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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a promising therapeutic approach in many diseases in view of their potent immunomodulatory properties, which are only partially understood. Here, we show that the endothelium is a specific and key target of MSC during immunity and inflammation. In mice, MSC inhibit activation and proliferation of endothelial cells in remote inflamed lymph nodes (LNs), affect elongation and arborization of high endothelial venules (HEVs) and inhibit T-cell homing. The proteomic analysis of the MSC secretome identified the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) as a potential effector molecule responsible for the anti-angiogenic properties of MSC. Both in vitro and in vivo, TIMP-1 activity is responsible for the anti-angiogenic effects of MSC, and increasing TIMP-1 concentrations delivered by an Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) vector recapitulates the effects of MSC transplantation on draining LNs. Thus, this study discovers a new and highly efficient general mechanism through which MSC tune down immunity and inflammation, identifies TIMP-1 as a novel biomarker of MSC-based therapy and opens the gate to new therapeutic approaches of inflammatory diseases.


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Experimental models of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) have shown that the very early events post-OLT are critical in distinguishing immunogenic and tolerogenic reactions. In rodents, increased leukocyte apoptosis and cytokine expression have been demonstrated in tolerogenic strain combinations. Information from human OLT recipients is less abundant. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of early leukocyte activation and apoptosis following human OLT, and to correlate this with subsequent rejection status. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated from 76 patients undergoing OLT - on the day prior, 5 hrs after reperfusion (day 0), and 18-24 hrs post-OLT (day 1). The mean level of apoptotic PBMCs on post OLT day 1 was higher than healthy recipients (0.9% +/- 0.2 vs. 0.2% +/- 0.1, p = 0.013). Apoptosis was greater in nonrejecting (NR) (1.1% +/- 0.3) compared with acutely-rejecting (R) (0.3% +/- 0.1, p = 0.021) patients. On day 1, PBMC from NR patients had increased expression of IFN-gamma (p = 0.006), IL-10 (p = 0.016), and CD40 ligand (p = 0.02) compared with R. Donor cell chimerism on day 1 did not differ between the groups indicating that this was unlikely to account for increased PBMC apoptosis in the NR group. Interestingly, the level of chimerism on day 0 was significantly higher in NR (3.8% +/- 0.6) compared with R (1.2% +/- 0.4, p = 0.004) patients and there was a close correlation between chimerism on day 0 and cytokine expression on day 1. These results imply that similar mechanisms are occurring in the human liver to promote graft acceptance as in the experimental models of liver transplantation and suggest that strategies that promote liver transplant acceptance in rodents might be applicable to humans.


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To determine whether non-enterobacterial endotoxins, which are likely to constitute the majority of the circulating endotoxin pool, may stimulate coronary artery endothelial cell activation. Interleukin-8 secretion, monocyte adhesion, and E-selectin expression were measured in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) challenged in vitro with highly purified endotoxins of common host colonisers Escherichia coli, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacteroides fragilis. HCAECs but not HUVECs expressed Toll-like receptor (TLR)-2 and were responsive to non-enterobacterial endotoxins. Transfection of TLR-deficient HEK-293 cells with TLR2 or TLR4/MD2 revealed that while E. coli endotoxin utilised solely TLR4 to signal, the endotoxins, deglycosylated endotoxins (lipid-A), and whole heat-killed bacteria of the other species stimulated TLR2-but not TLR4-dependent cell-signalling. Blockade of TLR2 with neutralizing antibody prevented HCAEC activation by non-enterobacterial endotoxins. Comparison of each endotoxin with E. coli endotoxin in limulus amoebocyte lysate assay revealed that the non-enterobacterial endotoxins are greatly underestimated by this assay, which has been used in all previous studies to estimate plasma endotoxin concentrations. Circulating non-enterobacterial endotoxins may be an underestimated contributor to endothelial activation and atherosclerosis in individuals at risk of increased plasma endotoxin burden.


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Acknowledgements We thank the Iain Fraser Flow Cytometry Centre and the Medical Research Facility of the University of Aberdeen. We are grateful to Drs West, Zaru, and Davidson (University of Dundee) for the scientific discussion and technical assistance. Wethank Derek Mitchell (University of Dundee) for aiding with the quantification of focal contacts. Funding This work was supported by Saving Sight in Grampian and the Development Trust of the UoA (both to J.V.F.). Work on this project was partly funded by project grants from British Heart Foundation and European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes/Lilly diabetes programme grant (to M.D.).


