even after the internal demands are off. These prominent features of state-control enable animals to adjust their behavioral responses depending on their internal demands. Here, we studied the neuronal mechanisms of state-controls by investigating energy-deprived state (hunger state) and social-deprived state of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, as prototypic models. To approach these questions, we developed two novel methods: a genetically based method to map sites of neuromodulation in the brain and optogenetic tools in Drosophila.

These methods, and genetic perturbations, reveal that the effect of hunger to alter behavioral sensitivity to gustatory cues is mediate by two distinct neuromodulatory pathways. The neuropeptide F (NPF) – dopamine (DA) pathway increases sugar sensitivity under mild starvation, while the adipokinetic hormone (AKH)- short neuropeptide F (sNPF) pathway decreases bitter sensitivity under severe starvation. These two pathways are recruited under different levels of energy demands without any cross interaction. Effects of both of the pathways are mediated by modulation of the gustatory sensory neurons, which reinforce the concept that sensory neurons constitute an important locus for state-dependent control of behaviors. Our data suggests that multiple independent neuromodulatory pathways are underlying pleiotropic and scalable effects of the hunger state.

In addition, using optogenetic tool, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into probabilistic/biasing, and deterministic/command-like components. The former, but not the latter, neurons are subject to functional modulation by social experience, supporting the idea that they constitute a locus of state-dependent influence. Interestingly, moreover, brief activation of the former, but not the latter, neurons trigger persistent behavioral response for more than 10 min. Altogether, these findings and new tools described in this dissertation offer new entry points for future researchers to understand the neuronal mechanism of state control.


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Pheromones are chemicals produced and detected by conspecifics to elicit social/sexual physiological and behavioral responses, and they are perceived primarily by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in terrestrial vertebrates. Two large superfamilies of G protein-coupled receptors, V1rs and V2rs, have been identified as pheromone receptors in vomeronasal sensory neurons. Based on a computational analysis of the mouse and rat genome sequences, we report the first global draft of the V2r gene repertoire, composed of similar to 200 genes and pseudogenes. Rodent V2rs are subject to rapid gene births/deaths and accelerated amino acid substitutions, likely reflecting the species-specific nature of pheromones. Vertebrate V2rs appear to have originated twice prior to the emergence of the VNO in ancestral tetrapods, explaining seemingly inconsistent observations among different V2rs. The identification of the entire V2r repertoire opens the door to genomic-level studies of the structure, function, and evolution of this diverse group of sensory receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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PIK3C3/Vps34 plays important roles in the endocytic and autophagic pathways, both of which are essential for maintaining neuronal integrity. However, it is unclear how inactivating PIK3C3 may affect neuronal endosomal versus autophagic processes in vivo. We generated a conditional null allele of the Pik3c3 gene in mouse, and specifically deleted it in postmitotic sensory neurons. Subsequent analyses reveal several interesting and surprising findings.


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Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) constitute a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a major role in the agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors. Herein we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that specifically react with GRK2 and GRK3 or with GRK4, GRK5, and GRK6. They are used in several different receptor systems to identify the kinases that are responsible for receptor phosphorylation and desensitization. The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor. We also use this approach to identify the endogenous GRKs that are responsible for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of epitope-tagged beta2- adrenergic receptors (beta2ARs) overexpressed in rabbit ventricular myocytes that are infected with a recombinant adenovirus. In these myocytes, anti-GRK2/3 mAbs inhibit isoproterenol-induced receptor phosphorylation by 77%, while GRK4-6-specific mAbs have no effect. Consistent with the operation of a betaAR kinase-mediated mechanism, GRK2 is identified by immunoblot analysis as well as in a functional assay as the predominant GRK expressed in these cells. Microinjection of GRK2/3-specific mAbs into chicken sensory neurons, which have been shown to express a GRK3-like protein, abolishes desensitization of the alpha2AR-mediated calcium current inhibition. The intracellular inhibition of endogenous GRKs by mAbs represents a novel approach to the study of receptor specificities among GRKs that should be widely applicable to many G-protein-coupled receptors.


