976 resultados para Rupture criterion


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The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability has been investigated for the magnetopause boundary‐layer region by the linearized method. The plasma in magnetosheath and magnetopause is assumed to be semi‐infinitely extended homogeneous, nondissipative, and incompressible. It is observed that, if one relation of two plasma speeds on the two sides of the magnetopause, wave number, and boundary‐layer thickness exceeds a certain threshold, the instability sets in. This new analytically sufficient criterion for excitation of instability in the three‐layer plasma flow generalizes the corresponding Chandrasekhar’s instability criterion for two‐layer plasma flow. The known results have been recovered and modified, the new results have been discovered. It is proved that the velocity threshold for the onset of instability is low when the magnitude of the magnetosheath and boundary‐layer region magnetic field and the angle between them are small. Also the threshold depends on the direction of plasma flow. The following results are observed numerically. The growth of the instability is sensitive to the magnetic field direction in the magnetosheath. A slight variation in the magnetic field direction in the second region can substantially change the relative velocity threshold for instability. When the ratio of the density of the second and third layer (magnetosphere) increases or that of the first and third layer decreases, the threshold decreases. Apart from this a necessary criterion for instability is obtained for a particular case.


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This work is a survey of the average cost control problem for discrete-time Markov processes. The authors have attempted to put together a comprehensive account of the considerable research on this problem over the past three decades. The exposition ranges from finite to Borel state and action spaces and includes a variety of methodologies to find and characterize optimal policies. The authors have included a brief historical perspective of the research efforts in this area and have compiled a substantial yet not exhaustive bibliography. The authors have also identified several important questions that are still open to investigation.


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Isoactivity lines for carbon with respect to diamond as the standard state have been calculated in the ternary system C-H-O at 1223 K to identify the diamond deposition domain. The gas composition is calculated by suppressing the formation of all condensed forms of carbon using the SOLGASMIX free-energy minimization program. Thirty six gas species were included in the calculation. From the gas composition, isoactivity lines are computed using recent data on the Gibbs energy of diamond. Except for activities less than 0.1, the isoactivity lines are almost linear on the C-H-O ternary diagram. Gas compositions which generate activity of diamond ranging from 1 to 100 at 1223 K fall inside a narrow wedge originating from the point representing CO. This wedge is very similar to the revised lens-shaped diamond growth domain identified by Bachman et al., using inputs from experiment. The small difference between the calculated and observed domains may be attributed to variation in the supersaturation required for diamond deposition with gas composition. The diamond solubility in the gas phase along the isoactivity line for a(di)=100 and P=6.7 kPa exhibits a minimum at 1280 K, which is close to the optimum temperature found experimentally. At higher supersaturations, non-diamond forms of carbon, including amorphous varieties, are expected. The results suggest that thermodynamic calculations can be useful for locating diamond growth domains in more complex CVD systems containing halogens, for which very little experimental data is available.


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A numerical study of the ductile rupture in a metal foil constrained between two stiff ceramic blocks is performed. The finite element analysis is carried out under the conditions of mode I, plane strain, small-scale yielding. The rate-independent version of the Gurson model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of microvoid nucleation, growth and coalescence is employed to represent the behavior of the metal foil. Different distributions of void nucleating sites in the metal foil are considered for triggering the initiation of discrete voids. The results clearly show that far-field triaxiality-induced cavitation is the dominant failure mode when the spacing of the void nucleating sites is large. On the contrary, void coalescence near the notch tip is found to be the operative failure mechanism when closely spaced void nucleating sites are considered.


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Recently, Guo and Xia gave sufficient conditions for an STBC to achieve full diversity when a PIC (Partial Interference Cancellation) or a PIC-SIC (PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation) decoder is used at the receiver. In this paper, we give alternative conditions for an STBC to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders, which are equivalent to Guo and Xia's conditions, but are much easier to check. Using these conditions, we construct a new class of full diversity PIC-SIC decodable codes, which contain the Toeplitz codes and a family of codes recently proposed by Zhang, Xu et. al. as proper subclasses. With the help of the new criteria, we also show that a class of PIC-SIC decodable codes recently proposed by Zhang, Shi et. al. can be decoded with much lower complexity than what is reported, without compromising on full diversity.


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The least path criterion or least path length in the context of redundant basis vector systems is discussed and a mathematical proof is presented of the uniqueness of indices obtained by applying the least path criterion. Though the method has greater generality, this paper concentrates on the two-dimensional decagonal lattice. The order of redundancy is also discussed; this will help eventually to correlate with other redundant but desirable indexing sets.


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Low complexity decoders called Partial Interference Cancellation (PIC) and PIC with Successive Interference Cancellation (PIC-SIC), which include the Zero Forcing (ZF) and ZF-SIC receivers as special cases, were given by Guo and Xia along with sufficient conditions for a Space-Time Block Code (STBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC/PIC-SIC decoding for point-to-point MIMO channels. In Part-I of this two part series of papers, we give new conditions for an STBC to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders, which are equivalent to Guo and Xia's conditions, but are much easier to check. We then show that PIC and PIC-SIC decoders are capable of achieving the full cooperative diversity available in wireless relay networks and give sufficient conditions for a Distributed Space-Time Block Code (DSTBC) to achieve full diversity with PIC and PIC-SIC decoders. In Part-II, we construct new low complexity full-diversity PIC/PIC-SIC decodable STBCs and DSTBCs that achieve higher rates than the known full-diversity low complexity ML decodable STBCs and DSTBCs.