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Acknowledgements We thank the Iain Fraser Flow Cytometry Centre and the Medical Research Facility of the University of Aberdeen. We are grateful to Drs West, Zaru, and Davidson (University of Dundee) for the scientific discussion and technical assistance. Wethank Derek Mitchell (University of Dundee) for aiding with the quantification of focal contacts. Funding This work was supported by Saving Sight in Grampian and the Development Trust of the UoA (both to J.V.F.). Work on this project was partly funded by project grants from British Heart Foundation and European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes/Lilly diabetes programme grant (to M.D.).


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Dissertation, 2016


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New Findings What is the central question of this study? The Notch signalling pathway plays an important role in muscle regeneration, and activation of the pathway has been shown to enhance muscle regeneration in aged mice. It is unknown whether Notch activation will have a similarly beneficial effect on muscle regeneration in the context of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). What is the main finding and its importance? Although expression of Notch signalling components is altered in both mouse models of DMD and in human DMD patients, activation of the Notch signalling pathway does not confer any functional benefit on muscles from dystrophic mice, suggesting that other signalling pathways may be more fruitful targets for manipulation in treating DMD. Abstract In Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), muscle damage and impaired regeneration lead to progressive muscle wasting, weakness and premature death. The Notch signalling pathway represents a central regulator of gene expression and is critical for cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptotic signalling during all stages of embryonic muscle development. Notch activation improves muscle regeneration in aged mice, but its potential to restore regeneration and function in muscular dystrophy is unknown. We performed a comprehensive examination of several genes involved in Notch signalling in muscles from dystrophin-deficient mdx and dko (utrophin- and dystrophin-null) mice and DMD patients. A reduction of Notch1 and Hes1 mRNA in tibialis anterior muscles of dko mice and quadriceps muscles of DMD patients and a reduction of Hes1 mRNA in the diaphragm of the mdx mice were observed, with other targets being inconsistent across species. Activation and inhibition of Notch signalling, followed by measures of muscle regeneration and function, were performed in the mouse models of DMD. Notch activation had no effect on functional regeneration in C57BL/10, mdx or dko mice. Notch inhibition significantly depressed the frequency-force relationship in regenerating muscles of C57BL/10 and mdx mice after injury, indicating reduced force at each stimulation frequency, but enhanced the frequency-force relationship in muscles from dko mice. We conclude that while Notch inhibition produces slight functional defects in dystrophic muscle, Notch activation does not significantly improve muscle regeneration in murine models of muscular dystrophy. Furthermore, the inconsistent expression of Notch targets between murine models and DMD patients suggests caution when making interspecies comparisons.


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Altération de la régénération musculaire dans la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique. La maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) est caractérisée par une obstruction bronchique irréversible et progressive. L’atrophie musculaire périphérique y est fréquente et a un impact négatif sur la capacité fonctionnelle et la survie des sujets atteints. Toutefois, on ignore si une altération du processus de régénération musculaire est un processus ayant cours dans l’atrophie musculaire périphérique. Le but de la présente thèse était donc d’étudier les cellules satellites, principales cellules responsables de la régénération musculaire dans les muscles périphériques de patients ayant une MPOC. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué l’historique de réplication du tissu musculaire et la sénescence des cellules satellites. Les changements morphologiques ayant lieu dans le muscle au cours de la progression de la maladie rendent le muscle plus susceptible aux dommages, induisant un raccourcissement prématuré des télomères. Un raccourcissement des télomères chez les sujets ayant une MPOC avec atrophie est concomitant avec une augmentation du nombre de cellules satellites sénescentes et de l’épuisement du potentiel de régénération compromettant le maintien de la masse musculaire chez ces sujets. Dans un deuxième et troisième temps, nous avons étudié les étapes amenant une cellule satellite vers une cellule musculaire dans les muscles périphériques et respiratoires de patients ayant une MPOC comparativement à des sujets contrôles. Les cellules satellites sont impliquées dans la réparation du tissu musculaire. Dans les cellules satellites provenant des sujets ayant une MPOC, une altération de la prolifération et de la différentiation a été observée. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une altération de la régénération musculaire pouvant conduire à l’atrophie musculaire dans la MPOC. Le quatrième volet de ce projet s’intéressait à l’impact d’un entraînement en résistance sur l’activité des cellules satellites et le rôle joué par la myostatine dans ce contexte. La littérature montre que l’exercice en résistance est bien toléré et aide les patients ayant une MPOC à retrouver une meilleure qualité de vie. Cependant, il semble qu’ils n’y répondent pas tous aussi bien que les sujets contrôles. La capacité de réponse des cellules satellites à un entraînement en résistance semble inadéquate, suggérant ainsi un défaut de leur activation. Dans la dernière étude de cette thèse, nous avons voulu évaluer l’impact de l’inflammation systémique en étudiant SAA1, une protéine de phase aiguë et p21, une protéine du cycle cellulaire dans la dégradation des protéines des cellules musculaires. Les liens de causalité entre l’affection primaire et les différentes comorbidités demeurent nébuleux dans la MPOC. SAA1 et p21 sont augmentés dans les muscles squelettiques des patients ayant une MPOC et par ailleurs, SAA1 est capable d’induire la dégradation des protéines musculaires. Cette thèse expose les premiers éléments impliquant l’altération de la régénération musculaire avec la dysfonction musculaire observée chez les patients ayant une MPOC. Ces résultats vont certainement contribuer au développement de nouvelles thérapies et stratégies d’intervention dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes d’une MPOC. En somme, les travaux effectués dans le cadre de la présente thèse montrent que plusieurs mécanismes agissent de concert avec l’inactivité physique afin d’induire le phénotype dysfonctionnel dans les muscles des patients ayant une MPOC.