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Mechanisms for the evolution of convergent behavioral traits are largely unknown. Vocal learning is one such trait that evolved multiple times and is necessary in humans for the acquisition of spoken language. Among birds, vocal learning is evolved in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. Each time similar forebrain song nuclei specialized for vocal learning and production have evolved. This finding led to the hypothesis that the behavioral and neuroanatomical convergences for vocal learning could be associated with molecular convergence. We previously found that the neural activity-induced gene dual specificity phosphatase 1 (dusp1) was up-regulated in non-vocal circuits, specifically in sensory-input neurons of the thalamus and telencephalon; however, dusp1 was not up-regulated in higher order sensory neurons or motor circuits. Here we show that song motor nuclei are an exception to this pattern. The song nuclei of species from all known vocal learning avian lineages showed motor-driven up-regulation of dusp1 expression induced by singing. There was no detectable motor-driven dusp1 expression throughout the rest of the forebrain after non-vocal motor performance. This pattern contrasts with expression of the commonly studied activity-induced gene egr1, which shows motor-driven expression in song nuclei induced by singing, but also motor-driven expression in adjacent brain regions after non-vocal motor behaviors. In the vocal non-learning avian species, we found no detectable vocalizing-driven dusp1 expression in the forebrain. These findings suggest that independent evolutions of neural systems for vocal learning were accompanied by selection for specialized motor-driven expression of the dusp1 gene in those circuits. This specialized expression of dusp1 could potentially lead to differential regulation of dusp1-modulated molecular cascades in vocal learning circuits.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical and in particular tactile allodynia is a hallmark of chronic pain in which innocuous touch becomes painful. Previous cholera toxin B (CTB)-based neural tracing experiments and electrophysiology studies had suggested that aberrant axon sprouting from touch sensory afferents into pain-processing laminae after injury is a possible anatomical substrate underlying mechanical allodynia. This hypothesis was later challenged by experiments using intra-axonal labeling of A-fiber neurons, as well as single-neuron labeling of electrophysiologically identified sensory neurons. However, no studies have used genetically labeled neurons to examine this issue, and most studies were performed on spinal but not trigeminal sensory neurons which are the relevant neurons for orofacial pain, where allodynia oftentimes plays a dominant clinical role. FINDINGS: We recently discovered that parvalbumin::Cre (Pv::Cre) labels two types of Aβ touch neurons in trigeminal ganglion. Using a Pv::CreER driver and a Cre-dependent reporter mouse, we specifically labeled these Aβ trigeminal touch afferents by timed taxomifen injection prior to inflammation or infraorbital nerve injury (ION transection). We then examined the peripheral and central projections of labeled axons into the brainstem caudalis nucleus after injuries vs controls. We found no evidence for ectopic sprouting of Pv::CreER labeled trigeminal Aβ axons into the superficial trigeminal noci-receptive laminae. Furthermore, there was also no evidence for peripheral sprouting. CONCLUSIONS: CreER-based labeling prior to injury precluded the issue of phenotypic changes of neurons after injury. Our results suggest that touch allodynia in chronic orofacial pain is unlikely caused by ectopic sprouting of Aβ trigeminal afferents.


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Addition of menthol to cigarettes may be associated with increased initiation of smoking. The potential mechanisms underlying this association are not known. Menthol, likely due to its effects on cold-sensing peripheral sensory neurons, is known to inhibit the sensation of irritation elicited by respiratory irritants. However, it remains unclear whether menthol modulates cigarette smoke irritancy and nicotine absorption during initial exposures to cigarettes, thereby facilitating smoking initiation. Using plethysmography in a C57Bl/6J mouse model, we examined the effects of L-menthol, the menthol isomer added to cigarettes, on the respiratory sensory irritation response to primary smoke irritants (acrolein and cyclohexanone) and smoke of Kentucky reference 2R4 cigarettes. We also studied L-menthol's effect on blood levels of the nicotine metabolite, cotinine, immediately after exposure to cigarette smoke. L-menthol suppressed the irritation response to acrolein with an apparent IC₅₀ of 4 ppm. Suppression was observed even at acrolein levels well above those necessary to produce a maximal response. Cigarette smoke, at exposure levels of 10 mg/m³ or higher, caused an immediate and marked sensory irritation response in mice. This response was significantly suppressed by L-menthol even at smoke concentrations as high as 300 mg/m³. Counterirritation by L-menthol was abolished by treatment with a selective inhibitor of Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 8 (TRPM8), the neuronal cold/menthol receptor. Inclusion of menthol in the cigarette smoke resulted in roughly a 1.5-fold increase in plasma cotinine levels over those observed in mice exposed to smoke without added menthol. These findings document that, L-menthol, through TRPM8, is a strong suppressor of respiratory irritation responses, even during highly noxious exposures to cigarette smoke or smoke irritants, and increases blood cotinine. Therefore, L-menthol, as a cigarette additive, may promote smoking initiation and nicotine addiction.