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This study presents the future seismic hazard map of Coimbatore city, India, by considering rupture phenomenon. Seismotectonic map for Coimbatore has been generated using past earthquakes and seismic sources within 300 km radius around the city. The region experienced a largest earthquake of moment magnitude 6.3 in 1900. Available earthquakes are divided into two categories: one includes events having moment magnitude of 5.0 and above, i.e., damaging earthquakes in the region and the other includes the remaining, i.e., minor earthquakes. Subsurface rupture character of the region has been established by considering the damaging earthquakes and total length of seismic source. Magnitudes of each source are estimated by assuming the subsurface rupture length in terms of percentage of total length of sources and matched with reported earthquake. Estimated magnitudes match well with the reported earthquakes for a RLD of 5.2% of the total length of source. Zone of influence circles is also marked in the seismotectonic map by considering subsurface rupture length of fault associated with these earthquakes. As earthquakes relive strain energy that builds up on faults, it is assumed that all the earthquakes close to damaging earthquake have released the entire strain energy and it would take some time for the rebuilding of strain energy to cause a similar earthquake in the same location/fault. Area free from influence circles has potential for future earthquake, if there is seismogenic source and minor earthquake in the last 20 years. Based on this rupture phenomenon, eight probable locations have been identified and these locations might have the potential for the future earthquakes. Characteristic earthquake moment magnitude (M-w) of 6.4 is estimated for the seismic study area considering seismic sources close to probable zones and 15% increased regional rupture character. The city is divided into several grid points at spacing of 0.01 degrees and the peak ground acceleration (PGA) due to each probable earthquake is calculated at every grid point in city by using the regional attenuation model. The maximum of all these eight PGAs is taken for each grid point and the final PGA map is arrived. This map is compared to the PGA map developed based on the conventional deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) approach. The probable future rupture earthquakes gave less PGA than that of DSHA approach. The occurrence of any earthquake may be expected in near future in these eight zones, as these eight places have been experiencing minor earthquakes and are located in well-defined seismogenic sources.


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The current paper suggests a new procedure for designing helmets for head impact protection for users such as motorcycle riders. According to the approach followed here, a helmet is mounted on a featureless Hybrid 3 headform that is used in assessing vehicles for compliance to the FMVSS 201 regulation in the USA for upper interior head impact safety. The requirement adopted in the latter standard, i.e. not exceeding a threshold HIC(d) limit of 1000, is applied in the present study as a likely criterion for adjudging the efficacy of helmets. An impact velocity of 6 m/s (13.5 mph) for the helmet-headform system striking a rigid target can probably be acceptable for ascertaining a helmet's effectiveness as a countermeasure for minimizing the risk of severe head injury. The proposed procedure is demonstrated with the help of a validated LS-DYNA model of a featureless Hybrid 3 headform in conjunction with a helmet model comprising an outer polypropylene shell to the inner surface of which is bonded a protective polyurethane foam padding of a given thickness. Based on simulation results of impact on a rigid surface, it appears that a minimum foam padding thickness of 40 mm is necessary for obtaining an acceptable value of HIC(d).


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The linearization of the Drucker-Prager yield criterion associated with an axisymmetric problem has been achieved by simulating a sphere with the truncated icosahedron with 32 faces and 60 vertices. On this basis, a numerical formulation has been proposed for solving an axisymmetric stability problem with the usage of the lower-bound limit analysis, finite elements, and linear optimization. To compare the results, the linearization of the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion, by replacing the three cones with interior polyhedron, as proposed earlier by Pastor and Turgeman for an axisymmetric problem, has also been implemented. The two formulations have been applied for determining the collapse loads for a circular footing resting on a cohesive-friction material with nonzero unit weight. The computational results are found to be quite convincing. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Wilking has recently shown that one can associate a Ricci flow invariant cone of curvature operators , which are nonnegative in a suitable sense, to every invariant subset . In this article we show that if is an invariant subset of such that is closed and denotes the cone of curvature operators which are positive in the appropriate sense then one of the two possibilities holds: (a) The connected sum of any two Riemannian manifolds with curvature operators in also admits a metric with curvature operator in (b) The normalized Ricci flow on any compact Riemannian manifold with curvature operator in converges to a metric of constant positive sectional curvature. We also point out that if is an arbitrary subset, then is contained in the cone of curvature operators with nonnegative isotropic curvature.


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An opportunistic, rate-adaptive system exploits multi-user diversity by selecting the best node, which has the highest channel power gain, and adapting the data rate to selected node's channel gain. Since channel knowledge is local to a node, we propose using a distributed, low-feedback timer backoff scheme to select the best node. It uses a mapping that maps the channel gain, or, in general, a real-valued metric, to a timer value. The mapping is such that timers of nodes with higher metrics expire earlier. Our goal is to maximize the system throughput when rate adaptation is discrete, as is the case in practice. To improve throughput, we use a pragmatic selection policy, in which even a node other than the best node can be selected. We derive several novel, insightful results about the optimal mapping and develop an algorithm to compute it. These results bring out the inter-relationship between the discrete rate adaptation rule, optimal mapping, and selection policy. We also extensively benchmark the performance of the optimal mapping with several timer and opportunistic multiple access schemes considered in the literature, and demonstrate that the developed scheme is effective in many regimes of interest.