439 resultados para Ruyter, Michiel Adriaansz deRuyter, Michiel Adriaansz deMichiel AdriaanszRuyterde
Il presente elaborato è una proposta di traduzione del film Viy (2014), diretto da Oleg Stepčenko. Il film è una rivisitazione cinematografica di un racconto di Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol', da cui prende il titolo. Prima di dedicarmi alla traduzione del testo, ho ritenuto opportuno documentarmi quanto più possibile sul racconto originale, i temi, il linguaggio, la contestualizzazione dell'opera nella vita dell'autore. La prima parte del mio lavoro è quindi dedicata alla presentazione del racconto originale e della raccolta da cui esso è tratto, Mirgorod (1835). Successivamente, ho voluto introdurre il film e le sue tematiche (non sempre corrispondenti al racconto); ho poi aggiunto un breve commento alla mia traduzione, enucleando i principali ostacoli incontrati nel processo traduttivo, e le soluzioni adottate; in appendice, la mia proposta di traduzione. La scelta di questo film come oggetto dell'elaborato finale è derivata da un mio particolare interesse per il cinema fantasy ; i film di questo genere sono solitamente tratti da romanzi contemporanei, mi è parso quindi singolare il caso di Viy (2014), ispirato al folle racconto di un autore sacro come Gogol'.
Настоящая работа представляет собой перевод с русского языка на итальянский шести рассказов из антологии 14. Женская проза «нулевых», которая была опубликована в Москве в 2012 году составителем Захаром Прилепиным. В сборнике был опубликован двадцать один текст – рассказы и повести, написанные четырнадцатью современными русскими писательницами. Перевод разных произведений разных авторов ставит своей целью предоставить широкий взгляд на современную женскую прозу и сравнить стили и темы характерные для этого направления современной русской литературы. Эти авторы отличаются друг от друга возрастом, происхождением и степенью известности – некоторые из них популярны и в России, и за рубежом, другие мало известны даже на Родине, но они все получали главные русские литературные премии. В Италии русская женская проза почти неизвестна, поэтому данная работа может помочь итальянским читателям познакомиться с этими писательницами. Доступный язык, на котором пишут эти женщины, и ежедневные ситуации, которые они описывают, могут приблизить итальянцев к русской культуре и показать сходства и различия между итальянской и русской жизнью и обществом. В первой главе работы представляется краткое изложение истории русской женской литературы до нашего времени, говорится о составителе сборника, и описываются толстые журналы, в которых были опубликованы рассказы этих молодых писательниц, а также главные русские литературные премии, полученные ими. Во второй главе описываются темы и стили каждого рассказа. В третьей главе предлагается перевод рассказов. В четвёртой главе обсуждаются трудности, с которыми мы столкнулись в процессе перевода, описываются лингвистические особенности и культурные различия между Италией и Россией, и объясняются стратегии, которые были предприняты для того, чтобы решить проблемы перевода.
В начале этой диссертации я решила изучить фигуру русского современного писателя и трудности, с которыми он сталкивался в былые и последнее время. Его путь не был лёгким потому что, исторические и культурные перемены и решении государства, которое всегда старалось его контролировать, очень повлияли на работу русского писателя. Потом, я представила автора книги, которую я переводила и, в частности, я подчеркнула такие детали его стиля, которые его характеризуют как современного русского писателя, не принадлежащего ни к какому литературному течению. Центром моего анализа книги Снегирёва личная точка зрения автора о современности и об ощущениях каждого персонажа, встречающего перемену в своей жизни. Затем, я проанализировала фигуру переводчика, который должен всегда решить как поступить с разными трудностями оригинального текста. Для того, чтобы правильно переводить, это необходимо, чтобы переводчик принял во внимание не только функцию, контекст и стиль текста, который он должен переводить, но он также должен изучить теории важных переводчиков и критиков, которые могут ему помочь и представляют для него точку отсчёта для будущих переводческих решений. Переводчик должен пропустить всю эту информацию через фильтр своего сознания. Я также включила в эту диссертацию главу о биографии автора и его библиографию автора и часть интервью со Снегирёвым, которое происходило в Москве в мае 2015 года. Этот опыт мне позволил принимать более осмысленные решения, когда я переводила книгу Чувство вины, потому что я лучше поняла и автор и его точку зрения о его работе. После этой главы, я включила в эту диссертацию комментарии к моему переводу, где я привела примеры трудностей и характеристик текста и разные приемы, которые я использовала для того, чтобы разрешить мои сомнения в переводе некоторых частей книги. В заключении я написала главу, в которой я сделала выводы о моей работе по поводу перевода этой книги. В приложение я включила свой перевод на итальянский книги Снегирёва.