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TRPM8 represents an ion channel activated by cold temperatures and cooling agents, such as menthol, that underlies the cold-induced excitation of sensory neurons. Interestingly, the only human tissue outside the peripheral nervous system, in which the expression of TRPM8 transcripts has been detected at high levels, is the prostate, a tissue not exposed to any essential temperature variations. Here we show that the TRPM8 cloned from human prostate and heterologously expressed in HEK-293 cells is regulated by the Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2) (iPLA(2)) signaling pathway with its end products, lysophospholipids (LPLs), acting as its endogenous ligands. LPLs induce prominent prolongation of TRPM8 channel openings that are hardly detectable with other stimuli (e.g. cold, menthol, and depolarization) and that account for more than 90% of the total channel open time. Down-regulation of iPLA(2) resulted in a strong inhibition of TRPM8-mediated functional responses and abolished channel activation. The action of LPLs on TRPM8 channels involved either changes in the local lipid bilayer tension or interaction with the critical determinant(s) in the transmembrane channel core. Based on this, we propose a novel concept of TRPM8 regulation with the involvement of iPLA(2) stimulation. This mechanism employs chemical rather than physical (temperature change) signaling and thus may be the main regulator of TRPM8 activation in organs not exposed to any essential temperature variations, as in the prostate gland.


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The heterotrimeric kinesin-II motor in Caenorhabditis elegans consists of KLP-20, KLP-11, and KAP-1 subunits and broadly functions in cellular transport for the development of biological structures including cilia and axons. The results of this paper support the ubiquitous and necessary role kinesin-II motors have in development, particularly the KLP-20 microtubule-associating subunit. Mutations in klp-20 result in a variable abnormal (vab) phenotype characterized by observable epidermal defects, although the role of this gene in development and the mechanism by which the vab phenotype is produced is largely unknown. The vab phenotype is highly penetrant in the first larval stage (L1) of C. elegans, which supports that klp-20 functions in early development. Ciliated amphid sensory neurons can be stained with a fluorescent dye, DiI, to simultaneously test cilia structure and function, as well as the morphology of the amphid sensory organ. Reduced dye uptake in klp-20 mutant L1s suggests that the microtubule-based cilia are under-developed as a result of defective kinesin-II function. Consistent observations of the PLM mechanosensory neuron using the zdIs5 reporter suggest that klp-20 has an essential role in neuron development, as mutations to klp-20 result in under-developed PLM axons. Qualitative observations suggest there may be an interaction between the development of the overlying epidermis and the underlying nervous system, as a more severe vab phenotype is observed simultaneously with reduced dye uptake, and hence amphid sensory cilia under-development. Furthermore, a more severe vab phenotype manifested as large bumps on the posterior epidermis appears to be spatially correlated with PLM defects. The results presented and discussed in this paper suggest that KLP-20 has a necessary role in neurodevelopment and epidermal morphogenesis in C. elegans during embryogenesis.


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The transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8) channel has been characterized as a cold and menthol receptor expressed in a subpopulation of sensory neurons but was recently identified in other tissues, including the respiratory tract, urinary system, and vasculature. Thus TRPM8 may play multiple functional roles, likely to be in a tissue- and activation state-dependent manner. We examined the TRPM8 channel presence in large arteries from rats and the functional consequences of their activation. We also aimed to examine whether these channels contribute to control of conscious human skin blood flow. TRPM8 mRNA and protein were detected in rat tail, femoral and mesenteric arteries, and thoracic aorta. This was confirmed in single isolated vascular myocytes by immunocytochemistry. Isometric contraction studies on endothelium-denuded relaxed rat vessels found small contractions on application of the TRPM8-specific agonist menthol (300 microM). However, both menthol and another agonist icilin (50 microM) caused relaxation of vessels precontracted with KCl (60 mM) or the alpha-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine (2 microM) and a reduction in sympathetic nerve-mediated contraction. These effects were antagonized by bromoenol lactone treatment, suggesting the involvement of Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A(2) activation in TRPM8-mediated vasodilatation. In thoracic aorta with intact endothelium, menthol-induced inhibition of KCl-induced contraction was enhanced. This was unaltered by preincubation with either N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; 100 nM), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, or the ACh receptor antagonist atropine (1 microM). Application of menthol (3% solution, topical application) to skin caused increased blood flow in conscious humans, as measured by laser Doppler fluximetry. Vasodilatation was markedly reduced or abolished by prior application of l-NAME (passive application, 10 mM) or atropine (iontophoretic application, 100 nM, 30 s at 70 microA). We conclude that TRPM8 channels are present in rat artery vascular smooth muscle and on activation cause vasoconstriction or vasodilatation, dependent on previous vasomotor tone. TRPM8 channels may also contribute to human cutaneous vasculature control, likely with the involvement of additional neuronal mechanisms.


