162 resultados para SBR


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随着化工行业的发展,大量有毒有害难降解有机物随工业废水的排放进入环境,这些物质能够在环境中长期存在、积累和扩散,通过食物链对动植物的生存及人类的健康造成不良影响。本文以苯酚、对氯硝基苯、氯苯和十六烷为模拟污染物,以前期研制的功能菌剂为对象,经过紫外线线诱变筛选出优于出发菌株的功能菌,对诱变后功能菌的理化性能进行了研究,对菌种进行了鉴定,在此基础上,就其相互之间的微生态关系进行研究,为混合发酵提供理论基础,并就其最佳发酵条件及发酵参数进行了研究,最后对发酵产品的性能进行了检测。目前,国内外有关功能菌剂的研究还存在多方面的不足,主要包括:①由于多菌种混合发酵过程较为复杂,各菌之间存在复杂的相互作用,影响因素较多,关于菌种之间的相互关系研究得很少,环境功能菌剂的发酵方法大多采用单独发酵后混合的方式。单独发酵对原材料、设备和能源的利用率较低,对于多菌种制剂发酵,在设备、能源和原材料的方面造成的浪费更大,将会大幅增加菌剂的生产成本,影响多菌种功能菌剂的发展;②功能菌剂生产过程的质量控制方面研究得较少;③功能菌剂产品的稳定性、抗冲击性能研究得较少,对环境微生物制剂的研究主要集中在菌种选育和培养条件优化方面。 通过本论文研究,得到以下主要结论。 (1)在紫外线诱变处理中,用紫外线对发生一定程度退化的出发菌株进行诱变处理后,六株具有高效降解性能的菌株被筛选出来,诱变筛选出的菌株形态和ERIC-PCR指纹图谱与出发菌株相比发生了明显改变;而且诱变后的菌株对目标难降解底物的降解能力均得到改善,其中,FPN、FCB、F14、FEm对目标底物的降解率提高了20%以上;诱变后菌株经过7次连续传代接种后,对目标难降解底物的降解率无显著变化,具有一定的遗传稳定性。并对诱变后的功能菌进行了初步的鉴定,这6株菌都分别是芽孢杆菌。 (2)对诱变后的功能菌相互之间的微生态关系进行了研究,通过抑菌实验、生长量以及基质消耗量的比较,确定它们之间的生长关系是无害共栖关系,可以进行混合发酵。 (3)对该功能菌剂进行发酵培养条件研究,结果表明发酵培养基的最佳成分(g/L):葡萄糖 31.0g/L、玉米粉10.0g/L、磷酸氢二钾1.0g/L、硫酸铵1.1g/L、硫酸镁0.55g/L。通过研究不同的培养条件对菌体生长和降解性能的影响,确定了最佳培养条件:培养基初始pH7.5;最适温度32℃;培养基装液量125mL(250 mL三角瓶),以及培养时间对降解性能的影响,培养20 h的产物对降解最为有利。通过研究添加不同目标污染物对菌体生长和降解性能的影响,确定了添加目标污染物的最佳量以及最佳时间:苯酚投加量:1.125 g/L,对氯硝基苯投加量:0.1 g/L;最佳投加时间为发酵培养开始后4 h。 (4)以摇瓶分批发酵最优条件为基础,对FPN、F10、FCB、FNa、F14 和 FEm进行了摇瓶分批发酵试验。以摇瓶分批发酵试验数据为依据,对功能菌剂分批发酵动力学进行了研究,建立了菌体生长和基质消耗的动力学模型,拟合模型能较好的反映功能菌剂分批发酵过程。 (5)功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用,可以提高系统的生物降解能力,功能菌剂投加量为2%,新鲜活性污泥3500 mg/L,降解24 h条件下,功能菌剂和活性污泥的协同作用对COD的去除率和对照组相比,最多的提高了36.8%。功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用以及活性污泥的单独作用,其生物降解过程均符合一级反应动力学过程,功能菌剂和活性污泥协同作用的生物降解动力学方程为:,相关系数97%。采用SBR运行方式,引入功能菌剂的SBR系统明显能够改善和提高生物降解的效率。与仅有活性污泥的系统相比,系统对COD的平均去除率可以提高27.1%,同时,系统的耐负荷冲击以及耐毒害冲击的性能比仅有活性污泥的SBR系统强,特别是负荷冲击对引入功能菌剂的SBR系统影响很小。仅有活性污泥的SBR系统经过负荷冲击和毒害冲击之后,不能恢复到冲击之前的水平,而且系统有效作用时间的周期比引入功能菌剂的SBR系统相比大大缩短,而引入功能菌剂的SBR系统处理效果较为稳定,恢复能力很强。 Along with the development of industries, many recalcitrant organic chemicals have been discharged into natural environments together with wastewaters and can exist in waters, soil and sediments for a long time without degradation. These haz-ardous substances, their byporducts and metabolizabilities can be highly toxic, mu-tagenic and carcinogenic, thereby threatening animals, plants and human health through food chain. Consequently the removal of these compounds is of significant interest in the area of wastewater treatment. In this dissertation, the phenol, hydro-quinone, chlorobenzene and hexadecane treated as the model pollutants, the func-tional microorganism agent was used as the starting strains, they treated with ultra-violet light, and then the mutant strains with high degradation ability were screened out and identified primarily, the relationship between these stains were studied, the medium composition and fermentation conditions were optimized, the degradation ability of the fermented production was tested. The literature survey indicates that the study of the microorganism agent is far from complete and more information is re-quired on following problems. 