Questa tesi si pone come scopo quello di studiare la scena teatrale contemporanea russa, utilizzando come pretesto la traduzione della piéce “Žara” dell’autrice Natalija Mošina. Mošina fa parte del movimento teatrale chiamato ‘novaja drama’, che si è sviluppato in Russia a partire da fine anni Novanta. Nel primo capitolo tratteremo brevemente la storia del teatro russo del Novecento, per osservare come si è giunti alla formazione di questo nuovo movimento. Passeremo poi ad analizzare il movimento vero e proprio, concentrandoci sulle posizioni artistiche dei suoi membri e sul tipo di innovazione che vogliono portare al teatro russo. Proporremo poi una selezione dei luoghi che rinnovano la scena teatrale moscovita. Il secondo capitolo è interamente dedicato ad uno di questi luoghi, il Teatr Praktika, primo teatro statale ad occuparsi esclusivamente di testi contemporanei, di cui vedremo la storia dalla sua fondazione ai giorni nostri e analizzeremo il repertorio vedendo come gli spettacoli messi qui in scena riflettano le posizioni del novaja drama. Nel capitolo conclusivo parleremo più approfonditamente della pièce da noi tradotta vedendo come si colloca all’interno della produzione dell’autrice e del novaja drama, analizzandone la messa in scena al Praktika. Proporremo poi delle riflessioni sulla traduzione di testi teatrali facendo riferimento alla traduzione da noi svolta, che proporremo di seguito.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 is characterized by germline mutations in RET. For exon 10, comprehensive molecular and corresponding phenotypic data are scarce. The International RET Exon 10 Consortium, comprising 27 centers from 15 countries, analyzed patients with RET exon 10 mutations for clinical-risk profiles. Presentation, age-dependent penetrance, and stage at presentation of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma, and hyperparathyroidism were studied. A total of 340 subjects from 103 families, age 4-86, were registered. There were 21 distinct single nucleotide germline mutations located in codons 609 (45 subjects), 611 (50), 618 (94), and 620 (151). MTC was present in 263 registrants, pheochromocytoma in 54, and hyperparathyroidism in 8 subjects. Of the patients with MTC, 53% were detected when asymptomatic, and among those with pheochromocytoma, 54%. Penetrance for MTC was 4% by age 10, 25% by 25, and 80% by 50. Codon-associated penetrance by age 50 ranged from 60% (codon 611) to 86% (620). More advanced stage and increasing risk of metastases correlated with mutation in codon position (609?620) near the juxtamembrane domain. Our data provide rigorous bases for timing of premorbid diagnosis and personalized treatment/prophylactic procedure decisions depending on specific RET exon 10 codons affected.
The worldwide distribution of toxicants is an important yet understudied driver of biodiversity, and the mechanisms relating toxicity to diversity have not been adequately explored. Here, we present a community model integrating demography, dispersal and toxicant-induced effects on reproduction driven by intraspecific and interspecific variability in toxicity tolerance. We compare model predictions to 458 species abundance distribu- tions (SADs) observed along concentration gradients of toxicants to show that the best predictions occur when intraspecific variability is five and ten times higher than interspecific variability. At high concentrations, lower settings of intraspecific variability resulted in predictions of community extinction that were not supported by the observed SADs. Subtle but significant species losses at low concentrations were predicted only when intraspecific variability dominated over interspecific variability. Our results propose intraspecific variability as a key driver for biodiversity sustenance in ecosystems challenged by environmental change.
Methane is an important greenhouse gas, responsible for about 20 of the warming induced by long-lived greenhouse gases since pre-industrial times. By reacting with hydroxyl radicals, methane reduces the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and generates ozone in the troposphere. Although most sources and sinks of methane have been identified, their relative contributions to atmospheric methane levels are highly uncertain. As such, the factors responsible for the observed stabilization of atmospheric methane levels in the early 2000s, and the renewed rise after 2006, remain unclear. Here, we construct decadal budgets for methane sources and sinks between 1980 and 2010, using a combination of atmospheric measurements and results from chemical transport models, ecosystem models, climate chemistry models and inventories of anthropogenic emissions. The resultant budgets suggest that data-driven approaches and ecosystem models overestimate total natural emissions. We build three contrasting emission scenarios � which differ in fossil fuel and microbial emissions � to explain the decadal variability in atmospheric methane levels detected, here and in previous studies, since 1985. Although uncertainties in emission trends do not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn, we show that the observed stabilization of methane levels between 1999 and 2006 can potentially be explained by decreasing-to-stable fossil fuel emissions, combined with stable-to-increasing microbial emissions. We show that a rise in natural wetland emissions and fossil fuel emissions probably accounts for the renewed increase in global methane levels after 2006, although the relative contribution of these two sources remains uncertain.
