930 resultados para Rural justice in late colonial period


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The seasonal evolution of daily and hourly values of global and diffuse solar radiation at the surface are compared for the cities of São Paulo and Botucatu, both located in Southeast Brazil and representative of urban and rural areas, respectively. The comparisons are based on measurements of global and diffuse solar irradiance carried out at the surface during a six year simultaneous period in these two cities. Despite the similar latitude and altitude, the seasonal evolution of daily values indicate that São Paulo receives, during clear sky days, 7.8% less global irradiance in August and 5.1% less in June than Botucatu. on the other hand, São Paulo receives, during clear sky days, 3.6% more diffuse irradiance in August and 15.6% more in June than Botucatu. The seasonal variation of the diurnal cycle confirms these differences and indicates that they are more pronounced during the afternoon. The regional differences are related to the distance from the Atlantic Ocean, systematic penetration of the sea breeze and daytime evolution of the particulate matter in São Paulo. An important mechanism controlling the spatial distribution of solar radiation, on a regional scale, is the sea breeze penetration in São Paulo, bringing moisture and maritime aerosol that in turn further increases the solar radiation scattering due to pollution and further reduces the intensity of the direct component of solar radiation at the surface. Surprisingly, under clear sky conditions the atmospheric attenuation of solar radiation in Botucatu during winter - the biomass burning period due to the sugar cane harvest - is equivalent to that at São Paulo City, indicating that the contamination during sugar cane harvest in Southeast Brazil has a large impact in the solar radiation field at the surface.


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Esta dissertação resulta de uma pesquisa realizada em Breves, localizado ao sul da ilha de Marajó, no Estado do Pará - Brasil. Ela investiga o planejamento curricular da escola rural ribeirinha da vila de madeireira "Ivo Mainardi" da rede municipal de Breves/PA, na perspectiva das identidades e dos saberes da população ribeirinha marajoara de Breves. No percurso metodológico investigativo foi utilizado a análise documental, a entrevista semiestruturada e a fotografia, com a perspectiva de possibilitar ao leitor uma melhor compreensão sobre a Amazônia rural ribeirinha. A história de Breves tem início no Período Colonial, com a chegada dos portugueses ao local, sua população é constituída de ribeirinhos, muitos desses residem em pequenas comunidades, povoados e vilas de madeireiras. Muitos ribeirinhos são atraídos às vilas de madeireiras pela oferta do emprego na empresa madeireira e pela escola. Apesar do ribeirinho viver em um contexto em que a produção material está relacionada à exploração da madeira os currículos escolares não tratam desta questão, distanciando-se do que preconizam as Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação Básica nas Escolas do Campo, que estabelece como princípio de qualidade do currículo a ecologia e a sustentabilidade. O planejamento curricular das escolas do meio rural é elaborado com a participaçã dos educadores rurais ribeirinhos, mas ainda não expressa os saberes, a cultura, e a identidade dos ribeirinhos marajoaras da Vila Mainardi. Assim, o desafio colocado aos gestores, os sujeitos sociais e os educadores é de vislumbrar o compromisso com uma educação que construa e cultive identidades, valores, memória coletiva e sinalize para a valorização e respeito dos povos que vivem na Amazônia marajoara, rural e ribeirinha de Breves.


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OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the resilience of self-esteem after loss in the lives of older adults. Specifically, the authors investigated the relationship between loss and change in self-esteem during a 3-year period. METHOD: A subsample of older adults (n = 1,278) from the Americans' Changing Lives Study was used to examine loss in the domains of health, financial security, or work and career and self-esteem before and after the loss. RESULTS: There was a small but significant decrease in self-esteem between Wave I and Wave II of the study. Loss in one of the domains explained less than 1% of the variance in self-esteem change. DISCUSSION: The low incidence of loss and small change in high levels of self-esteem are further evidence of resilience in older adults' psychological well-being. The implications for older adults' use of cognitive strategies to manage losses and promote gains are discussed.