1, Because of the complexity of relationship in mixed fermentation and the complicated factors, the study is hardly to process.2, There is a lack of information on the quality control of the producing process .3, And there is a lack of information on the stability about the microorganism agent. In this dissertation, the main results of the present study could be summarized as follows: (1)The degenerate starting strains were treated with the ultraviolet light, and six mutant strains with high biodegradation ability were screened out by using the me-dium with selective pressure of model pollutants. The mutant strains had great changes in colonialmorphology and ERIC-PCR fingerprinting. And the mutant strains got obvious advantages over the starting strains in degradation ability and over 20% improvement of removal rates was achieved for FPN、FCB、F14 and FEm. The de-gradation ability of the mutant strains was stable after seven generations. After that, the mutant strains were primarily identified as bacillus respectively. (2) The relationship between these mutant strains was studied. By the compari-son of antibiosis effect, biomass and consumption of substrate, the relationships were neutralism and they could be mixed fermented. (3) The optimized cultivation conditions were as follows: glucose 31.0 g/L, corn power 10 g/L, K2HPO4 1.0 g/L, (NH4)2SO4 1.1 g/L, MgSO4 0.55 g/L, initial pH7.5, temperature 32℃, working volume 125 mL/250 mL, and cultivation time 20h (con-sidering the time effect on degradation ability), adding pollutants phenol (1.125 g/L) and hydroquinone (0.1 g/L) into the broth at 4 h after cultivation. (4) Based on the above optimum condition, the batch fermentation was per-formed with strains FPN, F10, FCB, FNa, F14 and FEm in shake flask. The batch fermentation kinetics was studied based on the experimental data. Two kinetic models were constructed which could reflect the regularity of growth and substrate consump-tion in the process of batch fermentation. (5) The co-operation of functional microorganism agent and activated sludge could raise biodegradation of system by adding some microorganism agent and 3500 mg/L fresh activated sludge. Bioaugumentation by the addition of high effective deg-radation culture enhanced the treatment effect of SBR system and the COD removal rate was increased by 20%-36.8%. Its biodegradation matched first-order dynamical reaction equation, and the reaction equation was ln0.2327.391ct=−+. The micro-organism agent had the effect of optimization to activated sludge micro-ecosystem. The SBR system adding 2% microorganism agent, the average COD removal rate of that was increased by 27.1% and stronger anti-shock ability to load and toxicant were achieved (compared with SBR system just adding activated sludge). Especially the load-shock has barely effect to the SBR system adding microorganism agent. After the load and toxicant shock, the SBR system just adding activated sludge couldn’t come back to original level and the activated sludge micro-ecosystem was frustrated. The applying of microorganism agent increased biological activity and system’s re-sistance ability to load shock and toxicant shock.