Cataloging geocentric objects can be put in the framework of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). Current work tends to focus on the S = 2 MTT problem because of its favorable computational complexity of O(n²). The MTT problem becomes NP-hard for a dimension of S˃3. The challenge is to find an approximation to the solution within a reasonable computation time. To effciently approximate this solution a Genetic Algorithm is used. The algorithm is applied to a simulated test case. These results represent the first steps towards a method that can treat the S˃3 problem effciently and with minimal manual intervention.
Currently several thousands of objects are being tracked in the MEO and GEO regions through optical means. The problem faced in this framework is that of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). In this context both, the correct associations among the observations and the orbits of the objects have to be determined. The complexity of the MTT problem is defined by its dimension S. The number S corresponds to the number of fences involved in the problem. Each fence consists of a set of observations where each observation belongs to a different object. The S ≥ 3 MTT problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. There are two general ways to solve this. One way is to seek the optimum solution, this can be achieved by applying a branch-and- bound algorithm. When using these algorithms the problem has to be greatly simplified to keep the computational cost at a reasonable level. Another option is to approximate the solution by using meta-heuristic methods. These methods aim to efficiently explore the different possible combinations so that a reasonable result can be obtained with a reasonable computational effort. To this end several population-based meta-heuristic methods are implemented and tested on simulated optical measurements. With the advent of improved sensors and a heightened interest in the problem of space debris, it is expected that the number of tracked objects will grow by an order of magnitude in the near future. This research aims to provide a method that can treat the correlation and orbit determination problems simultaneously, and is able to efficiently process large data sets with minimal manual intervention.
Currently several thousands of objects are being tracked in the MEO and GEO regions through optical means. The problem faced in this framework is that of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). In this context both the correct associations among the observations, and the orbits of the objects have to be determined. The complexity of the MTT problem is defined by its dimension S. Where S stands for the number of ’fences’ used in the problem, each fence consists of a set of observations that all originate from dierent targets. For a dimension of S ˃ the MTT problem becomes NP-hard. As of now no algorithm exists that can solve an NP-hard problem in an optimal manner within a reasonable (polynomial) computation time. However, there are algorithms that can approximate the solution with a realistic computational e ort. To this end an Elitist Genetic Algorithm is implemented to approximately solve the S ˃ MTT problem in an e cient manner. Its complexity is studied and it is found that an approximate solution can be obtained in a polynomial time. With the advent of improved sensors and a heightened interest in the problem of space debris, it is expected that the number of tracked objects will grow by an order of magnitude in the near future. This research aims to provide a method that can treat the correlation and orbit determination problems simultaneously, and is able to e ciently process large data sets with minimal manual intervention.
Adaptations to new pollinators involve multiple floral traits, each requiring coordinated changes in multiple genes. Despite this genetic complexity, shifts in pollination syndromes have happened frequently during angiosperm evolution. Here we study the genetic basis of floral UV absorbance, a key trait for attracting nocturnal pollinators. In Petunia, mutations in a single gene, MYB-FL, explain two transitions in UV absorbance. A gain of UV absorbance in the transition from bee to moth pollination was determined by a cis-regulatory mutation, whereas a frameshift mutation caused subsequent loss of UV absorbance during the transition from moth to hummingbird pollination. The functional differences in MYB-FL provide insight into the process of speciation and clarify phylogenetic relationships between nascent species.