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Acetaminophen [N-acetyl-p-aminophenol (APAP)] is the most common antipyretic/analgesic medicine worldwide. If APAP is overdosed, its metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzo-quinoneimine (NAPQI), causes liver damage. However, epidemiological evidence has associated previous use of therapeutic APAP doses with the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. The transient receptor potential ankyrin-1 (TRPA1) channel is expressed by peptidergic primary sensory neurons. Because NAPQI, like other TRPA1 activators, is an electrophilic molecule, we hypothesized that APAP, via NAPQI, stimulates TRPA1, thus causing airway neurogenic inflammation. NAPQI selectively excites human recombinant and native (neuroblastoma cells) TRPA1. TRPA1 activation by NAPQI releases proinflammatory neuropeptides (substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide) from sensory nerve terminals in rodent airways, thereby causing neurogenic edema and neutrophilia. Single or repeated administration of therapeutic (15-60 mg/kg) APAP doses to mice produces detectable levels of NAPQI in the lung, and increases neutrophil numbers, myeloperoxidase activity, and cytokine and chemokine levels in the airways or skin. Inflammatory responses evoked by NAPQI and APAP are abated by TRPA1 antagonism or are absent in TRPA1-deficient mice. This novel pathway, distinguished from the tissue-damaging effect of NAPQI, may contribute to the risk of COPD and asthma associated with therapeutic APAP use.-Nassini, R., Materazzi, S., Andre, E., Sartiani, L., Aldini, G., Trevisani, M., Carnini, C., Massi, D., Pedretti, P., Carini, M., Cerbai, E., Preti, D., Villetti, G., Civelli, M., Trevisan, G., Azzari, C., Stokesberry, S., Sadofsky, L., McGarvey, L., Patacchini, R., Geppetti, P. Acetaminophen, via its reactive metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzo-quinoneimine and transient receptor potential ankyrin-1 stimulation causes neurogenic inflammation in the airways and other tissues in rodents. FASEB J. 24, 4904-4916 (2010). www.fasebj.org


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One important mechanism of membrane ion channels regulation involves their non-functional isoforms generated by alternative splicing. However, knowledge of such isoforms for the members of transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels remains quite limited. This study focuses on TRPM member, TRPM8, which functions as a cold receptor in sensory neurons, but is also expressed in tissues not exposed to ambient temperatures, as well as in cancer tissues. We report the cloning from prostate cancer cells of new short-splice variants of TRPM8, termed short TRPM8a (sM8a) and short TRPM8ß (sM8ß). Our results show that both variants are in a closed configuration with the C-terminal tail of the full-size TRPM8 chan-nel, resulting in stabilization of its closed state and thus reducing both its cold sensitivity and its activity. Our findings, therefore, uncover a new mode of the regulation of TRPM8 channel by its splice variants.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) mediate neuronal communication at synapses throughout vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems. We have characterized a family of iGluR-related genes in Drosophila, which we name ionotropic receptors (IRs). These receptors do not belong to the well-described kainate, AMPA, or NMDA classes of iGluRs, and they have divergent ligand-binding domains that lack their characteristic glutamate-interacting residues. IRs are expressed in a combinatorial fashion in sensory neurons that respond to many distinct odors but do not express either insect odorant receptors (ORs) or gustatory receptors (GRs). IR proteins accumulate in sensory dendrites and not at synapses. Misexpression of IRs in different olfactory neurons is sufficient to confer ectopic odor responsiveness. Together, these results lead us to propose that the IRs comprise a novel family of chemosensory receptors. Conservation of IR/iGluR-related proteins in bacteria, plants, and animals suggests that this receptor family represents an evolutionarily ancient mechanism for sensing both internal and external chemical cues.