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制革行业是轻工行业中仅次于造纸业的高耗水、重污染行业,作为劳动密集型行业,在解决大量人口就业问题的同时,也对所在地区环境造成了严重污染。目前我国制革行业每年排放废水8,000~12,000万吨,废水中含铬约3,500 t,SS为1.2×105 t,COD为1.8×105 t,BOD为7×104 t,对水体污染严重。 本研究在对厌氧酸化工艺进行研究、一级好氧处理段进行工艺比选研究的基础上,获得了匀质调节—SBBR—BAF的生物处理工艺,并依托该工艺进行了生物强化处理的研究,考察了菌剂的强化运行效果及其处理水回用的可行性。 研究表明,在进水COD>3,000 mg/L,厌氧酸化具有很好的抗冲击作用,保证了好氧工艺出水COD<200 mg/L;在进水COD<3,000 mg/L,可只通过好氧处理实现出水COD<200 mg/L。厌氧酸化停留时间选择不当,会导致厌氧出水硫化物浓度升高,严重影响好氧系统,会使好氧活性污泥因中毒而解絮。 研究表明,当进水COD为2,000~2,500 mg/L,NH4+-N为130~146 mg/L时,COD、NH4+-N去除率SBBR分别为93.8%~96.6%和14.5%~55.9%,SBR分别为88.8%~94.9%和13%~50.7%,表明SBBR优于SBR。同时,研究发现SBBR污泥增长率为0.05 kgVSS/kgCOD,仅为SBR0.57 kgVSS/kgCOD的8.8%。此外,研究发现SBBR在停止运行后经3个运行周期可回复原油能力,而SBR池经9个周期培养也不能恢复,说明SBBR恢复能力明显优于SBR。 研究表明,以匀质调节—SBBR—BAF为主的制革废水处理工艺,出水水质稳定,进水COD 801~2,834 mg/L、NH4+-N 87~203 mg/L,出水COD<80 mg/L、NH4+-N<10 mg/L,基本达到中水回用标准;操作简单灵活,没有污泥回流系统,污泥产率低,污泥处理费用低;工艺基本不需要添加化学药剂,既节约成本、又避免了二次污染;两级生物膜使得该工艺具有很强的耐冲击负荷能力,特别适合制革废水水质水量波动大的特点。 研究表明,高效菌对系统的启动具有一定的促进作用,强化系统生物膜6天可以成熟,对照系统生物膜9天可以成熟。同时高效菌能加速COD降解,缩短停留时间,强化系统6~8 h可使COD<200 mg/L,对照系统8~10 h可使COD<200 mg/L。长期运行表明,强化系统的SBBR在COD和NH4+-N的去除率都优于对照系统的SBBR。最终出水COD强化系统平均为53 mg/L、对照系统为74 mg/L。在模拟循环过程中,强化系统均有更高的稳定性。可实现8次理论循环,而对照系统只能实现4次理论循环。 研究表明,通过合理的工艺设计,可以实现猪皮制革废水达到《污水综合排放标准GB8976-1996》一级标准,同时满足工厂部分用水要求。通过添加高效微生物,可提高生物处理系统处理能力,使处理水能够满足工厂的多次回用。 As a labour-intensive industry, tanning has created large amount of working opportunities as well as caused severe contamination to environment. And it is one of the highest water-consuming and polluting industry, only second to manufacturing. At present time, Chinese leather industry emits wastewater about 80,000,000~120,000,000 t annually, which contains chromium about 3,500 t, SS 1.2×105 t, COD 1.8×105 t, BOD 7×104 t and ambient riverhead has been polluted greatly. Based on the research of anaerobic acidification and comparison of SBBR and SBR, biotreatment process (Homogenization—SBBR—BAF) had been established to amend the disadvantages of traditional sewage treatment such as too much sludge, high cost of advanced treatment and NH4+-N can not reach the emission standard. Research on the bioaugmentation was also been carried out. Researches showed, when COD of influent was beyond 3,000 mg/L, anaerobic acidification could resist strong impact, thus COD of effluent was less than 200 mg/L; when COD of influent was less than 3,000 mg/L, only throughout aerobic sewage treatment could COD of effluent beless than 200 mg/L. False residence tiome of anaerobic acidification