107 resultados para Roslin-Kalliola, Matilda


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Bakgrund: Enligt den nuvarande läroplanen och skollagen ska undervisningen i skolan utgå från elevernas bakgrund och tidigare erfarenheter, samt ge en livslång lust att lära. I kursplanen för svenska står att elevernas intresse för att läsa ska stimuleras och att de i årskurs 3 ska ha utvecklat en grundläggande läsförståelse. Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att få en inblick i verksamma lärares arbete med och kring litteratur som utgår från elevers intressen och erfarenheter för att utveckla elevernas läsförståelse. Metod: Metoden för arbetet har en kvalitativ ansats och använder kvalitativ intervju som datainsamlingsmetod. Som analysmetod av det insamlade datamaterialet användes fenomenografi. Resultat: Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna inte alltid arbetar med att involvera litteratur som utgår från elevers intressen och erfarenheter för att utveckla elevernas läsförståelse. Det beror dels på svårigheter att finna material som passar varje enskild elev och dels på att de inte satt sig in varje enskild elevs intressen och erfarenheter. Men resultatet visar också på lärare som anser det vara viktigt att vara insatt i elevernas intressen och erfarenheter och som brukar försöka involvera dessa så mycket som möjligt. Slutsats: En undervisning som handlar om sådant som eleverna finner intressant och motiverande gör att eleverna får en större möjlighet att få en egen lust och vilja att fortsätta utvecklingen av läsförmågan och läsförståelsen.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cancer är en av de sjukdomar som ökar mest för tillfället. En av orsakerna till ökningen är att medellivslängden blivit högre. Den ökade medellivslängden är något positivt i sig, men det innebär också att sjukdomen hinner drabba fler människor. Cancer är en sjukdom som påverkar många personer direkt eller indirekt och det är inte bara de som har cancer som är sjuka, utan hela familjen blir sjuk. Syftet med denna fallstudie var att belysa en persons upplevelse av att vara närstående till en svårt sjuk familjemedlem. Metoden som användes var manifest innehållsanalys av en skönlitterär självbiografisk bok, skriven av Conny Palmqvist med titeln ”Hejdå, allihopa!”. Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier; maktlöshet, relationer, kärlek och sorg. Det är svårt att stå bredvid och se på när en familjemedlem sakta tynar bort och att inte kunna göra något för att förhindra detta. Att som patient känna kärlek och närhet är en förutsättning för att kunna känna hopp och orka kämpa. Efter att ha analyserat boken har vi fått en ökad förståelse för den närståendes upplevelse vid palliativ vård. Att kunna bemöta och ge god omvårdnad till patienter och närstående anser vi är en förutsättning vid arbete inom vård.


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Previous work has shown that the -tocopherol transfer protein ( -TTP) can bind to vesicular or immobilized phospholipid membranes. Revealing the molecular mechanisms by which -TTP associates with membranes is thought to be critical to understanding its function and role in the secretion of tocopherol from hepatocytes into the circulation. Calculations presented in the Orientations of Proteins in Membranes database have provided a testable model for the spatial arrangement of -TTP and other CRAL-TRIO family proteins with respect to the lipid bilayer. These calculations predicted that a hydrophobic surface mediates the interaction of -TTP with lipid membranes. To test the validity of these predictions, we used site-directed mutagenesis and examined the substituted mutants with regard to intermembrane ligand transfer, association with lipid layers and biological activity in cultured hepatocytes. Substitution of residues in helices A8 (F165A and F169A) and A10 (I202A, V206A and M209A) decreased the rate of intermembrane ligand transfer as well as protein adsorption to phospholipid bilayers. The largest impairment was observed upon mutation of residues that are predicted to be fully immersed in the lipid bilayer in both apo (open) and holo (closed) conformations such as Phe165 and Phe169. Mutation F169A, and especially F169D, significantly impaired -TTP-assisted secretion of -tocopherol outside cultured hepatocytes. Mutation of selected basic residues (R192H, K211A, and K217A) had little effect on transfer rates, indicating no significant involvement of nonspecific electrostatic interactions with membranes.