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Les vertébrés, du poisson à l'homme, possèdent un potentiel membranaire médié en partie par les ions chlorure (Cl-). L’une des premières formes d’activité neuronale lors du développement est la dépolarisation médiée par les ions chlorures extrudés par les canaux glycinergiques (GlyR) et GABAergiques. Cette dépolarisation est rendu possible grâce à l’expression retardée du co-transporteur d’ions chlorure et de potassium KCC2 lors du développement qui génère un gradient hyperpolarisant postnatalement chez les mammifères. Le rôle de cette dépolarisation précoce paradoxale durant le développement est inconnu. En injectant l’ARNm de KCC2 dans des embryons de poissons zébrés nouvellement fertilisé, nous avons devancé l’expression de ce co-transporteur rendant ainsi la glycine hyperpolarisante dans tous les neurones dès les premières phases du développement. Nous avons aussi ciblé le récepteur glycinergique directement en bloquant son activité et son expression à l’aide d’une drogue spécifique, la strychnine et d’un morpholino antisens (Knockdown). Dans les trois cas (KCC2, strychnine et GlyR KD), les perturbations de l’activité neuronale ont provoqués des erreurs dans la neurogenèse, en particulier une diminution du nombre d’interneurones sans avoir d’effets sur les motoneurones et les neurones sensoriels. De plus, en bloquant les canaux calciques activés à bas voltage dans le développement avec la drogue nifedipine, il y a des erreurs dans la neurogénèse semblables à celles remarquées dans les trois conditions précédentes. Nous concluons que la dépolarisation précoce par la glycine permet l’entrée du calcium et l’activation de la neurogénèse chez les interneurones.


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Les systèmes sensoriels encodent l’information sur notre environnement sous la forme d’impulsions électriques qui se propagent dans des réseaux de neurones. Élucider le code neuronal – les principes par lesquels l’information est représentée dans l’activité des neurones – est une question fondamentale des neurosciences. Cette thèse constituée de 3 études (E) s’intéresse à deux types de codes, la synchronisation et l’adaptation, dans les neurones du cortex visuel primaire (V1) du chat. Au niveau de V1, les neurones sont sélectifs pour des propriétés comme l’orientation des contours, la direction et la vitesse du mouvement. Chaque neurone ayant une combinaison de propriétés pour laquelle sa réponse est maximale, l’information se retrouve distribuée dans différents neurones situés dans diverses colonnes et aires corticales. Un mécanisme potentiel pour relier l’activité de neurones répondant à des items eux-mêmes reliés (e.g. deux contours appartenant au même objet) est la synchronisation de leur activité. Cependant, le type de relations potentiellement encodées par la synchronisation n’est pas entièrement clair (E1). Une autre stratégie de codage consiste en des changements transitoires des propriétés de réponse des neurones en fonction de l’environnement (adaptation). Cette plasticité est présente chez le chat adulte, les neurones de V1 changeant d’orientation préférée après exposition à une orientation non préférée. Cependant, on ignore si des neurones spatialement proches exhibent une plasticité comparable (E2). Finalement, nous avons étudié la dynamique de la relation entre synchronisation et plasticité des propriétés de réponse (E3). Résultats principaux — (E1) Nous avons montré que deux stimuli en mouvement soit convergent soit divergent élicitent plus de synchronisation entre les neurones de V1 que deux stimuli avec la même direction. La fréquence de décharge n’était en revanche pas différente en fonction du type de stimulus. Dans ce cas, la synchronisation semble coder pour la relation de cocircularité dont le mouvement convergent (centripète) et divergent (centrifuge) sont deux cas particuliers, et ainsi pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’intégration des contours. Cela indique que la synchronisation code pour une information qui n’est pas présente dans la fréquence de décharge des neurones. (E2) Après exposition à une orientation non préférée, les neurones changent d’orientation préférée dans la même direction que leurs voisins dans 75% des cas. Plusieurs propriétés de réponse des neurones de V1 dépendent de leur localisation dans la carte fonctionnelle corticale pour l’orientation. Les comportements plus diversifiés des 25% de neurones restants sont le fait de différences fonctionnelles que nous avons observé et qui suggèrent une localisation corticale particulière, les singularités, tandis que la majorité des neurones semblent situés dans les domaines d’iso-orientation. (E3) Après adaptation, les paires de neurones dont les propriétés de réponse deviennent plus similaires montrent une synchronisation accrue. Après récupération, la synchronisation retourne à son niveau initial. Par conséquent, la synchronisation semble refléter de façon dynamique la similarité des propriétés de réponse des neurones. Conclusions — Cette thèse contribue à notre connaissance des capacités d’adaptation de notre système visuel à un environnement changeant. Nous proposons également des données originales liées au rôle potentiel de la synchronisation. En particulier, la synchronisation semble capable de coder des relations entre objets similaires ou dissimilaires, suggérant l’existence d’assemblées neuronales superposées.