would lead to the higher effluent concentration of sulfide and disintegration of aerobic activated sludge. Researches showed SBBR worked a better than SBR: when influent between 2,000 and 2,500 mg/L, NH4+-N between 130 mg/L and 146 mg/L, COD, NH4+-N removal rate of SBBR was 93.3%~96.6%, 14.5%~55.9% respectively while COD, NH4+-N removal rate of SBR was 88.8%~94.9%, 13%~50.7% respectively. Sludge growth rate of SBBR was 8.8% of that of 0.05 kgVSS/kgCOD. Besides, SBBR could recovered after 3 operating periods while SBR worked no better after 9 operating periods.Therefore, SBBR excelled SBR. Researches showed, effluent quantity of tannery wastewater treatment process (Homogenization—SBBR—BAF) was stable. When COD of influent was between 801 and 2,834 mg/L, NH4+-N was between 87 mg/L and 203 mg/L, COD of effluent was less than 80 mg/L, NH4+-N was less than 10 mg/L, which achieved the standard of reuse. This biotreatment was featured in low cost, easy and flexible management, less sludge, no inverse sludge system. Besides, this technique required no chemical, which could lower the cost and avoid secondary pollution. Great resistant of impact due to two membranes and was suitable for tannery wastewater which was featured by fluctuation of influent quality and quantity. Researches showed effective microorganisms promotes the startup of the process.Biofilm in the bioaugmentation process matured with 6 days while biofilm in normal process matured with 9 days. Effective microorganisms could accelerate the degradation of COD and shorten the residence time. Aggrandizement system could make COD<200 mg/L with 6 to8 hours while cntrolling system could make COD<200 mg/L with 8 to 10 hours. Long-term operating shows that SBBR in the bioaugmentation system worked better than the normal system in the treatment of COD and NH4+-N. The average COC of effluent in bioaugmentation system was 53 mg/L, normal system was 74 mg/L. In the simulative circulation process,aggrandizement process, which could fulfill 8 times theoretical circulation, works more stably than controlling process which could only fulfill 4 times theoretical circulation. Researches showed that reasonable design could make the wastewater meet the first grade of discharging standard of National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8976-1996), and partially meet the demand of water using of the factory. Adding effective microorganisms could enhance the biotreatment and make the effluents reuse many times.