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The CaCO3-contents and the fractions > 40 µm have been analysed from 5 kastenloten, one piston core and two kastengreifer taken between Senegal and Cape Verde Islands. Numerous benthonic and planktonic organisms and different terrigenous components have been distinguished. The four cores off Senegal reach middle Wuerm sediments; cores GIK12329-6 and TAG72-1 reach the V-zone and core GIK12331-4 the X-zone (Eem); the two kastengreifer contain sediments of Holocene age. Correlation of the cores has been made. Holocene sedimentation rates decrease from the shallow cores (6-11 cm/1000 years) to the deep-sea (1-2 cm/1000 years). The following climatic variations could be deduced from the sediments off the Senegal: during Holocene climate was in general as today, the Senegal river transporting fine grained material to the sea. The upper Wuerm was arid with no river influence but with red dune sand transported to the continental slope. During middle Wuerm the climate was humid again. The deep-sea cores have been influenced by eolian material from arid regions during glacial and interglacial periods, indicated by relatively high "Wuestenquarz-numbers". However, during Wuerm "Wuestenquarz-numbers" are higher than during Holocene and Eem, indicating that more intensely red coloured sediment was exposed to wind activity on the continent during this period. Varying amounts of terrigenous material and CaCO3-contents indicate varying wind strengths (lower in Holocene and Eem than during Wuerm). The boundary between humid and arid Wuerm climate was at approximately 20 °N. Influence of upwelling is difficult to establish in the sediments off Senegal, because river influence, while increasing fertility also dilutes the diatoms which are typical for upwelling. High amounts of organic carbon, low plankton/benthos ratios of foraminifers and low plankton foraminifer/radiolarian ratios in Holocene sections might be interpreted as influenced by upwelling. Turbidites occur in cores 72 and 31 and at the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary of core GIK12329-6. Their composition indicates provenance from the continental shelf of the Cape Verde Islands for core 31 and the continental shelf and slope off Senegal for core TAG72-1. Volcanic material, rare in the normal pelagic sediment of core GIK12331-4 is more frequent in the turbidites.


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A fines del siglo XVIII las migraciones de gallegos y asturianos a la ciudad de Buenos Aires se incrementaron. Estos desplazamientos estuvieron condicionados por diferentes factores, que operaron de ambos lados del Atlántico: la instauración de una línea regular de transporte oficial entre La Coruña y Montevideo (los Correos Marítimos); la larga tradición marítima y migratoria de las zonas costeras de Galicia y Asturias; o el desarrollo económico de la capital virreinal, con sus oportunidades de movilidad social ascendente, entre otros. Dentro de Buenos Aires, los oriundos del noroeste hispánico generaron un tejido de relaciones sociales, que incluyó vínculos con paisanos y con el componente nativo de la sociedad de recepción. A lo largo de este trabajo analizaremos esta ambigua dirección de los lazos sociales postmigratorios, a partir del examen de algunas fuentes primarias básicas, tales como las actas matrimoniales, los testamentos o los padrones de habitantes.


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Este trabajo se ocupa de examinar el accionar de los agentes sociales indígenas atrapados en el entramado judicial, ya sea en calidad de damnificados o sospechados de un delito, en la campaña y a ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia fines del período colonial. El objetivo es indagar en la configuración y resolución de los conflictos que involucren a indígenas, observando tanto su posicionamiento como el de los agentes judiciales, eclesiásticos o particulares con cierto poder en el ámbito local que se encuentren involucrados en estas causas. Este análisis nos facilitará la entrada al entretejido social de la época, proporcionándonos claves para comprenderlo, a la vez que develará una diversidad de voces y miradas implicadas en el proceso de configuración y judicialización de los delitos


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The paleoecology of Cretaceous planktic foraminifera during the Late Cenomanian to Coniacian period (~95-86 Ma) remains controversial since much of the tropical marine record is preserved as chalk and limestone with uncertain geochemical overprints. Here we present delta13C and delta18O data from sieve size fractions of monospecific samples of exceptionally well preserved planktic foraminifera recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 (Demerara Rise, western tropical Atlantic). Our results suggest that all species studied (Hedbergella delrioensis, Heterohelix globulosa, Marginotruncana sinuosa, Whiteinella baltica) grew primarily in surface waters and did not change their depth habitat substantially during their life cycle. Comparison of size-related ontogenetic trends in delta13C in Cretaceous and modern foraminifera further suggests that detection of dinoflagellate photosymbiosis using delta13C is confounded by physiological effects during the early stages of foraminifer growth, raising doubts about previous interpretations of photosymbiosis in small foraminifera species. We propose that obligate photosymbiosis involving dinoflagellates may not have evolved until the Campanian or Maastrichtian since our survey of Cenomanian-Coniacian species does not find the delta18O and delta13C size-related trends observed in modern foraminifer-dinoflagellate symbioses.