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T cell activation leads to engagement of cellular metabolic pathways necessary to support cell proliferation and function. However, our understanding of the signal transduction pathways that regulate metabolism and their impact on T cell function remains limited. The liver kinase B1 (LKB1) is a serine/threonine kinase that links cellular metabolism with cell growth and proliferation. In this study, we demonstrate that LKB1 is a critical regulator of T cell development, viability, activation, and metabolism. T cell-specific ablation of the gene that encodes LKB1 resulted in blocked thymocyte development and a reduction in peripheral T cells. LKB1-deficient T cells exhibited defects in cell proliferation and viability and altered glycolytic and lipid metabolism. Interestingly, loss of LKB1 promoted increased T cell activation and inflammatory cytokine production by both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was decreased in LKB1-deficient T cells. AMPK was found to mediate a subset of LKB1 functions in T lymphocytes, as mice lacking the α1 subunit of AMPK displayed similar defects in T cell activation, metabolism, and inflammatory cytokine production, but normal T cell development and peripheral T cell homeostasis. LKB1- and AMPKα1-deficient T cells each displayed elevated mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 signaling and IFN-γ production that could be reversed by rapamycin treatment. Our data highlight a central role for LKB1 in T cell activation, viability, and metabolism and suggest that LKB1-AMPK signaling negatively regulates T cell effector function through regulation of mammalian target of rapamycin activity.


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Foreign pathogens are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLR), present on various immune cells such as professional antigen-presenting cells (pAPCs). On recognition of its ligand, these receptors activate pAPCs, which may in turn influence naïve CD8+ T cell activation and affect their abilities to clear viral infection. However, how TLR ligands (TLR-L) can regulate CD8+ T cell responses have not been fully elucidated. This thesis will focus on examining how the presence of components from foreign pathogens, e.g. viral or bacterial infection, can contribute to shaping host immunity during concurrent viral infections. Since nitric oxide (NO), an innate effector immune molecule, was recently suggested to regulate proteasome activity; we sought to examine if NO can influence MHC-I antigen presentation during viral infections. The data in this section of the thesis provides evidence that combined TLR engagement can alter the presentation of certain CD8+ epitopes due to NO-induced inhibition in proteasome activity. Taken together, the data demonstrate that TLR ligation can influence the adaptive immune response due to induction of specific innate effector molecules such as NO. Next, the influence of combined TLR engagement on CD8+ T cell immunodominance hierarchies during viral infections was examined. In this section, we established that dual TLR2 and TLR3 stimulation alters immunodominance hierarchies of LCMV epitopes as a result of reduced uptake of cell-associated antigens and reduced cross-presentation of NP396 consequently suppressing NP396-specific CD8+ T cell responses. These findings are significant as they highlight a new role for TLR ligands in regulating anti-viral CD8+ T cell responses through impairing cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens depending on the type of TLR present in the environment during infections. Finally, we addressed TLR ligand induced type I interferon production and the signalling pathways that regulate them in two different mouse macrophage populations – those derived from the spleen or bone marrow. In this study, we observed that concomitant TLR2 stimulation blocked the induction of type I IFN induced by TLR4 in bone marrow-derived macrophages, but not spleen-derived macrophages in SOCS3-dependent manner. Taken together, the data presented in this thesis have defined new facets of how anti-viral responses are regulated by TLR activation, especially if multiple receptors are engaged simultaneously.