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近年来各种环境污染事故频发,据统计仅2001~2003年间,发生的各类环境污染事故就高达5606次,其中水污染事故3235次,占全部的57.7%。这些事故不仅给人民生命财产造成巨大损失,也给生态环境造成严重的破坏。因此开发安全高效的应急处理技术迫在眉睫。本研究以筛选高效苯胺降解菌为基础,通过对高效菌降解性能的研究指导将高效菌作为功能郡主投加到已有生物处理系统强化应急处理苯胺突发污染事故废液,取得了良好的效果。 苯胺高效降解菌AN-P1为红球菌(Rhodococcus sp.),其通过间位途径降解苯胺,AN-P1利用苯胺生长和降解的最佳pH为6,最适浓度为2000 mg/L,最适温度为30 ℃,最佳接种量为0.3‰。AN-P1降解含500 mg/L、1000 mg/L、2000 mg/L苯胺的培养物分别经过28 h、24 h、32 h降解,出水苯胺含量能达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级标准。但由于苯胺降解过程中释放了大量氨氮,出水氨氮仍较高未能达标排放。而常规SBR系统应急处理效果较差,苯胺和COD去除率均低于10%,出水未能达标排放。活性碳吸附后的回收和后续处理也会带来操作不变和二次污染问题,且处理后出水往往难于达标排放,尚需进行进一步处理。 生物处理系统应急处理后恢复运行处理效果监测和PCR-DGGE图谱分析显示,用AN-P1菌强化应急处理系统后不仅能快速高效的去除苯胺,而且可以有效保障处理系统对污染物的净化性能,有效的保护系统中的功能微生物免受苯胺毒害。 研究结果表明,从实际处理效果、对原有生物系统性能保护及实际应用操作等多方面考虑,用AN-P1菌强化应急处理苯胺突发污染事故在技术上都是可行的。本研究为应急处理苯胺突然污染事故废液提供了新的方法。 Recent years, environment pollution accidents happened frequently, the data showed that there are 5606 accidents between 2001 and 2003, including 3235 water environment accidents, which is 57.7% of all. These accedents not only caused money lost and life lost but also caused serious damage to the ecologicl environment. So exploring highly-effective and secure methods to solve these accidents is an urgent mission. We screened a highly-effective aniline-degrading bacterium and did some researches on its ability to degrade aniline, in order to guide the emergency treatment of aniline containing wastewater that caused by sudden accident pollution with bioaugmentation. A highly-effective aniline-degrading bacterium AN-P1 was isolate and characterized as Rhodococcus sp. It degrades aniline through meta-cleavage pathway. The optimal pH and temperature for cell growth and aniline degradation were 6 and 30 ℃, respectively, and the opitimal concentration of aniline was 2000 mg/L, the optimal inoculation amount was 0.3‰.It took bacterium AN-P1 only 18 h, 24 h and 32 h, respectively, for the treatment of MSB containing 500 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L aniline to meet the first grade of national some of the NH4+-N which caused by aniline degradation. It took bacterium AN-P1 only 10 h, 20 h and 32 h, respectively, for the treatment of wastewater containing 500 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L aniline to meet the first grade of national integrated wastewater discharge standard. The bacterium AN-P1 can also remove some of the NH4+-N which caused by aniline degradation. It took bacterium AN-P1 only 10 h, 20 h and 32 h, respectively, for the treatment of wastewater containing 500 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, 2000 mg/L aniline to meet the first grade of national integrated wastewater discharge standard. By combing AN-P1 with regular SBR system, it took only 36 h for the emergency treatment of wastewater containing 2000 mg/L aniline under simulating engineering conditions to meet the discharge standard. While the NH4+-N of effluent can not meet the standard because of the high amount NH4+-N caused by aniline degradation. The regular SBR system was not good at aniline and COD removal. The removal efficiency of which are less than 10%. It cost 67.8 g activated carbon to absorbed 1000 mg aniline. It is inconvenient to transport and use it for the emergency treatment of aniline when the sudden pollution accident happened. Meanwhile, it was complex ad hard to recycle the activated carbon and treat the aniline wastewater get from activated carbon recycling too. Hard to meet the effluent standard was also a problem of activated carbon absorption method. According to the PCR-DGGE profile and removal efficiency of pollutants and COD when the systerm recover from emergency treatment, AN-P1 can efficiently protect the microbial community of regular activated sludge system against the aniline. It proved that combing AN-P1 with regular biological system is a feasible strategy for emergency treatment of aniline sudden pollution accident. The research offered a new way for emergency treatment of aniline sudden pollution accident.