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A fines del siglo XVIII las migraciones de gallegos y asturianos a la ciudad de Buenos Aires se incrementaron. Estos desplazamientos estuvieron condicionados por diferentes factores, que operaron de ambos lados del Atlántico: la instauración de una línea regular de transporte oficial entre La Coruña y Montevideo (los Correos Marítimos); la larga tradición marítima y migratoria de las zonas costeras de Galicia y Asturias; o el desarrollo económico de la capital virreinal, con sus oportunidades de movilidad social ascendente, entre otros. Dentro de Buenos Aires, los oriundos del noroeste hispánico generaron un tejido de relaciones sociales, que incluyó vínculos con paisanos y con el componente nativo de la sociedad de recepción. A lo largo de este trabajo analizaremos esta ambigua dirección de los lazos sociales postmigratorios, a partir del examen de algunas fuentes primarias básicas, tales como las actas matrimoniales, los testamentos o los padrones de habitantes.


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Este trabajo se ocupa de examinar el accionar de los agentes sociales indígenas atrapados en el entramado judicial, ya sea en calidad de damnificados o sospechados de un delito, en la campaña y a ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia fines del período colonial. El objetivo es indagar en la configuración y resolución de los conflictos que involucren a indígenas, observando tanto su posicionamiento como el de los agentes judiciales, eclesiásticos o particulares con cierto poder en el ámbito local que se encuentren involucrados en estas causas. Este análisis nos facilitará la entrada al entretejido social de la época, proporcionándonos claves para comprenderlo, a la vez que develará una diversidad de voces y miradas implicadas en el proceso de configuración y judicialización de los delitos


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A fines del siglo XVIII las migraciones de gallegos y asturianos a la ciudad de Buenos Aires se incrementaron. Estos desplazamientos estuvieron condicionados por diferentes factores, que operaron de ambos lados del Atlántico: la instauración de una línea regular de transporte oficial entre La Coruña y Montevideo (los Correos Marítimos); la larga tradición marítima y migratoria de las zonas costeras de Galicia y Asturias; o el desarrollo económico de la capital virreinal, con sus oportunidades de movilidad social ascendente, entre otros. Dentro de Buenos Aires, los oriundos del noroeste hispánico generaron un tejido de relaciones sociales, que incluyó vínculos con paisanos y con el componente nativo de la sociedad de recepción. A lo largo de este trabajo analizaremos esta ambigua dirección de los lazos sociales postmigratorios, a partir del examen de algunas fuentes primarias básicas, tales como las actas matrimoniales, los testamentos o los padrones de habitantes.


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Este trabajo se ocupa de examinar el accionar de los agentes sociales indígenas atrapados en el entramado judicial, ya sea en calidad de damnificados o sospechados de un delito, en la campaña y a ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia fines del período colonial. El objetivo es indagar en la configuración y resolución de los conflictos que involucren a indígenas, observando tanto su posicionamiento como el de los agentes judiciales, eclesiásticos o particulares con cierto poder en el ámbito local que se encuentren involucrados en estas causas. Este análisis nos facilitará la entrada al entretejido social de la época, proporcionándonos claves para comprenderlo, a la vez que develará una diversidad de voces y miradas implicadas en el proceso de configuración y judicialización de los delitos


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Detailed palynological studies in the northeast (NE) Pacific, Strait of Georgia (BC, Canada), southeast (SE) Pacific and northwest Pacific (Dongdo Bay, South Korea) resulted in the recognition of the new dinoflagellate cyst species Selenopemphix undulata sp. nov. This species is restricted to cool temperate to sub-polar climate zones, where it is found in highest relative abundances in highly productive non- to reduced upwelling regions with an annual mean sea-surface temperature (aSST) below 16 °C and an annual mean sea-surface salinity (aSSS) between 20 and 35 psu. Those observations are in agreement with the late Quaternary fossil records from Santa Barbara Basin (ODP 893; 34°N) and offshore Chile (ODP 1233; 41°S), where this species thrived during the last glacial. This period was characterised by high nutrient availability and the absence of species favouring upwelling conditions. The indirect dependence of S. undulata sp. nov. abundances on nutrient availability during reduced or non-upwelling periods is expressed by the synchronous fluctuations with diatom abundances, since the distribution and growth rates of the latter are directly related with the availability of macronutrients in the surface waters.


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Sediments in the southeast Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were cored during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 177 to study the paleoceanographic history of the Antarctic region on short (millennial) to long (Cenozoic) timescales. Seven sites were drilled along a north-south transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) from 41° to 53°S. The general goals of Leg 177 were twofold: (1) to document the biostratigraphic, biogeographic, and paleoceanographic history of the Paleogene and early Neogene, a period marked by the establishment of the Antarctic cryosphere and the ACC, and (2) to target expanded sections of late Neogene sediments, which can be used to resolve the timing of Southern Hemisphere climatic events on orbital and suborbital time scales (Gersonde, Hodell, Blum, et al., 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.177.1999). Closely spaced measurements of sedimentary physical properties were obtained from all cores recovered during Leg 177 using the ODP whole-round multisensor track. In addition, high-resolution diffuse color reflectance and resistivity measurements were collected on the Oregon State University Split Core Analysis Track. These whole-core and split-core measurements provide high-resolution proxy data sets for the estimation of biogenic and terrigenous mineralogy and mass flux. To assist investigators in calibrating these proxy data sets from sites located within the circum-Antarctic opal belt, samples from Sites 1093 (50°S) and 1094 (53°S) were analyzed for biogenic opal content.