The European Registry for Patients with Mechanical Circulatory Support (EUROMACS) was founded on 10 December 2009 with the initiative of Roland Hetzer (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany) and Jan Gummert (Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany) with 15 other founding international members. It aims to promote scientific research to improve care of end-stage heart failure patients with ventricular assist device or a total artificial heart as long-term mechanical circulatory support. Likewise, the organization aims to provide and maintain a registry of device implantation data and long-term follow-up of patients with mechanical circulatory support. Hence, EUROMACS affiliated itself with Dendrite Clinical Systems Ltd to offer its members a software tool that allows input and analysis of patient clinical data on a daily basis. EUROMACS facilitates further scientific studies by offering research groups access to any available data wherein patients and centres are anonymized. Furthermore, EUROMACS aims to stimulate cooperation with clinical and research institutions and with peer associations involved to further its aims. EUROMACS is the only European-based Registry for Patients with Mechanical Circulatory Support with rapid increase in institutional and individual membership. Because of the expeditious data input, the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgeons saw the need to optimize the data availability and the significance of the registry to improve care of patients with mechanical circulatory support and its potential contribution to scientific intents; hence, the beginning of their alliance in 2012. This first annual report is designed to provide an overview of EUROMACS' structure, its activities, a first data collection and an insight to its scientific contributions.
PURPOSE Recent advances in optogenetics and gene therapy have led to promising new treatment strategies for blindness caused by retinal photoreceptor loss. Preclinical studies often rely on the retinal degeneration 1 (rd1 or Pde6b(rd1)) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) mouse model. The rd1 founder mutation is present in more than 100 actively used mouse lines. Since secondary genetic traits are well-known to modify the phenotypic progression of photoreceptor degeneration in animal models and human patients with RP, negligence of the genetic background in the rd1 mouse model is unwarranted. Moreover, the success of various potential therapies, including optogenetic gene therapy and prosthetic implants, depends on the progress of retinal degeneration, which might differ between rd1 mice. To examine the prospect of phenotypic expressivity in the rd1 mouse model, we compared the progress of retinal degeneration in two common rd1 lines, C3H/HeOu and FVB/N. METHODS We followed retinal degeneration over 24 weeks in FVB/N, C3H/HeOu, and congenic Pde6b(+) seeing mouse lines, using a range of experimental techniques including extracellular recordings from retinal ganglion cells, PCR quantification of cone opsin and Pde6b transcripts, in vivo flash electroretinogram (ERG), and behavioral optokinetic reflex (OKR) recordings. RESULTS We demonstrated a substantial difference in the speed of retinal degeneration and accompanying loss of visual function between the two rd1 lines. Photoreceptor degeneration and loss of vision were faster with an earlier onset in the FVB/N mice compared to C3H/HeOu mice, whereas the performance of the Pde6b(+) mice did not differ significantly in any of the tests. By postnatal week 4, the FVB/N mice expressed significantly less cone opsin and Pde6b mRNA and had neither ERG nor OKR responses. At 12 weeks of age, the retinal ganglion cells of the FVB/N mice had lost all light responses. In contrast, 4-week-old C3H/HeOu mice still had ERG and OKR responses, and we still recorded light responses from C3H/HeOu retinal ganglion cells until the age of 24 weeks. These results show that genetic background plays an important role in the rd1 mouse pathology. CONCLUSIONS Analogous to human RP, the mouse genetic background strongly influences the rd1 phenotype. Thus, different rd1 mouse lines may follow different timelines of retinal degeneration, making exact knowledge of genetic background imperative in all studies that use rd1 models.
SOLUTIONS (2013 to 2018) is a European Union Seventh Framework Programme Project (EU-FP7). The project aims to deliver a conceptual framework to support the evidence-based development of environmental policies with regard to water quality. SOLUTIONS will develop the tools for the identification, prioritisation and assessment of those water contaminants that may pose a risk to ecosystems and human health. To this end, a new generation of chemical and effect-based monitoring tools is developed and integrated with a full set of exposure, effect and risk assessment models. SOLUTIONS attempts to address legacy, present and future contamination by integrating monitoring and modelling based approaches with scenarios on future developments in society, economy and technology and thus in contamination. The project follows a solutions-oriented approach by addressing major problems of water and chemicals management and by assessing abatement options. SOLUTIONS takes advantage of the access to the infrastructure necessary to investigate the large basins of the Danube and Rhine as well as relevant Mediterranean basins as case studies, and puts major efforts on stakeholder dialogue and support. Particularly, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) working groups, International River Commissions, and water works associations are directly supported with consistent guidance for the early detection, identification, prioritisation, and abatement of chemicals in the water cycle. SOLUTIONS will give a specific emphasis on concepts and tools for the impact and risk assessment of complex mixtures of emerging pollutants, their metabolites and transformation products. Analytical and effect-based screening tools will be applied together with ecological assessment tools for the identification of toxicants and their impacts. The SOLUTIONS approach is expected to provide transparent and evidence-based candidates or River Basin Specific Pollutants in the case study basins and to assist future review of priority pollutants under the WFD as well as potential abatement options.