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目的研究以亚硝酸盐为电子受体的反硝化除磷工艺中的运行参数以及影响因素.方法采用序批式反应器(SBR),在厌氧/缺氧条件下,利用亚硝酸盐为电子受体进行反硝化除磷的静态对比试验,改变温度、电子受体质量浓度、泥龄等因素,考察此工艺的最佳运行条件.结果在反硝化除磷工艺中,乙酸钠是较理想的碳源;当亚硝酸盐质量浓度在30 mg/L时,TP的去除效果最佳,过高则产生抑制作用;当泥龄为32 d,温度控制在25℃时,反硝化除磷效果最为理想.结论反硝化除磷系统是一个复杂的集合体,其影响因素主要有温度、电子受体浓度、污泥龄等,控制工艺最佳运行条件对获得较好的反硝化除磷效果非常重要,并为反硝化除磷工艺的应用提供参考依据.


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Three series of MBS core-shell impact modifiers were prepared by grafting styrene and methyl methacrylate onto PB or SBR seed latex in emulsion polymerization. All the MBS modifiers were designed to have the same total chemical composition, and MMA/Bd/St equals 30/42/28, which is a prerequisite for producing transparent blends with PVC. Under this composition, there were three different ways of arrangement for styrene in MBS, which led to the different structure of MBS modifier. The concentration of MBS in PVC/MBS blends was kept at a constant value of 20 wt.%. The effects of arrangement of St in MBS on the mechanical and optical properties of PVC/MBS blends were studied. The notched Izod impact test results showed that the MBS with a PB homopolymer core grafted with St had a lowest brittle-ductile transition (BDT) temperature and BDT temperature increased with the amount of St copolymerized with Bd in the core of MBS. The transparency of blends also increased with the amount of St copolymerized with Bd in the core. TEM results showed that the arrangement of St in MBS influenced the deformation behavior. Two deformation modes were observed in the blends: cavitation and shear yielding.


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SBR中加入环化试剂AlEt2Cl-C6H5CH2Cl,在120℃ ,20min条件下制备了环化SBR ,并借助IR ,1H -NMR ,DSC ,GPC等方法对产物性能进行了表征。结果表明 ,二甲苯溶剂参与了环化反应 ,且随环化度增加 ,参与反应的二甲苯量也逐渐增加 ,并确定了环结构的形成。利用 1H -NMR谱图导出了环化SBR的环化度和溶剂参与量的计算公式


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Controlled cyclization of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) was achieved with the aid of cationic catalyst system based on diethylaluminium chloride (AIEt(2)Cl) and benzyl chloride (C6H5CH2Cl) and by working in xylene solution at high temperature (T > 100 degreesC). The main parameters of the cyclization process were investigated. Elastomers with low intrinsic viscosity, ready solubility, free gel were obtained. The products were characterized with IR H-1-NMR, DSC, GPC. The polycyclic structure was determined. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Polyoxypropylene glycol (PPG) (or castor oil) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI) were mixed, and the prepolymer polyurethane (PU) (I) was formed. Vinyl-terminated polyurethane (II) was prepared from (I), and hydroxyethyl acrylate, AB crosslinked polymers (ABCPs) were synthesized from (II) and vinyl monomers such as styrene, methyl methacrylate, vinyl acetate, etc. The dynamic mechanical properties and morphology of ABCPs were measured. The ABCPs based on PPG have double glass transition temperatures (T(g)) on the sigma-vs. temperature curves. They display a two-phase morphology with plastic components forming the continous phase and PU-rich domains forming the separated phase on the electron micrographs. Irregular shapes and a highly polydisperse distribution of PU-rich domain sizes were observed. The crosslink density of ABCPs has a notable effect on the morphology and properties. The average diameter of the PU-rich domains depends on the molecular weight of prepolymer PPG. The highly crosslinked structures will produce large numbers of very small domains. ABCPs based on castor oil show a single T(g) relaxation on the dynamic mechanical spectra. The compatibility between the two components is much better in ABCPs based on castor oil than in those based on PPG, because there is a high crosslink density in the former. Comparison of the dynamic mechanical spectra of ABCP and interpenetrating networks (IPN) based on castor oil with similar crosslink density and composition imply that the two components in ABCP are compatible whereas microphase separation occurs in IPN. An improvement in the compatibility is achieved by the crosslinking between the two networks.