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A preliminary composite depth section was generated for Site 704 by splicing Holes 704A and 704B together over the interval 0-350 mbsf (0-9 m.y.). High-resolution carbonate and opal data from the cores were correlated with the calcium and silicon signals from the GST logging run in Hole 704B to identify missing and disturbed intervals in the cores. Paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic age boundaries were then transferred to the composite depth records to obtain an age model, and sedimentation rates were calculated by linear interpolation between datums. Algorithms relating measured dry-bulk density to carbonate content and depth were generated to produce predicted values of density for every sample. Accumulation rates of bulk, carbonate, opal, and terrigenous sediment components were then computed to generate a record of sediment deposition on the Meteor Rise that has a resolution of better than 200,000 yr for the period from 8.6 to 1.0 m.y. From 8.6 to 2.5 m.y., bulk-accumulation rates on the Meteor Rise averaged less than 2 g/cm**2/1000 yr and were dominated by carbonate deposition. The first significant opal deposition (6.0 m.y.) punctuated a brief (less than 0.6 Ma) approach of the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) northward that heralded a period of increasing severity of periodic carbonate dissolution events (terrigenous maxima) that abruptly terminated at 4.8 m.y. (base of the Thvera Subchron), synchronous with the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis. From 4.8 to 2.5 m.y., carbonate again dominated deposition, and the PFZ was far south except during brief northward excursions bracketing 4.2-3.9, 3.3-2.9, and 2.8-2.7 m.y. At 2.5 m.y., all components of bulk-accumulation rates increased dramatically (up to 15 g/cm2/1000 yr), and by 2.4 m.y., a pattern of alternating, high-amplitude carbonate and opal cyclicity marked the initiation of rapid glacial to interglaci·l swings in the position of the PFZ, synchronous with the "onset" of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Both mass-accumulation rates and the amplitude of the cycles decreased by about 2 m.y., but opal accumulation rates remained high up through the base of the Jaramillo (0.98 m.y.). From 1.9 to 1 m.y., the record is characterized by moderate amplitude fluctuations in carbonate and opal. This record of opal accumulation rates is interpreted as a long-term "Polar Front Indicator" that monitors the advance and retreat of the opal-rich PFZ northward (southward) toward (away from) the Meteor Rise in the subantarctic sector of the South Atlantic Ocean. The timing of PFZ migrations in the subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean is remarkably similar to Pliocene-Pleistocene climate records deduced from benthic oxygen isotope records in the North Atlantic Ocean (Raymo et al., 1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00413; Ruddiman et al., 1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i004p00353). These include northward migrations during "cold" intervals containing strong glacial isotope stages (2.4-2.3, 2.1-2.0, 1.95-1.55, 1.45-1.30 m.y. and at about 1.13 and 1.09 m.y.) and southward migrations during "warm" intervals containing weak glacial and/or strong interglacial stages (2.45-2.40, 2.30-2.10, 2.00-1.95, 1.52-1.45, 1.30-1.18, 1.11, and 1.06-0.93 m.y.). Although our preliminary composite record is not continuous (some stages are obviously missing), there is hope that future work will identify these missing intervals in the as yet incomplete Hole 704B and will extend this high-resolution Southern Hemisphere climate record back to 8.6 m.y.


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This paper investigates the relationship between access to micro-credit and temporary seasonal migration, an issue which is largely ignored in the standard rural-urban migration literature. Seasonal migration due to agricultural downturns is a common phenomenon in developing countries. Using primary data from a cross-sectional household survey from the northwest part of Bangladesh, this study quantifies the factors that influence such migration decisions. Among other results, we find that network effects play a significant role in influencing the migration decision, with the presence of kinsmen at the place of destination having considerable impact. Seasonal migration is a natural choice for individual suffering periodic hardship; however the strict weekly loan repayment rules of Micro-credit Institutes can have an adverse effect on this process, reducing the ability of borrowers to react to a shock. Our result suggests that poor individuals prefer the option of not accessing the micro-credit and opt for temporal seasonal migration during the lean period. The results have numerous potential policy implications, including the design of typical micro-credit schemes.