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Understanding the regulation of T-cell responses during inflammation and auto-immunity is fundamental for designing efficient therapeutic strategies against immune diseases. In this regard, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is mostly considered a myeloid-derived immunosuppressive molecule. We describe for the first time that T cells secrete PGE2 during T-cell receptor stimulation. In addition, we show that autocrine PGE2 signaling through EP receptors is essential for optimal CD4(+) T-cell activation in vitro and in vivo, and for T helper 1 (Th1) and regulatory T cell differentiation. PGE2 was found to provide additive co-stimulatory signaling through AKT activation. Intravital multiphoton microscopy showed that triggering EP receptors in T cells is also essential for the stability of T cell-dendritic cell (DC) interactions and Th-cell accumulation in draining lymph nodes (LNs) during inflammation. We further demonstrated that blocking EP receptors in T cells during the initial phase of collagen-induced arthritis in mice resulted in a reduction of clinical arthritis. This could be attributable to defective T-cell activation, accompanied by a decline in activated and interferon-γ-producing CD4(+) Th1 cells in draining LNs. In conclusion, we prove that T lymphocytes secret picomolar concentrations of PGE2, which in turn provide additive co-stimulatory signaling, enabling T cells to attain a favorable activation threshold. PGE2 signaling in T cells is also required for maintaining long and stable interactions with DCs within LNs. Blockade of EP receptors in vivo impairs T-cell activation and development of T cell-mediated inflammatory responses. This may have implications in various pathophysiological settings.


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The Tec family of tyrosine kinases are involved in signals emanating from cytokine receptors, antigen receptors, and other lymphoid cell surface receptors. One family member, ITK (inducible T cell kinase), is involved in T cell activation and can be activated by the T cell receptor and the CD28 cell surface receptor. This stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK can be mimicked by the Src family kinase Lck. We have explored the mechanism of this requirement for Src family kinases in the activation of ITK. We found that coexpression of ITK and Src results in increased membrane association, tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK, which could be blocked by inhibitors of the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) as well as overexpression of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. Removal of the Pleckstrin homology domain (PH) of ITK resulted in a kinase that could no longer be induced to localize to the membrane or be activated by Src. The PH of ITK was also able to bind inositol phosphates phosphorylated at the D3 position. Membrane targeting of ITK without the PH recovered its ability to be activated by Src. These results suggest that ITK can be activated by a combination of Src and PI 3-kinase.


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T cell receptor (TCR) antagonists inhibit antigen-induced T cell activation and by themselves fail to induce phenotypic changes associated with T cell activation. However, we have recently shown that TCR antagonists are inducers of antigen-presenting cell (APC)–T cell conjugates. The signaling pathway associated with this cytoskeleton-dependent event appears to involve tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Vav. In this study, we investigated the role played by the protein tyrosine kinases Fyn, Lck, and ZAP-70 in antagonist-induced signaling pathway. Antagonist stimulation increased tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity of Fyn severalfold, whereas little or no increase in Lck and ZAP-70 activity was observed. Second, TCR stimulation of Lck−, Fynhi Jurkat cells induced strong tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav. In contrast, minimal increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of Vav was observed in Lckhi, Fynlo Jurkat cells. Finally, study of T cells from a Fyn-deficient TCR transgenic mouse also showed that Fyn was required for tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Vav induced by both antagonist and agonist peptides. The deficiency in Vav phosphorylation in Fyn-deficient T cells was associated with a defect in the formation of APC–T cell conjugates when T cells were stimulated with either agonist or antagonist peptide. We conclude from these results that Vav is a selective substrate for Fyn, especially under conditions of low-affinity TCR-mediated signaling, and that this signaling pathway involving Fyn, Vav, and Rac-1 is required for the cytoskeletal reorganization that leads to T cell–APC conjugates and the formation of the immunologic synapse.