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采用多速粘度计和Monsanto试验机联用,在表观剪切速率为3×10~(-8)—2.5×10~8s~(-1)时观察了高1,2-聚丁二烯(PB)生胶与顺式1,4-PB,EPDM,SBR 1500在流变性质上的差异。高1,2-PB虽在中等剪切速率下有较高的粘度,但在低、高剪切速率时的粘度均较低,这一特性有利于它的加工。高1,2-PB在低剪切速率下的流动活化能较其他橡胶高,故抗冷流性能优越,易于存放。


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Aims: High local control rates are achieved in stage I lung cancer using stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Target delineation is commonly based on four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scans. Target volumes defined by positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) are compared with those defined by four-dimensional CT and conventional ('three-dimensional') F-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) PET/CT. Materials and methods: For 16 stage I non-small cell lung cancer tumours, six approaches for deriving PET target volumes were evaluated: manual contouring, standardised uptake value (SUV) absolute threshold of 2.5, 35% of maximum SUV (35%SUV), 41% of SUV (41%SUV) and two different source to background ratio techniques (SBR-1 and SBR-2). PET-derived target volumes were compared with the internal target volume (ITV) from the modified maximum intensity projection (MIP ITV). Volumetric and positional correlation was assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC). Results: PET-based target volumes did not correspond to four-dimensional CT-based target volumes. The mean DSC relative to MIP ITV were: PET manual = 0.64, SUV2.5 = 0.64, 35%SUV = 0.63, 41%SUV = 0.57. SBR-1 = 0.52, SBR-2 = 0.49. PET-based target volumes were smaller than corresponding MIP ITVs. Conclusions: Conventional three-dimensional F-FDG PET-derived target volumes for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy did not correspond well with those derived from four-dimensional CT, including those in routine clinical use (MIP ITV). Caution is required in using three-dimensional PET for motion encompassing target volume delineation. © 2012 The Royal College of Radiologists.


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AIMS: High local control rates are achieved in stage I lung cancer using
stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Target delineation is commonly based on
four-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scans. Target volumes defined by
positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) are compared with those defined by four-dimensional CT and conventional ('three-dimensional')
(18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) PET/CT.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 16 stage I non-small cell lung cancer tumours, six
approaches for deriving PET target volumes were evaluated: manual contouring,
standardised uptake value (SUV) absolute threshold of 2.5, 35% of maximum SUV
(35%SUV(MAX)), 41% of SUV(MAX) (41%SUV(MAX)) and two different source to
background ratio techniques (SBR-1 and SBR-2). PET-derived target volumes were compared with the internal target volume (ITV) from the modified maximum
intensity projection (MIP(MOD) ITV). Volumetric and positional correlation was
assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC).

RESULTS: PET-based target volumes did not correspond to four-dimensional CT-based target volumes. The mean DSC relative to MIP(MOD) ITV were: PET manual = 0.64, SUV2.5 = 0.64, 35%SUV(MAX) = 0.63, 41%SUV(MAX) = 0.57. SBR-1 = 0.52, SBR-2 =0.49. PET-based target volumes were smaller than corresponding MIP ITVs.

CONCLUSIONS: Conventional three-dimensional (18)F-FDG PET-derived target volumes for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy did not correspond well with those derived from four-dimensional CT, including those in routine clinical use
(MIP(MOD) ITV). Caution is required in using three-dimensional PET for motion
encompassing target volume delineation.