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Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy may be complicated by fetal arrhythmia, fetal hypoxia, preterm labor, and, in severe cases, intrauterine death. The precise etiology of fetal death is not known. However, taurocholate has been demonstrated to cause arrhythmia and abnormal calcium dynamics in cardiomyocytes. To identify the underlying reason for increased susceptibility of fetal cardiomyocytes to arrhythmia, we studied myofibroblasts (MFBs), which appear during structural remodeling of the adult diseased heart. In vitro, they depolarize rat cardiomyocytes via heterocellular gap junctional coupling. Recently, it has been hypothesized that ventricular MFBs might appear in the developing human heart, triggered by physiological fetal hypoxia. However, their presence in the fetal heart (FH) and their proarrhythmogenic effects have not been systematically characterized. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that ventricular MFBs transiently appear in the human FH during gestation. We established two in vitro models of the maternal heart (MH) and FH, both exposed to increasing doses of taurocholate. The MH model consisted of confluent strands of rat cardiomyocytes, whereas for the FH model, we added cardiac MFBs on top of cardiomyocytes. Taurocholate in the FH model, but not in the MH model, slowed conduction velocity from 19 to 9 cm/s, induced early after depolarizations, and resulted in sustained re-entrant arrhythmias. These arrhythmic events were prevented by ursodeoxycholic acid, which hyperpolarized MFB membrane potential by modulating potassium conductance. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate that the appearance of MFBs in the FH may contribute to arrhythmias. The above-described mechanism represents a new therapeutic approach for cardiac arrhythmias at the level of MFB.


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BACKGROUND: Several approaches can be used to determine the order of loci on chromosomes and hence develop maps of the genome. However, all mapping approaches are prone to errors either arising from technical deficiencies or lack of statistical support to distinguish between alternative orders of loci. The accuracy of the genome maps could be improved, in principle, if information from different sources was combined to produce integrated maps. The publicly available bovine genomic sequence assembly with 6x coverage (Btau_2.0) is based on whole genome shotgun sequence data and limited mapping data however, it is recognised that this assembly is a draft that contains errors. Correcting the sequence assembly requires extensive additional mapping information to improve the reliability of the ordering of sequence scaffolds on chromosomes. The radiation hybrid (RH) map described here has been contributed to the international sequencing project to aid this process. RESULTS: An RH map for the 30 bovine chromosomes is presented. The map was built using the Roslin 3000-rad RH panel (BovGen RH map) and contains 3966 markers including 2473 new loci in addition to 262 amplified fragment-length polymorphisms (AFLP) and 1231 markers previously published with the first generation RH map. Sequences of the mapped loci were aligned with published bovine genome maps to identify inconsistencies. In addition to differences in the order of loci, several cases were observed where the chromosomal assignment of loci differed between maps. All the chromosome maps were aligned with the current 6x bovine assembly (Btau_2.0) and 2898 loci were unambiguously located in the bovine sequence. The order of loci on the RH map for BTA 5, 7, 16, 22, 25 and 29 differed substantially from the assembled bovine sequence. From the 2898 loci unambiguously identified in the bovine sequence assembly, 131 mapped to different chromosomes in the BovGen RH map. CONCLUSION: Alignment of the BovGen RH map with other published RH and genetic maps showed higher consistency in marker order and chromosome assignment than with the current 6x sequence assembly. This suggests that the bovine sequence assembly could be significantly improved by incorporating additional independent mapping information.


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The ARKdb genome databases provide comprehensive public repositories for genome mapping data from farmed species and other animals (http://www.thearkdb.org) providing a resource similar in function to that offered by GDB or MGD for human or mouse genome mapping data, respectively. Because we have attempted to build a generic mapping database, the system has wide utility, particularly for those species for which development of a specific resource would be prohibitive. The ARKdb genome database model has been implemented for 10 species to date. These are pig, chicken, sheep, cattle, horse, deer, tilapia, cat, turkey and salmon. Access to the ARKdb databases is effected via the World Wide Web using the ARKdb browser and Anubis map viewer. The information stored includes details of loci, maps, experimental methods and the source references. Links to other information sources such as PubMed and EMBL/GenBank are provided. Responsibility for data entry and curation is shared amongst scientists active in genome research in the species of interest. Mirror sites in the United States are maintained in addition to the central genome server at Roslin.


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Mode of access: Internet.